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The elemental composition and the ultrastructure of biological cells were studied by scanning transmission electron microscopy (STEM) combined with energy dispersive X-ray microanalysis. The preparation technique involves cryofixation, cryoultramicrotomy, cryotransfer, and freeze-drying of samples. Freeze-dried cryosections 100-nm thick appeared to be appropriate for measuring the distribution of diffusible elements and water in different compartments of the cells. The lateral analytical resolution was less than 50 nm, depending on ice crystal damage and section thickness. The detection limit was in the range of 10 mmol/kg dry weight for all elements with an atomic number higher than 12; for sodium and magnesium the detection limits were about 30 and 20 mmol/kg dry weight, respectively. The darkfield intensity in STEM is linearly related to the mass thickness. Thus, it becomes possible to measure the water content in intracellular compartments by using the darkfield signal of the dry mass remaining after freeze-drying. By combining the X-ray microanalytical data expressed as dry weight concentrations with the measurements of the water content, physiologically more meaningful wet weight concentrations of elements were determined. In comparison to freeze-dried cryosections frozen-hydrated sections showed poor contrast and were very sensitive against radiation damage, resulting in mass loss. The high electron exposure required for recording X-ray spectra made reproducible microanalysis of ultrathin (about 100-nm thick) frozen-hydrated sections impossible. The mass loss could be reduced by carbon coating; however, the improvement achieved thus far is still insufficient for applications in X-ray microanalysis. Therefore, at present only bulk specimens or at least 1-μm thick sections can be used for X-ray microanalysis of frozen-hydrated biological samples.  相似文献   

Some problems of the quantitative analysis of diffusible elements in cryosections are reviewed. The two prevalent methods for obtaining concentrations from X-ray data, one based on characteristic radiation alone and the other on continuum-normalization, are recapitulated. Both methods seem suitable at cellular level while the latter seems preferable at finer spatial resolution. Recourse to both methods together is desirable in the analysis of frozen-hydrated sections especially when there is no peripheral standard. Selective local contamination is a particular hazard in the analysis of chlorine. In the case of sodium, physical parameters set restrictive limits to the minimum concentration measurable by ‘energy-dispersive’ X-ray spectrometry (about 20 mm kg?1) and to the spatial resolution attainable by diffractive X-ray spectrometry (~0·2 μm). One obvious danger to meaningful quantitative analysis is inadvertent redistribution of diffusible elements during the moments preceding the freeze-quenching of a tiny piece of tissue. Data are presented to show that concentration changes due to simple evaporation are a real hazard prior to the quenching of sub-millimetre size samples.  相似文献   

When a microregion in a thin section of frozen-dried and embedded tissue is analysed by the conventional electron-probe X-ray continuum-normalization method, the measured quantity is in mmol of element per kg of embedded specimen. As each microregion contains an unknown amount of embedding medium, this quantity generally lies indeterminately somewhere within the wide range between mmol of element per kg of hydrated tissue and mmol of element per kg of dehydrated tissue. However, if a ‘tag’ element is incorporated in the embedding medium, the contribution of the medium to the local continuum count in each probed field should be measurable, and the X-ray data may then unambiguously yield mmol of element per kg of dehydrated tissue. This result should not be affected by shrinkage on freeze-drying or by incomplete replacement of water by embedding medium. The same X-ray data can additionally provide estimates of mmol of element per unit volume, mmol of element per kg of hydrated tissue and local dry-mass fraction. However, these estimates are subject to errors due to tissue shrinkage, incomplete replacement of water and beam damage.  相似文献   

Quantitative X-ray mapping of biological cryosections   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The potential for applying X-ray mapping to the elemental microanalysis of biological cryosections is discussed. Methods are described for acquiring and processing data, including use of the top-hat digital filter to remove the average effects of the background contribution. Practical considerations for X-ray mapping are discussed in terms of typical counts per pixel and minimum detectability which depends on the number of pixels chosen to integrate the signal. These aspects are illustrated with elemental maps (Na, P, K, Ca and Fe) from freeze-dried cryosections of mouse cerebellar cortex. A calcium sensitivity in the range 0.5 to 2.5 mmol/kg wet weight of tissue is demonstrated. The correction for overlap of potassium K beta and calcium K alpha is demonstrated with X-ray maps from cryosectioned synaptosomes of squid optic lobe. Quantitative results obtained using internal standards to determine wet weight concentrations are in reasonable agreement with expected values. Alternate schemes applicable to X-ray maps for determining the dry mass concentration, such as the peak/continuum (Hall method), are also discussed.  相似文献   

