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BACKGROUND: Honey legislation has been addressed to establish the minimum marketing level of the product and the need for consumer protection through correct denominations. Research oriented toward assessment of floral origin and physico‐chemical properties may increase the commercial value of these products. The characteristics of 23 unifloral honeys of Erica sp., from Portugal, were studied. Pollen features and some physicochemical parameters (moisture, ash, pH, free acidity, electrical conductivity, hydroxymethylfurfural content, apparent sucrose, reducing sugars and diastase activity) were determined. RESULTS: All honey samples can be classified as monofloral Erica sp., they gave a mean value of 56% of Erica pollen type. The families Fabaceae and Rosaceae provided the greatest number of pollen types with 8 and 4 pollen types each respectively. The second most important pollen type is Eucalyptus, present in 69.6% of the samples. All honey samples met the international physicochemical quality standards. The present study found a linear correlation (R = 0.996) between the ash content of honeys and their specific conductivity. CONCLUSION: All honey samples can be classified as monofloral Erica sp. Unifloral honeys are increasingly requested and appreciated, despite their higher prices. The samples were found to meet all major international honey specifications. Copyright © 2009 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

The aim of this work was to characterise, physico‐chemically, sugar composition and aroma profile of ten honey samples collected by small producers during two seasons and produced in different agricultural ecosystems from Tabasco State (Mexico). The mean values obtained for the physico‐chemical parameters were: pH 3.63; 19.25% moisture; 78.8°Brix sugar; 0.64% ash; 0.25 mS cm?1 electrical conductivity and 0.58 water activity. Based on colour parameters, Tabasco honeys can be placed in the group of dark honeys. In the analysed samples; fructose was the major sugar (39.45%), followed by glucose (35.74%) while sucrose only represented 2.93%. The volatile profiles of the ten honey samples were obtained by gas chromatography‐mass spectrometry. All the honeys were characterised by their high contents of benzene and furan‐related compounds. As a result, artisanal honeys from Tabasco (Mexico) can be considered to present a good level of quality.  相似文献   

The aim of the work was to study the binding, degradation and metabolism of dietary condensed tannins in the gastrointestinal tract of an omnivore. Young pods of carob (Ceratonia siliqua L) were radiolabelled by in vivo feeding of 14CO2, trans‐[U‐14C]cinnamate or L ‐[U‐14C]phenylalanine. [14C]Proanthocyanidins (condensed tannins) were extracted with acetone/water (3:1 v/v), isolated on Sephadex LH‐20 and fed to rats by gavage. After 4 and 18 h, 90–94% of the gavaged 14C was in the gut contents and/or faeces. Much of the gavaged 14C (57%), predominantly that originally in tannins of high degree of polymerisation (DP), became insolubilised, mainly in the form of protein–tannin complexes. Some of the [14C]tannins that remained soluble decreased in DP, especially in the small intestine and caecum. A further fraction (12% of the 14C gavaged) underwent chemical modifications in the gut to form soluble, non‐tannin compounds. Small proportions of the 14C were found in the liver (1.0–1.5%), urine (1–2%) and 14CO2 (1–2%). We conclude that proanthocyanidins are not inert within the gut but undergo various modifications which may affect the nutrition of the animal. © 2001 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

Backround The present study evaluated the quality of raw peanuts and pistachio nuts as a function of irradiation dose in order to determine dose levels causing minimal undesirable changes to these products. Physico‐chemical (colour, peroxide value, hexanal content, fatty acid composition, volatile compounds) and sensory (colour, texture, odour, taste) properties of raw peanuts and pistachio nuts were determined after irradiation at doses up to 7 kGy. Results Results showed an eight‐ and seven‐fold increase in peroxide value and a twelve and five‐fold increase in hexanal content after irradiation at a dose of 7 kGy for peanuts and pistachio nuts, respectively. An increase was also observed in saturated fatty acids (20.51–28.28% and 15.24–24.87%) with a parallel decrease in unsaturated fatty acids (79.49–71.72% and 84.76–75.13%) for peanuts and pistachio nuts, respectively. Likewise, volatile compounds such as aldehydes, alkanes, ketones and alcohols comprising secondary oxidation products of peanut and pistachio nut lipids increased after irradiation. Pistachio nut colour parameter a* and to a lesser extent parameters, L* and b* decreased after irradiation leading to a slight but noticeable darkening in product colour while colour parameter L*, b* and a* of raw peanut remained unchanged by irradiation up to 7 kGy. Conclusion Based on sensory evaluation, peanuts and pistachio nuts become unacceptable for consumption when irradiated at doses higher than 3 kGy. Copyright © 2009 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

