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This paper presents the results of an experiment measuring the effect of four different input devices on overall task performance for desktop virtual walkthroughs. The input devices tested are: a keyboard, a mouse, a joystick and a gamepad. The results indicate that the participants completed the tasks in significantly less time and distance travelled with the mouse than with the three other input devices. The use of the mouse also significantly reduced the number of collisions, while the use of the gamepad resulted in significantly more collisions.  相似文献   

Nowadays, parents attach importance to their children's primary education but often lack time and correct pedagogical principles to accompany their children's learning. Besides, existing learning systems cannot perceive children's emotional changes. They may also cause children's self-control and cognitive problems due to smart devices such as mobile phones and tablets. To tackle these issues, we propose an intelligent companion learning system to accompany children in learning English words, namely the Intelligent Augmented Reality Educator (IARE). The IARE realizes the perception and feedback of children's engagement through the intelligent agent (IA) module, and presents the humanized interaction based on projective Augmented Reality (AR). Specifically, IA perceives the children's learning engagement change and spelling status in real-time through our online lightweight temporal multiple instance attention module and character recognition module, based on which analyses the performance of the individual learning process and gives appropriate feedback and guidance. We allow children to interact with physical letters, thus avoiding the excessive interference of electronic devices. To test the efficacy of our system, we conduct a pilot study with 14 English learning children. The results show that our system can significantly improve children's intrinsic motivation and self-efficacy.  相似文献   

Game controllers are emerging as a preferred choice for the manual control of unmanned vehicles, but an understanding of their usability characteristics has yet to emerge. We compared the usability of an Xbox 360 game controller in a dual task situation using MATB II to the traditional joystick and keyboard interface in two experiments. In the first experiment, performance with the game controller was associated with fewer tracking errors. In a second experiment, we trained users on the devices, and found that even after training the game controller was still associated with fewer tracking errors as well as higher usability and lower workload ratings. These results are consistent with the idea that game controllers are highly usable input devices and do not require high mental workload to operate, thus making them suitable for complex control tasks.  相似文献   

Affective states have become a crucial part of human–computer interaction research. Many studies have analysed the impact of the technology on the users' affective states as a part of what is called user experience (UX). We consider the impact of antecedent affective states on interaction with a technological artefact. We induced positive and negative affective states using film clips. Then we analysed the impact of affects on the subsequent interaction with a tablet PC. Results show that positive and negative affective states have different emotional activation patterns. Positive affect was more sensitive for changes in tasks and experimental setting. In addition, these activation patterns affected behaviour for a short time only. These findings are discussed against the background of research into UX dynamics, dynamics of affect, and user-centred design research.  相似文献   

The Constructed Narratives project has been designed for use in public spaces where there is the opportunity for individuals and groups of people, who are not acquainted with each other, to encounter the game and subsequently each other. The goal is to provide a platform that supports discourse in environments where ‘keeping comfortable distance’ between oneself and others is the norm. The system framework developed for this project can be applied for use in computer supported collaborative learning (CSCL), and collaborative design activities in the tradition of computer supported collaborative work (CSCW). The current domain explored in the Constructed Narratives project is computer systems designed to enable shared experience through play, or computer supported collaborative play (CSCP). This paper examines the learner-centred design methodologies used for the development of the physical artifacts and underlying software and hardware system architecture for the Constructed Narratives project. The design methodology demonstrates how an interdisciplinary team of artists, designers, and technologists can exploit the opportunities inherent in this ‘symmetry of ignorance’ to find solutions for multiple wicked design problems that can arise during the development of an integrated software and hardware system.  相似文献   

针对触摸显示屏的操作特点,利用简单通用手势——滑动和点击,提出了两种触摸手势输入字符方法。第一种是基于T9键盘的改进输入方法,第二种是基于全键盘的改进输入方法。这两种输入方法节省屏幕使用空间,使用户更易学习的同时降低了误输入机率。  相似文献   

