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The typical production of chitosan from crustacean shell consists of demineralization, deproteinization, decoloration, and deacetylation. Selected physicochemical and functional properties of chitosans as affected by various decoloration times (4, 5, 6, 7 or 8 h) using sun drying were evaluated. Moisture content (6.67-6.89 g/100 g), degree of deacetylation (81.91-82.73%), and color L value (78.32-79.43) of chitosans were not affected by sun drying time. However, color a and b values decreased when sun drying time was over 4 h. The viscosity of chitosan solution (0.5 g/100 mL acetic acid) decreased gradually with increasing sun drying time, with a more pronounced effect observed at 8 h of sun drying. There was no change in water-binding capacity (WBC) of chitosans decolorized by sun drying between 4 and 6 h; however, further increase in sun drying time from 6 to 7 or 8 h increased WBC of chitosans. DPPH radical scavenging activity of chitosans increased with increasing sun drying time. This study demonstrated that white-colored chitosans could be produced by an alternative decoloration step using sun drying for 4 h following the deacetylation step. However, increasing sun drying time to 7 h produced chitosan with increased WBC and DPPH radical scavenging activity.  相似文献   

Low dosages of electron beam irradiation (EBI) were applied to shell eggs to examine potential effects on physicochemical and functional properties. Prior to the assessment of physicochemical and functional properties, the antimicrobial efficacy of 2, 3 and 4 kGy dosages of EBI in shell eggs was established by the reduction of inoculated Listeria monocytogenes, Escherichia coli and Salmonella typhimurium to an undetectable level. Physicochemical changes to shell eggs receiving the same dosages of EBI were quantified by Haugh unit, free sulphhydryl groups, yolk index and lipid oxidation. Functional properties were assessed by foaming capacity, emulsifying capacity and gelling properties. A loss of thick albumen and a corresponding increase in free sulphhydryl groups in the albumen were observed after EBI, resulting in a loss of foam volume and gel hardness. Negligible changes in yolk index and lipid oxidation paralleled a retention of emulsifying capacity and gelling properties. EBI proved to be an effective method for controlling microbial growth in shell eggs without adversely affecting physicochemical and functional properties. © 2002 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

Kabuli chickpea seeds were processed by soaking only and soaking followed either by pressure cooking or roasting. Proteins were isolated from both raw and processed seeds, and the effects of these processing approaches on the physicochemical, functional, thermal and structural properties as well as SDS‐PAGE profiles of the protein isolates were investigated. Thermal processes significantly (< 0.05) decreased protein yield, content, colour difference, emulsifying properties and protein solubility of the protein isolates, but increased lightness and water and oil absorption capacities. Protein thermal properties, secondary structure and SDS‐PAGE banding patterns were significantly changed in thermal‐processed samples, especially those that were pressure cooked. No endothermic peak was detected in differential scanning calorimetry thermograms, and peak intensity of amide I absorption band at 1600–1700 cm?1 in Fourier transform infrared spectra reduced. The results reveal that pressure cooking had more pronounced effects on the properties of the protein isolates than other processing approaches.  相似文献   

