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In this study backscattered electron (BSE) imaging was used to display cellular structures stained with heavy metals within an unstained resin by atomic number contrast in successively deeper layers. Balb/c 3T3 fibroblasts were cultured on either 13-mm discs of plastic Thermanox, commercially pure titanium or steel. The cells were fixed, stained and embedded in resin and the disc removed. The resin block containing the cells was sputter coated and examined in a field-emission scanning electron microscope. The technique allowed for the direct visualization of the cell undersurface and immediately overlying areas of cytoplasm through the surrounding embedding resin, with good resolution and contrast to a significant depth of about 2 μm, without the requirement for cutting sections. The fixation protocol was optimized in order to increase heavy metal staining for maximal backscattered electron production. The operation of the microscope was optimized to maximize the number of backscattered electrons produced and to minimize the spot size. BSE images were collected over a wide range of accelerating voltages (keV), from low values to high values to give ‘sections' of information from increasing depths within the sample. At 3–4 keV only structures a very short distance into the material were observed, essentially the areas of cell attachment to the removed substrate. At higher accelerating voltages information on cell morphology, including in particular stress fibres and cell nuclei, where heavy metals were intensely bound became more evident. The technique allowed stepwise ‘sectional’ information to be acquired. The technique should be useful for studies on cell morphology, cycle and adhesion with greater resolution than can be obtained with any light-microscope-based system.  相似文献   

The scanning electron microscope (SEM) is usually operated with a beam voltage, V0, in the range of 10–30 kV, even though many early workers had suggested the use of lower voltages to increase topographic contrast and to reduce specimen charging and beam damage. The chief reason for this contradiction is poor instrumental performance when V0=1–3 kV, The problems include low source brightness, greater defocusing due to chromatic aberration greater sensitivity to stray fields, and difficulty in collecting the secondary electron signal. Responding to the needs of the semiconductor industry, which uses low V0 to reduce beam damage, considerable efforts have been made to overcome these problems. The resulting equipment has greatly improved performance at low kV and substantially removes the practical deterrents to operation in this mode. This paper reviews the advantages of low voltage operation, recent progress in instrumentation and describes a prototype instrument designed and built for optimum performance at 1 kV. Other limitations to high resolution topographic imaging such as surface contamination, the de-localized nature of the inelastic scattering event and radiation damage are also discussed.  相似文献   

J. Hejna 《Scanning》1995,17(6):387-394
Two scintillation backscattered electron (BSE) detectors with a high voltage applied to scintillators were built and tested in a field emission scanning electron microscope (SEM) at low primary beam energies. One detector collects BSE emitted at low take-off angles, the second at high takeoff angles. The low take-off detector gives good topographic tilt contrast, stronger than in the case of the secondary electron (SE) detection and less sensitive to the presence of contamination layers on the surface. The high take-off detector is less sensitive to the topography and can be used for detection of material contrast, but the contrast becomes equivocal at the beam energy of 1 keV or lower.  相似文献   

The backscattered electron (BSE) signal in the scanning electron microscope (SEM) can be used in two different ways. The first is to give a BSE image from an area that is defined by the scanning of the electron beam (EB) over the surface of the specimen. The second is to use an array of small BSE detectors to give an electron backscattering pattern (EBSP) with crystallographic information from a single point. It is also possible to utilize the EBSP detector and computer-control system to give an image from an area on the specimen--for example, to show the orientations of the grains in a polycrystalline sample ("grain orientation imaging"). Some further possibilities based on some other ways for analyzing the output from an EBSP detector array, are described.  相似文献   

Li HM  Ding ZJ 《Scanning》2005,27(5):254-267
A new Monte Carlo technique for the simulation of secondary electron (SE) and backscattered electron (BSE) of scanning electron microscopy (SEM) images for an inhomogeneous specimen with a complex geometric structure has been developed. The simulation is based on structure construction modeling with simple geometric structures, as well as on the ray-tracing technique for correction of electron flight-step-length sampling when an electron trajectory crosses the interface of the inhomogeneous structures. This correction is important for the simulation of nanoscale structures of a size comparable with or even less than the electron scattering mean free paths. The physical model for electron transport in solids combines the use of the Mott cross section for electron elastic scattering and a dielectric function approach for electron inelastic scattering, and the cascade SE production is also included.  相似文献   

