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鲁棒辨识问题已经逐渐成为国际控制界的一个研究热点,本文首先研究了互质因子摄动模型集的闭环l^1鲁棒辨识问题,建立了系统的A图象拓扑,提出了BIBO不稳定系统的闭环l^1鲁棒辨识方法,由该方法得到的结果是具体代表性的互质因子摄动模型集。  相似文献   

基于互质因子摄动的反馈系统的鲁棒稳定性   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
考虑对象和控制器同时具有互质因子摄动时闭环系统的鲁棒稳定性问题,得到了闭环系统鲁棒稳定的充要条件并给出了鲁棒控制器的优化设计方法.  相似文献   

李昇平 《自动化学报》2002,28(4):552-558
研究了被控系统存在范数有界的时变模型摄动和未知外部干扰时鲁棒稳态跟踪问题. 利用二自由度控制结构和Youla参数化方法.提出了一个最坏情况稳态绝对误差的精确计算公 式,利用该公式最优稳态跟踪控制器设计问题可化为一个有限维l1优化问题.因此控制器设计 只需解一个标准线性规划问题.此外,还证明了所提出的控制器可同时保证系统的鲁棒稳定性 和最优跟踪性能.仿真结果表明了该方法的有效性和可行性.  相似文献   

李昇平 《自动化学报》2007,33(8):875-877
研究了含未知干扰的互质因子摄动离散时间系统达到最优性能鲁棒性的控制器设计及这种设计的连续性. 给出了含未知干扰的互质因子摄动离散时间系统最优鲁棒调节器的一种设计方法. 分析了含未知干扰互质因子摄动系统的性能鲁棒性优化设计的连续性, 证明了互质因子摄动系统性能鲁棒性的优化设计作为从设计模型到鲁棒控制器的映射是连续的, 并且, 若设计模型的参数集是紧的, 这种映射是一致连续的.  相似文献   

针对具有互质因子摄动和未知干扰的离散时间系统研究了一种自适应鲁棒控制策略.本文的主要工作包括三个方面.首先建立了互质因子摄动系统最优l1鲁棒控制设计的连续性.然后,提出了一种带变死区的参数鲁棒估计投影算法.最后,结合所提出的参数估计算法和最优l1鲁棒控制,利用确定性等价原理提出了互质因子摄动系统的一种新的自适应鲁棒控制方法.基于本文建立的l1优化设计的连续性,证明了自适应鲁棒控制的全局稳定性,给出了自适应控制系统稳定性的后验可计算条件.  相似文献   

研究对象和控制器存在互质因子不确定性时闭环系统鲁棒稳定和非脆弱鲁棒解耦控制问题,得到了闭环系统具有鲁棒稳定性和鲁棒解耦性能的充分条件,给出了鲁棒控制器的优化设计方法.  相似文献   

研究了一类时变不确定系统,证明了求解全局最优鲁棒性能问题的一线线性矩阵不等式(LMI),给出了相应的全局最优鲁棒控制器的具体设计方法,并通过算例对控制器的设计作了进一步的说明。  相似文献   

最优鲁棒容错控制器的设计   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15       下载免费PDF全文
本文针对同时含未建模不确定性和执行器失效的系统,利用Riccati方程和Lya-punov稳定性定理给出了鲁棒控制器设计方法。通过在每个控制回路中嵌入增益,结合Riccati方程中加权矩阵Q和R的适当选取。本文所给出的控制器在正常和某些冗余执行器失效情况下,皆对系统中普遍存在的不确定性具有鲁棒稳定性。  相似文献   

对含有不确定性的直流伺服控制系统,通过应用鲁棒右互质分解方法,设计了一种基于鲁棒右互质分解的精确跟踪控制系统;通常情况下,直流伺服系统中存在诸如非线性特性及参数辨识引起的模型误差和外界扰动,在设计的控制系统中,未知模型误差和外界扰动对系统性能的影响都被看作直流伺服系统的不确定性;在考虑到这些不确定性情况下,设计了一种基于鲁棒右互质分解理论的精确跟踪控制;首先在考虑未知的不确定模型影响系统性能指标的情况下,设计了一种基于演算子理论的反馈控制结构,此结构可以消除不确定模型的影响,在此基础上,设计了基于鲁棒右互质分解的鲁棒精确跟踪控制系统,得出精确跟踪条件;仿真结果表明使用提出的方法可以有效地消除不确定性,使得伺服系统具有很强的鲁棒性和精确跟踪能力。  相似文献   

