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A study was conducted to investigate the response to supplemental tallow of lactating cows fed basal diets with different alfalfa silage:corn silage ratios. We postulated that supplemental tallow will have decreasing negative effects on rumen fermentation, dry matter intake (DMI), and milk fat percentage as the dietary ratio of alfalfa silage:corn silage is increased. Eighteen Holstein cows averaging 134 +/- 14 d in milk were used in a replicated 6 x 6 Latin square design with 21-d periods. Treatments were arranged as a 2 x 3 factorial with 0 or 2% tallow (DM basis) and three forage treatments: 1) 50% of diet DM as corn silage, 2) 37.5% corn silage and 12.5% alfalfa silage, and 3) 25% corn silage and 25% alfalfa silage. Cows were allowed ad libitum consumption of a total mixed ration. Diets were formulated to contain 18% crude protein and 32% neutral detergent fiber. No fat x forage treatment interactions were observed. Fat supplemented cows had lower DMI and produced more milk with less milk fat content relative to non-supplemented cows. Concentration of trans-octadecenoic acids was higher in milk fat of tallow-supplemented cows. Tallow supplementation had no effect on ruminal pH and acetate:propionate ratio, but tended to decrease total volatile fatty acid (VFA) concentration in the rumen. Increasing the proportion of alfalfa silage increased DMI, milk fat percentage, and milk fat yield regardless of the fat content of the diet. Total VFA concentration and acetate:propionate ratio in the rumen were increased in response to higher levels of alfalfa in the diets. These results suggest that replacing corn silage with alfalfa silage did not alleviate the negative response of dairy cows to tallow supplementation at 2% of diet DM.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to determine if the length of chop of processed corn silage influences the impact of supplemental fat on rumen fermentation and performance of dairy cows. We hypothesized that increasing forage particle length may alleviate the interference of fat on rumen fermentation. Sixteen Holstein cows averaging 120 d in milk were used in a replicated 4 x 4 Latin square design with 21-d periods. Treatments were arranged as a 2 x 2 factorial with 0 or 2% tallow (dry matter basis), and corn silage harvested at either 19 or 32 mm theoretical length of cut. The forage:concentrate ratio was 50:50, and diets were formulated to contain 18% crude protein and 32% neutral detergent fiber (dry matter basis). Cows were allowed ad libitum consumption of diets that were fed twice daily as a total mixed ration. Fat supplemented cows had lower dry matter intake and produced less milk fat relative to nonsupplemented cows. No effect of corn silage particle length was observed for dry matter intake and milk fat production. Proportion of trans-10 C18:1 and of trans-10, cis-12 conjugated linoleic acid was highest in milk fat of cows fed 2% supplemental tallow. Rumen pH was not affected by feeding tallow, and tended to be highest for cows eating the 32-mm theoretical length of chop corn silage diets. No effect of treatments was observed for rumen acetate-to-propionate ratio or rumen ammonia concentration. In this study, tallow supplementation had a negative impact on performance of dairy cows regardless of the corn silage particle length. Feeding tallow increased formation of trans-fatty acids in the rumen in the absence of significant changes in the rumen environment.  相似文献   

Six multiparous Holstein cows (average 31 days in milk; 36.3 kg/d of milk) fitted with ruminal cannulas were used in a 6 x 6 Latin square with 21-d periods to investigate the effects of diets that varied in forage source and amount of supplemental tallow. Isonitrogenous diets in a 2 x 3 factorial arrangement were based on either high corn silage (40:10 corn silage to alfalfa silage, % of dry matter) or high alfalfa silage (10:40 corn silage to alfalfa silage, % of dry matter) and contained 0, 2, or 4% tallow. Intakes of dry matter and total fatty acids were lower when cows were fed the high corn silage diet. Tallow supplementation linearly decreased dry matter intake. Milk yield was unaffected by diet; yields of milk fat and 3.5% fat-corrected milk were higher for the high alfalfa silage diet but were unaffected by tallow. Milk fat percentage was higher for the high alfalfa silage and tended to decrease when tallow was added to the high corn silage diet. Contents of trans-C18:1 isomers in milk fat were increased by high corn silage and tallow, and tended to be increased more when tallow was fed in the high corn silage diet. Ruminal pH and acetate:propionate were lower when high corn silage was fed. Ruminal acetate:propionate decreased linearly as tallow increased; the molar proportion of acetate was decreased more when tallow was added to the high corn silage diet. Ruminal liquid dilution rates were higher for the alfalfa silage diet; ruminal volume and solid passage rates were similar among diets. Total tract apparent digestibilities of dry matter, organic matter, crude protein, starch, energy, and total fatty acids were unaffected by diet. Digestibilities of neutral detergent fiber, acid detergent fiber, hemicellulose, and cellulose were lower when high corn silage was fed. The high alfalfa silage diet increased intakes of metabolizable energy and N, and increased milk energy and productive N. Tallow decreased the amount of N absorbed but had few other effects on utilization of energy or N. Tallow linearly increased concentrations of nonesterified fatty acids and cholesterol in plasma; cholesterol was increased by high alfalfa silage. Overall, forage source had more pronounced effects on production and metabolism than did tallow supplementation. Few interactions between forage source and tallow supplementation were detected except that ruminal fermentation and milk fat content were affected more negatively when tallow was fed in the high corn silage diet.  相似文献   

