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张钟  汪宏兵 《饮料工业》2007,10(2):16-18
用保加利亚乳杆菌(L.bulgaricus)与嗜热链球菌(S.thermophilus)按1:1比例混合作发酵剂,用新鲜优质牛乳为原料,加入0.2%-0.3%的稳定剂,经90-95℃加热处理5min,冷却至45℃左右,加入经杀菌后的新鲜蕃茄汁8%,按2%-3%比例加入发酵剂,装瓶于39-43℃培养2-2.5h,冷藏可制得风味纯正,营养价值高的酸奶。  相似文献   

乳酸菌及其发酵乳制品的发展趋势   总被引:4,自引:5,他引:4  
综述了乳酸菌的生物学特性、功能及用于乳制品发酵生产的乳酸菌种类。概述了发酵乳制品的种类、生产流程、特点、功能及其发展趋势,以及乳酸菌发酵乳制品保健功能、风味物质及其生产技术的发展趋势。  相似文献   

Spontaneous milk fermentation has a long history in Mongolia, and beneficial microorganisms have been handed down from one generation to the next for use in fermented dairy products. The objective of this study was to investigate the diversity of lactic acid bacteria (LAB) communities in fermented yak, mare, goat, and cow milk products by analyzing 189 samples collected from 13 different regions in Mongolia. The LAB counts in these samples varied from 3.41 to 9.03 log cfu/mL. Fermented yak and mare milks had almost identical mean numbers of LAB, which were significantly higher than those in fermented goat milk but slightly lower than those in fermented cow milk. In total, 668 isolates were obtained from these samples using de Man, Rogosa, and Sharpe agar and M17 agar. Each isolate was considered to be presumptive LAB based on gram-positive and catalase-negative properties, and was identified at the species level by 16S rRNA gene sequencing, multiplex PCR assay, and restriction fragment length polymorphism analysis. All isolates from Mongolian dairy products were accurately identified as Enterococcus faecalis (1 strain), Enterococcus durans (3 strains), Lactobacillus brevis (3 strains), Lactobacillus buchneri (2 strains), Lactobacillus casei (16 strains), Lactobacillus delbrueckii ssp. bulgaricus (142 strains), Lactobacillus diolivorans (17 strains), Lactobacillus fermentum (42 strains), Lactobacillus helveticus (183 strains), Lactobacillus kefiri (6 strains), Lactobacillus plantarum ssp. plantarum (7 strains), Lactococcus lactis ssp. lactis (7 strains), Leuconostoc lactis (22 strains), Leuconostoc mesenteroides (21 strains), Streptococcus thermophilus (195 strains), and Weissella cibaria (1 strain). The predominant LAB were Strep. thermophilus and Lb. helveticus, which were isolated from all sampling sites. The results demonstrate that traditional fermented dairy products from different regions of Mongolia have complex compositions of LAB species. Such diversity of LAB provides useful information for further studies of probiotic strain selection and starter culture design, with regard to the industrial production of traditional fermented milk.  相似文献   

In the present study, some of the chemical and microbiological characteristics of garris, a Sudanese traditionally fermented camel's milk product, were investigated. The chemical analyses included, pH, titrable acidity and ethanol contents. A total of 100 strains of lactic acid bacteria (LAB) were isolated from twenty samples of traditionally fermented household garris. The selected isolates were phenotypically characterized by their ability to ferment 49 carbohydrates using API 50 CHL kits and additional biochemical tests. LAB dominated the microflora of garris samples, and the major genera were Lactobacillus (74%), followed by Lactococcus (12%), Enterococcus (10%) and Leuconostocs (4%). The most predominant Lactobacillus species were identified as Lactobacillus paracasei ssp. paracasei (64 strains), L. fermentum (seven strains) and only three strains as L. plantarum. Most strains produced the enzymes that are relevant to cultured dairy product processing. The Lactococcus species were identified as Lactococcus lactis. The average pH value of the samples was 4.42 ± 0.21. The pH values were accompanied with increasing of titrable acidity which averaged 1.72 ± 0.04%. The relatively high amounts of ethanol detected in all samples (average 1.40 ± 0.03%) together with the high yeasts counts (6.0 ± 0.53 log10 cfu mL?1), indicated that the fermentation process of garris is a yeast‐lactic fermentation.  相似文献   