Control centric approach in designing scrolling and zooming user interfaces   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The dynamic systems approach to the design of continuous interaction interfaces allows the designer to use simulations, and analytical tools to analyse the behaviour and stability of the controlled system alone and when it is coupled with a manual control model of user behaviour. This approach also helps designers to calibrate and tune the parameters of the system before the actual implementation, and in response to user feedback. In this work we provide a dynamic systems interpretation of the coupling of internal states involved in speed-dependent automatic zooming, and test our implementation on a text browser on a Pocket PC instrumented with a tilt sensor. We illustrate simulated and experimental results of the use of the proposed coupled navigation and zooming interface using tilt and touch screen input.  相似文献   

We designed and developed a vision-based computer interface which works with head movements. The system was implemented in a centre for users with cerebral palsy and they used it in contexts related with recreation or with education. During this process, it was observed that the continued use of the interface with a set of training tasks may act as a physical and cognitive rehabilitation tool and complement users’ rehabilitation therapy. We comment on five case studies of users who have worked with the interface for five months and whose qualitative outcomes, observed by the therapists who accompanied them, were positive; specifically there was improvement in work posture, head control, increased endurance, decreased involuntary movements and improved spatial orientation. The case studies also showed the need to supervise the users’ work in order to achieve these aims, along with the importance of motivation and active, voluntary participation of users in the rehabilitation process.  相似文献   

Thanks to the advancements in ubiquitous and wearable technologies, Personal Informatics (PI) systems can now reach a larger audience of users. However, it is not still clear whether this kind of tool can fit the needs of their daily lives. Our research aims at identifying specific barriers that may prevent the widespread adoption of PI and finding solutions to overcome them. We requested users without competence in self-tracking to use different PI instruments during their daily practices, identifying five user requirements by which to design novel PI tools. On such requirements, we developed a new system that can stimulate the use of these technologies, by enhancing the perceived benefits of collecting personal data. Then, we explored how naïve and experienced users differently explore their personal data in our system through a user trial. Results showed that the system was successful at helping individuals manage and interpret their own data, validated the usefulness of the requirements found and inspired three further design opportunities that could orient the design of future PI systems.  相似文献   

Previous research has shown that, without practice, users are slower using the foot than the hand to control input devices. This study compared the performance (before and after practice) of users operating a foot-controlled secondary input device (foot mouse) with the performance of users operating a hand-controlled secondary input device (hand trackball) to complete four word-processing tasks requiring various amounts of keyboard and secondary input device use. Before practice, hand trackball performance was better on all tasks. After practice, hand trackball performance was better on all tasks except the task requiring the greatest amount of keyboard use, for which there was no significant difference between devices. For all tasks, practice improved performance with the foot mouse but not with the hand trackball. These findings suggest that, with enough practice, it may be efficient for users to use a foot input device for tasks that also require keyboard input.  相似文献   

This study, a part of the PRedicting Occupational biomechanics in OFfice workers (PROOF) study, investigated whether there are differences in field-measured forces, muscle efforts, postures, velocities and accelerations across computer activities. These parameters were measured continuously for 120 office workers performing their own work for two hours each. There were differences in nearly all forces, muscle efforts, postures, velocities and accelerations across keyboard, mouse and idle activities. Keyboard activities showed a 50% increase in the median right trapezius muscle effort when compared to mouse activities. Median shoulder rotation changed from 25 degrees internal rotation during keyboard use to 15 degrees external rotation during mouse use. Only keyboard use was associated with median ulnar deviations greater than 5 degrees. Idle activities led to the greatest variability observed in all muscle efforts and postures measured. In future studies, measurements of computer activities could be used to provide information on the physical exposures experienced during computer use. Practitioner Summary: Computer users may develop musculoskeletal disorders due to their force, muscle effort, posture and wrist velocity and acceleration exposures during computer use. We report that many physical exposures are different across computer activities. This information may be used to estimate physical exposures based on patterns of computer activities over time.  相似文献   