This study aimed to evaluate the effects of length of chop of corn silage and forage:concentrate ratio (F:C) on performance and milk fatty acid profiles in dairy cows supplemented with flaxseed. Our hypothesis was that decreasing forage particle length and F:C ratio would increase unsaturated fatty acid flow to the small intestine and subsequent transfer of these unsaturated fatty acids into milk. Eight Holstein cows (648.1 ± 71.5 kg body weight; 109.6 ± 43.6 days in milk) were used in a replicated 4 × 4 Latin square design with 21-d periods and a 2 × 2 factorial arrangement of dietary treatments. Dietary factors were: 1) F:C ratios (dry matter basis) of 55:45 and 45:55; and 2) corn silage particle lengths of 9.52 and 19.05 mm. All experimental cows received 1 kg of flaxseed to substitute for 1 kg of a rolled barley grain-based concentrate daily. Diets were fed twice daily as a total mixed ration. Corn silage particle length and F:C ratio had no effect on dry matter intake, milk yield, and milk composition; however, feeding short cut corn silage depressed milk protein yield. Significant particle size × F:C ratio interactions were observed for milk fat proportions of C16:0, C18:1cis-9, and C18:2cis-9, trans-11 (a conjugated linoleic acid isomer). At short corn silage particle size, decreasing F:C ratio depressed milk fat proportion of C16:0. Conversely, feeding short corn silage at high F:C ratio increased the proportion of C18:1cis-9 and C18:2cis-9, trans-11 in milk fat. The milk fat proportion of C18:2trans-10, cis-12, a conjugated linoleic acid isomer that is associated with milk fat depression, was not affected by dietary treatment. Our results show that corn silage particle length and F:C ratio influence milk fatty acid profiles in dairy cows fed supplemental flaxseed as a source of polyunsaturated fatty acids.  相似文献   

Holstein rumen-cannulated cows [n = 7; initial body weight (BW) 640.56 ± 71.43 kg] were fed a corn silage basal diet with 1 of 3 concentrates (C = control; P10 = 10% pigeon peas; P20 = 20% pigeon peas). Cows were randomly assigned to treatments in a replicated 3 × 3 Latin square and individually fed using Calan gates. Each experimental period was 21 d with 7 d for adaption and 14 d for sample collection. Ruminal fluid samples were taken the last day of each experimental period and analyzed for pH, ammonia, long-chain fatty acids, and volatile fatty acids (VFA). Consecutive a.m. and p.m. milk samples were taken during the last 2 wk of the 21-d period and analyzed for fat, protein, long-chain fatty acids, and somatic cell count. Dry matter intake (kg/d) was reduced during the second period and was greater for P10 diets. Milk protein was greater for cows fed P20 compared with P10. Energy-corrected milk was greater for cows fed the control diet compared with P10. Treatment had no effect on milk yield. Ruminal fluid pH decreased over sampling times; however, pH remained at or above 5.5. Diets did not affect ruminal fluid pH; however, pH was different for sampling periods. Ruminal ammonia decreased until 8 h postfeeding at which time it peaked consistent with changes in ammonia concentrations that usually peak 3 to 5 h postfeeding on diets high in plant proteins. Dietary treatments altered ruminal fluid VFA with reduced concentrations of acetate and greater concentrations of propionate for control diet, resulting in reduced acetate:propionate ratio. Isobutyrate exhibited an hour by treatment interaction, in which isobutyrate decreased until 8 h postfeeding and then tended to be greater for P10 than for other treatments. Animals fed the P10 diet had greater concentrations of ruminal isovalerate. Ruminal cis-9,trans-11 and trans-10,cis-12 conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) isomers were not affected by dietary treatments. The P10 diet had greatest ruminal synthesis of cis-9,trans-11, but control cows had greatest ruminal synthesis of trans-10,cis-12. Milk CLA isomers were similar among treatments. Trends were observed for greater cis-9,trans-11 and trans-10,cis-12 for the P10 diet. Pigeon peas may be used as a protein supplement in dairy diets without affecting milk production, dry matter intake, or ruminal environment when they replace corn and soybean meal.  相似文献   

