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High-speed counter-current chromatography (HSCCC) was successfully applied to the isolation and purification of four xanthone glycosides from Halenia elliptica, a plant widely used in traditional Tibetan medicine. The introduction of HSCCC greatly improved the efficiency of compounds preparation from Halenia elliptica. The following were obtained from 100 mg of crude sample in one-step separation: 2.5 mg of 1-O-primeverosyl-2,3,4,5,7-pentamethoxyxanthone, 7.0 mg of 1-O-primeverosyl-2,3,4,7- tetramethoxyxanthone, 10.0 mg of 1-O-primeverosyl-2,3,5-trimethoxyxanthone (demethyoxyhaleniaside), and 8.5 mg of 1-O-primeverosyl-2,3,4,5-tetramethoxyxanthone. HPLC analysis showed that each target compound had a purity of over 98%, and UV, 1H NMR, and 13C NMR data confirmed the component chemical structures.  相似文献   

DPPH (1,1-diphenyl-2-picryhydrazyl) radical scavenging assay was used to screen different fractions of Neo-Taraxacum siphonanthum ethanol extracts. The potent active fraction was isolated and purified by preparative high-speed counter-current chromatography (HSCCC) with a solvent system composed of n-hexane-n-butanol-water (3:4:7, v/v/v). The flow rate was 1.5 mL/min and resolution speed was 800 rpm. Three flavonoid glycosides with the purity over 99% were obtained and identified as luteolin- 3′-O-β-D-glucopyranoside (I), luteolin-7-O-β-D-glucopyranoside (II), and luteolin-4′-O-β-D-glucopyranoside (III) by ESI-MS, 1H NMR and 13C NMR analysis. Antioxidant activity of three flavonoid glycosides was assessed by DPPH assay, all of which showed potent activity.  相似文献   

Rosmarinic acid and rutin were successfully separated from Glechoma hederaceaL. using high-speed counter-current chromatography for the first time. Eleven milligrams of rosmarinic acid (chromatographic purity 97.2 %) and 10 mg of rutin (chromatographic purity 98.1 %) were obtained from 100 mg ethyl acetate extract and 100 mg n -butanol extract of Glechoma hederacea L., respectively, with the separation procedure less than 2 h. Their structures were characterized by UV, MS, and NMR. The established methods were simple, fast, and convenient, which can be applied to the preparation of reference substances of rosmarinic acid and rutin.  相似文献   

A method for the acid-alkali extraction and preparative separation of triterpene acids from poria was established. The triterpene acids were enriched and separated into two fractions after extraction at the optimized pH value. The two fractions were subjected to high-speed counter-current chromatography for the preparative separation of triterpene acids, separately. As a result, dehydropachymic acid, pachymic acid, 3-epi-dehydropachymic acid, poricoic acid B, dehydrotumulosic acid, and 3-epi-dehydrotumulosic acid were obtained with purities of 94.1%, 96.2%, 93.5%, 85.9%, 80.1%, and 93.1%, respectively. The structures were identified by ESI-MS, 1H NMR, and 13C NMR.  相似文献   

It is difficult to simultaneously isolate and purify flavonoids and polyhydroxystilbenes due to their similar polarities. In this study, we isolated and purified these compounds from Trigonella foenum-graecum L. seed extracts using high-speed counter-current chromatography (HSCCC) in two steps with two different kinds of solvent systems. In the first step, n-hexane:ethyl acetate:methanol:water (1:5:1:5, v/v) was used as the two-phase solvent system, desoxy-rhaponticin and rhapontigenin were purified, and orientin, vitexin, isovitexin, and rhaponticin were eluted together. In the second step, ethyl acetate:water (1:1, v/v) was used as the two-phase solvent system, and orientin, vitexin, rhaponticin, and isovitexin were isolated and purified. Purities of the isolated compounds were determined using HPLC, while UV spectra, 1 H-NMR, and 13 C-NMR aided in structure identification.  相似文献   

