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传感器网络集成了传感器、微机电系统和网络三大技术是当今的热门研究领域之一,在农业领域控制、城市管理、环境监测等领域有重要的实用价值,具有十分广泛的应用前景。IPv6作为下一代IP协议正在逐步替代IPv4。无线传感器网络和IPv6的结合是当前研究的热点。本文基于轻量化IPv6协议栈为目的,通过分析IPv6报文以及无线传感器网络的特点,采用理论分析合理地提出了WSN中IPv6协议栈核心功能的剪裁方案。在试验中使用压缩的IPv6地址进行通信,得出一种适应于无线传感器网络运行的IPv6协议剪裁方案。  相似文献   

The paper proposes an IPv6 address configuration scheme for wireless sensor networks. In the scheme, one wireless sensor network is divided into multiple clusters and the scheme creates the IPv6 address formats for the cluster heads and the cluster members respectively. Based on the proposed IPv6 address format, the scheme proposes to adopt the division method of the hash function to allocate the IPv6 addresses for the cluster heads and cluster members and to utilize linear probing to deal with assigned address collision. From the perspectives of duplicate address detection cost, address configuration cost and address configuration delay time, the paper analyzes and compares the performances of Strong DAD, MANETConf and the proposed scheme. Analytical results demonstrate the effectiveness and efficiency of the proposed scheme. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The coupling of mobility and quality-of-service with security is a challenge that should be addressed in future wireless overlay systems. The mobility of a node can disrupt or even intermittently disconnect an ongoing real-time session because a secure handover must be performed to ensure continuous connectivity. The duration of the such interruptions is called disruption time or handover delay and can heavily affect the user satisfaction. The handover procedure needs to protect its integrity and confidentiality-otherwise, the packets may be rerouted to a malicious node and the legitimate handover may not be performed. The security procedure to ensure this should not lengthen significantly the handover delay to provide good quality real-time services. In this paper, we focus on the network-layer mobility, specifically, on Mobile Internet protocol version 6 (MIPv6) since it is the natural candidate for providing such mobility in future systems. To solve the problem of on-path attackers and prevent leakage of secrets, we propose a security architecture for MIPv6 based on leakage resilient-authenticated key establishment (LR-AKE) protocol and its cooperation with public key infrastructure. The proposed architecture prevents against on-path attackers which was not addressed in the specifications of MIPv6, and also provides robustness against leakage of secret values. Using analytical models, we evaluate MIPv6 handover delay for real-time services. We identify the crucial factors affecting the handover delay among transmission delays of MIPv6, security and LR-AKE messages, queueing delays and en/decryption delays.  相似文献   

Many wireless access systems have been developed recently to support users mobility and ubiquitous communication. Nevertheless, these systems always work independently and cannot simultaneously serve users properly. In this paper, we aim to integrate IPv6-based wireless access systems and propose a coordinated call admission control mechanism to utilize the total bandwidth of these systems to minimize the call blocking probabilities, especially the handoff call dropping probabilities. First, we propose an integrated hierarchical wireless architecture over IPv6-based networks to combine the wireless access systems including cellular systems (second-generation, General Packet Radio Service, or third-generation), IEEE 802.11 a/b/g WLAN, and Bluetooth. In the proposed architecture, mobile user can request a call with quality-of-service (QoS) requirements by any wireless network interfaces that can be accessed. When the proposed coordinated call admission control (CCAC) mechanism receives a request, it takes the QoS requirements of the incoming call and the available and reserved bandwidth of this wireless system into consideration to accept or reject this request. Besides, the mechanism can coordinate with other wireless systems dynamically to adjust the bandwidth reserved for handoff calls at each wireless system in this architecture so as to reduce the call blocking probabilities. Once the call is admitted, the mobile user is able to access heterogeneous wireless access networks via multiple interfaces simultaneously. Finally, we evaluate this system to show that the CCAC on the proposed architecture outperforms other mechanisms proposed before.  相似文献   