Local dry mass or water fractions can be measured on frozen-dried cryosections assuming constant section thickness in the hydrated state and no net water movements and no differential shrinkage during freezing and drying. These assumptions have been tested on a model consisting of isolated rat liver mitochondria in an albumin matrix with a concentration similar to the dry mass concentration of the cytoplasm. The dry mass concentrations of mitochondria before freezing as measured by interference microscopy and after freezing and freeze-drying of the sections as measured by X-ray microanalysis and scanning microdensitometry are shown to be equal as long as the ice crystals in the medium are smaller than about 100 nm. It is concluded, therefore, that the above-mentioned assumptions could also hold for the cryopreparation of cells and tissues.  相似文献   

N Roos  T Barnard 《Ultramicroscopy》1985,17(4):335-343
Biological X-ray microanalysis of diffusible elements within cellular and subcellular compartments requires preparation methods to retain electrolytes in the compartments they occupied in vivo. X-ray microanalysis of frozen-dried, plastic-embedded samples has been used to quantitate electrolytes at the cellular level. We have compared the subcellular elemental distribution in dry cut sections from such samples with that in ultrathin frozen-dried cryosections. Rat pancreases were quench-frozen onto a helium-vapor-cooled copper block. Cryosections were cut at 130-150 K, transferred using a Gatan cold stage, frozen-dried in the column and analysed at 190 K. Tissue fragments were frozen-dried at 190 K, and cut on a dry knife at 293 K. Both samples provided images permitting unambiguous identification of all major compartments except the Golgi complex. Intracellular potassium-to-sodium ratios obtained on frozen-dried plastic-embedded sections were lower than for cryosections (e.g. 1.77 in basal cytoplasm in plastic sections as compared to 4.34 for cryosections) and varied with the pre-embedding procedure (e.g. 1.77 in formaldehyde-fixed as compared to 2.87 in osmium-fixed plastic sections). Potassium gradients between adjacent organelles were large in cryosections and insignificant in plastic-embedded material. Higher cytoplasmic phosphorus, potassium and sulfur concentrations were observed in cryosections. Therefore, a redistribution of electrolytes and covalently bound elements occurred subcellularly in the plastic sections. Calcium was quantifiable in most organelles in cryosections but the plastic lowered sensitivity too much to permit routine calcium quantification. We conclude that in our hands frozen-dried, plastic-embedded samples were compromised and provided lower sensitivity than cryosections.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Qualitative X-ray microanalysis of biological specimens requires an approach that is somewhat different from that used in the materials sciences. The first step is deconvolution and background subtraction on the obtained spectrum. The further treatment depends on the type of specimen: thin, thick, or semithick. For thin sections, the continuum method of quantitation is most often used, but it should be combined with an accurate correction for extraneous background. However, alternative methods to determine local mass should also be considered. In the analysis of biological bulk specimens, the ZAF-correction method appears to be less useful, primarily because of the uneven surface of biological specimens. The peak-to-local background model may be a more adequate method for thick specimens that are not mounted on a thick substrate. Quantitative X-ray microanalysis of biological specimens generally requires the use of standards that preferably should resemble the specimen in chemical and physical properties. Special problems in biological microanalysis include low count rates, specimen instability and mass loss, extraneous contributions to the spectrum, and preparative artifacts affecting quantitation. A relatively recent development in X-ray microanalysis of biological specimens is the quantitative determination of local water content.  相似文献   

Beryllium is ideal for coating biological specimens for light element X-ray microanalysis at low temperature. It has higher electrical and thermal conductivity at 100 K and lower absorption of X-rays of biological interest than carbon, aluminium or chromium. It produces no detectable characteristic X-rays. When adequate precautions are taken beryllium is a valuable alternative to other coating materials. Because of its toxicity, however, it should not be used indiscriminately.  相似文献   