采用高速逆流色谱法结合高效液相色谱法从禾谷镰刀菌固体发酵产物中分离纯化脱氧雪腐镰刀菌烯醇(DON)。先用高速逆流色谱在以乙酸乙酯-水(1∶1,体积比)为两相溶剂系统、温度为25℃、主机转速为890r·min-1、流速为1.0mL·min-1、检测波长为254nm的条件下进行分离,再用高效液相色谱进一步分离纯化,最终从300g大米发酵培养物中得到了8mg DON,纯度为97.7%。将纯化的DON用于DON人工抗原制备,基质辅助激光解吸附电离串联飞行时间质谱分析表明,人工抗原制备成功;免疫动物后,研制出了高效价的多克隆抗体。本研究建立的色谱方法操作简单,分离效果较好,纯化的DON可以用于抗体的制备。  相似文献   

Following constituents’ enrichment steps with the AB-8 macroporous resin, silica gel, and ODS columns, high-speed counter-current chromatography (HSCCC) and preparative HPLC were successfully used for the isolation and purification of two complex isomeric saponins including a new one from albiziae cortex. The two-phase solvent system used for separation was composed of n -hexane/ n -butanol/water (1:10:5, v/v/v ). A total of 8.2 mg julibroside J 5 a and 11.6 mg julibroside J 5 with purity of higher than 98%, respectively, as determined by HPLC-ELSD were obtained from the constituents enriched fraction (475.4 mg) of albiziae cortex. Their structures were identified by HR-MS, 1 H NMR 13 C NMR, and 2D NMR. This is the first ever report on the separation of complex isomeric saponins from albiziae cortex by HSCCC.  相似文献   

Flavonoids are the main chemical constituents of Smilax china L. and thought to be responsible for the anti-inflammatory activity of Smilax china L. In this study, a suitable HSCCC method was developed to separate the three main flavonoids in a one-separation from the anti-chronic pelvic inflammation disease (CPID) effective fraction of Smilax china L. with a two-phase solvent system composed of n-hexane-ethyl acetate-methanol-water (1:10:1:10, v/v/v/v). 42 milligrams of astilbin, 10 mg neoisoastilbin, and 6 mg quercetin-3-O-α-L-rhamnoside were separated from 200 mg of the anti-CPID effective fraction of Smilax china L. with purity of 98.3%, 98.7%, 98.5%, respectively, by HPLC analysis. Orthogonal test L9 (34) was also applied to investigate the optimum extracting conditions of the three flavonoids. HSCCC was successfully used for the isolation and purification of the three flavonoids from the anti-CPID effective fraction of Smilax china L. and the neoisoastilbin was first separated from Smilax china L.  相似文献   

Elution-extrusion counter-current chromatography (EECCC) was successfully applied for screen and separation of four flavonoids from Gynostemma pentaphyllum tea, a popular herbal tea extract in China. With the hexane/ethyl acetate/methanol/water 5/6/5/6 (v/v) system, 300 mg of G. pentaphyllum tea extract were fractionated on a 180 mL-capacity preparative hydrodynamic CCC column. Satisfactory separation efficiency was achieved, producing milligram-amounts of quercetin, isorhamnetin, and cirsiliol over 90% pure in one EECCC process. Due to the hydrophilic property, the major flavonoid glycoside, rutin, was co-eluted with the solvent front as a mixture. Therefore, another carefully selected biphasic liquid system composed of ethyl acetate/n-butanol/water (4/1/5, v/v) was employed, yielding 35 mg of rutin with 97.1% purity. Structures of all separated compounds were identified by ESI-MS, 1H NMR, and 13C NMR.  相似文献   

Preparative high-speed counter-current chromatography (HSCCC) was used to separate and purify bioactive constituents from the stems and leaves of Lophatherum gracile Brongn. Six flavone C-glycosides each at over 95% purity including two new compounds were obtained in one-step separation by HSCCC with an optimized two-phase solvent system composed of ethyl acetate-n-butanol-ethanol-water at volume ratio of 4:2:1.5:8.5 (v/v/v/v). The experiment yielded 19.9 mg of luteolin 6-C-β-D-galactopyranosiduronic acid (1→2)-β-D-glucopyranoside (1), 28.5 mg of luteolin 6-C-α-L-arabinopyranosyl-7-O-β-D-glucopyranoside (2), 31.5 mg of isoorientin (3), 44.8 mg of orientin (4), 25.3 mg of swertiajaponin (5) and 12.1 mg of apigenin 6-C-β-D-galactopyranosiduronic acid (1→2)-β-D-glucopyranoside (6) from 500 mg of crude extracts. The purity of these compounds was determined by high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). Their chemical structures were identified by electron spray ionization mass spectroscopy (ESI-MS), 1H and 13C nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy (NMR).  相似文献   

