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现代都市扩张的同时,大量的旧工业设施被淘汰掉,这些工业遗产造成了土地的浪费,因此对工业遗产可持续发展的研究具有重要的意义。基于理论研究,考察工业遗产的定义和发展,通过再利用和再开发理论进行后工业景观的改造研究,总结延伸出工业遗产再生的方式和效果。结合韩国抱川艺术谷实际案例,分别从再生类型和社会性、文化性、经济性、象征性、生态性几个方面进行分析,从而提出工业遗产活化与再生的效果以及有效途径,研究城市工业遗产的合理恢复手段及更新方法。  相似文献   

For the press to “keep score” on the performance of urban games and players, it should recognize and apply the use of both sports reporting techniques and social indicators in coverage of urban affairs. It should also make a stronger and more reasoned commitment to the local community by re-organization of newsrooms, new definitions of news to fit urban reality, an intelligent check on the urban experts, a provision for “distant-early-warning” news, and abandonment of its journalistic myopia that politics is “bad.”  相似文献   

The trend toward the project-oriented company, performing simultaneously a network of internal and external projects, creates the demand for the management approach ‘Management by Projects’. The specific feature of ‘management by projects’ is that the management of single projects, the management of the network of projects and the management of the relationships between the company and the single projects are considered. For the successful management of the project-oriented company, instruments of ‘Management by Projects’ are presented.  相似文献   

An important institution for regional resource governance is civic engagement in local affairs, including resource use issues. Local civic engagement has traditionally been structured around local government and, more recently, to catchment-based decision-making bodies. If citizens are to participate in regional resource management in ways that are meaningful to them, it is important that both the landscape units being discussed and the jurisdictional boundaries are meaningful. We have been examining how boundaries for resource management regions might be identified. Three considerations are believed to be important if regional resource management is to be meaningful to the citizens involved. Firstly, that the regional boundaries maximise the areal proportion of the region that residents consider to be part of their ‘community’, which should lead to greater commitment to civic engagement in resource management. Secondly, that the character of the landscape units within the region possess a high degree of homogeneity, reflecting greater coincidence of interest among the inhabitants of the region. The third consideration is a hierarchical multi-scaling capacity to deal with externalities of resource use. The approach was tested through identification of a series of nested ‘eco-civic’ resource management regions for north-eastern New South Wales in Australia. The results delineate resource governance regions that nest at local to regional scales for integrated natural resource management. Such ‘eco-civic’ regions demonstrate a better spatial representation of social and ecological characteristics than existing regional frameworks.  相似文献   

The Netherlands Habitat Commission was founded to coordinate all activities during the International Year of Shelter for the Homeless (1987). Over the years in the Netherlands, both on the governmental and nongovernmental level, attention to and support for the urban problems in the Third World has significantly increased. The Commission had taken the initiative of developing a so called concentration town project, based on the concept that targeting aid to one city will strengthen the impact of each individual project. A pilot project is being established in the Indian city of Bangalore. The results so far are promising. Through this project the NHC would like to show how use can be made of the growing interest in the plight of the urban poor in the Third World.  相似文献   

生态建造:教育套餐和环境手册   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
生态建造是一个关注于传播建成环境中可持续性的需要以及促成可持续性的方式的项目。它针对于两个群体:16-19岁的学生,为他们制作了一个交互式的光盘;建造行业中的专业人员。光盘中提出了这样的问题--你的家和学校有多绿色?它说明了类似于建筑尺度和朝向的设计决策如何影响到建筑在能耗方面的表现和CO2的排放量。光盘包括了衡量如往宅温室节能效果的术语表,来解释它们对建筑的影响。这样学生们就可以对他们自己的学校和家进行评估,并提出怎样的设计可以提高它们的节能效果。如果我们想全球化地实现可持续性的未来,下一代的介入至关重要。环境手册中更深入地研究了这些问题,并关注到了其他建筑类型,如办公建筑。本文描述了正趋于完成的教育光盘和环境手册中涉及的一些根本的环境和教育因素。  相似文献   

The realisation that modern concrete structures are not as durable as was anticipated has caused increasing concern among structural design engineers, site contractors and materials' scientists alike.It is accepted that only when the fundamentals of reinforced concrete design and the implications of structural analysis are understood can satisfactory repairs be undertaken to structures suffering from any form of distress. In order to effect successful repairs, the same degree of professional expertise as the original design required is necessary.  相似文献   

We review published references on ‘deculverting’ (also known as ‘daylighting’) projects in the United Kingdom and internationally. The aim of the review was to assess the objectives of implemented projects and to establish where evidence exists for the purported social, economic and environmental benefits of deculverting. The outcomes highlight the need for collaboration to collate detailed information on such projects, to support the further development of evidence‐based policy. It is clear that deculverting schemes can indeed exert considerable positive impacts, including ecological benefits, reduced flood risks, recreation for local communities and a stimulus for regeneration, but that the evidence for these impacts is sparse. We conclude that improvements in policy will help to maximise these opportunities, by encouraging the implementation of good practices.  相似文献   

Recent studies tend to indicate that no longer all presently agricultural land in The Netherlands is required for sustainable agricultural production. Apart from various urban uses and some projects turning agricultural land into nature reserves or giving it a secondary function, like national landscape parks or drinking water supply area, it is not easy to find alternative users for the land presently managed by farmers. At the same time, many urban companies or families are vainly looking for building lots away from our ‘compact urban areas’. This paper explores a way to bring this supply and demand together in a landscape-wise more than acceptable manner: the planning concept and experiment of ‘new rural lifestyle estates’.  相似文献   

United States telecommunications policy contains ‘Berlin Walls’ that due to technology advances are being breached. Policies that encourage competitors are unnecessarily constraining traditional providers, the local exchange carriers. These constraints are causing market distortions, harmful to consumers. We propose four specific policy changes that should be adopted in order to bring down the walls while providing protections against any residual market power held by the exchange carriers. Specifically: use of incremental cost test to deter/detect cross-subsidies, price imputation for intrafirm transfers, generalized open network architecture, and removal of prohibitions on exchange carrier provision of video programming.  相似文献   

比对数次略有差异的考古实测数据可知,隋唐长安宫城、皇城、外城的东半部分较之西半部分距朱雀门大道的宽度差值约50丈,即隋唐都城规划设计中的一个基准方格。这一差值的存在既有可能来自原初规划,也有可能来自规划实施中的调整。如是后一种情况,隋唐长安规划方案的设计模数很有可能是500丈,即全城由5排、6列大小相等的共30个500丈见方的模块间以预留道路用地构成。参考与隋唐长安同时期的东亚都城,如隋唐洛阳、日本平城京和渤海国上京城,这些都城可能都采用了边长大于1里的等大方块作为设计模块,由此可佐证对隋唐长安500丈设计模数的推断符合隋唐之际都城规划设计方法的发展趋势,或更为接近历史的真实。  相似文献   

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