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采用MELCOR程序模拟非能动先进压水堆DVI管小破口始发严重事故下裂变产物释放行为。结果表明:当堆芯开始熔化后,Cs I从堆芯中释放到一回路系统,通过破口喷放到安全壳,惰性气体迅速释放到安全壳。安全壳失效前,安全壳内的Cs I和惰性气体份额最高分别约为70%、83%,环境中的Cs I和惰性气体份额为10-5数量级。安全壳失效后,安全壳内的Cs I和惰性气体份额分别降到了45%、0.38%,环境中的Cs I和惰性气体份额约为28%、90%。  相似文献   

介绍了堆芯损伤评价的指导方法,并将西屋公司的CDAG方法论应用于EPR机组进行严重事故堆芯损伤研究。CDAG堆芯损伤程度的评价主要由2个参数判断:安全壳辐射监测值(CRM)和堆芯出口热电偶读数(CET)。本文讨论了CRM与CET的堆芯损伤估算结果存在差异的原因,分析结果表明:①CDAG是一种适用于EPR机组严重事故下堆芯损伤评价的方法;②CDAG方法能反映实时的堆内裂变产物释放的份额,能够快速地为应急组织决策提供支持;③基于EPR设计的CRM和CET整定值的保守计算结果显示出一个较为合理的趋势和范围;④释放方式、燃耗、RCS裂变产物滞留等因素对堆芯损伤估算结果有较大的影响。  相似文献   

核电站发生严重事故后,安全壳能包容从堆芯释放出的裂变产物,防止向环境的大量释放,但即使在安全壳完好的情况下,仍然会存在一定量泄漏。目前国际上的三代核电机型,大多采用双层安全壳的设计,对裂变产物具有一定的包容、滞留和过滤作用。本文基于我国自主设计的第三代核电机组,结合双层安全壳的设计特点和特定源项分析,对严重事故下双层安全壳之间的环形空间及其通风过滤系统对缓解裂变产物向环境释放的作用进行了定量分析,结果显示双层安全壳及环形空间通风过滤系统能够显著降低放射性气溶胶对环境的释放,对惰性气体也有一定的延缓排放作用。  相似文献   

核电厂严重事故工况下,对于具有双层安全壳设计的核电机组,若环形空间通风系统不能正常运转,无法形成负压或无法启动事故过滤器,双层安全壳对放射性物质释放的控制效果将被削弱。鉴于此,本文针对目前国际上多个第三代核电机组采用的双层安全壳设计,考虑安全壳完整并选用NUREG-1465源项作为严重事故源项,计算环形空间通风系统在不同延迟投运场景下放射性物质的环境释放量,同时采用"欧洲用户要求(EUR)"文件提出的有限影响准则对严重事故的放射性后果进行评价,分析环形空间通风系统的延迟投运同"大量释放"间的关系。研究结果可为严重事故下的应急响应行动及放射性后果评价提供参考。  相似文献   

以先进压水堆核电厂为对象,开展了适用于应急设施可居留性评价的严重事故源项分析方案研究,覆盖了堆芯释放、安全壳内自然去除、放射性物质向环境释放途径等。结合非能动安全壳冷却系统的特征,重点研究了安全壳可能的失效行为,论证了安全壳在事故后24h和72h失效工况的辐射影响。结果表明:两种工况放射性释放水平均达到了INES(国际核事件分级)第6级的水平,属于比较严重的核事故;133 Xe、131I为主导核素组的主导核素,所释放的133 Xe介于WASH-1400中PWR2~PWR4之间的水平,131I介于PWR5~PWR6之间水平。同时,以国内某沿海厂址为例,评价了两种工况下应急指挥中心(EOF)工作人员的有效剂量,均可满足100mSv的剂量限值要求。  相似文献   

事故工况下,堆芯会随着冷却能力的下降而逐步升温,长时间的裸露会导致堆芯损伤,而堆芯出口温度和压力容器水位可直观反映堆芯的冷却能力。以西屋公司堆芯损伤评价导则为基础的堆芯损伤评价方法将堆芯出口温度和安全壳剂量率作为主要参数评价堆芯损伤状态,压力容器水位作为辅助参数之一来验证评价结果的合理性,但一些核电厂堆芯出口热电偶量程并不能满足严重事故条件下的要求,需要其他替代参数。本工作以压水堆核电厂严重事故分析数据为基础,探讨将压力容器水位作为主要参数应用于堆芯损伤评价方法的可行性。  相似文献   