This study was conducted to determine the physico‐chemical characteristics of honeys (n = 52 samples) produced from sunflower in Trakya region of Turkey. We have evaluated the conformity of the honeys in accordance with the criteria specified by the Turkish Honey Standard (TS 3036), Turkish Food Codex and European Union Commission. According to the results of our analysis, the average values determined were in Tekirdag (n = 10 samples), Malkara (n = 22 samples), Hayrabolu (n = 13 samples) and Muratl? (n = 7samples) respectively: 6.67%, 6.06, 8.43, 7.89 for hydroxymethyl furfural (HMF); 15.02, 23.98, 18.61, 17.61 (Goethe unit) for diastase activity; 2.01%, 2.39, 2.36, 1.69 for saccharose; 75.26, 73.78, 75.50, 76.80 for invert sugar (%); 23.38, 34.92, 31.70, 26.38 for meq kg?1 for acidity; 0.16, 0.25, 0.31, 0.13 for ash value (%); 18.13, 18.21, 17.52, 18.21 for water content (%).  相似文献   

This study was aimed to evaluate the effect of pretreatments and drying methods on the chemical, physico‐chemical, sensory characteristics and nutritional value of oyster mushroom. Chemical analysis of oyster mushroom (OM) showed that the values content were increased by many times when calculated on dry weight basis. Nine treatments of dried mushroom powders (DMP) were prepared using three drying methods (hot air drying, vacuum drying, and sun drying). Also, three pretreatments of each method of drying were used (untreated, blanching by steaming without or with steeped in 0.5% citric acid solution for 30 min).The results and statistical analysis revealed that, sun dried oyster mushroom samples (without pretreatments) were found to be the best. The DMP samples resulting of the sun drying had a highest physico‐chemical properties, sensory evaluation scores, and contents of the mineral elements and amino acids as compared to other pretreatments and drying methods.

Practical applications

Fresh mushrooms have high water content, high enzymatic activity and hence are highly perishable. Thus, in this study nine treatments of dried mushroom powders (DMP) were prepared using three drying methods (hot air drying, vacuum drying and sun drying).Also, three pretreatments of each method of drying were used (untreated, blanching by steaming without or with steeped in citric acid).The DMP samples (untreated) resulting of the sun drying were better than other pretreatments and drying methods regarding quality attributes.  相似文献   

The effect of limited hydrolysis was investigated on the physico‐chemical properties of soy protein isolate–maltodextrin (SPI‐Md) conjugate. The hydrolysates at a degree of hydrolysis (DH) of 1.8% showed much higher surface hydrophobicity (H0; 71.39 ± 3.60) than that of the SPI control (42.09 ± 2.17) and SPI‐Md conjugates (53.46 ± 2.74). Intrinsic fluorescence analysis demonstrated the unfolding of protein molecule and exposure of hydrophobic groups of SPI‐Md conjugate hydrolysates. As evidenced by far‐UV circular dichroism (CD) spectroscopy, the limited hydrolysis increased the unordered secondary structures of SPI‐Md conjugates. The denaturation temperature (Td) of SPI‐Md conjugate was significantly increased by subsequent limited hydrolysis from 102.53 ± 0.60 °C to 108.11 ± 0.61 °C at DH 1.8%. In particular, the emulsifying activity index (EAI) was improved notably after limited hydrolysis of DH 1.8% (147.76 ± 4.39 m2 g?1) compared with that of native SPI (88.90 ± 1.44 m2 g?1) and SPI‐Md conjugate (108.97 ± 1.45 m2 g?1).  相似文献   