γ-氨基丁酸及其在大豆发酵食品中的研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍了γ-氨基丁酸(gamma-amino butyric acid,GABA)的分子结构、基本理化性质以及γ-氨基丁酸在益生方面的生理功能。对利用乳酸菌生产GABA以及大豆发酵食品中GABA的研究现状进行了阐述。最后对利用产GABA的乳酸菌提高大豆发酵食品中GABA含量的可行性作了分析和展望。  相似文献   

对新疆和蒙古国牧民家庭制作的传统发酵酸驼乳中的乳酸菌和酵母菌进行了计数和分离。4份酸驼乳中乳酸菌和酵母菌的数量分别为6.45×107~1.13×109mL-1和7.75×102~4.6×107mL-1。从4份酸驼乳中分离到13株乳酸菌和7株酵母菌。采用传统分类鉴定方法对乳酸菌进行鉴定,鉴定结果为L.helveticus4株(占总分离株的30.8%),L.caseisubsp.pseudoplantarum和L.dellbrueckiisubsp.bulgaricu各2株(15.4%),L.curvatus、Ped.acidilactici、Ped.urinaeequi和Enterococcusfaecalis各1株(7.7%)。此外,还有1株乳酸菌按目前的鉴定方法无法准确判断其归属。  相似文献   

Cell wall materials from various cellular tissues of cereals may potentially influence the digestion and absorption processes in different ways. The objective of the present investigation was to study the breakdown of plant carbohydrates in the gastrointestinal tract of pigs fed a low‐fibre (LF; 65 g kg−1 dry matter) wheat flour‐based diet and two high‐fibre diets with added insoluble fibre from wheat bran (HFWB; 112 g kg−1 dry matter) or soluble fibre from oat bran (HFOB; 108 g kg−1 dry matter). The diets were formulated to provide ∼0.31 energy from fat, ∼0.18 energy from protein and ∼0.51 energy from carbohydrates and were offered as baked rolls to eight ileum‐cannulated hypercholesterolemic pigs in a crossover design. Carbohydrates were the predominant ileal constituent, with most of the carbohydrates present as non‐starch polysaccharides (NSP). Starch in all diets was almost completely digested at this site of the gastrointestinal tract, with digestibility values above 0.99. The ingested amount of NSP was quantitatively recovered in ileal materials with the wheat‐based diets, while there was a significant loss of 0.27 of NSP primarily as mixed linked (1→3)(1→4)‐‐D ‐glucan with diet HFOB. The concentration and flow of lactic acid were also highest in the ileum after feeding diet HFOB, indicating that ‐glucan stimulated lactic acid formation. Any soluble components that reached the large intestine were almost completely broken down, while the digestibility of insoluble NSP constituents was significantly lower for diets LF and HFWB than for diet HFOB. The high degradation of oat bran resulted in a lower effect on faecal dry and wet bulking than was found with wheat bran. In conclusion, cereal starch was practically completely degraded in the small intestine, while the site and extent of NSP degradation, lactic acid formation and bulking properties were influenced by the fibre source. © 2000 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: In this study, lactic acid bacteria (LAB) were isolated, characterized and identified from jiang‐sun (fermented bamboo shoots; a traditional fermented food in Taiwan). Samples were collected at seven time intervals from a fixed fermenting bucket during the fermentation process of jiang‐sun and its initial ingredients, dochi (fermented soybeans) and bamboo shoots. RESULTS: A total of 57 LAB cultures were isolated; 42 cultures were isolated from jiang‐sun samples and 15 cultures were isolated from dochi and bamboo shoots. These isolates were characterized phenotypically and then divided into three groups (A–C) by restriction fragment length polymorphism analysis and sequencing of 16S ribosomal DNA. Alteration of microbial populations during the fermentation process was observed. While various LAB were found in the dochi and bamboo shoots, it was mostly replaced by Lactobacillus plantarum after 1 day of fermentation. Furthermore, the antibacterial activities of the isolates were determined, and one Enterococcus faecium strain showed inhibitory activity against all the indicator strains. CONCLUSION: Results suggest that L. plantarum is the main LAB present during the fermentation of jiang‐sun. To our knowledge, this is the first report describing the distribution and varieties of LAB that exist in the jiang‐sun fermentation process. Copyright © 2010 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

