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Integrating social presence theory and social identity theory, this study brings system design and social influence aspects together to explain their joint effects on knowledge contribution in virtual communities (VCs). Different from most prior information systems (IS) research that adopts a uni-dimensional approach and restricts social presence to be the subjective nature of media, we developed and empirically tested a model explaining the effects of multi-dimensional social presence on social identification processes and knowledge contribution. An online survey was conducted with four different VCs of interest. The results showed the difference in relative contribution of social presence dimensions on social identity as well as knowledge contribution. Both practical and theoretical implications are discussed.  相似文献   

A distinguishing feature of virtual communities is their sense of community, i.e., their participants’ feelings of membership, identity, influence, and attachment with each other. This study tests a model in which members’ perceptions of the group’s norms mediate the relationships between supporting each other and identifying each other with the members’ sense of virtual community. Two studies were conducted providing partial support for the model. The results show that the perception of norms mediate the relationship between SOVC and (a) observing and publicly exchanging support, (b) perceiving that others know one’s identity, and (c) using technical features to learn and create identity. Theoretical and practical implications are discussed.  相似文献   

陈思  夏阳 《计算机工程与设计》2007,28(10):2446-2449
为了解决目前广泛应用的商务应用体系架构的不足和远程访问协议的局限性,对Web Service独特的运作方式和特点进行了研究.与传统的商务平台不同,基于Web Service的虚拟社区平台充分利用了Web Service的特性,使得系统具有良好的可扩展性和可维护性.  相似文献   

Previous studies of spam focus on how to develop effective and efficient algorithms and technologies to monitor, identify, and filter spam to minimize its negative consequences. Few studies have examined the social and psychological impacts of spam on social media users and participants of virtual brand communities (VBCs). This paper develops and tests a research model to explain the mechanism of how review spam influences customer participation in VBCs. We collected both objective data and subjective data from smartphone users in China. We also developed a measure of review spam using objective data. We found that hyper review had positive effects on membership and influence (two dimensions of sense of virtual communities (SOVC)), while the effects of defaming review on membership and influence were negative. Neither hyper view nor defaming review impacted immersion (the third dimension of SOVC). Further, non-review had negative effects on all three dimensions of SOVC that positively influenced future customer participation.  相似文献   

Extant studies generally recognise that virtual community building is an effective marketing programme for forging deep and enduring affective bonds with consumers. This study extends previous research by proposing and testing a model that investigates key mediating processes (via trust, satisfaction and identification) that underlie the relationship between virtual community participation and consumer loyalty intentions. The authors test the hypotheses using data obtained from three large online retailing stores. Virtual community participation significantly enhances loyalty intentions, through both social mechanisms (via community identification) and psychological mechanisms (via trust and satisfaction). Moreover, the findings provide insights into the complex relationship between the two mechanisms in online shopping settings. Community identification is a pivotal factor for enhancing customer loyalty intentions. The results advance understanding of the process by which virtual community building facilitates the development of business-to-consumer relationships in the computer-mediated environment. The authors discuss the managerial implications of the findings, as well as avenues for further research.  相似文献   

This study explores the relationships between motivations for joining virtual health communities, online behaviors, and psycho-social outcomes. A sample of 144 women from two virtual health communities focusing on infertility completed survey measures assessing motivations, posting and receiving support, connectedness, community, and stress. Our results indicate that socio-emotional support motivations for joining the community were associated with posting support within the virtual community, while informational motivations were related to receiving support. Further, receiving support was associated with greater sense of virtual community as well as more general feelings of connectedness, which was related to less stress. Implications for virtual health community research are discussed.  相似文献   

Many important decisions in the design process are made during fairly early on, after designers have presented initial concepts. In many domains, these concepts are already realized as 3D digital models. Then, in a meeting, the stakeholders for the project get together and evaluate these potential solutions. Frequently, the participants in this meeting want to interactively modify the proposed 3D designs to explore the design space better. Today’s systems and tools do not support this, as computer systems typically support only a single user and computer-aided design tools require significant training. This paper presents the design of a new system to facilitate a collaborative 3D design process. First, we discuss a set of guidelines which have been introduced by others and that are relevant to collaborative 3D design systems. Then, we introduce the new system, which consists of two main parts. The first part is an easy-to-use conceptual 3D design tool that can be used productively even by naive users. The tool provides novel interaction techniques that support important properties of conceptual design. The user interface is non-obtrusive, easy-to-learn, and supports rapid creation and modification of 3D models. The second part is a novel infrastructure for collaborative work, which offers an interactive table and several large interactive displays in a semi-immersive setup. It is designed to support multiple users working together. This infrastructure also includes novel pointing devices that work both as a stylus and a remote pointing device. The combination of the (modified) design tool with the collaborative infrastructure forms a new platform for collaborative virtual 3D design. Then, we present an evaluation of the system against the guidelines for collaborative 3D design. Finally, we present results of a preliminary user study, which asked naive users to collaborate in a 3D design task on the new system.  相似文献   

