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Tensile creep tests of two-dimensional-C/SiC specimens with double-edge arc notches have been carried out at 1100, 1300 and 1500 °C in vacuum. The matrix cracks on the surface and resonance frequency were examined at different creeping times. At 1100 °C, the creep strains of both smooth and notched specimens were concentrated at the transient stage and the steady creep rates were nearly zero, whereas steady creep rates of notched specimens and smooth specimens were similar at 1500 °C. It has been observed that the creep damage mainly concentrated at the area near the notches. Micro-cracks appeared in the area near the notches and on the cross-points of the woven fiber bundles, and the longitudinal fibers near the notches fractured easily. Both types of curves, namely quantity of micro-cracks vs. time and micro-crack width vs. time, were extremely similar as for the creep curves. In general, micro-cracks developed fast during the first 10 h. It has been noticed that within the first 2 h, the micro-cracks near the notches grow faster than those far from the notches, whereas the growth rate of micro-cracks far from notches was faster than those near the notches after 2 h. This phenomenon indicates the stress redistribution during creep. Damage curves at 1300 and 1500 °C have similar trend, though the damage and the quantity of micro-cracks at 1500 °C are higher than those at 1300 °C.  相似文献   

We propose a model dealing with the prediction of the failure stress of a unidirectional composite 0°; it is based on a probabilistic micro-macro approach. Experimental tests have been carried out on specimens (unidirectional composite 0° T300/914) with different gauge lengths in order to estimate the scale effect in the failure probability distribution.The distribution of defects along the fibres was estimated through the multifragmentation and the single fibre test. The image analysis technique was used to estimate the local volume fraction of the fibres in the bulk of the material. The above physical information is introduced in the model based on a finite element analysis. The scale effect and the influence of the involved parameters on the failure of the material were studied at two different scales and a good agreement was found between the numerical predictions and the experimental results.  相似文献   

Fracture behavior of a two-phase TiAl alloy was investigated using notched specimens. Fracture surfaces and metallographic sections of surviving notch in double notched specimens are observed. The fracture process of notched specimens of TiAl alloys was described as that several inter-lamellar cracks initiate and extend directly from the notch root and propagate preferentially along the interfaces between lamellae and stop at various obstacles. With increasing applied load, cracks connect with each other and propagate further by translamellar cracks. The toughening mechanisms, which make the main crack difficult to propagate or cause it to be stopped, could be reducing the driving force for crack propagation. The higher toughness of near fully lamellar microstructure than that of finer duplex microstructure is attributed to the path of crack propagation. On the fracture surfaces of the finer duplex microstructure, more low-energy-spending interlamellar fracture facets are observed, which means that it is easier for crack to bypass a fine duplex lamellar grain with lamellae perpendicular to the main crack and to take a interlamellar path.  相似文献   

Experimental study on tensile fracture behavior of the newly developed C/C-Mg composite, prepared by infiltration of Mg into the pores in the C/C composite heat-treated at 3000°C, was carried out. The volume fraction of the filled Mg was 9–10%. The composite had a specific density 2.1, Young's modulus 520 GPa and Poisson's ratio 0.26. The average tensile strength measured for the specimen with a nominal width 8 mm, gage length 40 mm and thickness 1 mm was 1 GPa. The Young's modulus was improved from 450 to 520 GPa and the strength from 0.9 to 1.0 GPa by Mg-infiltration. The specific Young's modulus and specific strength based on the average measured values were 2.5 × 107 m and 5 × 104 m, respectively, showing high potential as light-weight, stiff and strong structural material. The strength distribution of the composite was described by the two-parameter Weibull distribution function with a shape parameter 7.6 and scale parameter 1060 MPa. Prior to the overall fracture of the composite, the longitudinal cracking arose at the notch tip, due to which the notch tip was blunted and the ligament portion behaved like an unnotched specimen. As a result, the notched strength could be described by the net stress criterion. The apparent critical energy release rate at formation of the longitudinal crack was around 70–90 J/m2.  相似文献   

The object of this study was to investigate the fracture mechanism of unidirectional carbon-fibre reinforced epoxy resin composite. For this purpose, the failure process of the composite under load was observedin situ by scanning electron microscopy and the matrix deformation around the broken fibre tip was examined by polarized transmission optical microscopy using a thin section of the composite. The failure process was shown to proceed through the following four stages: (1) fibre breakage began to occur at a load of about 60% of the failure load; (2) as the applied load was increased, plastic deformation occurred first from the broken fibre tip along the fibre sides, followed by final matrix cracking in the plastic region; (3) just before failure, partial delamination occurred, originating from fibre breakage and matrix cracking; (4) finally, a catastrophic crack propagation occurred from the delamination, leading to composite failure. Acoustic emission monitoring was also carried out for non-destructive evaluation, which indicated that internal failure began to occur at a load of 60% of the failure load and propagated remarkably before composite failure. A close correspondence between the acoustic signal and crack formation was obtained. The acoustic signal at lower amplitude, occurring over whole load range, corresponded to fibre breakage and matrix cracking while that at higher amplitude, occurring only just before failure, corresponded to partial delamination. From these experimental studies, the fracture mechanism of the composite has been clarified.  相似文献   