The present investigation was undertaken in order to study the influence of the dehusking procedure on the germ meal composition of carob (Ceratonia siliqua L.) seeds and also to investigate its detailed composition and nutritive value. Meals of carob seed germ were obtained by acid treatment or boiling water treatment of the whole seeds. These procedures allowed to separation of the tight-fitting brown coat of the seed and the removal of the endosperm. Results indicated that the carob germ meal composition could be affected by the isolation procedures. Small reductions were observed in protein and lipid contents in germ meals from acid extraction. The analysis of the carob germ meal (containing fine fragments of husk and endosperm), which could be really obtained industrially, showed the following composition: moisture 8.3%, ash 6.5%, lipids (neutral and polar) 6.6% containing ∼21% of polar lipids, crude proteins 54.7% and energy value 17.5 kJ/g.  相似文献   

Honey legislation has been addressed to establish the minimum marketing level of the product and the need for consumer protection through correct denominations. Research oriented toward assessment of floral origin and physicochemical properties may increase the commercial value of these products. The characteristics of thirty‐one honeys produced in the Entre‐Douro e Minho region in Portugal were studied. Pollen features and some physicochemical parameters (moisture, ash, pH, free acidity, electrical conductivity, hydroxymethylfurfural contain, apparent sucrose, reducing sugars and diastase activity) were determined. The samples were found to meet international honey specifications. The present study found a linear regression between the ash content of honeys and their specific conductivity. Five samples are listed as Eucalyptus honey, one sample as Citrus honey, and twenty‐five samples as multifloral honeys. Of the total, 87.1% exceeded the quality parameters and should be labelled as ‘virgin’ honey.  相似文献   

Some European varieties of olive fruit (Douro, Hojiblanca, Cassanese, Conservolia, Taggiasca, and Thasos), processed under different conditions (black oxidised, fermented in brine or dried by different methods) were analysed, their contents of moisture, fat and dietary fibre being quantified. The percentages of moisture and fat were very different between varieties due to the different processing conditions, although differences between samples of the same variety were much less. The content of dietary fibre was around 12% of the fresh weight, although in dried samples this percentage increased to around 20%. Some physico‐chemical characteristics (water holding capacity, cation exchange capacity, and ion retention capacity) were measured. The water holding capacities were related to moisture content, dry samples having the lowest values. Processed olives had very low cation exchange capacity in comparison to other vegetables, exhibiting the same relationship between this characteristic and moisture content. Olive fibre retained more iron than calcium under the assay conditions. © 2000 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

In this study, effect of plant sources viz. Gossypium hirsutum, Coriander sativum, Murraya koenigii and Dalbergia sisso on twelve physico‐chemical properties, phenolic content, flavonoids content as well as on trace mineral (Fe, Cu, Ni, Mn, Cd and Pb) contents of honey were investigated and compared. All the physico‐chemical values were in the range of approved limits of European Commission Regulation and the source of honey had a significant (< 0.05) effect on physico‐chemical properties, phenol content, flavonoid content and trace mineral content. The results of positive correlations between physico‐chemical properties (colour and antioxidant properties) and compositional components (phenols and flavonoids content) established that antioxidant properties were dependent on source of honey rather than on colour of honey. Pattern recognition methods such as principal component analysis and linear discriminate analysis were performed to classify honey on the basis of physico‐chemical properties, phenolic content, flavonoids content and trace metal content. The variables proline and lead exhibited higher discrimination power.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The effect of four cultivation parameters (post‐maturity harvest date, storage period at 0 °C and input of nitrogen or potassium fertilisers) on the physico‐chemical characteristics and composition of volatile compounds in kiwi fruit (Actinidia deliciosa) were evaluated. Five physico‐chemical parameters were selected, namely, pH, total acidity, dry matter, conductivity and refractive index. To our knowledge, no published data are available concerning the influence of nitrogen or potassium fertilisers on the volatile compounds and physico‐chemical parameters in kiwi fruit. RESULTS: Except for total acidity, these parameters were only weakly influenced by cultivation parameters. The concentrations of five main volatile compounds [hexanal, (E)‐hex‐2‐enal, hexan‐2‐ol, ethyl butyrate and hexanol] were also measured using gas chromatography and gas chromatography‐mass spectrometry. This work showed that the total content of volatile compounds decreased with post‐maturity harvest date and storage period of 3 months. In contrast, the input levels of nitrogen and potassium had little effect on the concentrations of volatile components CONCLUSION: This study demonstrates a high degree of difference in the physiochemical parameters and volatile composition of kiwi fruit, depending on the harvest date, the time of storage and the input of fertilisers. © 2012 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

