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刘彬  张仁津 《计算机应用》2012,32(8):2350-2359
在以信任和声誉值选择服务者的系统中,普遍存在的问题是在评估服务者的信任和声誉值时考虑因素过少,局限于系统内,以及方法缺少灵活性,导致选择的服务者不能满足用户多样性的要求。为了解决这个问题,提出一种应用于在线交易服务者选择的多情境信任和声誉评估系统,服务者通过注册的质量属性和担保资金获得信任和声誉启动值,由系统内、外的交易经历获得信任和声誉经验值,实际信任和声誉值由两者动态线性组合,后者所占比重随交易次数的增加而动态增加,根据用户设置的服务者的情境属性与实际信任和声誉值选择服务者。通过与其他方法对比测试,结果表明此方法更容易满足用户的各种要求。此信任和声誉评估系统不仅能给新服务者与其他服务者一个公平竞争的环境,也可以减少用户选中恶意服务者的机会。  相似文献   

Online computer gaming is growing at a rapid pace. However, this phenomenon is stigmatised by many negative connotations. This study investigated the influence of intangibility on perceived risks (social, time, financial, physical, performance and psychology) among online gamers. The self-completed market survey questionnaire employs the Intangibility and Perceived Risk scales. Data were gathered in Taipei city, the biggest metropolitan areain Taiwan. Both public (1018) and online (400) voluntary interviews were conducted. The collected data were analysed with a structural equation model. There is a significant positive relationship between intangibility and alldimensions of perceived risk. The findings have managerial implications and future research is suggested.  相似文献   

This paper examines how consumer’s cognitive responses within a purchasing task are affected by the amount of information found within a website. Three versions of a website were created by manipulating the number of attributes in each condition. The results obtained provide empirical evidence of the “inverted U-shape” relating information processing and the amount of information. The amount of content related responses is the variable responsible for this inverted U-shape form. In situations with both low and high amounts of information, the subjects’ available cognitive resources are dedicated to thoughts other than those specifically associated with the purchasing task. Therefore, both the absence and the excess of information result in a lack of attention towards the stimuli.  相似文献   


Novice computer users searched an interactive menu system given either an explicit target phrase or a subject-matter topic. Two menus were used: an original menu as designed by a commercial timesharing service and a slightly modified version intended to increase the distinctiveness of same-level items. Subjects acquired knowledge about the system through one of four study methods: trial-and-error exploration, study of a diagram of the menu structure, trial-and-error exploration with documentation, or study of the diagram with documentation. Subjects using the modified menu (a) took less time per problem: lpar;b) found targets in a more direct path: and (c) gave up on fewer problems than subjects using the original menu. These results are consistent with a theory of choice that predicts that decision processes are facilitated by the distinctiveness of the alternatives. Overall the effect of study method was not significant. For highly meaningful menus, type of exposure, whether trial-and-error or study of the global tree, does not seem to matter.  相似文献   

The growing use of social online services raises the question of what encourages members to participate actively and maintain accumulated social capital. Our research has particularly become aware of the relevance of familiarity, trust and reciprocity in understanding the members' sense of a virtual community (VC). Familiarity and trust are efficient criteria to assess and determine the extent to which one should engage in a virtual relationship. Furthermore, the effort of sharing experiences and knowledge must be based on the expectation of receiving certain returns. A structural equation modelling, specifically partial least squares, is proposed to assess the relationships between the constructs. Overall, the empirical results provided strong support for the hypotheses. Familiarity and trust lead the member to develop a growing perceived community support (PCS) and significantly influence the sense of a VC. Norms of reciprocity directly influence affective trust and PCS. Higher familiarity does not moderate the impact of affective trust on PCS, however. The results of this study could thus help social online service providers to create a successful business model and to determine the main drivers of the members' sense of a VC.  相似文献   

To help design an environment in which professionals without legal training can make effective use of public sector legal information on planning and the environment – for Add-Wijzer, a European e-government project – we evaluated their perceptions of usefulness and usability. In concurrent think-aloud usability tests, lawyers and non-lawyers carried out information retrieval tasks on a range of online legal databases. We found that non-lawyers reported twice as many difficulties as those with legal training (p = 0.001), that the number of difficulties and the choice of database affected successful completion, and that the non-lawyers had surprisingly few problems understanding legal terminology. Instead, they had more problems understanding the syntactical structure of legal documents and collections. The results support the constraint attunement hypothesis (CAH) of the effects of expertise on information retrieval, with implications for the design of systems to support the effective understanding and use of information.  相似文献   

Since the Internet can aggregate and distribute a large amount of information to users, providing numerous products for consumers has been recognised as a major advantage of electronic commerce. As a result of information overload, however, consumers facing many alternatives in online shops may have difficulty deciding which one they prefer. Based on the theory of decision style and prospect theory, this study explores whether too many products sold in online shops reduces consumers' subjective statuses towards their buying decision. A 3 × 3 between subjects experiment was conducted and showed that the buyers' decision styles, the quantity of alternative products and the information about it affect consumers' subjective statuses. These results suggest that we should consider the role of electronic intermediaries more carefully, and further examine the theory of information overload and the need for appropriate information literacy.  相似文献   