Low-temperature scanning electron microscopy (LTSEM) is limited in resolution and image quality by charging of frozen hydrated samples and collection deficiencies of secondary electron signal contrasts. We measured and corrected both effects using differential hysteresis processing (DHP) of LTSEM images, scanned at 15-bit from 5×4 inch Polaroid negatives. Bulk charging produced a major contrast component equal to 44–87% of the intensity range of the image. The strong charging contrast reduced the local high-resolution signal contrasts to an unrecognizable level. Segmentation and imaging of the unaffected surface contrasts produced high-quality images of high contrast from metal-coated samples as well as from uncoated samples. The differential contrast imaging can be used for control of the sequential etching of ice from the non metal-coated sample as well as improved LTSEM imaging of the finally coated sample.  相似文献   

Measurements performed in an electron microscope with the mirror operation mode are most sensitive to local electric fields and geometrical roughness of any kind of the object being studied. The object with a geometrical relief is equivalent to a smooth surface with an effective distribution of microfields. Electrons forming the image interact with the local microfields for an extended time: during approach to the object, deceleration and acceleration away from the object. As a result, the electron trajectories can be strongly distorted, and the contrast changes essentially, leading to image deformation of details of the object under investigation and to lowering of the resolution. These effects are theoretically described and are illustrated by experiments. An analysis of these effects enables the real size and the shape of the object involved to be reconstructed.  相似文献   

A backscattered electron energy spectrometer, based on a toroidal energy analyser and an annular detector, has been devised and adapted for use in a scanning electron microscope. Computer simulations have been carried out for equipotentials and trajectories of electrons in the toroidal deflector, which permit the optimisation of the energy analyser characteristics for special applications. Based upon these results, a device has been built and its efficiency is demonstrated by selected images of a multilayered structure and a series of recorded backscattered electron spectra.  相似文献   

Pooley GD 《Scanning》2004,26(5):240-249
Secondary (SE) and backscattered electron (BSE) imaging as well as x-ray microanalysis have demonstrated that the weathering of chromian spinel occurs as a progressive form of alteration. Numerous chemical discriminant analysis methods based on the composition of chromian spinel are used to locate valuable deposits of minerals. These methods will be misleading if the correct interpretation of the weathering of chromian spinel and the subsequent pattern of changes in its mineral chemistry are not properly assessed using scanning electron microscopy. This assessment is vital in understanding the geological processes involved and the economic potential of any indicated deposit. Minerals such as chromian spinel, pyrope garnet, and picroilmenite are considered to be highly resistant to weathering and abrasion and are therefore useful in the search for associated valuable deposits of diamond, nickel, platinum, and gold. Known as indicator minerals, they are usually present in relatively large concentrations compared with the target mineral (e.g., diamond) and form large and often subtle dispersion anomalies adjacent to the deposit. Chromian spinel has long been regarded as a stable indicator mineral; however, detailed SE and BSE imaging indicates that many of the chromian spinels that are routinely examined using scanning electron microscopes (SEM) and microprobes are extensively altered. Secondary electron and BSE imaging of weathered chromian spinel in a normal SEM provides valuable data on the form and chemical style of the alteration. Secondary electron imaging of weathered chromian spinel in the environmental SEM (ESEM) not only enhances the difference in atomic number between unaltered and altered areas but also allows high-resolution imaging of these very fine replacement textures.  相似文献   

Experimentally, scintillator detectors used in scanning electron microscopy (SEM) to record backscattered electrons (BSE) show a noticeable difference in detection efficiency in different parts of their active zones due to light losses transport in the optical part of the detector. A model is proposed that calculates the local efficiency of the active parts of scintillator detectors of arbitrary shapes. The results of these calculations for various designs are presented.  相似文献   