Physicochemical, binding, antioxidant and antibacterial properties of chitosans prepared from ground and entire crab leg shells were compared. Chitosan prepared from ground shell (designated as g‐chitosan) had significantly higher nitrogen content, degree of deacetylation, solubility and viscosity, but lower ash content, bulk density and colour redness (a*) value than chitosan prepared from entire shell (designated as e‐chitosan). Compared with e‐chitosan, g‐chitosan had comparable water‐binding capacity, but higher fat‐binding and dye‐binding capacity, DPPH radical scavenging activity and antibacterial activity against two Gram‐negative (Salmonella Enteritidis and Escherichia coli) and two Gram‐positive (Listeria monocytogenes and Staphylococcus aureus) bacteria. This study demonstrated that chitosans prepared from ground and entire crab leg shell exhibited drastic differences in their physicochemical and functional characteristics. These differences were contributed by the particle size of the crab shell.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The protein isolate obtained from safflower meal by aqueous extraction and ultrafiltration was evaluated for its physicochemical and functional properties. RESULTS: Protein, ash and moisture contents of the safflower protein isolate were 901, 51 and 45 g kg?1 respectively. Its water and oil absorption capacities were 2.22 mL H2O g?1 protein and 2.77 mL oil g?1 protein respectively. Least gelation concentration was 20 g kg?1 at pH 2, 6, 8 and 10 but 100 g kg?1 at pH 4. Emulsifying properties were also affected by the pH: emulsifying activity and emulsion stability at pH 6 were 82.5 and 100% respectively. The highest foaming capacity (126%) occurred at pH 2; however, it increased by 104% with the addition of 0.25 g glucose g?1 protein to the foam system. CONCLUSION: In the light of its functional properties found in this study, safflower protein isolate produced by ultrafiltration is recommended for use as an ingredient in food products such as salad dressing, meat products, mayonnaise, cakes, ice cream and desserts. Copyright © 2010 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

Starch digestibility, thermal, pasting and gelling properties of Caryota urens (CU) flour were investigated using wheat flour as reference. Amylose content of CU and wheat flour was 32.1% and 28.3%, respectively. CU flour had very low content of protein and lipid but had a high content of total starch (98.2%) and resistant starch (RS) [42.5%]. Gelatinisation temperature (78.5 °C) of CU flour was higher than wheat flour. Pasting behaviour of CU flour was similar to that of high swelling tuber and root and waxy starches. CU flour retrograded to a greater extent than wheat flour. Very specific gelling behaviour was noticed for CU flour where it produced significantly harder gel with high paste clarity, fracture ability, adhesiveness, gumminess and chewiness. Expected glycaemic index (eGI) of CU and wheat flour was 92.4 and 100.4, respectively. CU flour had high eGI despite high content of resistant starch.  相似文献   

对含山嵛酸低热量油脂的脂肪酸组成、甘油三酯组成、固体脂肪含量(SFC)、熔点、结晶速率、晶型及晶体形态进行研究,结果表明含山嵛酸低热量油脂具有较好的功能特性,不含反式脂肪酸,可作为人造奶油/起酥油的基料油,也可作为烹调油、糖果脂及煎炸油等使用.  相似文献   

Full fat and defatted cashew kernel flours were prepared and analysed for their physicochemical and functional properties. There were significant increase in protein and carbohydrate contents of the flour as a result of defatting. The defatted flour possessed higher Ca, P, Na and K contents. It had improved gel strength, foaming and emulsion properties. Foam capacity for the full fat and defatted flours increased from 42% to 50% and 55% to 57% with increased NaCl concentration up to 0.25 and 0.05  m , respectively. The foam capacity and stability of the flours were also pH dependent. The emulsion activity and stability of both flours decreased with increasing NaCl concentration. Minimum and maximum protein solubility were at pH 4 and 8, respectively for the full fat and defatted flours. These results suggest that defatted cashew flour may have potential application as a functional ingredient and as a supplement in foods.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Diacylglycerol (DAG), which has health‐enhancing properties, is sometimes added to bakery shortening to produce baked products with enhanced physical functionality. Nevertheless, the quantity present is often too little to exert any positive healthful effects. This research aimed to produce bakery shortenings containing significant amounts of palm diacyglycerol (PDG). Physicochemical, textural and viscoelastic properties of the PDG bakery shortenings during 3 months storage were evaluated and compared with those of commercial bakery shortening (CS). RESULTS: PDG bakery shortenings (DS55, DS64 and DS73) had less significant increments in slip melting point (SMP), solid fat content (SFC) and hardness during storage as compared to CS. Unlike CS, melting behaviour and viscoelastic properties of PDG bakery shortenings remained unchanged during storage. As for polymorphic transformation, CS contained only β crystals after 8 weeks of storage. PDG bakery shortenings managed to retard polymorphic transformation for up to 10 weeks of storage in DS55 and 12 weeks of storage in DS64 and DS73. CONCLUSION: PDG bakery shortenings had similar if not better storage stability as compared to CS. This is mainly due to the ability of DAG to retard polymorphic transformation from β′ to β crystals. Thus, incorporation of DAG improved physical functionality of bakery shortening. Copyright © 2010 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