Adding sugar to the diet has been reported to improve production in dairy cows. In each of 2 trials, 48 lactating Holsteins (8 with ruminal cannulas) were fed covariate diets for 2 wk, blocked by days in milk into 12 groups of 4, and then randomly assigned to diets based on alfalfa silage containing 4 levels of dried molasses (trial 1) or liquid molasses (trial 2). In both studies, production data were collected for 8 wk, ruminal samples were taken in wk 4 and 8, and statistical models were used that included covariate means and block. In trial 1, experimental diets contained 18% CP and 0, 4, 8, or 12% dried molasses with 2.6, 4.2, 5.6, or 7.2% total sugar. With increasing sugar, there was a linear increase in dry matter intake (DMI), and digestibility of dry matter (DM) and organic matter (OM), but no effect on yield of milk or protein. This resulted in linear decreases in fat-corrected milk (FCM)/DMI and milk N/N-intake. There was a linear decrease in urinary N with increasing sugar, and quadratic effects on milk fat content, yield of fat and FCM, and ruminal ammonia. Mean optimum from these quadratic responses was 4.8% total sugar in these diets. In trial 2, experimental diets contained 15.6% crude protein (CP) and 0, 3, 6, or 9% liquid molasses with 2.6, 4.9, 7.4, or 10.0% total sugar, respectively. Again, there were linear declines in FCM/DMI and milk N/N-intake with increasing sugar, but quadratic responses for DMI, yield of milk, protein, and SNF, digestibility of neutral detergent fiber and acid detergent fiber, milk urea, urinary excretion of purine derivatives, and ruminal ammonia. Mean optimum from all quadratic responses in this trial was 6.3% total sugar. An estimate of an overall optimum, based on yield of fat and FCM (trial 1) and yield of milk, protein, and SNF (trial 2), was 5.0% total sugar, equivalent to adding 2.4% sugar to the basal diets. Feeding more than 6% total sugar appeared to depress production.  相似文献   

Milk from forage (MF) is an estimation of the milk produced solely from forage intake. It is calculated by subtracting milk production theoretically allowed by concentrates from total milk production, assuming that maintenance requirements are covered by the forage portion of the diet. Eight multiparous Holstein cows in early lactation were used in a replicated 4 × 4 Latin square design to evaluate the impact on MF of different sources of carbohydrate with forage that was high in RDP. Diets were alfalfa-based total mixed rations that were formulated to provide similar concentrations of NEL and CP while differing in rumen degradability of concentrate carbohydrates. Treatments were 1) cracked corn (control), 2) ground corn (GC), 3) GC plus wheat starch (GC+S), and 4) GC plus dried whey permeate (GC+W). The GC and the GC+S treatments increased MF as calculated on a protein basis (14.8 vs. 10.5 kg) and increased average MF production (8.6 vs. 5.5 kg) compared with the control. Protein of forage was used more efficiently with GC and with GC+S, as shown by the lower differences between allowable MF, which estimates the potential for milk production from forage, and MF on a protein basis for these 2 treatments when compared with the control. Compared with the control, DMI increased with GC and GC+S; GC+W yielded the highest DMI. Milk production with GC+W (35.8 kg/d) was lower than with GC and GC+S (37.5 kg/d) but was higher than the control (34.0 kg/d). Milk fat concentration was higher with GC+W and lower with GC+S; GC and the control had intermediate values. Milk urea was higher with the control diet compared with the other 3 treatments. Results emphasize the advantage of using concentrates of higher degradability in the rumen to improve MF and milk production when feeding silage with high rumen-degradable protein.  相似文献   

