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Field-flow fractionation (FFF) is a separation method first described in 1966 (I). FFF is an elution technique, like chromatography, and the experimental sequence of pump, column, detector, and fraction collector is much like that used in chromatographic operations (2-4). However, FFF appears to be unique in its ability to separate an extremely broad range of molecules, macromolecules, supramacromolecular structures, colloidal particles, and larger particles at a high level of resolution. In dealing with these complex and often refractory materials, FFF has a number of unique advantages (5). Along with its intrinsically high resolving power, FFF is a versatile technique in which experimental conditions can be varied widely to optimize the range, speed, and power of the separation. FFF is also unusual in that the characteristics of the separation can be calculated rather exactly in terms of well-defined physicochemical parameters such as molecular weight, size, charge, etc. The equations used for this purpose can be inverted to yield molecular weight and other important parameters for the components of complex mixtures (3-6).  相似文献   


Hyperlayer field-flow fractionation is proposed as a method designed to overcome some of the limitations of conventional field-flow fractionation (FFF). In hyperlayer FFF, steady-state particle layers are formed above the channel wall by the combination of a primary field (e.g., sedimentation or electrical) and a secondary gradient (such as density of pH). Such zones could be separated along the flow axis in FFF even if they strongly overlap in the field or lateral direction. An approximate theory is derived for sedimentation hyperlayer FFF, showing both the rate of zone migration and the extent of peak broadening. Calculations are presented which show that the system should be highly effective for the separation of particles in the vicinity of μm in diameter or larger.  相似文献   


The application of high gradient magnetic fields to field-flow fractionation (FFF) is quite attractive based on the preliminary calculations presented here. The theoretical basis has defined the parameters of force on the individual particles and normal FFF parameters to evaluate the separation capability. The possible application of magnetic FFF to dynamic systems as well as a tool for separation of nominally paramagnetic and magnetically tagged molecules provides an impetus for further development.  相似文献   


Field-flow fractionation (FFF) is briefly introduced with respect to its working nature, mechanism of retention, types of applications, and relationships to chromatography. Nine fundamental characteristics of FFF are then outlined. The nine characteristics are used (Table I) to distinguish FFF from other separation methods which employ an external field perpendicular to the flow axis.

Three brief accounts of the early history of FFF are given. These accounts relate the individual experiences of the three authors of this articles.  相似文献   


Field-flow fractionation (FFF) peak capacity values have been computed with only two major assumptions: first, the plate height is supposed the sum of only two contributions, axial molecular diffusion and transversal nonequilibrium, and second, the steric effect has been neglected in the equations of retention and peak broadening.

Several reduced parameters have been defined to generalize the equations and limit the number of variable parameters. It appears that among the already implemented FFF subtechniques for which the elution spectrum is an explicit function of the principal dimension, or mass, of the retained sample (which excludes electrical FFF), sedimentation FFF has some peculiar characteristics due to the fact that the field-induced velocity depends on a particular sample, while in thermal and flow FFF it is the same for all samples of a given type under fixed experimental conditions. For example, in sedimentation FFF, the axial diffusion contribution to the plate height persists at a much larger reduced eluant velocity than for the other techniques.

The effect on the peak capacity of the retention volume, the channel length, the eluant velocity as well as the influence of detection limit and analysis time have been studied. Simple relationships between peak capacity and these parameters are established in the high retention and negligible axial diffusion limits which previal in most experimental situations, and deviations from these limits are discussed. It is shown that for all three  相似文献   


A rigorous convective diffusion theory is formulated for the predictive modeling of field-flow fractionation (FFF) columns used for the separation of colloidal mixtures. The theory is developed for simulating the behavior of a colloid introduced into fluid in time-dependent flow in a parallel plate channel across which a transverse field is applied. The methodology of generalized dispersion theory is used to solve the model equations. The theoretical results show that the cross-sectional average concentration of the colloid satisfies a dispersion equation with time-dependent coefficients. The results of this work, in principle, are valid for all values of time since the introduction of the colloid. It is shown that these results asymptotically approach those of the nonequilibrium theory formulated by Giddings for large values of time.

Illustrative numerical results are obtained for the case of steady laminar flow and a uniform initial distribution. The behavior of the coefficients in the dispersion equation is explained on physical grounds. Of particular interest is the fact that at large values of the transverse Peclet number P, Taylor dispersion in the FFF column is very small. Under these conditions, axial molecular diffusion as well as Taylor dispersion in the connecting tubing could make a substantial contribution to the axial dispersion observed in practical FFF columns.