以白木通籽为原料,采用碱提酸沉法,制备白木通籽分离蛋白(API),并对其理化性质与功能性质进行了分析。结果表明:白木通籽分离蛋白含17种氨基酸,其中谷氨酸和天门冬氨酸的含量相对较高,有贮藏蛋白的共性。苏氨酸为白木通籽分离蛋白的第一限制性氨基酸。通过SDS-PAGE分析,白木通籽分离蛋白的亚基分子量范围为25~35ku。圆二色性光谱分析表明,白木通籽分离蛋白的二级结构主要由β-折叠和无规则卷曲组成,含量分别为31.2%和36.6%。白木通籽分离蛋白的等电点在pH4~5之间,在此pH范围内,蛋白的溶解性和起泡能力均最低。   相似文献   

Maize grains are used as raw material in various food products. In countries where the production is seasonal, the grains must be stored throughout the year in order to provide sufficient maize supply for the food industries and consumers. During storage, the environmental temperature is considered as one of the most critical variables that affects grain quality. This study aimed to evaluate the effects of various storage temperatures (5, 15, 25 and 35 °C) on the proximate composition, pH, fat acidity, percentage of grains infected by molds, grain color, protein solubility and pasting properties of maize stored for 12 months. Grains stored at 35 °C during the 12 months period showed the greatest decrease in grain yellowness, pH, protein solubility and breakdown viscosity. An increase in disulfide bonds within the protein structure and interaction between starch and non-starch components seems to be responsible for the changes in protein solubility and pasting properties determined in maize during the storage period. Fat acidity and the percentage of grains infected by visible molds were concluded to be very dependent of moisture content. The result of this study demonstrated that the minimum temperature of 5 °C was able to maintain the quality of maize stored for up 12 months.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Increasing global protein consumption has led to the demand for new sources of food protein, particularly plant sources. Many inexpensive but protein‐rich bean cultivars have not been well evaluated and are thus underutilised. In this study the physicochemical and functional properties of seeds of ten seem cultivars were assessed. RESULTS: In agreement with their sizes, seeds of Airet had the highest 1000‐seed weight and volume, while those of Bari had the lowest. In terms of proximate composition (g kg?1), protein content ranged from 240.08 (Ashina) to 292.63 (Puti), fat content from 31.47 (Goalgadda) to 38.40 (Puti), ash content from 32.80 (Puli) to 45.53 (Goalgadda) and fibre content from 21.90 (Tatulia) to 28.90 (Noldog). Hydration (g kg?1) and swelling (mL L?1) capacities ranged from 1688.60 and 1850.43 (Goalgadda) to 1999.40 and 2208.66 (Rupbhan) respectively. Similarly, cooking time (min) varied from 114 (Rupbhan) to 179 (Goalgadda). Lowest gelation concentration was in the range 80–100 g kg?1. Water and fat absorption capacities (g kg?1) ranged from 941.00 and 644.44 (Ashina) to 1043.33 and 749.26 (Puti) respectively. Foaming capacity and stability (mL L?1) ranged from 443 (Puli) to 635 (Puti) and from 314 (Ashina) to 643 (Rupbhan) respectively. CONCLUSION: Seeds of seem cultivars appear to be a promising food in terms of their protein content and functionality. Copyright © 2009 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