The present work investigates the tensile creep behavior (deformation and rupture) at 1100–1300°C in air of a 3-D woven Si-Ti-C-O (Tyranno) fiber/SiC-based matrix composite with and without glass sealant. The composite contained Si-Ti-C-O fibers with an additional surface modification in order to improve interface properties. Although a significant decrease in tensile strength was observed in the unsealed composite beyond 1000°C in air (and attributed to oxidation of the fiber/matrix interface), the composite with glass sealant possessed excellent mechanical properties for short-term (<1 hr.) exposure in air. In this study, tensile creep testing was conducted at 1100–1300°C in air and the effect of glass sealant on medium- and long-term strength was investigated. In addition, chemical stability of the glass sealant was evaluated by X-ray diffraction analysis (XRD) and energy dispersive X-ray spectrometer (EDS). The creep rupture behavior of the composite with glass sealant under long-term exposure is suggested to depend on several factors including decomposition, evaporation, and crystallization of the glass sealant material, in addition to the applied stress.  相似文献   

The static fracture behavior of a titanium based metal matrix composite (MMC) with a central hole or a straight notch was investigated. The MMC used was SCS-6/Ti-β21-S with a quasi-isotropic lay-up. Different sizes of hole or notch were used which provided cut-out size to specimen width ratios from 0·1 to 0·4. Two test temperatures were used: ambient and 650°C. At both temperatures, the tested MMC showed a mild hole size effect or notch sensitivity. The failure mechanisms involved the debonding of fibers followed by failure of fibers, and then by failure of the matrix.  相似文献   

This paper gives a theoretical approach to the general problem of the static fracture resistance in the presence of stress concentrations. First of all, an approaching calculation model is proposed for elastic and plastic stress in the reduced section of a circumferentially notched cylindrical bar. The introduction of a normal stress criterion or of an axial strain fracture criterion on the elastic plastic interface makes it possible to explain the experimental results covering the fracture of various steels above a certain sharpness.  相似文献   

The fracture behavior of Si-Ti-C-O fiber-bonded ceramic composite produced by hot-pressing oxidized 8 harness-satin-woven Si-Ti-C-O fibers was investigated by using unnotched and double edge notched tensile test specimens with different width (8 and 40 mm). The main results are summarized as follows. (i) The tensile strength of unnotched specimens for 8 mm width was higher than that for 40 mm width. Such a width-dependence of the unnotched strength could be described fairly well from the viewpoint of effective volume by application of the experimentally estimated Weibull's shape parameter. (ii) The applicability of the fracture toughness criterion (fracture arises when the stress intensity factor reaches the critical value) and net section stress criterion (fracture arises when the strength of the ligament reaches the unnotched strength) to the present composite was examined. The fracture strength of a notched specimen for 8 mm width was described by the net stress criterion. On the other hand, the strength for 40 mm width obeyed the net stress criterion for a small notch length but it shifted toward the fracture toughness criterion for large one. The shift of the fracture criterion from net strength- to fracture toughness-criterion arose around at the relative notch length 0.2 (notch length 8 mm), corresponding to periodical spacing of fiber strands (8 harness). (iii) The fiber pull-out length (0.4 mm on an average) was nearly the same as the half length of the fiber strand whose deformation is not constricted by the other strands in the satin-weave. (iv) The present fiber-bonded ceramic composite is insensitive to notch under the condition where the width of specimen is narrow and the notch length is smaller than 8 mm. This composite could be therefore applicable to industrial objects safely when the objects are designed as to satisfy the notch-insensitive condition.  相似文献   

The strength and porosity relationship of very high strength cement based materials has been a famous research topic for many years. The author looks back on this relationship through the new class of macro-defect-free cement which is based on calcium aluminate cement and phenol resin. The flexural strength of this material is in the range of 120–200 MPa and has considerable stability to moisture and heat. The comparable composites made using alumina and aluminum hydroxide with phenol resin have given significantly lower strength, in spite of their low porous microstructure. Stress-deflection curves and scanning electron micrographs of the fracture surfaces of the composites revealed that the different fillers showed different behavior under load. The results demonstrated that the strong interparticle bonds created by the chemical interactions of the polymer and cement are significant in affecting the strength of calcium aluminate-phenol resin composite, whereas the alumina-phenol resin composite failed by debonding at the resin/filler weak interface.  相似文献   

