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A problem of nonlinear programming with Boolean variables is considered, for which the possibility of extension of the optimality conditions of solving a special problem of nonlinear programming (with continuous variables) is shown by statistical estimation of possible design decisions. This contributed to the solution of the initial problem by simpler methods. Translated from Kibernetika i Sistemnyi Analiz, No. 5, pp. 133–137, September–October, 1999.  相似文献   

本文在对计算机局域网安全的描述之中,阐述了计算机局域网络系统在使用中可能存在的一些缺陷,也就是其脆弱的一面,并在本文的结束,就此做了在防范措施方面的初步探索.  相似文献   

该文针对目前校园局域网中地址解析协议(ARP)病毒的频繁发作,分析了ARP病毒攻击原理,并且给出了采取相关的防护措施和应对策略。最后给出了以后在防范过程中应该注意的几点建议。  相似文献   

本文通过对计算机局域网主动防御体系的论述,给出了一种计算机局域网防御攻击模型。该模型描述了计算机局域网主动防御以及主动防御体系的含义、构成以及实现技术和安全分析。该模型采用分布式结构,将动态安全体系模型应用到各个安全系统,而各安全系统通过安全消息协议共享安全消息,从而实现具有防御纵深的、梯次部署的主动防御体系。  相似文献   

为了快速准确地对在线社会网络进行社区划分,提出了一种基于局部思想的社区划分算法。该算法利用节点和社区聚集系数的性质,结合局部模块度将节点划分成相对独立的社区。算法运行时,只需要了解与目标节点相关的局部网络信息,时间复杂度相对较低,并且也可以用来对整个在线社会网络进行社区划分。利用该算法分别对Zachary空手道俱乐部网络和在线社会网络进行划分实验,得到满意的结果。  相似文献   

Each lnternet communication leaves trails that can be followed back to the user. Notably, anonymous communication schemes are purposed to hide users' identity as to personal, source, destination location and content information. Notably, no network capability is in existence to completely negate anonymity leakage in network latency[~l, thus, the minimization of anonymity leakage in network latency becomes critically salient. The purpose of this paper is to investigate network latency anonymity leaks, and propose practical techniques for their reduction. In this direction, the author investigate the following technical question: What implementation techniques can be configured to truly reduce anonymity leaks using deployable systems and exploiting the popular Tor security strategies.  相似文献   

Asynchronous online discussions are broadly used to support social learning. This paper reports on an undergraduate class's online discussion activities over one semester. Applying social network analysis, this study revealed a participation gap among students reflected by their varied levels of network prestige. The low‐prestige group initiated equivalent volumes of interactions but were less reciprocated. In‐depth analysis found the high‐prestige group also advantageous in other network measures such as closeness centrality and eigenvector centrality, as well as the strength, persistence, and reciprocity of their ties. To probe potential explanations of the revealed gap, we further contrasted post content and posting behaviours between two groups. Results did not identify any significant differences in post content but found low‐prestige students' participation less timely and more temporally compressed. This paper calls for attention to the participation gap in online discussions, microlevel temporal patterns of student activities, and practical means to scaffold student participation in asynchronous online discussions.  相似文献   

现在局域网在日常办公中起到越来越重要的作用,随之而来的就是其安全和管理问题。局域网络的有效维护和妥善管理对于其正常运行显得尤为重要。笔者将以局域网中的各类不安全因素为切入点,深入分析威胁网络安全的因素,并提出切实可行的局域网安全管理措施,为提高局域网管理水平提供借鉴意义。  相似文献   

为评估本地网络的可靠性,深入分析了本地网络的特点和影响网络可靠性的因素,应用层次分析法构建了本地网络可靠性评估模型,提出了反映不同层次的可靠性测度指标,构建了层次比较的判别矩阵,采用特征根发确定了各测度指标的权重.结果表明,网络的拓扑结构和设备的可靠性是影响本地网络可靠性的关键因素,在进行本地网络设计时应优先进行评估.  相似文献   

经过调查显示,2021年我国互联网的普及率达到70.4%。互联网已经充分渗入我国国民的日常生产以及生活中,我国已经进入大数据时代。随着互联网与日常生活、生产的交融,人们对于计算机网络安全问题也越来越重视。对于网络安全,如何进行正确的防范以及在面临问题时采取正确的解决措施,成为计算机技术日益发展,成熟所要面对的问题。文章主要研究了计算机网络安全面临的一些问题,并就这些问题提出计算机网络安全防范措施。  相似文献   

随着计算机技术的普及与信息产业的飞速发展,社区管理智能化已成为现代社会发展的必然趋势。文章从智能化社区信息网络建设的主要技术及其选择、智能化社区信息网络系统软硬件的构成、智能化社区信息网络系统的功能设计等方面对智能化社区信息网络系统的构建进行了阐述。  相似文献   