以鲜牛奶、绿豆粉和白砂糖为主要原料,以变性淀粉、琼脂为稳定剂,通过对不同配方及工艺条件进行正交试验,确定了凝固型绿豆酸奶的最佳工艺和配方。结果表明,当蔗糖含量为8%,绿豆粉为1.5%,变性淀粉为0.8%,琼脂为0.15%,发酵温度为42℃,制作的凝固型绿豆酸奶品质最佳。  相似文献   

酸奶中乳酸菌数及酸度的检测与评价   总被引:38,自引:2,他引:38  
酸奶中乳酸菌的含量是评价产品对于人们营养与健康作用的重要指标,而酸奶的酸度直接影响成品的质量、风味与口感。新的酸奶国家标准(GB2746-1999)中规定产品中的乳酸菌数不得低于1×106mL-1,酸度应≥70°T。本试验通过对部分市售酸奶及自制产品的检测与分析表明,酸奶成品中的乳酸菌数普遍大于1×109mL-1,个别也应大于4×108~8×108mL-1水平,而酸度均大于80°T。故笔者认为酸奶中乳酸菌数定为大于1×108mL-1及酸度大于80°T更适合产品本身的实际情况。  相似文献   

不同菌株对酸奶品质与感官特性的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
该研究以保加利亚乳杆菌(N14)和嗜热链球菌(L16)为基础发酵菌,分别添加干酪乳杆菌(GL2)、副干酪乳杆菌(GL6)、酵母 菌(Y18)、开菲尔乳杆菌(700)构成了五种酸奶发酵剂组合,分别测定这五组酸奶的酸度、质构及感官特征,采用高效液相色谱(HPLC)法对酸奶中的苹果酸、乙酸、柠檬酸、乳酸进行定量分析,评价添加不同菌株对酸奶口感和风味的影响。结果表明,4种菌株添 加均提高了酸奶的酸度,且酸奶酸度变化趋势与第一循环硬度、弹性、胶着性相同;添加菌株GL2、700和GL6提高了酸奶中乳酸的含 量;添加菌株GL2的酸奶感官评分最高(92.55分),在果香、蒸煮味、纸板味方面表现突出,但添加菌株GL6的酸奶的感官特征与市售 酸奶最为接近。  相似文献   

Cereal‐based fermented foods are major contributors to energy intake in developing countries (DC). Their microbiota is dominated by lactic acid bacteria and has been extensively investigated. Diversity studies have been facilitated by molecular methods enabling genotyping of isolates; the rapid development of ‘omics’ approaches should facilitate more comprehensive studies to describe the relation between microbial diversity, cell physiology and product characteristics. Also, the link between the food microbiota and health benefits, in particular in nutrition, should be investigated. There is a need to encourage researches in the field of DC cereal‐based foods in direction of more mechanistic approaches.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to determine the effect of different molecular mass papain‐hydrolysed casein peptides (PCP) on the growth of lactic acid bacteria (LAB) (Lactobacillus delbrueckii subsp. bulgaricus and Streptococcus thermophilus in 1:1 ratio) and on the fermentation kinetics, microbiological survival and physicochemical properties in yoghurt. The fraction of PCP4 (<3 kDa) exhibited the highest growth‐promoting activity on the strains. The value of TpH4.5 (time necessary to reach pH 4.5) of yoghurt fortified with PCP4 reduced from 5.21 to 4.29 h, and the total counts of LAB present in the final products increased from 8.29 to 8.42 log CFU mL?1 with the addition of PCP4 at nitrogen replaced ratio of 3% (w/w). Moreover, the yoghurt exhibited lower postacidification power, higher viscosity and sensory evaluation scores than did the control product during storage period.  相似文献   

乳酸菌在酸奶中的应用及研究进展   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
该文对酸奶发酵剂的种类和研究概况以及保加利亚乳杆菌的研究进展进行了综述。  相似文献   