Awkward body posture while typing is associated with musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs). Valid rapid assessment of computer workers' body posture is essential for the prevention of MSD among this large population. This study aimed to examine the validity of the modified rapid upper limb assessment (mRULA) which adjusted the rapid upper limb assessment (RULA) for computer workers. Moreover, this study examines whether one observation during a working day is sufficient or more observations are needed. A total of 29 right-handed computer workers were recruited. RULA and mRULA were conducted. The observations were then repeated six times at one-hour intervals. A significant moderate correlation (r = 0.6 and r = 0.7 for mouse and keyboard, respectively) was found between the assessments. No significant differences were found between one observation and six observations per working day. The mRULA was found to be valid for the assessment of computer workers, and one observation was sufficient to assess the work-related risk factor.  相似文献   

Crowdsourcing is a new approach which obtains information or input for a particular task by enlisting the services of the crowd. In recent crowdsourcing applications, the hybrid human–computer approach has been widely studied, to take advantage of both human beings and computers. In this paper, we propose a novel such application: blood typing for people in a family. We propose the BloodTyping method. It selects some members to take medical blood type tests, and to determine other family members' blood types, based on the inheritance rules. The aim is to reduce the number of medical tests, and thus, lower the cost. We extract rules for both +induction and ? induction. The former is to predict children's blood types from parents', and the latter is to backward-induce a parent's blood type, given those of children and the other parent. Different combinations of blood types can induce different results: some may be an exact blood type, while others are composed of several blood types. Our method is optimised by conducting the cases which generate exact blood types first. The order is guided by extra-information via crowdsourcing, including the distribution of blood types with respect to the birthplace, and the personality, which may indicate some specific blood types. Taking a family with two parents and all children as a basic unit, the algorithm can be conducted simultaneously among different families in a decentralised way. The simulation results show that BloodTyping can significantly reduce the required number of blood tests.  相似文献   

Consumption practices show a strong presence of crystallised social understandings, organising rules and permanent ways of acting that prevent individuals from changing towards more sustainable habits. Over the years, human–computer interaction research tried to help people engage in sustainable lifestyles promoting the health of the Earth. However, by favouring an individualistic and rationalistic approach to design, these attempts often lacked a deep understanding of how individuals are intertwined with social dynamics and organisational structures that might determine their actions. In this article, we aim at exploring novel solutions to support people’s sustainable habits, by focusing on their everyday purchases. Using an ethnographic method grounded in the social practices approach, we analyse the value that individuals ascribe to activities and objects that seem already addressed to sustainable consumption: the packaging-free purchasing practices. Starting from the insights gathered from this research, and leveraging the opportunities opened by the 3D printing technology, we design an interactive system with the aim to break the old buying routines and support the reuse of containers.  相似文献   

Accessibility revolves around building products, including electronic devices and digital content, so that diverse users can conveniently utilize them, irrespective of their capabilities. In recent years, the concept of touchscreen accessibility has gained a remarkable attention, especially within the considerable reliance on mobile touchscreen devices (MTDs) for information acquisition and dissemination as we witness nowadays. For users who are visually impaired, MTDs unlock different opportunities for independence and functioning. Thus, with the increasing ubiquity of MTDs and their potential extensive utility for all demographics, it becomes paramount to ensure that these devices and the content delivered on them are accessible. And while it might seem straightforward to achieve accessibility on MTDs, attaining this outcome is governed by an interplay between different elements. These involve platform (i.e., operating system) built-in support of accessibility features, content rendering modalities and structures pertaining to user needs and the peculiarities of MTDs as informed in standard accessibility guidelines, user studies uncovering preferences and best practices while interacting with MTDs, national legislations and policies, and the use of third-party devices such as assistive technologies. In this paper, mobile touchscreen accessibility for users who are visually impaired is surveyed with focus on three aspects: (1) the existing built-in accessibility features within popular mobile platforms; (2) the nature of non-visual interaction and how users who are visually impaired access, navigate, and create content on MTDs; and (3) the studies that tackled different issues pertaining to touchscreen accessibility, such as extraction of user needs and interaction preferences, identification of most critical accessibility problems encountered on MTDs, integrating mobile accessibility in standard accessibility guidelines, and investigation of existing guidelines in terms of sufficiency and appropriateness.  相似文献   