A framework of handoffs in wireless overlay networks based on mobile IPv6   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
Although there are various wireless access network technologies with different characteristics and performance level have been developed, no single network that can satisfy the anytime, anywhere, and any service wireless access needs of mobile users. A truly seamless mobile environment can only be realized by considering vertical and horizontal handoffs together. With the advantages of Mobile IPv6, a more comprehensive and integrated framework of heterogeneous networks can be developed. In this paper, we discuss the issues related to handoffs including horizontal and vertical handoffs. We present a scheme for integrating wireless local area network and wide area access networks, and propose a micromobility management method called HiMIPv6+. We also propose a QoS-based (quality-of-service-based) vertical handoff scheme and algorithm that consider wireless network transport capacity and user service requirement. Our prototype evaluations and the simulations show that our framework performs as expected.  相似文献   

Multiple access in wireless digital networks   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
General principles for the design of a multiple-access system for large numbers of terminals transmitting to a single hub station are discussed. The importance of understanding the nature of the traffic to be carried by the network is emphasized. After some discussion of multiple access options for steady traffic and for slowly varying traffic, the use of random-access protocols for rapidly varying traffic is explained. Two general random-access protocols have been used in a variety of data networks, ALOHA and CDMA. Although these two techniques have different origins and are generally thought of as separate, they are in fact but different ways of looking at the same basic signals. The author shows that the use of multiple spreading codes in a CDMA network is not necessary in order to achieve multiple access capability. A single code can greatly reduce the complexity of a CDMA system. He introduces a spread-spectrum version of an ALOHA channel (spread ALOHA) which is equivalent to a CDMA channel with a common spreading code for all users. The equivalence the author demonstrates opens the door to a variety of techniques commonly used in ALOHA channels which can significantly increase both the throughput and the efficiency of the spread-spectrum channel  相似文献   

The paper proposes an IPv6 address configuration scheme for wireless sensor networks based on sensor nodes’ location information. The scheme divides WSN into multiple clusters based on sensor nodes’ location information and proposes the IPv6 address structure for sensor nodes based on their location information. In the scheme, a cluster head combines the stateless configuration strategy and the stateful configuration strategy to assign the IPv6 addresses for the cluster members in the same cluster. In the stateless configuration strategy, a cluster head employs the hash division method to configure the IPv6 addresses for the cluster members and utilizes the linear probing method to solve the address collision, and the DAD for the IPv6 addresses assigned for the cluster members is only performed within the cluster where the cluster members locate. In addition, the IPv6 address configuration for the cluster members in the different clusters can be performed simultaneously, so the IPv6 address configuration delay time is shortened and the IPv6 address configuration cost is reduced. The paper analyzes the performance parameters of the proposed scheme, Strong DAD and MANETConf, including DAD cost, address configuration cost and address configuration delay time, and the analytical results show that the performance of the proposed scheme is better than Strong DAD and MANETConf.  相似文献   