Five cyclopamine analogs including jervine, veratramine, pseudojervine, veratrosine, and verdine were isolated from the rhizomes of Veratrum oxysepalum Turcz. by an efficient two-step high-speed counter-current chromatography (HSCCC) method. In the filrst step, HSCCC, dichloromethane-methanol-water (4:3.5:2, v/v/v) was employed to obtain 24.5 mg of jervine, 18.2 mg of veratramine, 9.4 mg of pseudojervine, 20.8 mg of veratrosine, and 5.2 mg of verdine from 200.0 mg of crude alkaloid extracts, with the purities of 65.7, 97.5, 95.2, 98.3, and 98.1%, respectively. After the filrst HSCCC run, the jervine-fraction was subjected to the second step HSCCC using n-hexane-ethyl acetate-methanol-water (4:5:4:5, v/v/v/v) system for further purification and 12.7 mg of jervine with 95.8% purity was obtained. The structures of isolates were identified by liquid chromatography-quadruple time-of-flight tandem mass spectrometry (LC-QTOF MS/MS), 1H and 13C nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy.  相似文献   

Supercritical fluid extraction (SFE) was used to extract three isoflavonoids including irigenin, irisfloretin and dichtomitin from Belamcanda chinensis (L.) DC. The parameters including pressure, temperature, sample particle size, and flow rate of CO2 were optimized with an orthogonal test. Under the optimized conditions of 15 MPa, 55°C, a sample particle size of 20–40 mesh and CO2 flow rate of 40 L h?1. The process was then scaled up by 10 times using a preparative SFE system. The yield of the crude extract from SFE was 4.1%, which contained irigenin, irisfloretin, and dichtomitin 0.71%, 0.49%, and 0.05%, respectively. To compare the extraction methods, Soxhlet Extraction (SE) was performed. The results indicated that SFE was better than SE. Irigenin, irisfloretin, and dichtomitin in the SFE extract were then separated and purified by high-speed counter-current chromatography (HSCCC) with a two-phase solvent system composed of petroleum ether–ethyl acetate–methanol–water (2:4:3:3, v/v). From 5.0 g of dry crude extract, 27.8 mg irigenin, 16.4 mg irisfloretin, and 2.1 mg dichtomitin were obtained at purities of 97.1%, 96.4%, and 98.0%, respectively, as determined by HPLC-PDA. These results well indicate that SFE and HSCCC are very powerful techniques for the extraction and purification of irigenin, irisfloretin, and dichtomitin from B. chinensis.  相似文献   

High speed counter-current chromatography technique in preparative scale has been successfully applied to separate and purify main compounds from the ethyl acetate extract of Forsythia suspense using stepwise elution with two-phase solvent systems composed of n-hexane-ethyl acetate-methanol-water at (1:4:1:4,v/v) and (1:4:2:3,v/v). Under the optimized conditions, the preparative high-speed counter-current chromatography was performed on 350 mg of the ethyl acetate yielding phillyrin (12.8 mg), isolariciresinol-9’-O-β-D-glucopyranoside (5.3 mg), pinoresinol (21.2 mg), and phillygenin (8.3 mg) in a one-step separation, with purities over 90% as determined by HPLC. The structures of the separated compounds were identified by HPLC-MS and 1H NMR.  相似文献   