In addition to improvements in lateral resolution in scanning electron microscopy, recent developments of interest here concern extension of the incident beam energy, E0, over two decades, from ≈ 20 keV to ≈ 0.1–0.5 keV and the possibility of changing the take-off emission, α, of detected secondary electrons. These two degrees of freedom for image acquisition permit a series of images of the same field of view of a specimen to be obtained, each image of the series differing from the others in some aspect. The origins of these differences are explored in detail and they are tentatively interpreted in terms of the change in the secondary electron emission yield δ vs. E0, δ = f(E0), and also of the change in δ vs. α, ∂δ/∂α. Various origins for the chemical contrast and topographic contrast have been identified. Illustrated by correlating a secondary electron image and a backscattered electron image, use of the scatter diagram technique facilitates image comparison. The difference between the lateral resolution and the size of the minimum detectable detail is outlined to avoid possible errors in nanometrology. Some aspects related to charging are also considered and possible causes of contrast reversal are suggested. Finally, the suggested strategy consists of the acquisition of various images of a given specimen by changing one parameter: primary beam energy and take-off angle for conductive specimens; working distance or beam intensity for high-resolution experiments; scanning frequency for insulating specimens.  相似文献   

A simple, low-investment device has been developed that allows the collection of backscattered electrons (BSEs) and specimen current (SC) signals for imaging purposes and current measurement. Originally, this system was designed for detection, measurement, and display of specimen current, with a video signal output whose level was modulated by this current. Eventually, a BSE detector was developed, using a graphite disk (about 8 cm in diameter) to collect the BSEs. The disk was mounted on a Philips SEM 5O5, attached and concentrically to the final lens aperture. This configuration gives a large solid angle of collection. The collected charge is further processed by the same electronics used in the aforementioned SC detection system. Electron channeling, topographic contrast with BSE, and material contrast with BSE and SC images can be obtained with reasonably good edge definition.  相似文献   

Backscattered electron spectroscopy offers detailed information for multilayer and subsurface-layer materials with distinct Z contrast: It can be used for the validation of Monte Carlo calculations, to obtain depth selective electron microtomographic images, and to determine the thickness of ultra thin films on bulk substrates. In this paper we describe a new energy-dispersive method for thickness determination of thin films on bulk aluminum using backscattered electron (BSE) spectra obtained by a polar, toroidal, electrostatic spectrometer. After a brief recapitulation of the spectrometer's geometry, the techniques for its energy calibration and the preparation of thin double-layer films are introduced. Backscattered electron measurements and thickness calibrations for Au and Cu films with thicknesses of 0–200 nm on bulk aluminum will be presented for various primary electron energies.  相似文献   

Thin diamond films grown by chemical vapor deposition (CVD) process on Si substrates under similar deposition conditions in the microwave-excited (MW) and direct current (DC) plasma discharges were taken for comparative examination. Raman spectra, photoluminescence (PL) spectroscopy, and color cathodoluminescence scanning electron microscopy (CCL-SEM) have been used for characterization of the structure and composition features of poly-crystalline diamond films. No essential difference in Raman spectra for the CVD diamond films was detected. A significant difference was revealed in the PL spectra and in CCL-SEM images.  相似文献   

The ratio of inelastic-to-elastic total cross-sections has been measured in an energy-filtering electron microscope for different elements. Formulae for the transmission of elastically and inelastically scattered electrons in part I were used to calculate the optimum conditions for a Z-ratio contrast in the electron spectroscopic imaging mode. Structure-sensitive contrast can be observed for all non-carbon atoms in biological sections when filtering with an energy loss at ΔE ~ 250 eV below the carbon K edge. Model experiments with evaporated layers of different elements on a carbon film allow measurement of the contrast increase. Filtering with the carbon plasmon loss shows a lower phase contrast than with zero-loss filtering. This can be explained by calculating contrast transfer functions for inelastically scattered electrons.  相似文献   

A method for preparing nondecalcified bone and tooth specimens for imaging by both light microscopy (LM) and backscattered electron microscopy in the scanning electron microscope (BSE-SEM) is presented. Bone blocks are embedded in a polymethylmethacrylate (PMMA) mixture and mounted on glass slides using components of a light-cured dental adhesive system. This method of slide preparation allows correlative studies to be carried out between different microscopy modes, using the same histologic section. It also represents a large time savings relative to other mounting methods whose media require long cure times.  相似文献   

