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硝酸铵生产过程爆炸危险性评估   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
张亦安  赵省向  张为鹏 《化肥工业》2001,28(5):31-33,41
根据Semenov模型和Frank-Kamenetskii模型对热爆炸理论进行了阐述,将含有杂质的某硝酸铵溶液体系爆炸临界温度的计算值和实验值进行了比较,并对2起爆炸事故进行了评估。结果表明,用此方法评估硝酸铵溶液热爆炸发生的临界值得合理的。  相似文献   

王安 《安徽化工》2006,32(1):61-62
针对甲醛生产过程中的火灾爆炸危险性,运用道化学火灾、爆炸指数评价法对甲醛氧化反应装置的火灾、爆炸危险性进行定量评价。  相似文献   

我公司现有生产能力为25kt/a和17kt/a的两套甲醛生产装置,用甲醇氧化生产甲醛的装置存在较大火灾、爆炸的危险性。为了判定其危险性和危险程度对其安全现状,运用美国道化学公司火灾、爆炸危险指数法(第七版)进行安全评价如下。  相似文献   

本文在对某光气厂光气生产装置危险有害因素分析的基础上,应用道化学火灾爆炸危险指数法对其火灾爆炸危险性进行了定量计算和安全评价。评价结果表明,通过切实可行的安全措施进行补偿,生产装置的固有危险程度由“重”变为“较轻”,从而为预防和控制光气生产装置的火灾爆炸事故提供了科学依据。  相似文献   

延迟焦化是一种石油二次加工技术,是指以渣油等重质油品为原料,在高温(约500℃)进行深度的热裂化和缩合反应,生成气体、汽油、柴油、蜡油和焦炭的技术。所谓延迟是指将渣油经过加热炉加热迅速升温至焦化反应温度,在反应炉管内不生焦,而延迟到进入焦炭塔再进行焦化反应。  相似文献   

对聚酯生产装置中存在的火灾和爆炸危险进行了分析,指出了聚酯装置火灾和爆炸的主要隐患,并从本质安全、装置设计、防爆区划分、安全生产管理等多方面提出相应的防范措施,尽可能避免事故的发生,以保证聚酯装置的安全生产。  相似文献   

利用KT多孔粒状硝酸铵装置开发生产系列硝酸铵产品的工艺技术,主要是针对KT硝酸铵生产装置产品品种单一、不能满足不同用户需求等问题,在不影响原装置生产的情况下,进行了新产品开发和工艺技术改造。通过控制和调节造粒溶液浓度、蒸发温度、结晶条件、  相似文献   

聚氨酯(PU)作为新一代人工合成高分子应用新型材料的一部分已融入人们日常生活的方方面面。近40年来,国内聚氨酯市场的聚氨酯制品和原料一直都供不应求。目前国内聚氨酯生产厂家正大量兴起,聚氨酯工业已成为国家重点发展的产业之一。由于国内还不够成熟的生产技术和易燃易爆有毒物料种类多、性质复杂等原因,  相似文献   

陈增源 《广东化工》2013,40(10):164-165,177
采用道化学火灾爆炸指数法对中石化金陵石化公司烷基苯厂脱硫装置的火灾爆炸危险性进行了分析评价,结合评价结果提出安全对策和措施,从而降低该装置运行、维修的危险性。  相似文献   

王春丽  曹雄  程松 《山西化工》2009,29(6):19-20,55
研究了氯离子含量一定时pH值对硝酸铵水溶液临界爆温的影响。结果表明,氯离子质量分数为1.0×10^-4时,pH值越小,硝酸铵水溶液的临界爆温越低,且pH值与临界爆温值呈线性关系。本研究结果对硝酸铵的安全生产有重要的参考价值。  相似文献   

硝酸铵钙市场前景探讨   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
0 前 言硝酸铵钙是一种含有氮素和钙素的化学肥料 ,其养分组成为氮含量 2 1 %~ 2 8% ,其中铵态氮和硝态氮各占一半 ,氧化钙含量为 4%~ 8%。硝酸铵钙目前在国外 ,尤其是西欧国家已广泛使用。在国内由于人们对该产品的性能和肥效认识不足 ,加之缺少工艺技术和国家产品质量标准 ,至今 ,国内还没有规模化的生产厂家。最近一段时期 ,云南解化集团有限公司 (以下称解化集团 )利用自行开发的硝酸铵钙产品与地方农科部门配合 ,开展硝酸铵钙与硝酸铵施用效果对比试验。参与试验的农户普遍对硝酸铵钙的施用效果反映良好 ,说明硝酸铵钙不但可作为硝…  相似文献   

造粒硝铵装置改产硝酸铵钙   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
介绍硝酸铵钙的物化性能,采用硝酸铵与石灰石混和法生产硝酸铵钙的工艺流程,以及技术经济指标,硝酸铵钙用作肥料能增加养分种类,改善土壤品质,并具有适应性广等特点。是硝铵生产厂家一条很好的改产途径。  相似文献   