回路成形法设计中是用互质因子摄动来表示系统不确定性的. 文中对这种互质因子摄动进行了较详尽的分析, 指出系统中的弱阻尼模态会增大互质因子摄动的范数, 因而降低了允许的摄动值, 使系统实际上失去了鲁棒性. 所以H∞回路成形设计并不一定像所期望的那样具有鲁棒性. 文中并用一个参数摄动下的鲁棒性为例来进行说明.  相似文献   

A simple approach to the computation of the minimal polynomial and of eigenvectors of Luenberger controllable canonical forms is presented. The algorithm is useful when there are defective eigenvalues. A simple formula for the derivation of progenitors’ degree and degrees of appropriate Jordan blocks is established.  相似文献   

带有分母因式摄动不确定系统的鲁棒镇定   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
王恩平 《自动化学报》1999,25(3):289-294
讨论了带有分母因式不确定性摄动系统的鲁棒镇定问题,给出了控制器K鲁棒镇定摄动系统G△的充分必要条件,当标称系统G=M-lN∈RL∞时,借助于求解次优Nehari问题,以状态空间形式给出了摄动系统的鲁棒控制器的参数化公式.  相似文献   

This article is concerned with operator-based robust control for nonlinear feedback system with unknown perturbations with simplified robust right coprime factorisation method. By the designed simplified robust controllers, the Bezout identity for the nominal nonlinear system and the perturbed nonlinear system are guaranteed to be simply satisfied, which means that not only the nonlinear system with nominal plant but also that with perturbed plant can be stabilised. Moreover, the plant output can be guaranteed to asymptotically track the reference output. The effectiveness of the proposed design scheme is verified by the simulation results.  相似文献   

We consider robust stabilization of both linear causal discrete-time systems in an l1-setting and linear causal continuous-time systems in an L1-setting. We introduce a new metric in the space of l1(L1)-stabilizable systems in terms of their coprime factorizations. This metric is easily computed and induces the gap topology. We show how robustness optimization in this metric is related to robustness optimization for normalized factor perturbations. In each case, the optimal controller determined by Glover and McFarlane (and studied byGeorgiou and Smith) in the l2 (L2)-setting plays an important role. Finally we show that this metric is easily linked to approximation and identification. © 1997 by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Int. J. Robust Nonlinear Control, Vol. 7, 429–447 (1997)  相似文献   

A quadratic robust tracking problem is solved using a polynomial matrix approach. Because of the possibly unstable mode of the control sequence we propose a new quadratic cost function of error and control sequences to facilitate the optimization. The optimal controller makes the plant output track the reference sequence robustly and minimizes the proposed quadratic cost function. We also present the parametrized set of suboptimal controllers which yield finite costs so that there exists the central optimal controller in the set when the parameter is set to zero. The usefulness of our proposed cost function is demonstrated by simulation examples. Our design procedure has advantages over two other possible approaches: the LQ state-space approach and the Wiener–Hopf approach which may be tried to tackle the same problem. Our approach obviates the need to construct a dynamic observer compared to the state-space approach and it is computationally attractive compared to the Wiener–Hopf approach.  相似文献   

In this paper, extended operator-based robust right coprime factorisation is investigated for dealing with a class of nonlinear systems with unknown bounded perturbations. First, a new kind of operator is introduced, by which operator-based right coprime factorisation approach is extended to consider the perturbed nonlinear systems. By regulating the exponent of the proposed operator, a broader class of nonlinear systems can be handled using the extended right coprime factorisation approach. Second, for guaranteeing robust stability of the perturbed nonlinear systems, feasible design schemes based on some sufficient conditions are discussed, which can reduce complicated calculation in control processing using a different unimodular operator. Finally, a simulation example is involved to illustrate the proposed design scheme for confirming the effectiveness of the proposed method.  相似文献   

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