Chemical treatment may improve the nutritional value of corn crop residues, commonly referred to as corn stover, and the potential use of this feed resource for ruminants, including lactating dairy cows. The objective of this study was to determine the effect of prestorage chopping, hydration, and treatment of corn stover with Ca(OH)2 on the feeding value for milk production, milk composition, and dry matter intake (DMI). Multiparous mid-lactation Holstein cows (n = 30) were stratified by parity and milk production and randomly assigned to 1 of 3 diets. Corn stover was chopped, hydrated, and treated with 6% Ca(OH)2 (as-fed basis) and stored in horizontal silo bags. Cows received a control (CON) total mixed ration (TMR) or a TMR in which a mixture of treated corn stover and distillers grains replaced either alfalfa haylage (AHsub) or alfalfa haylage and an additional portion of corn silage (AH+CSsub). Treated corn stover was fed in a TMR at 0, 15, and 30% of the diet DM for the CON, AHsub, and AH+CSsub diets, respectively. Cows were individually fed in tiestalls for 10 wk. Milk production was not altered by treatment. Compared with the CON diet, DMI was reduced when the AHsub diet was fed and tended to be reduced when cows were fed the AH+CSsub diet (25.9, 22.7, and 23.1 ± 0.88 kg/d for CON, AHsub, and AH+CSsub diets, respectively). Energy-corrected milk production per unit of DMI (kg/kg) tended to increase with treated corn stover feeding. Milk composition, energy-corrected milk production, and energy-corrected milk per unit of DMI (kg/kg) were not different among treatments for the 10-wk feeding period. Cows fed the AHsub and AH+CSsub diets had consistent DMI over the 10-wk treatment period, whereas DMI for cows fed the CON diet increased slightly over time. Milk production was not affected by the duration of feeding. These data indicate that corn stover processing, prestorage hydration, and treatment with calcium hydroxide can serve as an alternative to traditional haycrop and corn silage in diets fed to mid-lactation dairy cows.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to investigate the effects of tallow and choice white grease (CWG) fed at 0, 2, and 4% of the diet dry matter (DM) on rumen fermentation and performance of dairy cows when corn silage is the sole forage source. Fifteen midlactation Holstein cows were used in a replicated 5 x 5 Latin square design with 21-d periods. Treatments were 0% fat (control), 2% tallow, 2% CWG, 4% tallow, and 4% CWG (DM basis). The forage:concentrate ratio was 50:50, and diets were formulated to contain 18% crude protein and 32% neutral detergent fiber (DM basis). Cows were allowed ad libitum consumption of diets fed twice daily as total mixed rations. Cows fed supplemental fat had lower DM intake and produced less milk and milk fat than cows fed the control diet. Feeding 4% fat reduced milk production and milk fat yield relative to feeding 2% fat. Treatments had little effect on the concentration of trans-octadecenoic acids in milk fat. Total trans fatty acids were poorly related to changes in milk fat percentage. Ruminal pH and total volatile fatty acids concentration were not affected by supplemental fat. The acetate:propionate ratio, NH3-N, and numbers of protozoa in the rumen were significantly decreased when fat was added to the diets. Source of dietary fat did not affect rumen parameters. There was no treatment effect on in situ corn silage DM and neutral detergent fiber disappearance. Including fat in corn silage-based diets had negative effects on milk production and rumen fermentation regardless of the source or level of supplemental fat.  相似文献   

This study evaluated the effects of increasing the physically effective neutral detergent fiber (peNDF) intake of lactating dairy cows fed high-concentrate diets supplemented with unsaturated fat on intake, eating behavior, diet sorting, chewing activity, total-tract digestibility, and milk production and composition. Diets contained 24% alfalfa hay (AH), 16% corn silage, 58% concentrate, and 2% yellow grease [dry matter (DM) basis], and dietary peNDF content was increased by varying the particle size (PS) of the AH. Nine multiparous cows averaging 87.8 ± 14.8 d in milk and weighing 653 ± 53 kg were randomly assigned to a triplicate 3 × 3 Latin square. During each 21-d period, cows were offered 1 of 3 total mixed rations that varied in PS of AH: fine, medium, and long, with a geometric mean particle length of 3.00, 3.57 and 3.87 mm, respectively. Increasing PS quadratically affected DM intake (DMI; 24.7, 25.4, and 23.7 kg/d, for fine, medium, and long, respectively), but cumulative DMI at 2, 4, and 6 h after feeding was similar across treatments, averaging 23.4, 35.6 and 46.4% of total DMI for the 3 time points, respectively. Increased peNDF intake did not affect feed sorting, but increased daily eating time, and eating and total chewing time per kilogram of DMI. Daily rumination time exhibited a quadratic response, with highest rumination time for the medium diet. Dietary PS had no effects on digestibility in the total tract, but we observed, for fine, medium, and long diets, quadratic responses in milk production (41.5, 43.3, and 40.4 kg/d), 4% fat-corrected milk production, and milk protein yield. Milk fat content decreased linearly with increasing PS, but milk fat content and fat:protein ratio were low for all treatments, likely due to adding unsaturated fat to a diet containing a high level of nonfiber carbohydrates (42.2% of DM). The composition, degree of saturation, and total conjugated linoleic acid content of fatty acids in milk fat were not affected by the change in peNDF content of the diet. The study indicates that a moderate increase in the PS of AH in diets containing unsaturated fat elevates peNDF intake and increases chewing activity, DMI, milk yield and milk fat production. However, the effects of dietary PS were quadratic, with maximum DMI and milk production observed with diets supplying 24% dietary peNDF (measured as the proportion of the ration retained on sieves >1.18 mm multiplied by dietary neutral detergent fiber content; DM basis).  相似文献   