张琨 《原子能科学技术》2012,46(9):1107-1111
在AP1000核电厂的某些严重事故情景中,安全壳可能发生失效或旁通,导致大量放射性物质释放到环境中,造成严重的放射性污染。针对大量放射性释放频率贡献最大的3种释放类别(安全壳旁通、安全壳早期失效和安全壳隔离失效),分别选取典型的严重事故序列(蒸汽发生器传热管破裂、自动卸压系统阀门误开启和压力容器破裂),使用MAAP程序计算分析了释放到环境中的裂变产物源项。该分析结果为量化AP1000核电厂的放射性释放后果和厂外剂量分析提供了必要的输入。  相似文献   

为了确保有效的缓解严重事故,需要对用于缓解和监测严重事故进程的重要设备、仪表在严重事故环境下的可用性进行评估.而温度、压力、湿度、辐射等参数是可用性评估的重要输入条件.本文针对百万千瓦级压水堆核电机组,参考美国核管会发布的《轻水堆核电厂事故源项》(NUREG-1465)关于严重事故后放射性物质的释放阶段和释放份额的假设,计算出事故后由堆芯释放到安全壳内的放射性源项.对于放射性物质在安全壳内的分布,不考虑喷淋和泄漏的影响,计算并分析了严重事故后安全壳内的γ和β辐射环境条件,并与APl000的设备鉴定源项进行了对比分析.本文的计算对于设备和仪表在严重事故后的可用性分析以及其所需耐受的辐射条件具有重要的参考意义.  相似文献   

曾君  刘书焕  翟良 《中国核电》2012,(3):277-283
MCNP程序可以从粒子输运、扩散方程的角度来模拟计算堆芯在严重事故下安全壳内的辐射剂量水平。文章以EPR堆芯为例,采用MCNP 5程序及其核数据库CCC-710建立了精确的三维蒙特卡罗模型,在此基础上对EPR严重事故下安全壳内的辐射剂量率进行了计算分析,为判断堆芯情况和制定应急防护行动提供了数据参考。  相似文献   

严重事故条件下,评估安全壳内的放射性剂量率水平对核电厂严重事故管理、应急响应等环节具有重要指导意义。本工作利用MELCOR程序模拟严重事故序列,计算不同核素组释放进入安全壳内的质量;利用ORIGEN2程序计算不同核素组的堆芯积存量及核素的γ源强;利用MCNP程序计算每组核素100%释放进入安全壳所产生的剂量率水平;最后根据拟合公式求解安全壳剂量率。中核核电运行管理有限公司30万千瓦机组安全壳剂量率的计算结果说明该方法切实可行。  相似文献   

In February 1986 licensing requirements regarding severe accidents in nuclear power plants were given by the Swedish Government. This regulation constitutes conditions for operation of the plants beyond 1988. The requirements are based on the conditions previously given for the Barsebäck plant including construction of the filtered venting system, which was completed at Barsebäck in 1985.For the Forsmark and Ringhals plants a strategy is being implemented to meet the new requirements. A strong emphasis is put on both hardware and procedural measures to bring the reactor core back to stable cooling - even if it is severely damaged - and maintain the containment integrity during an accident. The hardware modifications include measures to prevent temperature or pressure induced early containment failure for the BWRs, reliable back-up water sources for containment spray and means for filtered venting of all plants to prevent late containment failure by overpressure. The ultimate aim is to minimize the environmental impact of a severe accident and meet a release limit set at 0.1% of the core fission product inventory excluding noble gases.  相似文献   

