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Three different training programmes for a word processing system were experimentally compared: (1) a sequential programme, which taught low-level skills and which did not help the user actively to develop a mental model, (2) a hierarchical programme, which provided an explicit and integrated conceptual model of the system to the user and (3) a programme in which the users were asked to develop hypotheses on the functioning of the software and in which they were encouraged to use an active and exploratory approach. From an action theory point of view it was hypothesized that the third group would be superior to the first group. In an experimental study with two training sessions each of two hours and a two-hour testing session (n = 15), this was shown to be the case for several performance criteria (error time, transfer and experimenter rating). Additionally, an interindividual difference variable lo measure the individual learning style was used, giving results that could be interpreted in a similar way to the experimental results.  相似文献   

1种新型废液处理过程仿真培训系统的开发   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
使用典型的通用监控和数据采集组态软件作为图形用户界面开发平台,应用动态补偿建模法建立过程动态工况模型,提出了1种新的基于单台计算机的智能控制(industrial personal computer and intelligent process controller, IPC)仿真模式,开发了1种废液处理过程操作培训仿真器。通过设计1种动态链接库函数,经过监控组态软件的数据库将动态模型计算程序和仿真图形用户界面相连,成功地实现了整套仿真软件的集成开发。废液处理过程操作培训实践表明,该仿真器具有良好性能,能较好地满足废液处理过程操作培训需要,对提高操作技能,减少污水排放具有良好效果。  相似文献   

An empirical study was performed to train naive subjects in the use of a prototype Boolean logic-based information retrieval system on a database of bibliographic records. The research was based on the mental models theory which proposes that people can be trained to develop a “mental model” or a qualitative simulation of a system which will aid in generating methods for interacting with the system, debugging errors, and keeping track of one's place in the system. It follows that conceptual training based on a system model will be superior to procedural training based on the mechanics of the system. We performed a laboratory experiment with two training conditions (model and procedural), and with each condition split by sex. Forty-three subjects participated in the experiment, but only 32 were able to reach the minimum competency level required to complete the experiment. The data analysis incorporated time-stamped monitoring data, personal characteristics variables, affective variables, and interview data in which subjects described how they thought the system worked (an articulation of the model). As predicted, the model-based training had no effect on the ability to perform simple, procedural tasks, but subjects trained with a model performed better on complex tasks that required extrapolation from the basic operations of the system. A stochastic process analysis of search-state transitions reinforced this conclusion. Subjects had difficulty articulating a model of the system, and we found no differences in articulation by condition. The high number of subjects (26% ) who were unable to pass the benchmark test indicates that the retrieval tasks were inherently difficult. More interestingly, those who dropped out were significantly more likely to be humanities or social science majors than science or engineering majors, suggesting important individual differences and equity issues. The sex-related differences were slight, although significant, and suggest future research questions.  相似文献   

化学工业的生产特点及其在安全环保方面的特别要求决定了企业员工培训和学校学生的实习都不允许在真实的生产装置上动手操作,解决这一难题的途径之一是开发具有真实工业场景、工艺过程和操作参数与实际装置高度接近的仿真培训系统。按照工艺和设备具有典型代表性的思路,选择以环己烷氧化制环己酮生产装置中的环己烷精馏为对象开发仿真培训系统,针对三效精馏和组分多的复杂工艺,采用序贯模块法开发了整个系统的仿真模型,将各个独立的模型设计成独立的模块,模块之间通过变量进行连通,模块的连接关系按工艺连接关系搭接,仿真对象的有关数据来源于实际生产装置的运行参数,保证仿真速度的实时性和外部特性的逼真。整个系统包括了环己烷精馏装置生产工艺仿真软件,计算机控制系统(DCS)的实时仿真和仿真操作评价系统,是对环己烷精馏装置的全系统仿真。系统中开发平台的各项功能,提供了一套完整的开放式仿真平台。通过使用证明该系统能够有效模拟环己烷精馏的工艺现象和工艺操作步骤,真实地反映装置的开停车、生产及事故状态的动态效果,同时对工艺装置的安全分析和应急处理训练提供了一个良好的平台,可满足培训操作工和学生的需要,也可用于生产工艺的优化、诊断和控制方案方面的研究。  相似文献   

An application of a multiple model nonlinear filtering technique is discussed for the detection of leaks in a heat-exchanger process. The results of simulation study and an experimental study on a laboratory heat-exchanger process are presented. A simple decision logic scheme (threshold crossing) is used to process the outputs of the leak-detection algorithm to indicate the status of the process, i.e. whether or not there is a leak. The results of the study provide preliminary indication of the feasibility of the proposed diagnostic technique to detect small leaks in an experimental heat-exchanger process. The study also indicates that the technique is robust in the midst of significant flow disturbances on the inlet water flow, using only simple models for processing of the outlet temperature data, but is sensitive to the aggregate heat transfer parameter used in the detection algorithm  相似文献   