Sugar supplementation can stimulate rumen microbial growth and possibly fiber digestibility; however, excess ruminal carbohydrate availability relative to rumen-degradable protein (RDP) can promote energy spilling by microbes, decrease rumen pH, or depress fiber digestibility. Both RDP supply and rumen pH might be altered by forage source and monensin. Therefore, the objective of this study was to evaluate interactions of a sugar source (molasses) with monensin and 2 forage sources on rumen fermentation, total tract digestibility, and production and fatty acid composition of milk. Seven ruminally cannulated lactating Holstein cows were used in a 5 × 7 incomplete Latin square design with five 28-d periods. Four corn silage diets consisted of 1) control (C), 2) 2.6% molasses (M), 3) 2.6% molasses plus 0.45% urea (MU), or 4) 2.6% molasses plus 0.45% urea plus monensin sodium (Rumensin, at the intermediate dosage from the label, 16 g/909 kg of dry matter; MUR). Three chopped alfalfa hay diets consisted of 1) control (C), 2) 2.6% molasses (M), or 3) 2.6% molasses plus Rumensin (MR). Urea was added to corn silage diets to provide RDP comparable to alfalfa hay diets with no urea. Corn silage C and M diets were balanced to have 16.2% crude protein; and the remaining diets, 17.2% crude protein. Dry matter intake was not affected by treatment, but there was a trend for lower milk production in alfalfa hay diets compared with corn silage diets. Despite increased total volatile fatty acid and acetate concentrations in the rumen, total tract organic matter digestibility was lower for alfalfa hay-fed cows. Rumensin did not affect volatile fatty acid concentrations but decreased milk fat from 3.22 to 2.72% in corn silage diets but less in alfalfa hay diets. Medium-chain milk fatty acids (% of total fat) were lower for alfalfa hay compared with corn silage diets, and short-chain milk fatty acids tended to decrease when Rumensin was added. In whole rumen contents, concentrations of trans-10, cis-12 C18:2 were increased when cows were fed corn silage diets. Rumensin had no effect on conjugated linoleic acid isomers in either milk or rumen contents but tended to increase the concentration of trans-10 C18:1 in rumen samples. Molasses with urea increased ruminal NH3-N and milk urea N when cows were fed corn silage diets (6.8 vs. 11.3 and 7.6 vs. 12.0 mg/dL for M vs. MU, respectively). Based on ruminal fermentation characteristics and fatty acid isomers in milk, molasses did not appear to promote ruminal acidosis or milk fat depression. However, combinations of Rumensin with corn silage-based diets already containing molasses and with a relatively high nonfiber carbohydrate:forage neutral detergent fiber ratio influenced biohydrogenation characteristics that are indicators of increased risk for milk fat depression.  相似文献   

A cyclical changeover design experiment (3-wk periods; 12-wk total) was conducted to evaluate whether improving the balance of absorbable AA would allow the feeding of less crude protein (CP) without compromising production, thereby reducing the potential environmental pollution from dairy farms. Sixteen multiparous Holstein cows were assigned to 1 of 8 dietary treatments as total mixed rations (TMR) containing [dry matter (DM) basis] 45% corn silage, 5% coarsely chopped wheat straw, and 50% concentrate mixture. The 8 treatments were formulated to differ in dietary CP (14 and 16%; DM basis) and in the balance of absorbable AA achieved by changing the main protein source (MPS) of the concentrate mixtures [replacing soybean meal (SBM) with corn byproducts (CBP), dried corn distillers grains (DDG), and some corn gluten meal], and by adding a mixture of rumen-protected Lys and Met (RPLM). Feeding lactating dairy cows corn silage-based diets with 16% CP promoted significantly higher DM intakes and milk yields, and lower feed N-use efficiency than feeding diets with 14% CP. Replacing SBM with CBP significantly increased milk yields and decreased milk fat and protein concentrations, but had no effect on the efficiency of conversion of feed N into milk N. With 16% CP diets, the addition of RPLM decreased feed N use efficiency. A significant effect was observed for the MPS × RPLM interaction on milk protein concentrations. Plasma Lys concentration was lower with diets based on CBP, and plasma Met increased with RPLM. We did not find clear benefits of RPLM in facilitating a reduction of dietary protein without loss of production.  相似文献   

