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In this study, an inclined foam separation column was designed to effectively recover protein from sweet potato starch wastewater. The effects of the influent protein concentration, pH, air flow rate, influent volume, foaming time, and inclined column angle on foam separation performance were assessed. The optimum foam separation conditions consisted of influent protein concentration 4.51 mg/mL, pH 4, air flow rate 0.15 mL/min, influent volume 500 mL, foaming time 100 min, and inclined column angle 30°. In these conditions, protein recovery percentage and enrichment ratios were 84.1% and 1.3, respectively. The biochemical oxygen demand (BOD5) and chemical oxygen demand (CODCr) of the residual solution (620 and 950 mg/mL, respectively) were lower than those of the original (influent) solution.  相似文献   

The feasibility of foam separation as a technique was assessed for the recovery of streptomycin sulfate from the waste solution by using an anionic surfactant sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS). The experimental parameters examined were SDS concentration, superficial gas velocity, initial pH, and liquid loading volume. The results showed that sodium dodecyl sulfate as the surfactant for foam separation had good foaming quality and could effectively concentrate streptomycin sulfate of the aqueous solution by technology of foam separation. The enrichment ratio and the recovery rate of streptomycin sulfate were 4.0 and 85%, respectively under the best operating conditions of sodium dodecyl sulfate concentration 0.4 g/L, superficial gas velocity 300 mL/min, liquid loading volume 300 mL and initial pH 6.0 when streptomycin sulfate concentration was 0.5 g/L.  相似文献   

泡沫分离法处理结晶紫染料废水的工艺   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
以结晶紫模拟染料废水为研究体系,对泡沫分离法脱除结晶紫染料废水色素的工艺进行了研究,考察了以表面活性剂十二烷基苯磺酸钠(SDBS)为捕收剂时,pH、气体流速、表面活性剂浓度、装液量对脱色效果的影响,利用正交实验确定了优化操作条件. 结果表明,当pH为11.0、气速0.018 m3/h、SDBS浓度450 mg/L、装液量500 mL时,富集比为10.3,废水中结晶紫脱色率为93.5%.  相似文献   

含十二烷基苯磺酸钠废水的多级泡沫分离研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
王超  王璇  应叶  倪力军 《化学世界》2008,49(6):329-333
采用多级泡沫分离装置对水中十二烷基苯磺酸钠(SDBS)进行分离富集,考察了表面活性剂溶液的浓度、离子强度、pH值、分离时间、气体流速等因素对水中十二烷基苯磺酸钠脱除率的影响。进一步采用四因素三水平正交实验进行分离条件的优化,结果表明溶液浓度为20 mg/mL,气体流速为20L/min,pH=10,离子强度为2×10-5mol/L时,分离5 min,可使SDBS的脱除率最高达到97%,三次平行试验SDBS的脱除率分别为96.61%、97.04%和93.93%。与单级环流泡沫分离塔(其脱除率为82%)相比,多级泡沫分离装置具有能耗比低、分离效率高的优点,具有更好的推广应用价值。  相似文献   

采用泡沫分离法分离纯化无患子皂苷溶液,收集溢出分离柱的泡沫液,采用紫外分光光度计分别测定原液和泡沫液的皂苷含量,通过富集比、回收率以及纯度表征分离效果。结果表明:在进料浓度为 2.0 g/L、进料量为 150 mL、气速为 32 L/h、温度为 30 ℃、pH值为4.3条件下,富集比可达到2.153,收率与纯度分别达到 79.19 % 和 74.68 %。  相似文献   

泡沫分离法分离人参皂苷   总被引:14,自引:2,他引:12  
通过对浓缩倍数和收率的测定,考察了气速、pH值、进料浓度、进料量以及通气类型、操作方式等因素对人参皂苷泡沫分离效果的影响. 结果表明, 泡沫分离是分离浓缩人参皂苷的一种简便有效的方法.  相似文献   