Containment depressurization has been implemented for many nuclear power plants (NPPs) to mitigate the risk of containment overpressurization induced by steam and gases released in LOCA accidents or generated in molten core concrete interaction (MCCI) during severe accidents. Two accident sequences of large break loss of coolant accident (LB-LOCA) and station blackout (SBO) are selected to evaluate the effectiveness of the containment venting strategy for a Chinese 1000 MWe NPP, including the containment pressure behaviors, which are analyzed with the integral safety analyses code for the selected sequences. Different open/close pressures for the venting system are also investigated to evaluate CsI mass fraction released to the environment for different cases with filtered venting or without filtered venting. The analytical results show that when the containment sprays can't be initiated, the depressurization strategy by using the Containment Filtered Venting System (CFVS) can prevent the containment failure and reduce the amount of CsI released to the environment, and if CFVS is closed at higher pressure, the operation interval is smaller and the radioactive released to the environment is less, and if CFVS open pressure is increased, the radioactive released to the environment can be delayed. Considering the risk of high pressure core melt sequence, RCS depressurization makes the CFVS to be initiated 7 h earlier than the base case to initiate the containment venting due to more coolant flowing into the containment.  相似文献   

During a core melt accident, a pressurization of the containment has to be expected, which could lead to a failure of the containment due to overpressurization. This failure mode is expected to be the most likely one for large dry containments under accident conditions. Also during a core melt accident, a large quantity of hydrogen may be generated, giving the potential of a loss of containment integrity due to violent hydrogen combustion. Timely venting of the containment atmosphere can prevent overpressurization and may perhaps make the hydrogen situation in the containment less severe. This paper discusses the thermodynamic consequences of different vent strategies for a large German PWR during core melt accidents.  相似文献   

This paper summarizes the results of previous analyses of containment venting at US light water reactors. The focus of the paper is on the risk aspects of containment venting as a severe accident mitigation strategy; therefore, past risk analyses of venting are critically reviewed and conclusions are drawn where possible concerning the risk and efficacy of this strategy. Because the accident mitigation issues vary from one reactor and containment type to another, the paper examines five containment types separately.  相似文献   

The 3rd Periodic Safety Review of the French 1300 MWe PWRs series includes some modifications to increase their robustness in case of a severe accident. Their review is based on both deterministic and probabilistic approaches, keeping in mind that severe accidents frequencies and radiological consequences should be as low as reasonably practicable, severe accidents management strategies should be as safe as possible and the robustness of equipment used for severe accident management should be ensured.Consequently, the IRSN level 2 probabilistic safety assessment (L2 PSA) studies for the 1300 MWe reactors have been used to re-assess the results of the utility's L2 PSA and rank them to identify the containment failure modes contributing the most to the global risk. This ranking helped the review of plant modifications.Regarding strategies for accident management, the EDF management of water in the reactor cavity during a severe accident for the 1300 MWe PWRs is presented as well as the IRSN position on this strategy: this is an example where the optimal severe accident management strategy choice is not so easy to define.Regarding the robustness of equipment used for severe accident management, the interest of a diversification or redundancy of the French emergency filtered containment venting opening is one example among many others.This paper presents the analysis conducted by IRSN during the 3rd periodic safety review of the French 1300 MWe PWRs. Future NPP upgrades to limit radioactive releases in case of containment filtered venting, to prevent containment venting and basemat melt-through are analysed in another framework (post-Fukushima and long-term operation projects).  相似文献   

以某船用压水堆为研究对象,采用MELCOR程序建立事故分析模型,研究大破口失水事故叠加全船断电严重事故下放射性裂变产物的行为,着重分析了惰性气体和CsI的释放、迁移、滞留特点及在堆舱内的分布。结果表明,83.12%惰性气体从堆芯释放出来,并主要存在于堆舱的气空间;83.08%的CsI从堆芯释放出来,其中,72.66%滞留在堆坑熔融物与一回路内,27.34%释放到堆舱内,并主要溶解于舱底水池中。本文分析结果可为舱室剂量评估、核应急管理提供依据。  相似文献   

本文系统地阐述了可替代源项(AST)进行AP1000失水事故剂量分析的基本方法,介绍了可能的放射源、安全壳内去除机制及放射性物质环境释放途径。为了评估失水事故造成的放射性性后果,针对国内某AP1000滨海厂址实际特征,计算了主控制室工作人员有效剂量、非居住区边界及规划限制区外边界公众剂量,剂量结果分别满足HAD 002/01-2010及GB6249-2011限值要求。同时,通过对关键参数的敏感性分析,进一步确定了对剂量起主导作用的核素组,并且研究了个体年龄及运动状态对其所接受剂量后果的影响。  相似文献   

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