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The effect of column number N, as well as the column height h of thermal diffusion columns, on the degree of separation in the Frazier scheme with the total sum of the column height L (=Nh) fixed, has been investigated. The equations, which may be employed to predict the optimum column number N* for the maximum separation Δ N,max, have been derived. Considerable performance in separation is obtainable if the column number, as well as the column height, in a Frazier scheme with the total sum of the column height fixed is properly assigned for a certain flow-rate operation.  相似文献   


The equations for estimating the optimal plate aspect ratio as well as the corresponding maximum recovery, maximum production rate, and minimum plate surface area for recovery of deuterium from water‐isotopes mixture in flat‐plate thermal diffusion columns of the Frazier scheme, have been derived. Considerable improvement in performance is obtainable if the operation is carried out with the optimal plate aspect ratio. It was found that all the optimal plate aspect ratios, as well as the improvements in performance, do not depend on feed concentration.  相似文献   

The effects of column number and the variation of column heights on thermal diffusion along the modified Frazier scheme, has been investigated with the total sum of column heights fixed. The equations, which may be employed to predict the optimal number of columns and the optimal column-height ratio for the maximum separation, have been derived. Considerable improvement in performance is obtainable if the column-height ratio and/or column number in a modified Frazier scheme with the total sum of column heights fixed are properly assigned for a certain flow-rate operation, instead of using the conventional Frazier scheme of uniform column height with the same total sum of column heights.  相似文献   


The effect of plate spacing on the degree of separation and production rate for the enrichment of heavy water in flat-plate thermal diffusion columns of the Frazier scheme with fixed operating expense has been investigated. The equations for estimating optimum plate-spacing for maximum separation and for maximum production rate have been developed. Considerable improvement in performance is obtainable when thermal diffusion columns with optimum plate-spacing are employed for operation.  相似文献   

Effects of inclined angle and plate spacing on the degree of separation in batch-type flat-plate thermal diffusion columns, with operating expense and fixed charge kept unchanged, are discussed. It was found that the degree ofseparation increases when the inclined angle increases or when the platespacing decreases. However, decreasing the plate spacing will lead to decreasingthe amount of solution to be treated in the column, while increasing the inclined angle will enlarge the operating time for reaching the steady state.  相似文献   

Effects of inclined angle and plate spacing on the degree of separation in batch-type flat-plate thermal diffusion columns, with operating expense and fixed charge kept unchanged, are discussed. It was found that the degree ofseparation increases when the inclined angle increases or when the platespacing decreases. However, decreasing the plate spacing will lead to decreasingthe amount of solution to be treated in the column, while increasing the inclined angle will enlarge the operating time for reaching the steady state.  相似文献   


A rotary thermal diffusion column with the inner cylinder rotating and the outer cylinder static was used to separate n-heptane-benzene mixtures at different speeds of rotation. The results show that the column efficiency depends on the speed of rotation. For the optimum speed the increase in efficiency relative to the static column was of the order of 8%. The role of the geometric irregularities in the annulus width on performance of the rotary column is also discussed.  相似文献   


A more precise equation of separation applicable to the whole concentration range in a continuous thermal diffusion column with the feed introduced from any position has been derived. The results are also represented graphically and compared with those obtained by Powers in which he, as well as almost all previous investigators, considered the concentration at the feed position of the column to be approximately the feed concentration.  相似文献   


Equations of the best angle of inclination and the maximum separation for the enrichment of heavy water in a continuous-type inclined thermal diffusion column have been derived. Considerable improvement in separation was obtained by employing the inclined column instead of using the Clusius-Dickel column.  相似文献   

The improvement of heavy water enrichment by thermal diffusion in the Frazier scheme with column heights varied at a constant increment and with the total sum of column heights fixed, has been investigated. The equations, which may be employed to predict the optimal column number and the optimal column-height increment for maximum separation, have been derived. Considerable improvement in heavy water enrichment is obtainable if the column number and column-height increment in a modified Frazier scheme with the total sum of column heights fixed, are property assigned under certain flow-rate operation, instead of using the conventional scheme of uniform column height.  相似文献   


The separation of three binary mixtures on n-heptane-1,1,2,2-tetrachloroethylene, n-propanol-1,1,2,2-tetrachloroethylene, and n-heptane-methylcyclohexane was studied in a continuously operated thermogravitational column. The effects of feed rate, the ratio of top and bottom product rates, and temperature difference on separation were determined. The separations were found to be dependent on the feed rate with the maximum separation occurring at flow rates approaching zero. Over the range studied, the effect of top to bottom product flow rate ratio was found to be negligible. Temperature difference appeared to influence separation when finite flow rates were used.  相似文献   