Physico‐chemical (pasting) properties of non‐irradiated (fresh) and γ‐irradiated yam cultivars and sweet potato were determined using Rapid Visco Analyser (RVA). Generally, pasting characteristics of the commodities decreased significantly with increased γ‐irradiation dose. Non‐irradiated sweet potato showed significantly higher peak (45.79), trough (35.25), breakdown (10.54), final (75.21) and setback (39.96) viscosities (in RVU) than γ‐irradiated samples. Also, peak time (6.97 min) and pasting temperature (50.18 RVU) significantly reduced with increased γ‐irradiation dose of tubers. The pasting properties of non‐irradiated and γ‐irradiated sweet potato showed similar but clearer trend compared with yam flours. Also, non‐irradiated and γ‐irradiated Dioscorea rotundata and Dioscorea alata showed significantly higher values of each of the pasting characteristics than values noted in sweet potato. Aside from the TDr 03/00196, peak time did not vary significantly with γ‐irradiation dose.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Dry beans (Phaseolus vulgaris) have a range of varieties, colours and sizes. Differences in physicochemical and sensory properties influence consumer choices for beans. This study related consumer preferences to sensory and physico‐chemical properties of selected bean varieties—Jenny, Kranskop, PAN 148, AC Calmont, PAN 150 and Mkuzi—grown in Mpumalanga (MP) and Free State (FS) in South Africa. RESULTS: Significant (P < 0.05) variety, location as well as location × variety interaction effects were found for both physico‐chemical and sensory properties of beans. Jenny‐FS, Mkuzi and PAN 148‐MP beans had relatively long cooking times (>60 min). Some beans (e.g. PAN 150 and Mkuzi beans) were described as bitter, soapy and metallic with a raw‐bean flavour whereas more preferred beans (e.g. Jenny‐MP, Kranskop‐MP) were sweet, soft and with a cooked‐bean flavour. CONCLUSION Apart from small seed size, sensory characteristics such as bitter taste, soapy and metallic mouthfeel and hard texture contributed to consumers' dislike of certain bean varieties. The sweet taste, cooked‐bean flavours, soft and mushy textures of the most accepted varieties seemed to be related to beans with good hydration capacities that facilitated softening during cooking. Copyright © 2007 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

In this study, fifty‐one monofloral Sardinian honeys from ten various floral origins were screened for their phenolic content, antioxidant activity, colour and electrical conductivity. The total phenolic amounts have been evaluated by Folin–Ciocalteu method, whereas quantification of several phenolic compounds (phenolic acids and flavonoids) has been carried out by HPLC‐DAD technique. The richest sample in phenolic compounds resulted strawberry tree honey with about 40 mg GAE/100 g, as well FRAP test and DPPH˙ test confirm that antioxidant activity of strawberry tree honey extract exceed both honey extracts and synthetic antioxidants like BHA and BHT. Among the studied phenolic compounds a total of five phenolic acids (ferulic, syringic, trans‐cinnamic, chlorogenic and p‐hydroxycinnamic) and nine flavonoids (catechin, kaempferol, rutin, quercetin, luteolin, apigenin, galangin, pinocembrin and pinobanksin) were identified. Our results show good correlations between total polyphenol amount and antioxidant activity and between colour and electrical conductivity.  相似文献   

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