The theoretical predictions are compared with the experimental data of Caldwell et al. and Kesner et al. on electrical FFF columns. The comparisons indicate that the theory has potential in predicting the performance of such systems.  相似文献   


Field-flow fractionation (FFF) is a class of techniques in which a nonuniform (i.e., shear) flow is used to amplify differences in some physicochemical property (e.g., electrical mobility, sedimentation velocity, molecular or cellular diameter) by taking advantage of the fact that in a viscous flow the velocity at a motionless wall is zero, so that a species which tends to concentrate at the wall will be retarded relative to a species that is less concentrated at the wall. This class of techniques has been extensively developed since the original paper by Giddings (1). The reader is referred to recent reviews by Giddings (2, 3) for detailed discussions of the state of the art.  相似文献   


The two-dimensional unsteady convective diffusion equation satisfied by the local concentration of the colloid introduced in a field-flow fractionation (FFF) column is solved by the method of finite differences. The alternating direction implicit (ADI) method proposed by Peaceman and Rachford is used. The axial convection term is approximated by a backward difference approximation to obtain a stable and convergent scheme.

Numerical results are obtained for various values of the transverse Peclet number for the case of steady laminar flow and a slug input. The numerical results from the ADI method are validated by comparison with numerical solutions obtained using an explicit scheme as well as by internal consistency checks.

The results of this work show that the transverse concentration profiles depend in a complex fashion on axial position along the cloud during relaxation. In the presence of a field, asymptoticity in the transverse profiles is approached first in the rear of the colloid cloud, and progresses gradually through the axial extent of the cloud. Ultimately, at a sufficiently large value of time, almost all of the colloid relaxes to asymptotic exponential distributions in the transverse coordinate as predicted from theory. The local concentration of colloid in the system is observed to reach a global maximum value at intermediate values of time during relaxation. The area average concentration distribution is observed to exhibit strong asymmetry when plotted against the axial coordinate at intermediate times both in the presence and in the absence of a field. This asymmetry is in accord with pure convection theory. In contrast, truncated two-term dispersion equations only predict symmetric distributions for symmetric initial conditions. Thus there may be a need to retain higher order terms in the application of generalized dispersion theory in order to predict the observed results.  相似文献   


The possible use of dielectrophoretic forces for the development of a new subtechnique of field-flow fractionation (FFF) termed dielectrical FFF is examined. Dielectrical FFF is based on the dielectrophoresis of neutral particles in the nonuniform electric field of an annular channel (or charged coaxial capacitor). The feasibility of the subtechnique is assessed by estimating the magnitudes of retention ratio R predicted from theory for select species representative of several classes of particle/fluid mixtures. Minimum attainable R values are calculated using estimates of the maximum electric field strengths applicable to the mixtures. Calculations show that. the dielectrophoretic force is strong enough to retain and separate ultrahigh-molecular-weight polymers and submicron-diameter particles dissolved or suspended in organic liquids of high dielectric constant Evidence suggests that pearl-chain formation may impose a fundamental limitation on particle retention at the inner cylinder of the annular channel, especially in aqueous suspensions.  相似文献   


Parameters that yield optimum separations in field-flow fractionation (FFF) are investigated. Expressions for minimum plate height and optimum velocity are derived. It is shown that a typical FFF column is theoretically capable of yielding 12,000 plates per foot. With increasing retention, plate height decreases and optimum velocity increases. Minimum time conditions, analyzed next, are related to the rate of generation of theoretical plates. The latter increases with the rate of molecular transport and, surprisingly, with retention. Practical hurdles to achieving an infinite rate of generation of plates by going to infinite retention are discussed. Finally, a comparison is made between optimum separations using FFF and using direct fields (electrophoresis, sedimentation, and related methods.)  相似文献   


Flow injection techniques have been used almost exclusively for chemical analysis of homogeneous samples. On the other hand, field-flow fractionation is designed to separate phases in a flowing heterogeneous sample through their differing response to applied force fields. In this work we show that controlled phase separation can be achieved and successfully modeled in flow injection systems. The force that separates the phases is generated intrinsically within the flow tube by the inertial effects of the flow itself.  相似文献   


Myers et al. (1) derived an expression for the velocity profile of a fluid flowing under an applied pressure gradient between parallel flat plates separated by a small distance h. The coefficient of viscosity (μ) was allowed to vary between the plates, say, as the result of a (linear) temperature gradient established by controlling the temperature on each plate to a different value. In this note an error in their hydrodynamic analysis is corrected, and sample calculations are given to demonstrate the possible quantitative effect of this error on the fluid velocity profile.  相似文献   


Experimental problems associated with the previous flexible membrane system of electrical field-flow fractionation (EFFF) are first reviewed. The potential advantages of an effective EFFF system are then discussed and compared to those of electrophoresis. The general theory of EFFF is briefly stated, and the possible means for evaluating electrical field strength in the fractionating channel are discussed.

Results are presented for protein components showing that retention follows the predicted behavior with variations in field strength. Furthermore, retention becomes theoretically predictable in numerical magnitude with the aid of an internal standard. The determining parameter for this calculable retention is the ratio D/μ, where D is the diffusion coefficient and μ is mobility. The results show that D/μ becomes a measurable parameter using this system.

