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一、引言 在计划经济向市场经济转换的过程中,企业生产控制的目标也发生了很大的变化。在市场竞争日益激烈的面前,降低成本,加快企业内部的流通,产品按时交货,已经成为企业生存和发展所追求的目标。但是,在传统的生产管理体制下,产品交货期准时率差,生产不均衡,在制品积压较大,工作量的估算误差通常在三分之一左右,以及不断加大的负荷,使制造周期进一步增加,产品交货期一再拖延,致使生产失控,企业生产进入恶性循环,如图1。  相似文献   

为加快企业的技术改造,我厂引进FAST-生产诸与控制软件,运用到郑州2号工程中,并在实践中取得了经济效益。  相似文献   

将面向负荷的生产控制(LOMC)技术的订单投放过程看做一个订单挑选问题,用0-1整数规划模型来求解,目标函数包含"平衡机器负荷"与"满足订单交货期"两项,从而得到订单挑选方案的全局最优解,优化了LOMC技术的订单投放过程。仿真实验表明,这种基于整数规划模型的LOMC方法能够更好地平衡机器负荷,同时改善订单生产提前期和拖期百分比,改进效果非常明显。  相似文献   

针对单件小批生产方式下交货期满足问题,探讨了把交货期和资源负荷作为约束前提的工艺设计方法,并结合本单位制造事业部目前生产管理现状,提出一种快速响应制造车间的生产控制和管理技术.  相似文献   

MRP与车间生产作业计划集成的新方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
提出了一种可同时生成零件级作业计划和工序级作业计划的方法,并据此开发了一种计划与控制软件,该方法克服了传统的分层计划方法和MRP的缺陷,保证了计划的一致性与可行性。  相似文献   

面向SCM的生产计划与控制系统总体模型   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
研究供应链管理环境下企业生产计划与控制方法 ,分析了供应链环境下生产计划与控制系统的几个概念扩展 ,提出了生产组织新模式。探讨了新生产模式的计划信息组织与决策过程的几个特特征 ,提出生产计划与控制的总体模型 ,分析了模型的特点  相似文献   

订货生产式企业作业任务交货期决策研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
张毕西  周艳  赵伟 《工业工程》2004,7(1):26-28
分析了工序时间的随机性特征及其对任务完工期的影响及作业任务交货期决策的重要性,确定任务交货期的方式,指出在工序时间随机性特征条件下,任务交货期应为一个区间,建立了以损失费用最小化为目标的最优交货期时区模型、最优最早交货期模型、最优完工时间偏差控制模型,采用计算机迭代法验证了上述各模型的有效性。  相似文献   

研究了一个多订单环境下的生产计划与调度集成优化问题,以实现准时生产为目标,综合考虑产品装配结构约束的订单任务计划与订单产品零部件的加工调度,采用直接面向客户订单的工序调度模式建立了计划和调度的综合优化整数规划模型.设计了带精英策略的蚁群算法作为该数学模型的求解方法,并通过对比试验为该算法选取最佳的搜索参数.实例仿真结果表明,所建模型的正确性以及蚁群算法求解该问题的可行性和有效性.  相似文献   

虚拟企业生产计划与控制问题研究   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
张青山  马军 《工业工程》2002,5(6):22-26
着重分析了虚拟企业的特征及其生产系统构成模式,虚拟企业生产计划与控制的特点及其重点和难点,在此基础上,提出了虚拟企业生产计划与控制的策略,以为虚拟企业这种新型组织形式的生产管理提供参考。  相似文献   

造成企业经营软件“投资崩溃”,从而带来无数亿马克损失的原因,一方面是由于所供应的“恐龙”软件难以被客户所接受,另一方面是因其软件供应商本身拒绝配合市场变化的要求所致。近十年来,人们对众多可供选择的旧生产计划与控制(PPC)系统的功能设计几乎从未产生过怀疑,没有从根本上动摇过各种系统。通过纳维森(Navision)软件公司所开发的一种新的生产计划与控制系统作为范例,以此说明对生产计划与控制系统供应商所提出的要求,以及所达到的必要结果。  相似文献   

Although there is a broad literature on capacity management, there has been only limited attention on how to support short-term capacity control decisions, especially in high-variety make-to-order shops. While finite loading has been identified as a potential means of guiding capacity adjustments, the actual performance impact of this solution has not been adequately assessed. Using a simulation model of a make-to-order job shop, we compare the performance impact of four different forward and backward finite loading methods and a load trigger method recently presented in the literature. Results confirm the potential of finite loading to improve performance when compared to a general capacity increase. Yet all four methods are outperformed by the load trigger method. The capacity adjustments made under finite loading methods are determined by individual jobs and their properties. This may lead to no adjustments despite an overload period (e.g. if a job has a long due date but only one overload station in its routing) or to unnecessary adjustments when there is no overload (e.g. if a large job has a tight due date). This finding draws into question the use of finite loading altogether and reinforces the importance of the load trigger method.  相似文献   