Effects of chop length (shorter = 10 mm or longer = 19 mm) of alfalfa silage and corn silage were determined in 16 midlactation Holstein cows using a 4 × 4 Latin square design with a 2 × 2 arrangement of treatments. Experimental periods were 21 d long and consisted of 14 d of adaptation and 7 d of sampling. Cows received total mixed ration containing (dry matter basis) 44.0% barley grain-based energy supplement, 12.6% protein supplement, and 21.7% longer chop or shorter chop alfalfa silage and 21.7% longer chop or shorter chop corn silage. Reducing the chop length of alfalfa silage and corn silage reduced the average geometric particle length from 14.4 to 11.0 mm and from 14.2 to 10.4 mm, respectively. Reducing the chop length of both silages reduced the proportion of the diets retained by the 8-and 19-mm screen of the Penn State Particle Separator from 55.0 to 46.0% of dry matter. Reducing the alfalfa chop length increased total rumen volatile fatty acids at 4 to 5 h after feeding but did not affect rumen pH at 4 to 5 h after feeding, feed intake, and milk production. Reducing the corn silage chop length increased dry matter intake from 22.3 to 23.2 kg/d, increased rumen pH at 4 to 5 h after feeding from 6.12 to 6.20, but did not alter rumen volatile fatty acids at 4 to 5 h after feeding or milk production. Daily milk yield, milk fat percentage, and milk protein percentage averaged 38.2 kg/d, 2.62%, and 3.29%, respectively, across all diets. The low milk fat percentages suggest that all diets induced subacute ruminal acidosis (SARA), whereas the rumen pH did not indicate SARA. This discrepancy could be due to a difference in the time of rumen pH measurement and the time of the lowest rumen pH. Hence, the pH data need to be interpreted with caution. Diets could have induced SARA, because for all experimental diets the content of forage neutral detergent fiber was lower than recommended for barley grain-based diets.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to determine if feeding roasted corn would improve production and nutrient utilization when supplemented to lactating cows fed 1 of 3 different alfalfa silages (AS). Forty-two lactating Holstein cows (6 fitted with ruminal cannulas) averaging 77 d in milk and 43 kg of milk/d pretrial were assigned to 2 cyclic changeover designs. Treatments were AS ensiled in bag, bunker, or O2-limiting tower silos and supplemented with ground shelled corn (GSC) or roasted GSC (RGSC). Silages were prepared from second-cutting alfalfa, field-wilted an average of 24 h, and ensiled over 2 d. Production and N utilization were evaluated in 36 cows during four 28-d periods, and ruminal fermentation was evaluated with 6 cows during five 21-d periods. Experimental diets contained 40% AS, 15% corn silage, and 35% of either GSC or RGSC on a dry matter basis. No significant interactions between AS and corn sources were detected for any production trait. Although the chemical composition of the 3 AS was similar, feeding AS from the O2-limited tower silo elicited positive production responses. Yields of 3.5% fat-corrected milk and fat were increased 1.7 kg/d and 150 g/d, and milk fat content was increased 0.3% when cows were fed diets based on AS from the O2-limiting silo compared with the other 2 silages. The responses in milk fat were paralleled by an average increase in acid detergent fiber digestibility of 270 g/d for cows fed AS from the O2-limiting tower silo. However, ruminal concentrations of lipogenic volatile fatty acids were unchanged with AS source. Cows fed RGSC consumed 0.6 kg/d more dry matter and yielded 30 g/d more protein and 50 g/d more lactose than cows fed GSC diets. There was no evidence of increased total tract digestibility of organic matter or starch, or reduced ruminal NH3 concentration, when feeding RGSC. Free amino acids increased, and isovalerate decreased in rumen fluid from cows fed RGSC diets. However, responses in production with roasted corn were mainly due to increased dry matter intake, which increased the supply of energy and nutrients available for synthesis of milk and milk components.  相似文献   

The effectiveness of three carbohydrate sources, high-moisture ear corn (HMEC), cracked shelled corn (CSC), and a 50:50 mixture of HMEC plus dried citrus pulp (DCP), fed with or without supplemental rumen-undegraded protein as expeller soybean meal (ESBM), was assessed in 48 multiparous dairy cows. All diets contained (dry mater [DM] basis) 50% alfalfa silage, 10% ryegrass silage, 28% NDF, and one of six concentrates: A) 38% HMEC; B) 38% CSC; C) 19% DCP plus 19% HMEC; D) 27% HMEC plus 12% ESBM; E) 27% CSC plus 12% ESBM; or F) 13% DCP, 13% HMEC, and 12% ESBM. Diets A, B, and C averaged 19% crude protein, of which 53% was nonprotein nitrogen (NPN), and diets D, E, and F averaged 22% crude protein, of which 40% was NPN. Cows were fed a high-energy covariate diet for 2 wk, blocked into eight groups of six, based on covariate protein yield, then randomly assigned to diets that were fed for 12 wk. Feeding ESBM increased DM intake, yields of milk, fat-corrected milk, fat, protein, SNF, and milk and blood urea concentration and decreased weight loss. There were no production differences between HMEC and CSC. However, DM intake, yields of milk, fat-corrected milk, fat, protein, lactose, SNF, and milk SNF content all were lower on the diets containing DCP versus HMEC and CSC. A 6 x 6 Latin square trial conducted at the same time with six ruminally cannulated cows showed similar effects of diet on DM intake and milk production. Ruminal ammonia was elevated by ESBM but not ruminal total amino acids and branched-chain volatile fatty acids. Ruminal propionate was highest on HMEC diets and lowest on DCP diets; acetate, butyrate and acetate-to-propionate ratio were lowest on HMEC diets and highest on DCP diets. These results indicated that, compared to HMEC and CSC, feeding the pectin-rich carbohydrate source DCP altered ruminal fermentation but depressed intake and milk production in lactating cows.  相似文献   