Detecting communities is of great importance in social network analysis. However it is an issue that has not yet been satisfactorily solved, despite the efforts made by interdisciplinary research communities over the past few years, because of the nature of complexity in deciding how community structures should be recognized. In this paper we propose an approach based on cooperative game theory for community detection in social networks. We regard individuals as players, and regard communities as coalitions formed by players, and model community detection problem as the formation and optimization of coalitions. Furthermore, we define coalition profile for players to indicate coalitions that players joined, the order of a coalition profile is defined as the number of coalitions in a coalition profile, and we introduce a utility function to measure preference of coalition profiles. Accordingly, we propose an algorithm to detect a coalition profile with maximal utility function values. We have implemented the algorithms developed in this study and experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness of our approaches.  相似文献   

Virtual worlds or three‐dimensional computer‐based simulated environments have received considerable attention as platforms for entertainment, education and commerce. In contrast to a web site, for example, where a user interacts with a two‐dimensional site, virtual worlds provide a platform in which users can interact with other individuals, sometimes including strangers, within three‐dimensional environments. Virtual worlds afford a form of ‘socialness’ unlike many other technologies, often motivating a user – by virtue of these social experiences – to return. Drawing on the Spatial Model of Interaction and Awareness‐Attention Theory, we demonstrate that besides social aspects, which include social awareness and social perception, flow experience, which is the mental state of being fully absorbed and somewhat lost in time, is an essential ingredient in an individual's decision to return to a virtual world. We also demonstrate how characteristics of the technology are linked to the social aspects experienced in virtual worlds. A laboratory study conducted in a virtual world, Second Life, supports our assertions and identifies state predictors of flow that influence individuals' intentions to return to the virtual world environment.  相似文献   

基于分析微博社交网络用户之间关系,提出了一种适用于微博的社区发现方法。实验表明这种方法能够有效地发掘微博社交网络中的社区结构。  相似文献   

通过引入社会网络分析方法,建立了综合学习能力、学习状态和协作能力多维指标的学习者特征模型,应用模糊相似和模糊等价演算,以多层次的模糊动态聚类方法识别候选学习领袖,通过融合多类型学习者实现学习小组的迭代划分。实验分析表明,该方法可提高虚拟学习社区中学习小组划分结果的准确度,具有良好的自适应性。  相似文献   

虚拟现实技术在工程设计与分析上有很大的应用潜力。可是 ,虚拟环境的创建时间长、成本高,极大地限制了虚拟现实技术在工程上的应用。为此 ,提出了虚拟现实脚本生成器的概念,将虚拟现实技术与过程的设计、分析集成化,创造性地提出了一种自上而下的设计方法———VR-IEDA,以便高效、快速地创建虚拟原型,提高计算机虚拟复杂系统工程的性价比。在 VR-IEDA中复杂系统的结构和行为被计算机捕捉并自动生成可执行的 VR仿真代码 ,从而减少了创建虚拟环境的时间,便利了基于仿真的过程分析和设计。最后 ,以武器系统的维修过程为  相似文献   

社团是社交网络的重要特征,社团检测技术的发展给网络用户带来隐私泄露的危险.如何保护敏感的社团信息不被泄露,保障用户与社团安全已经成为网络安全领域的研究热点.近几年,社团保护技术取得了初步进展,但针对社交网络中的社团隐私或社团安全研究进展综述较少,不利于该研究方向的长远发展.因此,主要针对社团结构隐私方面的研究进展进行综...  相似文献   

Sense of virtual community (SOVC) reflects the feeling that individual members have of belonging to an online social group. Yet there is a lack of investigation focusing on its individual-level antecedents. We argue that in order to enhance understanding of how SOVC develops we first need to distinguish between the individual expectations, actions, and the resulting community-related feelings. Drawing upon the uses and gratifications approach, we explore the community members’ expected benefits, their linkages with different types of community participation and consequently with the experienced SOVC. We tested the hypotheses on a sample of 395 members of a virtual community hosted by a Finnish business newspaper. The findings suggest that both forms of participation – reading and posting messages – have a positive impact on SOVC, but the expected benefits differ. Participation by reading messages is mainly driven by the expectation of cognitive benefits, while posting messages seems to be largely driven by the anticipation of both social and personal integrative benefits. Our study contributes by providing a refined SOVC conceptualization and operationalization for virtual-community research, and by opening up the individual-level actions that build up a sense of virtual community.  相似文献   