Enrichment and separation of alkaloids from a chloroform extract of Sinomenium acutum has been successfully performed for the first time using pH-zone-refining counter-current chromatography. The two-phase solvent system used for enrichment was composed of Methyl tert-butyl ether (MtBE)–acetonitrile (CH3CN)–water (4:1:5, v/v), where 10 mM triethylamine (TEA) was added to the upper organic stationary phase as a retainer and 10 mM hydrochloric acid (HCl) to the aqueous mobile phase as an eluter, which could enrich the alkaloids from the crude extract well. For the preparative separation, the solvent system consisted of MtBE–CH3CN–water (4:0.5:5, v/v) with 10 mM TEA in organic stationary phase and 5 mM HCl in the aqueous mobile phase, which could separate and purify the enriched crude alkaloids successfully. 0.82 g of crude alkaloids was enriched from 1.60 g of chloroform extract in the first step separation. From the enriched crude alkaloids, 376 mg of sinomenine and 85 mg of acutumine were obtained in the second step separation with the purity of 98.1% and 98.7%, respectively. The chemical structures of the isolated compounds were identified by UV, ESI-MS and 1H NMR.  相似文献   

Six taxanes were isolated and purified from Taxus chinensis cell culture extract using high-speed counter-current chromatography. The crude cell culture extract was first treated with Al2O3 column chromatography and then divided into two parts: fraction 1 and fraction 2. 52 mg of taxuyunnanine C and 11 mg of sinenxane C were yielded from 150 mg of fraction 1. 5 mg of 9-dihydrobaccatin III, 12 mg of baccatin III, 12 mg of paclitaxel, and 17 mg baccatin VI were yielded from 150 mg of fraction 2. The purities of the six compounds were 93.51%, 98.02%, 98.61%, 97.55%, 98.93%, and 98.76%.  相似文献   

In the present study, a high-speed counter-current chromatography (HSCCC) was investigated for separation and purification of gardecin on a preparative scale. Hexane–ethyl acetate–methanol–water (0.3:1:0.3:1, v/v) was selected as the optimum solvent system to purify gardecin from a fraction obtained from HPD100 column chromatography fractionation of gardenia. After HSCCC isolation, 20.1 mg of gardecin with purity of 97.4% was obtained from 322 g of dry gardenia fruits. Chemical structure identification of this pigment was carried out by MS, 1H NMR, and 13C NMR. Additionally, antioxidant activity of gardecin in comparison with crocin-1 was investigated. The present results demonstrated that gardecin could be efficiently obtained using HSCCC from this herb and this compound features strong antioxidant activity.  相似文献   

Geniposide, crocin-1, and geniposidic acid were simultaneously separated from the fruit of Gardenia jasminoides Ellis by one step of high-speed counter-current chromatography with the solvent system composed of ethyl acetate-n-butanol-water(1:4:5, v/v/v) within 130 min. The purities of the three compounds were 98.7%, 97.1%, and 90.4%, respectively, as determined by HPLC. Their structures were confirmed by MS, UV, 1H NMR, and13C NMR analysis.  相似文献   

简要介绍了真空液相层析的实验装置、原理、特点及其在生物活性天然产物分离中的应用。  相似文献   

Gentiopicroside, mangiferin, sweroside, and isoorientin, the bioactive constituents of Swertia mussotii Franch, have various pharmacological effects, and are used in particular for treating liver disorders. However, efficient methods for their separation are not currently available. In this study, these bioactive compounds were detected in S. mussotii extracts using high-performance liquid chromatography coupled with mass spectrometry, and separated using a combination of high-speed counter-current chromatography and Sephadex LH-20 column chromatography. Their structures were determined by using 1H and 13C nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopies. The results show that this method is effective for the separation and purification of bioactive compounds from S. mussotii.  相似文献   

首次采用高速逆流色谱对合成的和厚朴酚生物进行分离纯化。本实验首先通过Reiman—Tie—mann反应将和厚朴酚甲酰化,再与盐酸羟胺生成3个和厚朴酚的衍生物,然后通过HSCCC将它们分离纯化。分离过程,我们对溶剂体系和样品浓度以及进样速度等参数条件进行了优化,获得了较好的分离。溶剂体系为正己烷-乙酸乙酯-甲醇-水(1:0.4:1:0.4,V/V),下相作为固定相,进样浓度为20mg/ml,进样体积为20ml,流速设定为2ml/min,转速为850rpm。分离产物经MS和NMR结构鉴定。  相似文献   

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