A snake, which has a simple shape without limbs, can move over rough terrain, climb a wall or tree, swim, and glide through the air. It is difficult to understand the gliding flight of a snake in aerodynamics assuming a static model, because a snake undulates its body trunk and turns in air. This paper presents an experimental system for investigation of the relationship between the shape of the gliding snake model and gliding characteristics. Results of a gliding experiment confirm a sufficiently high reproducibility of the experiment.  相似文献   

When surface micromachined devices are combined with on-chip circuitry, any high-temperature processing must be avoided to minimize the effect on active device characteristics. High-temperature stress annealing cannot be applied to these structures. This work studies the effects of deposition parameters and subsequent processing on the mechanical properties of the polysilicon film in the development of a low-strain polysilicon process, without resorting to high-temperature annealing. The films are deposited as a semi-amorphous film and then annealed, in situ at 600°C for 1 h, to ensure the desired mechanical characteristics for both doped and undoped samples. This low temperature anneal changes the strain levels in undoped films from -250 to +1100 με. The best results have been obtained for an 850°C anneal for 30 min which is used to activate the dopant (both phosphorus and boron). No further stress annealing was used, and 850°C does not present problems in terms of thermal budget for the electrical devices. It is shown that these mechanical characteristics are achieved by forming the grain boundaries during subsequent low temperature annealing, and not during deposition. TEM (transmission electron microscopy) studies have been used to investigate the link between the structure and mechanical strain. This has shown that it is the formation of the grain boundary rather than the grain size which has a significant effect on strain levels, contrary to reports in the literature. Using the above-mentioned deposition process, a series of experiments have been performed to establish the flexibility in subsequent processing available to the designer. Therefore, by careful consideration of the processing, a low-temperature polysilicon process, which can be used to fabricate thin micromachined structures, has been developed  相似文献   

The requirements of an intelligent real-time system have been described by many authors. These requirements are briefly outlined and discussed in light of our own practical experiences in developing this and other applications. The application of the real-time expert system shell G2 to a solvent extraction process is presented, covering topics throughout the development cycle from conceptual design and development to implementation. Attention is paid to issues surrounding modular development within the G2 environment. Control of the solvent extraction process is effected through traditional three term controllers. However, the process poses a number of problems that are beyond the capabilities of conventional control strategies. The application serves to illustrate the potential for complementing conventional real-time control strategies with intelligent rulebased control and statistical process control techniques. The need for such a hybrid control strategy is illustrated and discussed. Finally, a brief discussion on the future of intelligent monitoring and control systems is presented.  相似文献   

In this paper we describe complementary approaches that can be used to ensure the reliability of real-time systems, such as those used in active structural control systems. These approaches include both model-checking and simulation, and are based on a temporal process algebra. We combine these formal methods with a high-level, graphical modeling technique, Modechart, to specify an active structural control system consisting of several processors. Timing requirements on the system are specified and verified with a combination of process algebraic models and modal logic, and various simulation concepts are described for debugging models and for gaining insight into system behavior.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to investigate whether training in a microworld had an effect on the decision-making process in a command-and-control training facility. Fourteen battalion commanders participated in the study. Prior to performing the main task in the command-and-control facility, seven participants (the experimental group) received training in the microworld. Seven participants (the control group) received no training before the main task. The results show that the experimental group performed better than the control group, measured by self-ratings and by fulfilling the instructors’ criteria. The experimental group displayed a different decision-making behaviour in the main task than the control group did. The results indicate that the experimental group used some behaviour characteristics they learnt during training, namely “working systematically” and “causal relationship”. Thus, the study shows that favourable behaviour was learnt in the microworld, and that behaviour was subsequently used in the command-and-control training facility.  相似文献   

Internal control issues are of significance to entities to assure the accuracy, reliability, and timeliness of the financial reports. Although management is responsible for maintaining an effective internal control system, the literature contains no example of a system devised to aid managers detecting internal control weaknesses. This type of system might prove to be highly beneficial. Nonetheless, it is not obvious that this system would yield positive results because managers may not be willing or feel comfortable using it. This study reports on the development of such system, plus empirical testing of its value and managers' perceptions on its usefulness.  相似文献   

The design and construction of a new image processing system, CLIP7, is described, together with the design and operation of the custom integrated circuit on which it is based.  相似文献   