A simple but precise equation of separation for the enrichment of heavy water in a batch-type thermal diffusion column has been derived with the consideration of a pseudobinary mixture. The experiment has also been conducted for various initial concentrations of D2O and the results are in agreement with the prediction of the theory.  相似文献   


The hydrodynamic and mass‐transfer performance of a 75 mm diameter pulsed disc and doughnut column (PDD) and a pulsed sieve‐plate column (PSP) are presented and compared for a toluene–acetone–water system under similar operating conditions. It was found that the pulsed disc and doughnut column flooded earlier than the pulsed sieve‐plate column, indicating that the total throughput per unit cross‐sectional area through the pulsed disc and doughnut column was less. At similar operating conditions (i.e., flowrates, pulse frequency, and amplitude), the mass‐transfer performance of the pulsed disc and doughnut column was higher, and its holdup higher. The mass‐transfer performance of the PSP column, when compared at similar holdup to the PDD, was found to be higher, and so it is concluded that it is a more efficient column for this system.  相似文献   

An exact analysis of the unsteady free convection and mass transfer flow of non-Newtonian fluid past an impulsively started infinite vertical plate has been presented in presence of thermal diffusion effect. The expression for the velocity field has been obtained by the Laplace transform technique. The influence of Soret number (thermal diffusion parameter) on velocity field is extensively discussed.  相似文献   


It has been found that the maximum separation obtainable in inclined thermal diffusion columns is proportional to the square root of plate spacing when the operating expense is fixed. The plate spacing is generally so small that changing it, as well as changing the angle of inclination, may not cause additional fixed charge. However, increasing the plate spacing will lead to increasing the difference of plate temperatures in order to keep the operating expense unchanged. Therefore, additional cost is needed to maintain a high value of temperature difference.  相似文献   


Separation equations for the enrichment of heavy water in a continuous-flow thermal diffusion column have been derived for low-concentration operations. Experimentals on two feed concentrations of the H2O-HDO-D2O system have also been conducted, and the results quantitatively confirm the predictions of theory.  相似文献   

立体传质塔板在乙酸甲酯精馏技改中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
曹铭武 《化工进展》2001,20(11):43-45
选用立体传质塔板取代原乙酸甲酯萃取精馏塔的泡罩塔板进行技术改造,改造后扩产44%,节能约20%,塔压降减小43%,提高了产品质量,降低了原料消耗,技改的设备投资20万元,年增经济效益58.8万元,投资回收期为4个月。  相似文献   

The present work deals with the effect of thermal feed quality on the performance of a divided wall distillation column (DWC). The thermal condition of the feed alters the pressure profile across the two sides of the dividing wall, thereby affecting not only the mass transfer characteristics but also the hydrodynamics of a DWC. It was observed that the natural (feasible) vapor split ratio does not depend on the liquid split ratio and the reflux flow rate when the feed is saturated liquid or sub-cooled liquid (q ≥ 1). However, for q < 1, that is, for two phase (vapor-liquid), saturated vapor, or superheated vapor feed, the liquid split ratio and the reflux flow rate have profound effect on the feasible vapor split ratio, and the pressure profiles are altered significantly. For the stable operation of a DWC, the feed should be either saturated liquid or sub-cooled liquid or the feed quality may be manipulated to adjust the vapor split ratio.  相似文献   

Abstract Hindered diffusion of proteins in a porous packing plays an important role in proteinchromatographic purification.The HETP method was adopted to analyze the influence of axialdispersion, film mass transfer and hindered diffosion in the porous packing employing a size-exclusionchromatography(SEC)process.The retention behavior with eight proteins of different relativemolecular mass was experimentally detected with a commercial SEC column.A correlation basedon the relative molecular mass of the proteins and the packing porosity was developed and used topredict the effective diffusion coefficient of a protein in the Porous packing.The predicted valuesof effective diffusion coefficient were very consistent with the experimental results with the averageerror of 8.6%.  相似文献   

A mathematical model for cyclic binary distillation in a sectioned column with a continuous supply of streams has been proposed. A method has been developed for organizing cyclic modes in a sectioned apparatus with the operation of one of the sections in the liquid flow mode and the other sections in the vapor flow mode. The effect of the parameters of the proposed model on separation in the column has been studied.  相似文献   

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