We present a three‐dimensional simulation of scanning electron microscope (SEM) images and surface charging. First, the field above the sample is calculated using Laplace's equation with the proper boundary conditions; then, the simulation algorithm starts following the electron trajectory outside the sample by using electron ray tracing. When the electron collides with the specimen, the algorithm keeps track of the electron inside the sample by simulating the electron scattering history with a Monte Carlo code. During this phase, secondary and backscattered electrons are emitted to form an image and primary electrons are absorbed; therefore, a charge density is formed in the material. This charge density is used to recalculate the field above and inside the sample by solving the Poisson equation with the proper boundary conditions. Field equation, Monte Carlo scattering simulation, and electron ray tracing are therefore integrated in a self‐consistent fashion to form an algorithm capable of simulating charging and imaging of insulating structures. To maintain generality, this algorithm has been implemented in three dimensions. We shall apply the so‐defined simulation to calculate both the global surface voltage and local microfields induced by the scanning beam. Furthermore, we shall show how charging affects resolution and image formation in general and how its characteristics change when imaging parameters are changed. We shall address magnification, scanning strategy, and applied field. The results, compared with experiments, clearly indicate that charging and the proper boundary conditions must be included in order to simulate images of insulating features. Furthermore, we shall show that a three‐dimensional implementation is mandatory for understanding local field formation.  相似文献   

Backscattered-electron scanning electron microscopy (BSE-SEM) imaging is a valuable technique for materials characterisation because it provides information about the homogeneity of the material in the analysed specimen and is therefore an important technique in modern electron microscopy. However, the information contained in BSE-SEM images is up to now rarely quantitatively evaluated. The main challenge of quantitative BSE-SEM imaging is to relate the measured BSE intensity to the backscattering coefficient η and the (average) atomic number Z to derive chemical information from the BSE-SEM image. We propose a quantitative BSE-SEM method, which is based on the comparison of Monte–Carlo (MC) simulated and measured BSE intensities acquired from wedge-shaped electron-transparent specimens with known thickness profile. The new method also includes measures to improve and validate the agreement of the MC simulations with experimental data. Two different challenging samples (ZnS/Zn(OxS1–x)/ZnO/Si-multilayer and PTB7/PC71BM-multilayer systems) are quantitatively analysed, which demonstrates the validity of the proposed method and emphasises the importance of realistic MC simulations for quantitative BSE-SEM analysis. Moreover, MC simulations can be used to optimise the imaging parameters (electron energy, detection-angle range) in advance to avoid tedious experimental trial and error optimisation. Under optimised imaging conditions pre-determined by MC simulations, the BSE-SEM technique is capable of distinguishing materials with small composition differences.  相似文献   

In-situ heating experiments have been conducted at temperatures of approximately 1200 K utilising a new design of scanning electron microscope, the CamScan X500. The X500 has been designed to optimise the potential for electron backscatter diffraction (EBSD) analysis with concomitant in-situ heating experimentation. Features of the new design include an inclined field emission gun (FEG) column, which affords the EBSD geometrical requirement of a high (typically 160 degrees) angle between the incoming electron beam and specimen surface, but avoids complications in heating-stage design and operation by maintaining it in a horizontal orientation. Our studies have found that secondary electron and orientation contrast imaging has been possible for a variety of specimen materials up to a temperature of at least 900 degrees C, without significant degradation of imaging quality. Electron backscatter diffraction patterns have been acquired at temperatures of at least 900 degrees C and are of sufficient quality to allow automated data collection. Automated EBSD maps have been produced at temperatures between 200 degrees C and 700 degrees C in aluminium, brass, nickel, steel, quartz, and calcite, and even at temperatures >890 degrees C in pure titanium. The combination of scanning electron microscope imaging techniques and EBSD analysis with high-temperature in-situ experiments is a powerful tool for the observation of dynamic crystallographic and microstructural processes in metals, semiconductor materials, and ceramics.  相似文献   

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