A technology of two-stage continuous foam fractionation for tea saponin recovery was studied for increasing both the enrichment ratio and the recovery percentage. In the first stage, the effect of air flow rate, the initial pH, the feed flow rate, and the feed position were studied at a temperature of 60°C. The results showed that when the conditions of the first stage were at a temperature of 60°C, air flow rate 150 mL/min, pH 5.3, feed flow rate 1.92 mL/min, and feed position at the interface between the liquid phase and the foam phase, the enrichment ratio, and the recovery percentage of tea saponin were 4.02 and 56.4%, respectively, and the effluent solution was added to the second stage as the initial solution. When the conditions of the second stage were at a temperature of 30°C and an air flow rate of 300 mL/min, the recovery percentage of tea saponin reached 47.6%, and the foamate was added to the first stage as feed solution. The total recovery percentage of tea saponin reached 86.3% by the two-stage continuous foam fractionation.  相似文献   

论述了溶剂气浮分离技术研究现状,对所涉及的工艺和设备等关键问题进行了重点论述,展望了利用溶剂气浮法分离有机物稀溶液的工业化应用前景及研究重点.  相似文献   

The work investigates the separation of proteins from whey waste collected from a local confectionery by the foam fractionation technique in batch mode. The purpose of this work was to evaluate performance criteria of protein separation. The effects of pH, the concentration of initial feed solution, the nitrogen flow rate, the % gas hold up, the bubble diameter, the breaking time of foam, and the optimization of the protein–surfactant ratio (1.5:1) were investigated in detail. Maximum enrichment ratio (48.189), %Rp (96.378) were observed at a gas flow rate of 330 ml/min and pH 5 that is closest to isoelectric point of observed proteins (Bovine serum albumin, β-Lactoglobulin, α-lactalbumin).  相似文献   

高浓度表面活性物质的分离是泡沫分离过程的难题,也是制约泡沫分离技术应用于工业化生产的瓶颈.为了解决高浓度表面活性物质泡沫分离的难题,以阴离子表面活性剂十二烷基硫酸钠(SDS)水溶液为体系,研究了在其临界胶束浓度(CMC)附近时,温度对SDS水溶液气泡直径、泡沫稳定性、富集比及回收率的影响.结果表明:温度对高浓度表面活性物质的泡沫分离有显著影响.当SDS水溶液浓度分别为1.2、2.3、3.5g·L-1,温度从30℃升高到70℃时,泡沫稳定性先增大后减小,在pH 6.9、表观气速2.4×10-3 m·s-1、装液量200 mL的操作条件下,气泡直径先减小后增大,富集比提高了3~5倍,回收率降低了34%~65%.  相似文献   

泡沫浮选法处理含铬废水的试验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本实验采用泡沫浮选技术脱除废水中的Cr^3 ,用十二烷基硫酸钠(SDS)作表面活性剂,Fe(OH)3作絮凝剂,得到间歇操作流程适宜的操作参数为:溶液pH值为5.5左右,SDS为180mg/L,气体流量800mL/min。在此操作条件下,Cr^3 的脱除率可达97%左右。  相似文献   

采用泡沫分离法对酶法生产生物柴油过程中的水相脂肪酶进行回收并富集. 通过正交实验考察了液体脂肪酶溶液中pH值、通气速度、初始酶浓度对富集比、酶蛋白回收率和酶活回收率的影响. 结果表明,气速10 L/(L×h)、进料酶浓度0.2 g/L及pH 7.0时蛋白回收率和酶活回收率接近100%,相应的富集比为3.67;初始酶浓度对富集比和蛋白回收率有显著影响,回收过程中脂肪酶活性无损失. 甲醇的存在能显著提高回收速率,甘油的存在降低了富集比,而生物柴油的存在影响了泡沫的稳定性,要形成稳定的泡沫,生物柴油含量需小于0.01%.  相似文献   

为了处理炼油厂污水处理场隔油池高浓度出水,通过采用磁分离技术进行净化。研究了磁分离处理效果并与污水处理场多级气浮工艺效果相比较。结果为,经磁分离工艺处理后 COD 平均去除率近60%,比现有多级气浮效果相对优异。待磁助剂回收利用后,药剂成本将与气浮药剂成本相当,但电耗较之大大降低,是污水处理场节能减排的新方向。  相似文献   