This paper first reviews current ergonomics design approaches in delivering digital solutions to achieve a unified experience from interaction and business process design perspectives. Then, it analyses the opportunities that new technologies may bring in for enhancing current ergonomics design approaches from integration and intelligence design perspectives. To address the challenges in today’s ergonomics practices in delivering digital solutions, an interaction, process, integration and intelligence (IPII) design approach is proposed. A case study is presented that implemented the IPII approach. The quantitative data gathered from the case study demonstrates that the IPII approach has achieved significant advantages in reaching the goal of a unified experience and operational benefits for delivering digital solutions. The IPII approach also demonstrates improvements compared to today’s ergonomics design approaches, such as user-centred design, for digital solutions. Finally, the paper highlights the contributions of the IPII approach for future ergonomics practices in delivering digital solutions.

Practitioner Summary: In addition to the interaction design for the UI of digital solutions, as is the case in current typical ergonomics practice, the IPII adds three additional design components: process, integration and intelligence design. The case study demonstrates the advantages of the IPII, providing an enhanced approach for designing digital solutions.

Abbreviations: IPII: interaction, process, integration and intelligence; IEA: International Ergonomics; Association; HFE: human factors/ ergonomics; HCD: human-centred design; UX: user experience; UI: user interface; ISO: International Organization for Standardization; UCD: user-centred design; ERP: enterprise resource planning; E2E experience: end-to-end experience; UXD: user experience design; AI: artificial intelligence; ML: machine learning; HCI: human-computer interaction; IaaS: infrastructure as a service; PaaS: platform as a service; SaaS: software as a service; CRM: customer relation management; SCM: supply chain management; HCM: human capability management; BI: business intelligence; BOMA: Bill of Materials Application; POC: proof of concept; TCM: transition change management; SMEs: subject matter experts; PMO: program management office; UAT: user acceptance test; iBPMS: intelligent business process management suite  相似文献   

This study presents a user interface that was intentionally designed to support multimodal interaction by compensating for the weaknesses of speech compared with pen input and vice versa. The test application was email using a web pad with pen and speech input. In the case of pen input, information was represented as visual objects, which were easily accessible. Graphical metaphors were used to enable faster and easier manipulation of data. Speech input was facilitated by displaying the system speech vocabulary to the user. All commands and accessible fields with text labels could be spoken in by name. Commands and objects that the user could access via speech input were shown on a dynamic basis in a window. Multimodal interaction was further enhanced by creating a flexible object-action order such that the user could utter or select a command with a pen followed by the object which was to be enacted upon, or the other way round (e.g., New Message or Message New). The flexible action-object interaction design combined with voice and pen input led to eight possible action-object-modality combinations. The complexity of the multimodal interface was further reduced by making generic commands such as New applicable across corresponding objects. Use of generic commands led to a simplification of menu structures by reducing the number of instances in which actions appeared. In this manner, more content information could be made visible and consistently accessible via pen and speech input. Results of a controlled experiment indicated that the shortest task completion times for the eight possible input conditions were when speech-only was used to refer to an object followed by the action to be performed. Speech-only input with action-object order was also relatively fast. In the case of pen input-only, the shortest task completion times were found when an object was selected first followed by the action to be performed. In multimodal trials in which both pen and speech were used, no significant effect was found for object-action order, suggesting benefits of providing users with a flexible action-object interaction style in multimodal or speech-only systems.  相似文献   

This study investigates the subjects' performance during realistic conditions of control of a joystick. An adapted reciprocal aiming task consisting in driving a virtual vehicle along a slalom course as fast as possible was performed while accuracy constraints were manipulated. Realistic dynamical Interface Screen Relationship between the joystick displacements and the displacements of the vehicle was simulated. Vehicle displacements and motor activity (muscle activity and joint kinematics) were recorded. The results highlighted the applicability of the Fitts' law to more realistic conditions where the use of an input device is performed in an intensive control situation. Besides, biomechanical results suggested that neuromuscular responses were different regarding the direction of movement, whereas the performance at a behavioural level were not affected. Thus, this study demonstrates the interest in considering two different aspects of the user's performance (behavioural and biomechanical ones) to make a better agreement between the device design and users' needs.  相似文献   

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