该研究以巴浪鱼干为原料,从中分离筛选高效降解亚硝酸盐的乳酸菌。采用生理生化试验和分子生物学方法对其进行鉴定,并考察该乳酸菌的生长特性及最适降解亚硝酸盐条件,并利用该乳酸菌发酵鱼糜,采用单因素和正交试验设计优化鱼糜发酵条件。结果表明,筛选获得3株具有较高降解亚硝酸盐能力的乳酸菌,其中菌株R6降解亚硝酸盐能力最强,在MRS培养基中生长48 h后,亚硝酸盐降解率为96.40%,其被鉴定为罗伊氏乳杆菌(Lactobacillus reuteri);菌株R6的最适生长温度为35 ℃,可耐受20%NaCl;降解亚硝酸盐的最适发酵温度为35 ℃,最适初始pH值为5.5;利用菌株R6发酵鱼糜,其最佳工艺条件为菌株R6接种量1.0%、发酵温度30 ℃、发酵时间30 h。在此最优条件下,发酵鱼糜中亚硝酸盐的降解率为65.33%,感官评分为87.3分。  相似文献   

为筛选出高产叶酸的乳酸菌并研究该乳酸菌对发酵乳的影响,采用高效液相色谱(HPLC)法从5种乳酸菌菌株:植物乳杆菌、嗜热链球菌、保加利亚乳杆菌、干酪乳杆菌、嗜酸乳杆菌的发酵液中检测叶酸含量,并通过检测复合发酵乳的pH、持水力、质构特性和感官特性来研究产叶酸的乳酸菌对发酵乳品质的影响。结果表明:植物乳杆菌产叶酸量最高,其次是嗜酸乳杆菌,分别为51.40和34.77 μg/mL。并且以基础菌发酵乳为对照组,添加产叶酸乳杆菌发酵乳为实验组,实验组与对照组相比,其质构特性和感官品质会提高,同时pH也显著下降(p<0.05)。本实验为开发功能性发酵乳提供了一定的理论依据。  相似文献   

以内蒙古通辽地区自制的奶豆腐和酸性奶油(乌日莫)为材料,采用稀释涂布法从中分离乳酸菌,通过分子生物学技术对其进行菌种鉴定,并对其耐药性进行研究。结果表明,共分离纯化得到80株乳酸菌,经鉴定,归属于13个种,分别为短乳杆菌(Lactobacillus brevis)、粪肠球菌(Enterococcus faecalis)、乳酸片球菌(Lactobacillus acidilacticii)、乳酸乳球菌(Lactococcus lactis)、瑞士乳杆菌(Lactobacillus helveticus)、屎肠球菌(Enterococcus faecium)、戊糖片球菌(Pediococcus pentosaceus)、副干酪乳杆菌(Lactobacillus paracasei)、食二酸乳杆菌(Lactobacillus digitalis)、奥塔基乳杆菌(Lactobacillus ottaki)、耐久肠球菌(Enterococcus durans)、植物乳杆菌(Lactobacillus plantarum)、开菲尔乳杆菌(Lactobacillus kefir),表现出高的生物多样性。80株乳酸菌对萘啶酸的耐药率为100%;对链霉素、环丙沙星、万古霉素的耐药率较高,分别为95.00%、80.00%、72.50%;对利福平和四环素的耐药率中等,分别为51.25%,45.00%;对红霉素、氯霉素的耐药率较低,分别为26.25%、23.75%。此外,76株(95%)的乳酸菌还具有多重耐药性。  相似文献   

Lactic acid bacteria (LAB) were isolated from malted cereals by means of a high‐throughput screening approach and investigated for antimicrobial activity against a range of beer‐spoiling bacteria. Putative bacteriocin‐producing strains were identified by 16S rRNA analysis and the inhibitory compounds were partially characterized. Following determination of the inhibitory spectra of the strains, an unspeciated Lactobacillus sp. UCC128, with inhibitory activity against a range of beer‐spoiling strains was subjected to further characterization. A bacteriocin was purified from this strain and analyzed by mass spectrometry to determine the weight of the protein. The result indicated that the bacteriocin was highly similar to pediocin AcH/PA‐1 from Pediococcus acidilactici. The bacteriocin‐producers identified in this study have the potential to be used in the brewing industry to enhance the microbiological stability of beer in conjunction with hurdles already in place in the brewing process.  相似文献   

发酵型含醇乳酸枣汁饮料的研制   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
魏杰  刘宏生 《饮料工业》2006,9(7):18-19
采用L9(3^4)正交设计法对酵素养菌、乳酸菌复合发酵枣汁饮料的菌种比例、发酵时间和温度进行了研究,筛选出具有最佳风味产品的加工工艺参数。结果表明:酵母菌和乳酸菌按2:3的比例接种,发酵时间为48h,发酵温度为30℃、40℃的分段发酵最为理想。  相似文献   

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