Avatars are known to influence behaviour through their individual identity cues (Proteus effect) and through their shared identity cues (Social identity effect). The aim of this study was to investigate these two processes in a crossed design, in order to examine their interaction in the context of a brainstorming task. To activate the Proteus effect, we used creative avatars resembling inventors, and to make social identity salient, we made the avatars wear the traditional clothing of the participants’ school. The resulting factorial design included four conditions: creative avatars with or without social identity cues, and non-creative avatars with or without social identity cues. The results show that creative performance was higher with creative than non-creative avatars, but only in the absence of social identity cues. Furthermore, the presence of social identity cues increased social identification to the group, but this unexpectedly decreased creative performance. This result is discussed together with an analysis of the meaning of the social identity cues we used, which appeared to be unrelated to creativity. This discussion highlights that the effects of social identity cues on performance are complex and may be moderated by their meaning and the particular facet of social identity they make salient.  相似文献   

网格技术的目的在于在更高的层次上实现通用意义的资源共享.要实现全球范围资源共享,就需要解决如何高效发现资源的问题.在虚拟社区模型的基础上提出一种新的资源发现算法,并通过模拟实验验证,使用该算法可以解决社区的扩展性问题,能够满足具有大量节点的社区资源信息共享的需要.  相似文献   

By virtue of the non-profit nature of school education, a professional virtual community composed of teachers provides precious data to understand the processes of knowledge sharing and creation. Guided by grounded theory, the authors conducted a three-phased study on a teachers’ virtual community in order to understand the knowledge flows among community members from different organizations. This study also portrays the process of knowledge sharing and creation for teachers participating in virtual teams of a teachers’ professional community. The resulting model articulates causal conditions, action/interaction strategies, consequence, and contextual environments. The concept of knowledge buckle is derived to connect the knowledge transfer among socialization, externalization, and combination activities.  相似文献   

We present a new approach to Model Predictive Control (MPC) oriented experiment design for the identification of systems operating in closed-loop. The method considers the design of an experiment by minimizing the experimental cost, subject to probabilistic bounds on the input and output signals due to physical limitations of actuators, and quality constraints on the identified model. The excitation is done by intentionally adding a disturbance to the loop. We then design the external excitation to achieve the minimum experimental effort while we are also taking care of the tracking performance of MPC. The stability of the closed-loop system is guaranteed by employing robust MPC during the experiment. The problem is then defined as an optimization problem. However, the aforementioned constraints result in a non-convex optimization which is relaxed by using results from graph theory. The proposed technique is evaluated through a numerical example showing that it is an attractive alternative for closed-loop experiment design.  相似文献   

Social media platforms enable like-minded users to form online groups, interact and thereby contribute to ideological polarisation. However, online groups also polarise along a continuum of liking or affect for their group compared to other groups. We explore affective polarisation on social media and its implications for online intergroup interaction. Using social identity theory, we investigate the effects of group identification, passion, and affective polarisation on social media users' intergroup approach and avoidance tendencies. We test the research model in the context of political groups on social media. We find group identification contributes to affective polarisation by strengthening favouritism for the ingroup rather than hostility for the outgroup. Although those with greater group identification prefer to confront (approach) the opposition group on social media, the behaviour is a function of inflated feelings for the ingroup more so than animus for the outgroup. Interestingly, users with greater affective polarisation tend to shut out (avoid) the rival group on social media. Our findings imply affective polarisation contributes to group isolation that may exacerbate ideological polarisation.  相似文献   

In the digital age, the identities and structures of virtual communities develop outside the traditional definitions of geography and physical constraints. Among the best models to study the identification process in virtual communities are the communities of fans of imaginary universes. Steampunk—neo-Victorian fiction with a science fiction twist—has for instance given rise to a large community, which is very active both in real life and in virtual spaces, for instance in the online 3D immersive platform Second Life. By collecting and analysing hundreds of visual artifacts generated by members of the steampunk community of Second Life, we found a repertoire of visual and lexical characteristics with which to identify the community. In addition, examining the characteristics displayed by visual productions from other communities allowed us to map relationships between different communities based on their aesthetics. This data suggests that the quantification of visual clues points out to interlocking relationships between different community aesthetics, forming a network where differences are visible, but fluidity still dominates. Furthermore, our results could serve as a model to study how communities in different media (immersive universes, games, social media based on visual materials such as Pinterest or Instagram) generate their own visual identity.  相似文献   

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