The amino acid composition, physicochemical and functional properties of grape (Vitis vinifera L.) seeds protein (GSP) were evaluated and compared with those of soybean protein isolate (SPI). Amino acid analyses of GSP revealed high levels of glutamic/glutamine, glycine and aspartic/asparagines. SDS‐PAGE analysis demonstrated that globulin was the major protein component in GSP, whose subunit molecular weights were mainly varied from 25.5 to 40.0 kDa. The isoelectric pH of GSP was found to be at the acidic pH of around 3.8. At all the pHs tested except pH 2.0, no significant changes of GSP secondary structure were observed. GSP exhibited beneficial functional properties such as preferable solubility and emulsifying activity, while the foaming properties and water holding capacity were relatively poor compared to SPI. It could then be employed to soup, sauce, beverage or meat product for improving nutritional and sensory quality of these foods at appropriate pHs.  相似文献   

Amylase is a very important enzyme due to its wide food applications. To preserve amylase activity in soya bean sprout extract (SSE), SSEs were spray‐dried with 10% maltodextrin and 0–3% alginic acids, and their physicochemical properties and storage stability were compared with freeze‐dried one. SSE exhibited maximum amylase activity at pH 7.0 and 60 °C, with the most active substrate specificity towards soluble starch. Spray‐dried SSEs exhibited higher water solubility index (WSI) and in vitro relative amylase activity but lower water vapour sorption (WVS) and smaller particle size than freeze‐dried SSE. For spray‐dried SSEs, particle size, WSI and in vitro relative amylase activity increased while WVS decreased with increasing % alginic acid. This study demonstrated that spray drying of SSE, especially with 10% maltodextrin and 2% alginic acid, was effective in keeping amylase active and stable during 7‐week storage at room temperature (25 °C).  相似文献   

以稻花香米糠、长粒香米糠、籼米米糠、小米米糠、麦麸粗麸、麦麸细麸、燕麦麸皮、甜荞皮粉、苦荞皮粉、小米皮粉等10种谷物麸皮为实验原料提取水溶性膳食纤维(soluble dietary fiber, SDF),研究了其理化特性、功能特性以及分子结构之间的差异性。结果表明:苦荞皮粉SDF的持水能力最强,小米皮粉SDF的持油能力最强,麦麸细麸SDF吸水膨胀性最强。稻花香米糠SDF、长粒香米糠SDF、小米米糠SDF和甜荞皮粉SDF不具有吸水膨胀性。10种SDF葡萄糖结合能力在56.95~432.83 mg/g之间。SDF胆固醇吸附能力在0.41~66.21 mol/g之间,具有显著性差异。麦麸粗麸SDF的ABTS自由基清除率和DPPH清除率最高,小米米糠SDF羟自由基清除率最高。10种SDF总抗氧化能力在2.00~5.59μmol/g之间,具有显著性差异。扫描电镜结果显示,10种SDF微观结构不同,有的表面凹凸不平呈颗粒状,有的平滑多孔;傅里叶红外吸收光谱呈现不同的强弱峰。综上所述,不同来源SDF的分子结构、理化特性、功能特性存在明显差异性,可根据需要选择不同结构和功能的SDF进行利用。  相似文献   

将新鲜米糠在25℃、相对湿度85%的条件下贮藏不同时间得到不同酸败程度米糠,随后脱脂制备米糠谷蛋白,研究米糠酸败对米糠谷蛋白功能性质的影响。结果表明:米糠谷蛋白羰基含量随贮藏时间延长而增加,表明米糠谷蛋白在贮藏过程中发生了氧化;随着贮藏时间的延长,米糠谷蛋白溶解性下降了40%;米糠谷蛋白持水性、持油性、起泡能力、泡沫稳定性、乳化性和乳化稳定性则随着贮藏时间延长均先上升后下降,其中持水性和持油性分别在贮藏3d和1d后达到最大值,分别为212.61%和657.25%;起泡能力和乳化性均在贮藏1d后达到最大值,分别为75.06%和76.27m2/g,泡沫稳定性和乳化稳定性则在贮藏3d后达到最大值,分别为69.30%和20.60min。表明米糠短期贮藏可提高谷蛋白功能性质,而长期贮藏则会降低。  相似文献   

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