The paper proposes a hierarchical and low‐power IPv6‐address configuration scheme for wireless sensor networks based on the cluster‐tree architecture. In the scheme, a wireless sensor network is divided into multiple clusters and the generation algorithm of a cluster is proposed. A cluster‐tree architecture for wireless sensor networks is presented and a layered IPv6 address format for a cluster head and a cluster member is created. The stateless address configuration strategy and the stateful address configuration strategy are effectively combined to develop the IPv6 address configuration scheme. In the scheme, the duplicate address detection of the IPv6 address assigned for a cluster member is performed in the cluster where the cluster member locates, and the IPv6 address configuration for the cluster members in the different clusters can be carried out at the same time. The paper also addresses the mobility of sensor nodes and their failure. From the theoretical and simulative perspectives, the paper analyzes the performance parameters, including duplicate address detection cost, address configuration cost and address configuration delay time, of the proposed scheme, Strong DAD and MANETConf. Analytical and simulative results show that the performance of the proposed scheme is better. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Resource reservation protocol (RSVP) is a network‐control protocol used to guarantee Quality‐of‐Service (QoS) requirements for real‐time applications such as Voice‐over‐IP (VoIP) or Video‐over‐IP (VIP). However, RSVP was designed for end‐systems whose IP addresses do not change. Once mobility of an end‐system is allowed, the dynamically changing mobile IP address inevitably impacts on RSVP performance. Our study aims to first quantify the significance of this impact, and then propose a modified RSVP mechanism that provides improved performance during handoffs. Our simulations reveal that the deployment of standard RSVP over Mobile IPv6 (MIPv6) does not yield a satisfactory result, particularly in the case of VIP traffic. Fast Handovers for Mobile IPv6 (FMIPv6) was found to be providing the best performance in all tested scenarios, followed by Hierarchical Mobile IPv6 (HMIPv6) with a single exception: during low handoff rates with VoIP traffic, MIPv6 outperformed HMIPv6. We then designed a new RSVP mechanism, and tested it against standard RSVP. We found that the proposed approach provides a significant improvement of 54.1% in the Total Interruption in QoS (TIQoS) when deployed over a MIPv6 wireless network. For HMIPv6, performance depended primarily on the number of hierarchical levels in the network, with no improvement in TIQoS for single‐level hierarchy and up to 37% for a 5‐level hierarchy. FMIPv6 on the other hand, provided no room for improvement due to pre‐handoff signaling and the tunneling mechanism used to ensure a mobile node (MN)'s connectivity during a handoff, regardless of the RSVP mechanism used. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

葛晋  毛玉明 《信息技术》2007,31(9):109-111,115
针对实现移动用户无线上网的需求,通过对移动AdHoc网络的体系结构和路由技术的研究,以及对移动IPv6协议的工作原理及其与IPv4特性的比较分析,提出了AdHoc网络基于IPv6的Intemet接入方法,并对其地址自动配置、路由发现、网关发现、协议转换和分组转换等关键技术进行了分析,同时针对这两种技术相结合存在的广播和多跳问题提出了改进方法,并对今后的工作进行了展望。  相似文献   

Medium access control in ultra-wideband wireless networks   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Ultra-wideband (UWB) transmission is an emerging wireless communication technology with unique potential merits such as high-rate, low-transmission power, immunity to multipath propagation, and capability in precise positioning. It has received significant interests for future wireless communications from both academia and industry. In UWB wireless networks, medium access control (MAC) is essential to coordinate the channel access among competing devices. The unique UWB characteristics not only pose significant challenges but also offer great opportunities in efficient UWB MAC design. This paper presents a comprehensive overview of UWB MAC development on four important aspects: multiple access, overhead reduction, resource allocation, and quality of service (QoS) provisioning, and identifies some future research issues.  相似文献   

Quality-of-service mechanisms in all-IP wireless access networks   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
In this paper, we focus on resource reservation protocol (RSVP)-based quality-of-service (QoS) provisioning schemes under Internet protocol (IP) micromobility. We consider QoS provisioning mechanisms for on-going RSVP flows during handoff. First, the rerouting of RSVP branch path at a crossover router (CR) at every handoff event can minimize resource reservation delays and signaling overheads, and in turn the handoff service degradation can be minimized. We show that RSVP branch path rerouting scheme could give a good tradeoff between the resource reservation cost and the link usage. Second, the new RSVP reservation can be made along the branch path toward the CR via a new base station in advance, while the existing reservation path is maintained, and in turn the on-going flow can be kept with the guaranteed QoS. We also show that seamless switching of RSVP branch path could provide the QoS guarantee by adaptively adjusting the pilot signal threshold values. Third, during RSVP resource reservation over wireless link, dynamic resource allocation scheme is used to give a statistical guarantee on the handoff success of on-going flows. We finally obtain the forced termination probability of guaranteed service flows, the average system time of best effort flows by using a transition rate matrix approach.  相似文献   