This trial tested whether rumen-protected Lys (RPL) supplementation would improve the nutritive value of rumen-undegradable protein (RUP) from corn protein. Thirty-two lactating Holstein cows were blocked by days in milk and parity into 8 squares of 4 cows each in replicated 4 × 4 Latin squares. Treatments provided all supplemental crude protein from: (1) soy protein (67% expeller soybean meal plus 33% solvent soybean meal); (2) a blend of soy and corn protein (33% expeller soybean meal, 17% solvent soybean meal, 25% corn gluten meal plus 25% distillers dried grains with solubles); (3) corn protein (50% corn gluten meal plus 50% distillers dried grains with solubles); or (4) corn protein plus RPL [diet 3 top-dressed with RPL (125 g/d of AjiPro-L Generation 1, supplying an estimated 20 g of absorbable Lys/d)]. Diets contained (dry matter basis) 22% alfalfa silage, 43% corn silage, 18% ground high-moisture and dry corn, 2.4% mineral-vitamin premix, 1.5 to 3.9% soy hulls, 15% crude protein, 30 to 32% neutral detergent fiber and predicted to contain equal rumen-degradable protein, RUP, and metabolizable protein. Cows within squares were randomly assigned to treatment sequences and fed diets for 4-wk periods before switching; production data and blood samples were collected during last 2 wk of each period. Data were analyzed using the mixed procedures of SAS. Intake was highest on diet 1, intermediate on diets 2 and 3, and lowest on diet 4; body weight gain was highest on diet 3, intermediate on diets 1 and 2 and lowest on diet 4. Intakes and body weight changes were reflected by differences in milk/dry matter intake, which was highest on diets 2 and 4 and lowest on diet 3. Milk yield was lower on diet 3 (44.3 kg/d) than on diets 1, 2, and 4 (average 45.8 kg/d) and protein yield was highest on diets 1 and 2 (average 1.35 kg/d), intermediate on diet 4 (1.30 kg/d), and lowest on diet 3 (1.25 kg/d). No effects of diet were detected on ruminal metabolites. Free nonessential amino acids and total protein AA were elevated in blood plasma on diet 3, reflecting reduced utilization for milk protein synthesis. These results indicated that 50% dilution of soybean meal RUP with that from corn protein did not reduce yield and that supplementing RPL to the corn protein-based diet increased yield 1.1 kg of milk/d and 50 g of true protein/d.  相似文献   

Feed intake, milk production, and milk fatty acid profiles of dairy cows fed corn silage-based diets with different protein and starch concentrations were measured in a 3-period experiment in a changeover design using 12 Holstein cows. Each experimental period lasted for 3 wk. The diet fed as a total mixed ration consisted of 45% corn silage, 5% coarsely chopped wheat straw, and 50% concentrate, on a dry matter (DM) basis. The 4 treatments, formulated to be isoenergetic and to differ in concentrations of dietary crude protein (CP) and starch (DM basis), were as follows: low CP and low starch (LPLS; 14% CP and 15% starch), low CP and high starch (LPHS; 14% CP and 25% starch), high CP and low starch (HPLS; 16% CP and 15% starch), and high CP and high starch (HPHS; 16% CP and 25% starch). The LPLS treatment led to lower DM intake, milk yield, milk protein concentration, and milk lactose yield, probably due to a shortage of both rumen-degradable protein supply to rumen microbes and glucogenic nutrients to the animal. There were no differences between protein-rich diets and LPHS, suggesting that this diet satisfied the rumen-degradable protein requirements of rumen microbes and did not limit feed intake, and the increased supply of glucogenic nutrients spared AA so that the nutrient requirements of mid lactation dairy cows were met. Further increases in CP concentration increased plasma urea concentration and resulted in decreased efficiency of conversion of dietary N into milk N. Milk fatty acid profiles were affected by starch and protein supply, with starch having the largest effect. Additionally, increasing dietary starch concentration decreased the apparent transfer of dietary polyunsaturated fatty acids to milk, suggesting an increased channeling of fatty acids to adipose tissue. The results further suggest that C15:0 and C17:0 are synthesized de novo in animal tissues.  相似文献   