提出一个带有局域控制的二维规则网络SIRS模型,理论分析和计算机仿真都表明局域控制能很好地抑制此模型中的病毒传播。研究发现系统状态随时间的演化最终会达到一个稳定状态;病毒的稳态感染比例与传播效率、被控制个体比例和免役个体失去免役能力的概率有关。只有当传播效率大于一个临界值时,病毒才能在网络中持续传播。  相似文献   

This paper examines how the digitisation of the social network, and the resulting interplay between its online and offline components, has impacted the role of the technological gatekeeper in research and development (R&D) settings. Previous studies have firmly established the technological gatekeeper to be a key node in the innovation process – acquiring, translating and disseminating novel information throughout the R&D social network. Drawing on social network analysis and interview evidence from a software R&D group, we find that the gatekeeper role has undergone a division of labour. Theoretically, we contribute to the body of knowledge by developing an updated technological gatekeeper conceptual framework. For practitioners, we identify the competencies exhibited by the small number of communication specialists who are largely responsible for diffusing novel information. We then advise practitioners how to maximise the contribution of these ‘stars’ to the information flow network.  相似文献   

用户为导向的在线分享型社区近几年发展迅速,而这些社区与以文字信息为基础的传统社区有较大的不同。利用IRC音乐频道从2001年到2006年的用户日志数据,构建了此共享型社区的用户网络。在对此网络的特点分析之后,将该网络的结构由有向的加权图转换为单向的二部图,从而利用层级聚类的方法,对网络中的用户群落进行了发掘。在此基础上,进一步分析了用户群落的大小,形状和分布的情况。最后根据研究的结果,提出了针对该社区提高服务的方法。  相似文献   

社团是社交网络的重要特征,社团检测技术的发展给网络用户带来隐私泄露的危险.如何保护敏感的社团信息不被泄露,保障用户与社团安全已经成为网络安全领域的研究热点.近几年,社团保护技术取得了初步进展,但针对社交网络中的社团隐私或社团安全研究进展综述较少,不利于该研究方向的长远发展.因此,主要针对社团结构隐私方面的研究进展进行综...  相似文献   

一个安全、高效、稳定运行的信息化管理系统,能保障重庆广电集团办公局域网络的高效安全运行.本文对网络安全联动方案进行了介绍,并介绍了基于此方案的重庆广电集团办公局域网络的设计实现.  相似文献   

浅谈无线局域网网络安全及其防范对策   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
随着各移动公司本地无线局域网(WLAN)的建成开通必将面临着其网络安全问题,该文通过对WLAN的原理、常见安全威胁进行总结,提出WLAN安全的解决方法。  相似文献   

为了准确、快速地发现大规模复杂网络中的局部社区,提出了一种基于节点接近度的局部社区发现算法。该算法以最大度节点作为起始节点,利用节点接近度和局部社区Q值不断搜索其邻居节点,将接近度最大的节点加入初始社区形成新的初始社区;同时,该算法也可以应用于复杂网络全局社区结构的划分。对2个典型复杂网络进行了局部社区挖掘分析,实验结果表明,该算法能够有效识别隐藏在实验网络中的局部社区。针对稀疏网络,该算法的时间复杂度为O(nlog(n)),n为网络节点数。  相似文献   

Social networking sites such as Facebook are becoming increasingly popular and important but it remains unclear which aspects of profiles convey information used to form impressions. This study expands on research investigating the role of popularity online and its impact on perceptions of targets' personality and appearance. Facebook profile owners' popularity was manipulated via number of friends and photos, and type of wall activity. Participants were 102 undergraduates who viewed 4 Facebook profiles (a popular and unpopular male and female) and judged the individuals represented by each. Popular targets were perceived to be more socially and physically attractive, extroverted and approachable than unpopular targets. Findings mirror offline effects and provide clues as to how profiles are examined and information extracted.  相似文献   

Since YouTube was launched, its emblematic video‐sharing facility has attracted considerable attention as a social networking system of cultural production. In addition to vlogging, YouTube offers a text facility through which YouTubers share and negotiate opinions. However, research into the latter is scarce, especially within language‐based disciplines (Androutsopoulos & Beiβwenger 2009; Zelenkauskaite & Herring 2008). This article contributes to addressing this imbalance by focusing on YouTube text‐based ‘conversation’ (Herring 2010a). Specifically, it examines coherence in a corpus of YouTube postings in Spanish. Although coherence has been the object of much academic debate in other forms of computer‐mediated communication, no empirical analysis of coherence in YouTube text has been undertaken to date. Results underline the conversational potential of this facility.  相似文献   

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