Guaranteed quality-of-service wireless access to ATM networks   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
We study the problem of wireless access to asynchronous transfer modes (ATMs). We consider three classes of ATM sources: constant bit rate (CBR), variable bit rate (VBR), and available bit rate (ABR). We propose a polling scheme with nonpreemptive priority. Under such a scheme, we derive sufficient conditions such that all the CBR sources satisfy their jitter constraints and all the VBR sources satisfy their delay constraints. The remaining bandwidth is used by the ABR sources, for which we adapt a random access scheme proposed by Chen and Lee (1994). For this random access scheme, we derive the throughput-offer load characteristic, and thus the capacity. Based on this, we propose adaptive random access schemes that track the offer load to its optimal value. Our simulations show that our adaptive schemes maintain a high throughput with respect to the whole range of system load  相似文献   

Multichannel random access in OFDMA wireless networks   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Orthogonal frequency-division multiple access (OFDMA) systems are considered promising candidates for implementing next-generation wireless communication systems. They provide multiple channels that can be accessed via random access schemes. However, traditional random access schemes could result in an excessive amount of access delay. To address this issue, we develop a fast retrial scheme that is based on slotted Aloha and exploits the structure of OFDMA. A salient feature of this scheme is that when collisions occur instead of retrials occuring randomly in time, they occur randomly in frequency, i.e., the scheme randomly selects the subchannels for retrial. To further achieve fast access, retrials are designed to follow the 1-persistent type, i.e., no exponential backoff. To achieve the maximum throughput, we limit the maximum number of allowed retrials according to the load condition. We also consider the issue of designing for an appropriate reuse factor for random access channels in order to overcome the intercell interference problem in OFDMA multicell environments. Our finding is that full sharing, i.e., a reuse factor of one, performs best for given random access channels. Through analysis and simulation, we confirm that our fast retrial algorithm has the advantage of high throughput and low access delay, and the full sharing policy for random access channels shows high throughput as well as low collision.  相似文献   

Smart antennas for broadband wireless access networks   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
This article is an overview of smart antenna applications in fixed broadband wireless access networks. Different smart antenna techniques are described including advances such as “spatial multiplexing” that can dramatically increase the performance of BWA networks. The impact of SA techniques on capacity and throughput of BWA networks is discussed  相似文献   

Network-assisted diversity for random access wireless networks   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
A novel viewpoint to the collision resolution problem is introduced for wireless slotted random access networks. This viewpoint is based on signal separation principles borrowed from signal processing problems. The received collided packets are not discarded in this approach but are exploited to extract each individual user packet information. In particular, if k users collide in a given time slot, they repeat their transmission for a total of k times so that k copies of the collided packets are received. Then, the receiver has to resolve a k×k source mixing problem and separate each individual user. The proposed method does not introduce throughput penalties since it requires only k slots to transmit k colliding packets. Performance issues that are related to the implementation of the collision detection algorithm are studied. The protocol's parameters are optimized to maximize the system throughput  相似文献   

Broadband wireless access and future communication networks   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper presents a vision for wireless communication systems beyond the third generation, which comprises a combination of several optimized access systems on a common IP-based medium-access and core network platform. These different access systems will interwork via horizontal and vertical handover, service negotiation, and global roaming. The different access systems are allocated to different cell layers in the sense of hierarchical cells with respect to cell size, coverage, and mobility to provide globally optimized seamless services to all users. This vision requires extensive international research and standardization activities to solve many technical challenges. Key issues are the global interworking of different access systems on a common platform, the implementation of multimode and multiband terminals and base stations by software-defined radio concepts as well as advanced antenna concepts  相似文献   

Providing fault tolerance in wireless access networks   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Research and development on network survivability has largely focused on public switched telecommunications networks and high-speed data networks with little attention on the survivability of wireless access networks supporting cellular and PCS communications. This article discusses the effects of failures and survivability issues in PCS networks with emphasis on the unique difficulties presented by user mobility and the wireless channel environment. A simulation model to study a variety of failure scenarios on a PCS network is described, and the results show that user mobility significantly worsens network performance after failures, as disconnected users move among adjacent cells and attempt to reconnect to the network. Thus, survivability strategies must be designed to contend with spatial as well as temporal network behavior. A multilayer framework for the study of PCS network survivability is presented. Metrics for quantifying network survivability are identified at each layer. Possible survivability strategies and restoration techniques for each layer in the framework are also discussed  相似文献   

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