Absolute measurements of elemental concentrations within thin biological samples are often made by reference to a series of standards which resemble the samples in chemical and physical properties and the linear relationship between (p-b)/c and concentration. This principle requires that the chemical and physical properties of the matrix remain constant throughout a series of standards with different elemental contents and throughout different regions of the samples. Some of the changes undergone by specimens during X-ray microanalysis, e.g. loss of elements or organic mass loss, are also influenced by the composition of the matrix. A simple empirical modification to the linear (p-b)/c versus concentration relationship is presented to account for some of these effects and therefore improve quantitation of analyses.  相似文献   

A new Link energy-dispersive GEM detector with SuperATW window was tested for quantitative electron probe microanalysis of low calcium and sodium concentrations ([Ca], [Na]) in intracellular compartments of cardiac myocytes. We compare Ca profiles with high count statistics and similar peak area collected under the same conditions with either a Be-windowed Si and a Ge SuperATW detector. The height of the Ca peak was increased by 7%, the full width at half-maximum height was reduced by 9% with the Ge detector. The counts statistics of the Ca Kα peak improved by 9% and the partial overlap with the K Kβ peak was better deconvoluted. We calculate [Ca] and errors of the single measurement in mitochondria of guinea-pig cardiac myocytes from spectra acquired with a Si or Ge detector. For identical analysis conditions, the [Ca] were identical; however, with the Ge SuperATW detector, the calculated error of the single measurement was only 1/2.7 of that calculated from measurements with the Si detector. We compare the peak area of identical [Na] in spectra collected with the Be-windowed Si detector and Ge SuperATW detector. The peak area was significantly higher with the SuperATW Ge than with the Si detector and Be window, whereas the continuum in the range 4–10 keV was comparable, demonstrating the improved sensitivity for low atomic elements such as Na of the Ge SuperATW detector. [Na] and errors of the single measurement in mitochondria of quiescent guinea-pig cardiac myocytes were calculated from spectra acquired with the Si or the Ge detector. The use of the Ge SuperATW detector improved the detectability limit for sodium by more than 80% and reduced the error of the single measurement by a factor of 7–8.  相似文献   

A review on the subject of compounds used as standards for biological X-ray microanalysis is presented. The general approach used for standardization has been to use standards which resemble the specimen closely in composition. Thus, standards based on proteins have been used for analysis of quench-frozen cryosectioned specimens, whereas standards based on embedding resins have been used for resin-embedded material. The properties of, and problems associated with, each type of standard are recognized and have been well documented. The choice and analysis of standard should not be a drawback to fully quantitative analysis of biological material. Attention is drawn to the fact that the problems associated with any quantification procedure need to be kept in mind when analysis of standards is undertaken.  相似文献   

A system based on a personal computer has been developed which provides a relatively inexpensive way to equip an electron microscopy laboratory for quantitative elemental analyses of cryosectioned biological samples. This system demonstrates the feasibility of making an X-ray analyser from a personal computer, together with commercially available hardware and software components. Hardware and software have been assembled to drive the beam in a scanning electron microscope, collect and analyse X-ray spectra, and save, retrieve, and analyse data. Our software provides a menu-controlled user interface to direct spectra acquisition and analysis. Spot analyses, video images, and quantitative elemental images may be obtained and results transferred in ASCII format to other computers. Wet weight, as well as dry weight, concentrations are calculated, if measurements were made of areas of the hydrated sample before it was freeze-dried. Grey-level copies of video and quantitative elemental images may be made on a laser printer.  相似文献   

The analysis of bulk frozen-hydrated biological samples has developed now to a level where practical application of the technique is possible. Provided the sample is carefully coated with a conductive metal, the development of a space charge capable of causing a significant distortion of the electron diffusion volume does not seem to occur, and analytical resolution can be conveniently held to approximately 2 μm (both depth and lateral resolution). Two valid quantitative methods are available, and two methods of determining dry weight fractions are also available. An area where further research could lead to improvement in analysis of frozen-hydrated bulk samples is in the investigation of fracturing methods. If fracture planes that were flat and reproducible could be easily obtained, some of the difficulties of analysing frozen-hydrated bulk samples would be considerably reduced.  相似文献   