王远明  邓修  周永传 《化学世界》2003,44(10):517-519
研究了气液返混对泡沫分离的影响并采用阻尼分布构件改善了气液两相流动状态,提高了分离效率。在合成洗涤剂厂生产废水脱除LAS的分离中在一定的间径比、开孔率、气液比、孔径的条件下,阻尼分布式泡沫分离塔比空塔分离效率提高了近一倍,取得了很好的效果。  相似文献   

泡沫分离法提取乙醇水体系中甲基橙   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采用泡沫分离法对含甲基橙的乙醇水溶液进行了提取研究. 考察了乙醇体积分数、气体流量、pH、甲基橙浓度和表面活性剂浓度对提取效果的影响,并对泡沫分离乙醇-水体系中提取中药有效成分的可行性进行了探讨. 结果表明,以十六烷基三甲基溴化铵(CTAB)为表面活性剂,在乙醇体积分数25%的乙醇-水体系中,在pH 6.0、气速80 mL/min、甲基橙浓度35 mg/L及CTAB浓度80 mg/L的操作条件下,甲基橙的富集比为14.38,回收率在98.5%以上. 在一定范围内提高表面活性剂浓度或加入稳泡剂以削弱乙醇的消泡作用,从而将泡沫分离技术应用于乙醇-水体系中中药有效成分的提取是可能的.  相似文献   

The present investigation was carried out to study the feasibility of foam separation for simultaneous removal of two types of inorganic hazardous contaminants, nickel(II) cations and chromium(VI) anions, from aqueous solutions and simulated wastewaters. The effects of pH of the solution, Ni/Cr ratio, collector and frother concentrations, induction and flotation time, and solution ionic strength on the co-removal efficiency of nickel(II) and chromium(VI) were studied. At the optimum conditions, removals more than 99.5% were obtained for nickel(II) and chromium(VI). The concerned contaminants were effectively removed when they coexisted at low as well as at high concentrations. Coflotation of nickel(II) and chromium(VI) from tap water and simulated electroplating wastewater resulted in removal percentages higher than 99.5% with residual concentrations below their permissible limits in potable water. High removal percentages, DFs, ERs, and VRs were achieved for their radionuclides, 63Ni(II) and 51Cr(VI), from simulated radioactive process wastewater. The results obtained in this study suggest the feasibility of the developed foam separation process for treatment, in a single-step, of wastewaters contaminated with cationic and anionic inorganic pollutants.  相似文献   

A batch foam fractionation column with sieve trays was developed for enhancing the foam drainage. Effects of feeding concentration, air flow rate, number of stages, and sieve pore size on foam fractionation performances were investigated. The results indicated that the sieve trays enhanced the foam drainage effectively and improved enrichment ratio. At the liquid loading volume 490 mL, feeding concentration 0.1 g L?1, and air flow rate 300 mL min?1, the enrichment ratio reached 7.56 by using 10 stages of sieve trays with opening ratio of 38.25%, which was 1.84 times of that obtained by the control column.  相似文献   

巩育军  薛元英  王升文 《化学世界》2000,41(12):645-646,627
用泡沫分离法 ,纯化了十二烷基硫酸钠 (SDS) ,并通过红外光谱、熔点测定、表面张力 -表面活性剂浓度的对数 (γ- lgc)曲线的分析 ,确证了 SDS的纯度。  相似文献   

李爱阳  蔡玲  宋楚华 《化学世界》2008,49(4):204-206
采用PAC-PFS絮凝-膜分离法处理含油废水。通过对几种不同的絮凝剂比较,选择较好的絮凝剂,研究了PAC和PFS的原料配比、投加量、絮凝时间对含油废水中的油、CODcr、SS去除率的影响,同时研究了进料流量和操作压力对膜性能的影响,得到了较为适宜的工艺条件。经处理后的含油废水中油、CODcr、SS的去除率分别达到98%、96%、96%以上,出水水质达到国家一级排放标准。  相似文献   

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