因特网环境下的企业生产计划与控制   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
因特网的出现和发展,给现代企业带来了严重的挑战和巨大的机遇。本文研究因特网的应用对企业传统生产计划与控制方法的以及适合因特网环境的生产计划一控制的新模式和新方法。  相似文献   

Workload control (WLC) is a well established production planning and control concept for make-to-order companies. The main insights into WLC are being gained from stationary simulation studies. Knowledge on its functioning in practice is limited, especially in a dynamic setting. The aim of this paper is to identify and classify the key issues when WLC is being used to control logistical performance in a dynamic setting. For this purpose an empirical research project in a company is carried out, in which both quantitative scanning data and qualitative workshop data are obtained and analysed over one year. Throughput diagrams and order progress diagrams support the analysis of the quantitative data obtained. Various types of dynamics could be discerned, but all implying similar requirements in terms of adaptations to the control concept. Whereas research in stationary settings addresses parameter choices, this study shows that it is issues on timing and magnitude of control adjustments that need to be addressed if WLC is to be used effectively in a dynamic setting. The empirical study shows that if the dynamics are not adequately taken into account, buffers may starve while throughput times become uncontrolled over time, despite the use of WLC.  相似文献   

计划控制是传统企业资源计划的核心所在。本文首先分析了传统的生产计划和控制方法并指出局限性。针对以核心企业为主的供应链,提出了三层生产计划控制模型并给出了其节点企业内部生产计划的具体算法与运行实例。  相似文献   

In this research, we model a job shop that produces a set of discrete parts in a make-to-stock setting. The intent of the research is to develop a planning model to determine the optimal tactical policies that minimise the relevant manufacturing costs subject to workload variability and capacity limits. We consider two tactical decisions, namely the production lot size for each part and the planned lead time for each work station. We model the relevant manufacturing costs, entailing production overtime costs and inventory-related costs, as functions of these tactical decisions. We formulate a non-linear optimisation model and implement it in the Excel spreadsheet. We test the model with actual factory data from our research sponsor. The results are consistent with our intuition and demonstrate the potential value from jointly optimising over these tactical policies.  相似文献   

针对某类产品单元化制造中单一的MRPⅡ、JIT或TOC生产计划和控制模式难以实施的特点,构建了一种以TOC、MRPⅡ生产计划系统和JIT生产控制系统为核心,考虑制造单元资源约束和订单插入因素的集成生产计划和控制模式.该模式能以市场需求预测、JIT拉动与APS模拟相结合的方式进行生产计划排产,同时利用能力需求计划、看板系统和系统仿真对生产过程实施跟踪控制.此模式对快速、有效地组织该类产品的生产具有重要意义.  相似文献   

Workload control concepts are advocated as one of the new production planning and control methods. In its elaborated form, workload control includes three major decision levels: job entry, job release and priority dispatching. In each decision level, several decision points which have significant impact on the effectiveness of the production planning and control are defined (i.e., acceptance/rejection, due date assignment, etc.). Workload control systems should consider all of these decision points simultaneously in order to improve the effectiveness of production planning and control. In addition to these decision levels, flexibility of the shop can also be included as the fourth decision level which allows the shop capacity to be adjusted as new orders enter the system and as they are released to the shop floor. In this study, simulation models which enable the effect of each decision level within a workload control concept to be explored are developed and tested. The results reveal that simultaneous consideration of decision levels is critical and can improve the effectiveness of production planning and control.  相似文献   

This research presents a new reactive scheduling methodology for job shop, make-to-order industries. An integer linear programming formulation previously developed by the authors to schedule these types of industries is extended to address the problem of inserting new orders in a predetermined schedule, which is important in order-driven industries. A reactive scheduling algorithm is introduced to iteratively update the schedules. Numerical results on realistic examples of job shops of different sizes illustrate the effectiveness of the approach. In each case, different alternatives for inserting a set of new orders in an initial schedule are optimally generated, enabling the user to choose the most convenient one. Solutions are characterised by measures of scheduling efficiency as well as stability measures that assess the impact of rescheduling operations in a previously defined scheduling solution.  相似文献   

We consider an integrated order selection and production scheduling problem where a make-to-order (MTO) manufacturer has to select a subset of the orders to process so as to maximise the total profit, and sequence-dependent setup times and costs are incurred between the manufacturing of different classes of products. The problem is formulated as the resource-constrained profitable tour problem (RCPTP) where many variants of the traveling salesman problem (TSP) are its special cases. We model the problem as an integer program and develop an efficient algorithm to solve the problem. Computational results show the efficiency as well as effectiveness of the algorithm. The benefit of the integration is shown and managerial insights are discussed with the computational experiments as well.  相似文献   

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