简述了近年来我国硝酸和硝酸铵行业发展迅速,行业整体水平明显提高,盈利能力不断增强,激发了相应的投资热潮,使硝酸铵产能过剩的苗头有所显现。尽管我国硝酸铵市场竞争将会越来越激烈,但随着需求量的不断增加,硝酸铵行业有望继续保持较高景气度,行业持续健康稳定发展。介绍了目前国内硝酸铵的生产现状、需求分析、前景展望,并对硝酸铵产业今后的发展提出了一些建议。  相似文献   

On April 17, 2013, an explosion of ammonium nitrate (AN) fertilizer stored at the West Fertilizer Company resulted in 15 deaths, 260 injuries, and the destruction of a sizable portion of the town. AN fertilizer is classified as an oxidizer, not as an explosive; nonetheless, it is a chemical which can detonate, and there is a century's worth of history of such explosions, some of them in manufacturing operations, but many in storage or transport. A review of incidents showed that 100% of AN fertilizer explosions in storage or transport had a single cause—an uncontrolled fire. Thus, AN fertilizer explosions in storage are preventable accidents, because technology to preclude uncontrollable fires also has been available for a century. In the case of transport accidents, uncontrolled fires may not be avoidable. However, technologies exist that can make AN less likely to explode, and to show greatly reduced explosion intensity, if driven to explosion. None of these safety measures were in place for this disaster. Details of necessary fire safety measures and the effectiveness and utility of existing regulations for AN are examined. This is important because most AN storage facilities in the United States are similarly inadequate in their fire safety.  相似文献   

硝酸铵的结块与防止   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
刘哲峰  李旭祥  邹忠良 《应用化工》2006,35(6):464-466,473
硝酸铵的吸湿性、多晶性造成了硝酸铵的结块。分析了影响松散型硝酸铵松散度降低并结块的主要原因是水分、造粒颗粒度、温度、松散添加剂、添加剂添加量、包装方式和储存条件,提出了提高硝酸铵松散度的具体改进措施。对防止硝酸铵结块的几种途径进行了讨论,介绍了防结块剂的应用情况,并介绍了五种硝酸铵专用防结块剂的特点及其应用情况。  相似文献   

硝酸铵是硝基复合(混)肥生产的主要原料。近年,由于氯化铵价格低廉,也逐步成为硝基复合(混)肥生产的主要原料之一,而氯化铵会促进硝酸铵的分解,因此,讨论用氯化铵和其他无机原料生产硝酸铵系复合(混)肥的爆炸性。通过控制物料配比,避免物料超温,可确保生产安全。  相似文献   

Conclusions We have considered possible mechanisms of retardation of the chemical reactions when ammonium nitrate and perchlorate burn and have shown that one such mechanism is retardation by the water formed during combustion.We have studied the effect of the additives silica, liquid silicone, calcium stearate, etc. on the burning of ammonium perchlorate and ammonium nitrate catalyzed with chromium oxide in order to establish the causes of the anomalies observed during their combustion.We have shown that over a certain pressure range adding silica eliminates the observed anomalies (fall in burning rate with increase in pressure and pulsating combustion), whereas the addition of calcium stearate intensifies them.Depending on the pressure interval and the conditions under which combustion proceeds, the same additive may play the role of an inert admixture, a catalyst, or an inhibitor, which is apparently associated with changes in the leading reactions in differentpressure intervals.The author warmly thanks V. K. Bobolev for his assistance.Fizika Goreniya i Vzryva, Vol. 4, No. 3, pp. 314–322, 1968  相似文献   

The thermal decomposition reactions of ammonium nitrate (AN) are reviewed. Both neat AN and AN containing various contaminants are examined, however quantitative kinetics results are not encompassed. Also not included is the performance of AN as the oxidizer in rocket propellants or in explosives such as ANFO. The review is intended to be the most comprehensive review of decomposition reactions of AN since Berthelot's treatise of 1892. Despite hundreds of papers on the topic that have appeared in the intervening years, understanding of decomposition mechanisms remains only modestly more complete than it was in Berthelot's day. However, some additional reaction steps and mechanisms have been identified and these are discussed. Explosions of AN most commonly involve fire as the proximate cause, yet chemical-mechanism research on the topic is nil. A modest number of studies have explored the potentiation of AN decomposition by organic contaminants. These have, thus far, not produced guidance useful for promoting of safety from fire-related causes. Contamination from inorganic sources, notably chlorides is better understood and some mechanisms have been studied. The UN classification of AN as an oxidizer, instead of as an explosive, should not be interpreted literally, since AN has been associated with numerous detonation disasters.  相似文献   

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