Preliminary efforts to induce the retention of denatured proteins and polystyrene beads are shown to be unsuccessful for entirely independent reasons.  相似文献   


It is proposed to modify the surface of a field-flow fractionation (FFF) channel by introducing small barriers perpendicular to flow. Possible advantages include increased retention, sample capacity, and selectivity. It is shown that this approach brings FFF into a closer relationship with chromatography and countercurrent distribution. Approximate theories are developed for retention, plate height, and selectivity, and sources of departure from theory are discussed. Two experimental thermal FFF systems are described, one with barriers established by cutting grooves in a Mylar sheet and another with grooves cut in a copper bar. Despite an observed deviation from the assumed rectangular groove shape, retention enhancement was considerable, and was in reasonable agreement with theory. Plate height, however, greatly exceeded the values observed for nongrooved systems.  相似文献   


Retention in field-flow fractionation (FFF) can be altered and controlled by the introduction of different kinds of velocity profiles in the FFF channel. Here we propose the use of non-Newtonian fluid flow to manipulate retention in FFF. The flexible, three parameter Ellis equation, describing non-Newtonian behavior, is used to derive the dependence of retention ratio R on the dimensionless mean solute layer thickness λ. Numerical calculations show the way in which changes in the parameters of the Ellis equation change the velocity profile in the channel and therefore the shape of the R versus λ functions.  相似文献   


The principles of field-flow fractionation (FFF) and reasons for extending the FFF methodology from parallel-plate channels to annular channels (ANNCs) are briefly reviewed. A theory for the nonequilibrium plate height H of FFF zones in ANNCs is developed by extending the nonequilibrium theory of FFF to polar coordinates. The principal assumption in the theory is that component zones are localized near the ANNC walls by the general force F = A/rn , where A and n are constants and r is the radial coordinate. Equations for H are developed as functions of n, the inner-to-outer radius ratio of the ANNC, and the fundamental FFF parameter, γ. A closed-form analytical solution to H is obtained when n = 1; the n ≠ 1 solution must generally be expressed as a ratio of the integrals involved. These integrals can be approximated analytically, however, when γ ? 1. The functions for H are compared to their parallel-plate counterpart, and differences are rationalized.  相似文献   


We discuss two anomalies that have characterized our recent work in steric field-flow fractionation (steric FFF): (a) retention has been found to vary with flow rate, contrary to simple theory; and (b) low density cells elute earlier than theory predicts. After reviewing the theory, we describe experiments in both gravitational and centrifugal fields applied to two spherical beads (microporous silica and polystyrene latex) of essentially equal sizes but different densities. The velocity dependence of retention is verified for both kinds of particles, but we find that retention depends dramatically on density as well. We speculate that these anomalous dependencies originate in a velocity-dependent lift force acting to pull the particle away from the wall. This hypothesis is supported by the observation that an increase in field strength increases retention. We conclude that a controllable field strength (as in a centrifuge) is an important asset in steric FFF, permitting increased separation speed and allowing the option of separating particles on the basis of density as well as size.  相似文献   


Magnetic field-flow fractionation (FFF) is a new separation technique particularly suited to separations involving particulate materials of high magnetic permeability. In this technique a magnetic field, generated by an electromagnet, is used to induce retention of particles in the FFF flow stream. This paper discusses the theoretical basis for magnetic FFF in terms of the fundamental retention equation of FFF and the magnetic force equation. Experimental data are presented which characterizes the magnetic field and the retention process. The resolution of single particles from dimeric aggregates is demonstrated based upon their difference in volume.  相似文献   


Sedimentation field-flow fractionation (SFFF) is a promising method for the high-resolution separation of a wide variety of suspended particulates and dissolved macromolecules. By using a new SFFF technique with a time-delayed exponential force-field (rotor speed) decay, quantitative particle-size distribution analyses in the 0.01–1 μm range can be performed in a few minutes. Relative to constant-field SFFF, programmed force-field operation can drastically decrease analysis time and improve detection sensitivity while maintaining adequate resolution. The linear relationship between particle retention and logarithm of particle diameter or mass for the new technique significantly simplifies data handling for convenient and accurate analyses. Standard graphs have been prepared to show how separation variables such as exponential decay time constant, τ, initial rotor speed, ωo, channel thickness, W, and flowrate, F, can affect particle retention. These simple and quantitative relationships are useful for designing efficient SFFF separations. Conversion of raw data to actual particle size distributions involves negligible errors because the accuracy of SFFF analyses is not significantly affected by instrumental band broadening. The concepts of specific SFFF resolution and particle discrimination factors are introduced to permit the comparison of SFFF resolution with other separation techniques.  相似文献   


An objective method for evaluating the suitability of different hollow fibers as separation channels in hollow-fiber flow-FFF is presented. The method is applied to evaluate four different fiber types and to compare several fibers of the same type. It is shown that the maximum plate number achievable with a certain fiber is governed by the homogeneity of the distribution of pores in the fiber wall. The method makes it possible to distinguish and measure the contribution to the peak width that originates from the inhomogeneity in pore distribution.  相似文献   

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