Online collaborative communities become particularly influential in contemporary Internet economy. However, these communities are often characterised by limited liability. Following the perspective of social influence, this study examines the impacts of three social influence modes in online collaborative communities of a famous online game. The moderating role of a player’s game achievement is also explored. Our results show that community identification is the most influential on online game continuance intention, especially for high achievement players. Community value congruence is likely to affect online game continuance intention for low achievement players. The impact of community normative influence on online game continuance intention appears to be curvilinear. This is more obvious for low achievement players. Implications for research and practice are also discussed.  相似文献   

This paper investigates whether perceived risk online is affected by the language in which a user browses a given website. In order to achieve this objective and test the proposed hypotheses, a 2 × 2 between-subjects experimental design was chosen, using two independent variables with two levels each, namely: culture (Spanish vs. British) and processing language (Spanish vs. English). The final sample comprised 491 individuals (264 Spanish and 227 British). Half the sample browsed in their mother tongue, and the other half in a second language. The results showed that Spanish users perceive less risk when browsing in English than in Spanish, while for the British there was no difference, in terms of perceived risk, between browsing in Spanish or English. Another interesting finding is the moderating effect of message involvement on the processing of information from the website, and thus its effect on the user’s perception of risk.  相似文献   

With the development of online retailing, traditional online platforms have begun to offer a novel online marketplace format that brings many advantages but also gives rise to problems such as operational risks and changes in channel power. This paper studies whether the e-tailer and manufacturer can reach a consensus on introducing the marketplace channel and obtains the following insights. First, the manufacturer always prefers to introduce the online marketplace in the model where she acts as the leader. The e-tailer has the same preference for the online marketplace when he moves later or simultaneously with the manufacturer. Second, as the participants become more risk-averse, the manufacturer and e-tailer would be less willing to introduce the online marketplace, and it would be more difficult to realize the equilibrium strategy under all power structure models. Third, by combining the cross-effect of the attitude towards risks and the power structure, we find that when the participants prefer risks and the e-tailer has strong channel power, it would be much easier for the two parties to reach a consensus about introducing the online marketplace.  相似文献   

The lockdown due to COVID-19 in Italy resulted in the sudden closure of schools, with a shift from traditional teaching to the online one. Through an online questionnaire, this survey explores teachers' experience of online teaching, the level of risk factors (e.g., stress) and protective factors (e.g., locus of control) and their impact on satisfaction levels during the social distancing. One hundred seven high school teachers from Lombardy, an Italian region very affected by the COVID-19 outbreak, participated. Results show that depression and stress are the main predictors of satisfaction levels for online teaching. In addition, coping, locus of control and self-efficacy emerge as important protective factors. Finally, although there is great satisfaction with the online teaching experience, critical elements emerged. This study is relevant because it describes the critical elements of the online teaching experience, and identifies some protective factors and the main risk factors in teachers operating in an area strongly marked by social restrictions imposed by the pandemic. High school teachers emerge as a sub-group of the general population with specific psychological reactions. Considering the results, it is possible to suggest providing high-quality educational support and crisis-psychological oriented services to teachers, and help to maintain the psychological well-being.  相似文献   

This study examines the extent to which software diffusion and infusion affect the decision to replace ‘off‐the‐shelf’ software, using the example of spreadsheet software. Transaction cost economics motivates the propositions that higher levels of software diffusion and higher levels of software infusion act as disincentives on the firm’s decision to upgrade or change off‐the‐shelf software. Our focus on software diffusion and infusion extends previous research that only examined hardware infusion and diffusion. Results from the study, using a survey, newsgroups and interviews, generally support the propositions and show that the more software is diffused and infused into a firm, the less likely it is to be changed or upgraded. More specifically, the results also show that, while software infusion acts directly to reduce the likelihood of software replacement, software diffusion only affects it indirectly through its effect on infusion.  相似文献   

近年来,非法传销、非法集资和洗钱等涉众型非法金融活动屡禁不止,从资金交易网络中进行异常检测的研究,逐渐引起研究者的重视。非法组织中银行账户间的资金流转方式隐含了其成员的关系架构。以关键角色账户为核心种子节点,结合交易关系进行特定异常组织的发现研究。首先,基于银行账户的交易特点,建立了一个有向加权资金交易网络模型。进而,结合账户的局部拓扑结构,定义了组织中的两种核心节点,即黑洞节点和星光节点。利用两种节点的关联关系,提出一种“黑洞&星光”组织发现算法。在含有传销组织的真实银行交易数据上进行实验,结果表明上述算法对发现传销组织的有效性。  相似文献   