Six lactating Holstein cows were assigned to a replicated Latin square design to test the effect of dietary vitamin E on milk fat depression and on the increased production of milk trans-10 C18:1 classically observed when feeding high doses of unsaturated fatty acids with low-fiber diets. Two diets (linseed diet and linseed diet + 12,000 IU of vitamin E/d) were compared during 2 periods of 21 d. The linseed diet presented a forage-to-concentrate ratio of 50:50 and contained extruded linseed (1.86 kg/d) and linseed oil (190 g/d). It was conceived to favor the “trans-11 to trans-10 shift” (low structural value and high level of unsaturated fatty acids). Milk yield and protein content were not affected by the diets. Milk of cows fed the linseed diet presented the typical symptoms of milk fat depression associated with a shift in biohydrogenation pathways: low fat content and high level of trans-10 C18:1. However, the high dose of dietary vitamin E provided significantly increased milk fat content (by 17.93%) and yield (by 15.56%) and decreased trans-10 C18:1 content (by 47.06%). In addition, it managed to significantly increase the daily yields of vaccenic (by 102.56%) and rumenic acids (by 56.67%). However, the sequence of administration of vitamin E influenced its effect, as vitamin E seemed to be more active in limiting the “trans-11 to trans-10 shift” when it was incorporated in the diet simultaneously with the fat. Once the shift had occurred, the subsequent addition of vitamin E was no longer able to completely counteract this process.  相似文献   

This experiment was designed to test the inclusion of highly fermentable sugars (FS) in dairy rations and their interactions with a slow-release urea (SU) product. The FS are a blend of liquid coproducts from the corn milling and cheese industries, and the SU is calcium chloride urea. Eight multiparous and 4 primiparous Brown Swiss cows (117 ± 46 d in milk) were blocked by parity and utilized in a multiple Latin square design. Basal diets were formulated for 16.6% crude protein and 1.55 Mcal/kg of net energy for lactation and contained 35% of dietary dry matter as corn silage, 15% alfalfa hay, 34% of a concentrate mix containing varying proportions of ground shelled corn and soybean meal, and 16% of a constant concentrate premix. The premix consisted of equal proportions of corn distillers grains, soybean hulls, expeller soybean meal, vitamins, and minerals across all diets. Diets contained either no supplemental FS (NFS) or FS (8.64% RationMate) and either no SU (NSU) or SU (0.61% Ruma Pro) in a 2 × 2 factorial arrangement of treatments. Feeding FS tended to decrease milk production compared with feeding NFS. Milk fat percentage was increased for cows fed FS compared with NFS. Feeding SU decreased dry matter intake and increased feed efficiency compared with cows fed NSU. Dietary treatment had no effect on energy-corrected milk, milk fat yield, milk protein percentage, or milk urea N. Feeding FS increased the molar proportion of ruminal butyrate and decreased the molar proportion of propionate; however, no other effects were observed on ruminal fermentation. No interactions between FS and SU were observed. It was concluded that the replacement of corn and soybean meal with dietary FS increased milk fat percentage and that the replacement of soybean meal with SU significantly improved feed efficiency.  相似文献   

To increase the production of milk from forage (MF), a previous experiment with alfalfa silage showed the importance of a complementary combination of concentrates and forages offered. When corn silage is fed with alfalfa, increasing the rumen degradable protein (RDP) content in the diet should allow a better utilization of forage energy. To evaluate this hypothesis, 8 multiparous Holstein cows in early lactation were used in a replicated 4 × 4 Latin square design with 3-wk periods. Diets were fed as total mixed rations and were formulated to provide similar levels of net energy for lactation and crude protein but differing in RDP. Corn and alfalfa silages were used. Treatments were: 1) cracked corn-based concentrate providing low RDP [level recommended by the NRC (2001); RDP = 11.1% of dry matter (DM)]; 2) cracked corn-based concentrate providing medium RDP (RDP = 12.8% of DM); 3) cracked corn-based concentrate providing high RDP (RDP = 14.5% of DM); and 4) ground corn-based concentrate providing high RDP (RDP = 13.6% of DM). The first 3 treatments, using cracked corn, were compared on the basis of their RDP level. For these treatments, MF, calculated on a protein basis, decreased and the average of MF calculated on an energy basis and MF calculated on a protein basis tended to decrease as RDP increased. There was no difference for MF calculated on an energy basis between treatments. Increasing dietary RDP levels decreased the milk yield (from 32.8 to 30.7 kg/d) and milk protein yield (from 1,094 to 1,005 g/d) but not the milk fat yield. The milk urea N concentration increased as RDP increased. This suggests that there is no advantage of feeding RDP above the NRC recommendations when diets are based on corn and alfalfa silage. At high RDP levels (treatments 3 and 4), ground corn supported higher DM intake and yields of milk and protein than did cracked corn. Milk from forage, calculated on a protein basis, was higher and milk urea N decreased with ground corn. Even with corn silage in the diet, grinding corn grain proved to be beneficial to milk yield and MF production.  相似文献   

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