It is shown by X-ray point analyses and line scans that the concentrations of sodium and potassium, as crown ether complexes, in epoxy resin may not be of uniform distribution. The concentrations may be substantially higher in a thin layer at the base of the block. It is recommended that chemical analysis of a selected central region of a block, not the intact block, be carried out to establish the true concentration. This may be substantially lower than the nominal concentration. This problem appears to be less acute with cryptate complexes of sodium and potassium but a similar trend is nevertheless apparent.  相似文献   

The interpretation of element concentration data for X-ray microanalyses of biological tissues, which are subjected to some experimental treatment, can be complicated by changes in cell volume and total cell dry matter induced by the treatment. We have examined the manner in which such changes would affect the values measured in frozen-dried cryosections of soft tissues, and how they may be taken into account in the interpretation of the results. The element content (mass per unit dry weight) measured by the peak-to-continuum or Hall method is independent of changes in cell volume, but is sensitive to a change in the local dry mass. Conversely, intracellular concentrations in terms of mass per unit volume, as determined by the peripheral or internal standard technique, are dependent on volume changes but independent of dry mass. The estimated dry weight fraction is affected by changes in both volume and dry mass. The results obtained from both quantification methods can therefore provide information on the combination of changes in cellular element levels, volume and total dry mass that may occur following the experimental treatment. In a study of the late effect of the drug cisplatin on electrolyte concentrations in kidney proximal tubules, both quantification methods have been used to obtain wet weight and dry weight concentrations. By applying the above considerations, the analytical results have been interpreted as a combination of changes in element levels and a shrinkage of the tubule cells. Cell shrinkage was confirmed by morphometric analysis of tubular cross-sections.  相似文献   

An improved vacuum evaporator is described for coating frozen-hydrated biological samples with beryllium for X-ray microanalysis. The evaporator permits repeated coatings without bringing the main chamber to atmospheric pressure and ambient temperature. The use of a glass sleeve in the evaporation chamber facilitates cleaning.  相似文献   

Elemental microanalysis of biological material in the frozen-hydrated state using in-vacuum proton induced X-ray emission is described for the first time. For this purpose, a commercially available cryotransfer system was modified and coupled to the experimental chamber of the nuclear microprobe (NMP). The analyzed material was frozen in propane cooled by liquid nitrogen, fractured, carbon coated, and transferred onto the cold stage (100 K) of the nuclear microprobe chamber. Micro-PIXE and simultaneous proton backscattering was performed using a 3 MeV proton beam. Quantitative results were obtained by the standardless method, and tested using 20% gelatin standards. Monitoring of the gas composition inside the system by means of mass spectrometry performed before, during, and after proton bombardment showed good stability of the analyzed material for proton currents not exceeding 150 pA. Average concentrations of light elements (C, N, O, and indirectly H) were also obtained by the proton backscattering technique. No losses of elements measurable by particle-induced X-ray emission (PIXE) during proton irradiation were found during repetitive, short analyses of the same micro areas of gelatin standards. Measurements of thick sections of selected plant and animal material in the frozen-hydrated state-leaf sections of the plant Senecio anomalochrous Hilliard (Asteraceae) and larvae of Chysolina pardalina Fabricius (Chrysomelidae)-showed very good preservation of morphology and elemental distribution. Limits of detection of the order of a few micro g g(-1) were obtained for most elements.  相似文献   

Thin specimens consisting of various light and heavy elements in gelatine have been subjected to X-ray microanalysis to determine the relationship between the number of X-ray counts for a specific element expressed as a percentage of the continuum (the percentage counts) and the concentration of that element. For light elements, the relationship between the percentage counts and concentration is strictly linear. For heavier elements, the relationship is not linear, because of the increase of the continuum counts with (formula: see text). If a correction is made for the effect of (formula:see text), heavy elements also show a linear relationship between percentage counts and concentration. Within the limits of atomic number (Z = 56) and concentration (approximately 10%) studied here, it is shown that when X-ray microanalysis is carried out on bulk specimens consisting of various elements in gelatine, the relationship between X-ray counts and concentration for a particular element is linear. The problems in quantitation of the results of X-ray microanalysis caused by exogenous continuum and mass loss induced by irradiation are discussed. It is pointed out that when X-ray microanalysis is used to study histochemical and other staining procedures, allowance must also be made for the reduction in concentration of other elements in the specimen as a result of the addition of the stain to the specimen.  相似文献   

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