This article examines the utility of two commonly used approaches in the evaluation of interactive consumer products: lab-based testing and single task scenarios. These are compared to two more complex and resource-demanding approaches (field-based testing and dual task scenarios) with regard to the test results they produce. An experiment with N = 80 users was carried out, employing a 2 (laboratory vs. field) by 2 (single task vs. dual task scenario) by 2 (on-product information: present vs. absent) between-subjects design. On-product information (advising users to save water and electricity during kettle usage) represented the intervention, of which the effects on user behaviour were compared under the different experimental conditions. The main finding was that the impact of on-product information on user behaviour was strongest in the lab-based testing environment using a single task scenario (i.e., most economical testing condition), compared to the three other experimental conditions. The work found similar effects for self-report measures. The findings of the study point to the risk that the effects of system redesign on user behaviour may be overestimated if low-fidelity testing approaches are employed. The relevance of these findings for other application areas is also discussed (e.g., design of warnings).  相似文献   

Previous findings suggested that banner ads have little or no impact on perceptual behavior and memory performance in search tasks, but only in browsing paradigms. This assumption is not supported by the present eye-tracking study. It investigates whether task-related selective attention is disrupted depending on the animation intensity of banner ads when users are in a search mode as well as the impact of banner animation on perceptual and memory performance.  相似文献   

基于操作语义的磁臂隐通道分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
深入分析磁臂隐通道的产生及产生的原因,发现目前基于系统顶级描述和基于系统源代码搜索方法难以找出这类隐通道,提出一种基于操作语义的方法来研究磁臂隐通道,将磁臂调度过程中的进程看做一个抽象机,以Plotkin的结构化操作语义给出电梯调度算法的推导规则;根据推导规则得到进程抽象机所有状态以及进程抽象机状态的动态变化历史,这样就构成完整的信息传导操作语义模型.研究与分析两个高低安全级进程抽象机状态变迁及状态变迁序列,从而找到其中存在的磁臂隐通道.  相似文献   

Previous studies have demonstrated that the preference for online social interaction (POSI) is one of the most important factors affecting problematic Internet use (PIU). As self-worth orientation theory suggests, however, only-child could buffer the effect of POSI on PIU, given the fact that children without siblings (the only-child) typically enjoy more resources from parents than do children with siblings. As children grow, particularly after school age, they would become more susceptible to the peers' influence than parents'. Thus, the buffering effect of only-child would decrease along with age due to the lessening effect of parents. To examine the moderating effect of sibling condition (only-child vs. children with siblings) and moderated moderating effect of age cohort (adolescent vs. emerging adult) on the relationship between POSI and PIU, we collected data from 12,051 Chinese students and measured their POSI, PIU, sibling condition, age and other demographics. The results showed that (a) the PIU score of only-child was significantly lower than that of children with siblings; (b) the POSI significantly predicted the PIU; (c) sibling condition moderated the relationship between POSI and PIU, and age cohort further moderated the moderation of sibling condition; (d) age cohort moderated the relationship between POSI and PIU. The implications for the prevention of Internet addictive behaviors among adolescents were discussed.  相似文献   

This article presents an investigation of an online support community for older people, analyzing a data-set of messages posted over the period of six years. We studied messages that are related to each other which we call "message-sequences". We investigated the content of message-sequences and linked our findings to the level of activity of the online support community over time. We show how certain sequences of messages within the online community are related to the level of activity thus providing valuable insight into the role of message-sequences in sustaining online support communities for older people. We conclude that the mutual exchange of personal information and receiving support after talking about personal problems are basic components for the sustainability of the online community, whereas conversations that go off the topic of the online community seem to be related to a decrease in the level of activity.  相似文献   

在信息化发达的今天,人们可以通过网络媒体了解各种信息资讯。作为媒体的一种形式,网络媒体有别于传统的媒体,它具备传播速度快、互动性强等自身的特点。本文以网络媒体的时代性作为出发点,通过对Flash动态元素在网络媒体中的特点进行分析,进而阐述Flash动态元素在网络媒体中的重要性。  相似文献   

In order to keep the cost of settling disputes low and standards for grievance remedial methods high, access to justice is paramount in today's fast pace commercial transactions in the digital world. In Malaysia, the successes recorded in the Islamic banking industry do not just flourish without some consequential challenges such as the increasing rate of disputes involving Islamic financial products and services. Though the number of widely reported cases heard and determined by the courts between 1985 and 2010 are about 20, the Financial Mediation Bureau seems to be more active in dispute resolution in the industry. This study seeks to explore the relevance of such mechanism that would use five distinct but connected modules for dispute settlement. This pioneering research introduces a new dimension in the sustainability of the economy by leveraging the state-of-the-art information and communication technology (ICT) in resolving banking disputes in the Islamic finance industry in Malaysia. Exploring the relevance of such online dispute resolution platform for Islamic finance disputes will serve as a launch pad for further studies that will involve the design and application of such technology in the Islamic finance industry.  相似文献   

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