简要剖析了液态化学品灌装工艺流程及其灌装原理,应用物料平衡、气体状态方程和过程技术数据,通过微分方程法和动态补偿法等方法建立灌装过程动态仿真数学模型.基于单机智能控制(intelligent process control,IPC)仿真模式,应用自控组态软件Centrey Star,研究了过程的动态仿真实现方法,确定了仿真系统的总体结构组成、总体技术方案与原理,开发了仿真系统的图形用户操作界面,完成了仿真工艺流程图、各类仿真命令按钮及其显示画面、以及流程中各类可操作部件及其参数调整仿真操作画面的设计与命令语言编程,用Visual C++(VC++)开发了模型运算软件,生成了DLL库函数,与图形用户界面集成,研制了一套完备的动态仿真系统,实现了灌装工艺过程的全面动态仿真.最后系统地进行了灌装过程的原理性仿真试验,获得了满意的仿真结果,优化了灌装过程工艺运行条件.  相似文献   

Information Systems and e-Business Management - Smart contracts are seen as the major building blocks for future autonomous blockchain- and Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT)-based applications....  相似文献   

讨论了仿真培训专家评分系统的设计及实现。介绍了仿真培训系统评分方法的结构和实现方法,在现有基础上开发了的专家评分系统,并较详细的论述了专家评分系统的结构和功能。在装置的培训过程中该专家评分系统能够记录操作失误并提出建议,该系统的知识库可以根据不足及时获取知识,不断增加诊断能力,满足了工厂对工人培训和提高技能的需求。  相似文献   

No doubt, words play a major role in language production, hence finding them is of vital importance, be it for writing or for speaking (spontaneous discourse production, simultaneous translation). Words are stored in a dictionary, and the general belief holds, the more entries the better. Yet, to be truly useful the resource should contain not only many entries and a lot of information concerning each one of them, but also adequate navigational means to reveal the stored information. Information access depends crucially on the organization of the data (words) and the access keys (meaning/form), two factors largely overlooked. We will present here some ideas of how an existing electronic dictionary could be enhanced to support a speaker/writer to find the word s/he is looking for. To this end we suggest to add to an existing electronic dictionary an index based on the notion of association, i.e. words co-occurring in a well balanced corpus, the latter being supposed to represent the average citizen’s knowledge of the world. Before describing our approach, we will briefly take a critical look at the work being done by colleagues working on automatic, spontaneous or deliberate language production,—that is, computer-generated language, simulation of the mental lexicon, or WordNet (WN),—to see how adequate they are with regard to our goal.  相似文献   

Shared mental model (SMM), a concept from psychology, is defined as a common thinking style developed when individuals perform similar tasks in a cohesive manner. In this article, we investigate the relationship between the three dimensions of social capital and SMM. We also examine whether SMM mediates the impact of social capital on knowledge sharing (KS) behaviour in information system development (ISD) teams. Social capital is defined as the resource of social relationships owned by individuals. It is useful for explaining human behaviour in social networks. The data collected represent 492 ISD professionals in 118 teams from 18 middle-sized enterprises. The results of this study indicate that social capital theory is useful for explaining the antecedents of SMM, and SMM is positively related to KS and team performance. This research also emphasises the importance of developing SMM in a team.  相似文献   

Little  T. 《Software, IEEE》2004,21(3):48-53
Landmark Graphics supplies software and services to the upstream oil and gas industry. Our software portfolio, which ranges from exploration and drilling to data management and decision analysis, includes more than 60 products consisting of over 50 million lines of source code. For many years, Landmark has been collecting project metrics we wished to harvest to gain insight into key business questions in three areas: optimal release cycle duration (scope/time trade-off), optimal project staffing levels, effects of uncertainty. We set out to develop a relatively simple project dynamics model to use in conjunction with market sensitivity and economic analysis to help optimize profitability. Some of our ideas and results are similar to those of Preston Smith and Donald Reinertsen, who examined the impact of time-to-market sensitivity. However, our approach is a more detailed model tuned to software development issues.  相似文献   

OLE和Word对象模型在题库管理系统开发中的应用   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
以一个已经完成的试题库管理系统为基础,以复合文本的录入和试卷的生成为中心,对OLE技术和Word对象模型在该类系统开发中的应用进行了深入地探讨.首先概述了OLE在这类系统开发中的常用技术和Word对象模型,然后详尽地分析和比较了对象嵌入在数据录入中的3种应用方法及其优缺点,最后以模板为重点,深入探讨了OLE自动化和Word对象模型在试卷生成中的应用.同时,给出了部分应用在VB中的基本实现代码.  相似文献   

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