An approximate method is proposed for the analysis of unidirectional, filamentary composite materials having slit notches perpendicular to the fibers and subjected to tension parallel to the fibers. The approach is based on an engineering model which incorporates important effects of material heterogeneity by considering average extensional stresses in the fibers and average shear stresses in the matrix. Effects of interfacial failure and matrix plasticity at the root of the notch are considered. Predictions of the analysis are in reasonably good agreement with previous analytical models and experimental data for graphite/epoxy.  相似文献   

This paper presents modifications in the stress fracture criteria (known as the point stress criterion and the average stress criterion), developed by Whitney and Nuismer to predict the tensile strength of composite laminates containing holes and cracks. A simple relation is used for the characteristic lengths to take care of the notch size dependence, which can improve the accuracy while evaluating the notched strength of composite laminates. The applicability of the simple relation is examined by considering a good amount of fracture data on boron/aluminium laminates. The present procedure correlates well with the test data on circular hole specimens as well as various cracked configurations and confirms that the approach can be applied for tensile strength estimations of notched composite laminates.  相似文献   

The brittle fracture behaviour and plastic deformation of round-notched polycarbonate bars subjected to three-point bending under hydrostatic pressure have been studied. Below a certain critical pressure, the brittle fracture initiated from an internal craze nucleated at the tip of the local plastic zone ahead of the notch rooT. The position of the nucleation of the craze receded from the tip of the notch with increasing applied pressure. When the pressure was increased over a critical value, general yielding occurred by passage of the plastic zone across the notched cross-section, that is, the brittle to ductile transition took place. A qualitative analysis of the stress distribution within the plastic zone explains that the brittle to ductile transition under hydrostatic pressure occurs when the general yield takes place before a critical stress for brittle crack propagation is reached.  相似文献   

To describe fracture toughness diagrams of notched bodies, a model of the cohesion zone near the notch root and an averaging criterion of stresses in this zone were employed. The geometric stress concentration factor and biaxiality coefficient affect greatly the shape of fracture toughness diagram. The notch root critical stress intensity factor is a decreasing function of geometric stress concentration factor. __________ Translated from Problemy Prochnosti, No. 5, pp. 142–148, September–October, 2006. Report on International Conference “Dynamics, Strength, and Life of Machines and Structures” (1–4 November 2006, Kiev, Ukraine).  相似文献   

A Monte-Carlo simulation was carried out on the fracture behaviour of centre-notched unidirectional boron-aluminium composites assuming quasi self-similar notch extension. The main results obtained in this work are summarized as follows: (i) the experimental results for notched strength of Awerbuch and Hahn and those of Poe and Sova could be described well by the present simulation method; (ii) the notched strength decreased with increasing notch size for a fixed width of specimen and with increasing width of specimen for a fixed relative notch size; (iii) the semi-empirical failure criteria proposed by Waddoups, Eisenman and Kaminski, Whitney and Nuismer, and Mar and Lin could approximately describe the notched strength obtained by the present simulation method under limited conditions, despite the difference in basic concept between these models and the present method; and (iv) the characteristic lengths in the models of Waddoups, Eisenman and Kaminski, and Whitney and Nuismer, which were originally assumed to be material constants, were dependent on notch size and width of specimen. It was demonstrated that these characteristic lengths have a strong positive correlation with damage zone size.  相似文献   

The R-curve for sandstone is obtained from the load-crack mouth opening response of notched specimens subjected to three-point-bending. This approach is used to analyze the fracture behavior under monotonic and cyclic loading. The asymptotic limit of the R-curve compares well with the fracture toughness determined through an effective crack model. The analysis of the relaxation observed before the unloading-reloading cycles in the cyclic tests leads to the conclusion that the fracture toughness remains practically constant while the crack propagates slightly during the load drop.  相似文献   

The initiation and propagation of splitting damage in notched unidirectional graphite/epoxy composites under tension-tension cyclic loading were investigated experimentally. One-hundred-and-twenty [0°]8 specimens, notched at the center with a 3·175, 6·350, or 9·525 mm hole or slit, were tested. Thirty specimens were loaded monotonically to failure to determine the static splitting stress. Ninety specimens were cycled at maximum loads corresponding to 80%, 70%, and 60% of their predicted static splitting stress. The stress ratio of the load cycle was maintained at a nominal value of Rσ = 0·1, while the frequency was changed with the stress amplitude to maintain the same loading rate. The results show that the static splitting stress is sensitive to both notch type and size and that the split length varies linearly with the natural logarithm of the number of accumulated load cycles. The intercept of this linear relation depends on the notch type, notch size, and stress level while its slope depends only on the notch size and stress level. Empirical functional forms are derived using multiple linear regression analyses of the test data.  相似文献   

The failure modes of unidirectional Hercules AS4/3501-6 carbon/epoxy composite compression specimens, tested using a standard IITRI compression test fixture, were analysed. Three distinct failure modes were identified, along with several minor variations. Observations suggest that the occurrence of a particular failure mode is highly dependent on the type of tabbing material used, the tab geometry, and subtle changes in the compression fixture gripping conditions.  相似文献   

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