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The technology of supercritical water gasification of coal can converse coal to hydrogen-rich gaseous products effectively and cleanly. However, the slugging problem in the tubular reactor is the bottleneck of the development of continuous large-scale hydrogen production from coal. The reaction of coal gasification in supercritical water was analyzed from the point of view of thermodynamics. A chemical equilibrium model based on Gibbs free energy minimization was adopted to predict the yield of gaseous products and their fractions. The gasification reaction was calculated to be complete. A supercritical water gasification system with a fluidized bed reactor was applied to investigate the gasification of coal in supercritical water. 24 wt% coal-water-slurry was continuously transported and stably gasified without plugging problems; a hydrogen yield of 32.26  mol/kg was obtained and the hydrogen fraction was 69.78%. The effects of operational parameters upon the gasification characteristics were investigated. The recycle of the liquid residual from the gasification system was also studied.  相似文献   

Supercritical water gasification (SCWG) of coal is a promising technology for clean coal utilization. In this paper, hydrogen production by catalytic gasification of coal in supercritical water (SCW) was carried out in a micro batch reactor with various alkaline catalysts: Na2CO3, K2CO3, Ca(OH)2, NaOH and KOH. H2 yield in relation to the alkaline catalyst was in the following order: K2CO3 ≈ KOH ≈ NaOH > Na2CO3 > Ca(OH)2. Then, hydrogen production by catalytic gasification of coal with K2CO3 was systematically investigated in supercritical water. The influences of the main operating parameters including feed concentration, catalyst loading and reaction temperature on the gasification characteristics of coal were investigated. The experimental results showed that carbon gasification efficiency (CE, mass of carbon in gaseous product/mass of carbon in coal × 100%) and H2 yield increased with increasing catalyst loading, increasing temperature, and decreasing coal concentration. In particular, coal was completely gasified at 700 °C when the weight ratio of K2CO3 to coal was 1, and it was encouraging that raw coal was converted into white residual. At last, a reaction mechanism based on oxygen transfer and intermediate hybrid mechanism was proposed to understand coal gasification in supercritical water.  相似文献   

The technology of supercritical water gasification can convert coal to hydrogen-rich gaseous product efficiently and cleanly. A novel continuous-flow system for coal gasification in supercritical water was developed successfully in State Key Laboratory of Multiphase Flow in Power Engineering (SKLMF). The experimental device was designed for the temperature up to 800 °C and the pressure up to 30 MPa. The gasification characteristics of coal were investigated within the experimental condition range of temperature at 650–800 °C, pressure at 23–27 MPa and flow rate from 3 kg h−1 to 7 kg h−1. K2CO3 and Raney-Ni were used as catalyst and H2O2 as oxidant. The effects of main operation parameters (temperature, pressure, flow rate, catalyst, oxidant, concentration of coal slurry) upon gasification were carried out. The slurry of 16 wt% coal + 1.5 wt% CMC was successfully transported into the reactor and continuously gasified in supercritical water in the system. The hydrogen fraction reached up to 72.85%. The experimental results demonstrate the bright future of efficient and clean conversion of coal.  相似文献   

Exhaust gas assisted fuel reforming is an attractive on-board hydrogen production method, which can open new frontiers in diesel engines. Apart from hydrogen, and depending on the reactions promoted, the reformate typically contains a significant amount of carbon monoxide, which is produced as a by-product. Moreover, admission of reformed gas into the engine, through the inlet pipe, leads to an increase of intake air nitrogen to oxygen ratio. It is therefore necessary to study how a mixture of syngas and nitrogen affects the performance and emissions of a diesel engine, in order to gain a better understanding of the effects of supplying fuel reformer products into the engine.  相似文献   

Overcoming diesel engine emissions trade-off effects, especially NOx and Bosch smoke number (BSN), requires investigation of novel systems which can potentially serve the automobile industry towards further emissions reduction. Enrichment of the intake charge with H2 + N2 containing gas mixture, obtained from diesel fuel reforming system, can lead to new generation low polluting diesel engines.  相似文献   

Supercritical water gasification (SCWG) of coal has great application prospect for converting coal into hydrogen-rich gas efficiently and cleanly. However, the previous study on the reaction mechanism for SCWG of coal is relatively macroscopic rather than reflects the reaction essence deeply. The evolution of organic functional groups in Zhundong lignite (ZD), Hongliulin bitumite (HLL) and Ningxia anthracite (NX) during SCWG, as well as the correlation with gaseous products were analyzed quantitatively in this paper. It was found that the lower rank coal contained more free radicals and produced more H2 with SCW. H2 yield of the three types of coal exceeded 2 times the hydrogen content in coal at 800 °C. The organic functional groups evolve in 2–4 stages during SCWG process. The decomposition and gasification of organic functional groups mainly took place in low or medium temperature range. About 95% of C=O groups and 90% of aromatic C=C groups cracked and were gasified. Aromatic ether (Car-O) groups were formed in high temperature range. The reasonable functional relationship between the parameters of gaseous products and organic functional groups was established, providing a new approach to predict organic functional groups through gaseous products. This research may lay the foundation for further optimization design of reactor.  相似文献   

In the present study, microwave plasma gasification of two kinds of coal and one kind of charcoal was performed with various O2/fuel ratios of 0–0.544. Plasma-forming gases used under 5 kW microwave plasma power were steam and air. The changes in the syngas composition and gasification efficiency in relation to the location of the coal supply to the reactor were also compared. As the O2/fuel ratio was increased, the H2 and CH4 contents in the syngas decreased, and CO and CO2 increased. When steam plasma was used to gasify the fuel with the O2/fuel ratio being zero, it was possible to produce syngas with a high content of hydrogen in excess of 60% with an H2/CO ratio greater than 3. Depending on the O2/fuel ratio, the composition of the syngas varied widely, and the H2/CO ratio necessary for using the syngas to produce synthetic fuel could be adjusted by changing the O2/fuel ratio alone. Carbon conversion increased as the O2/fuel ratio was increased, and cold gas efficiency was maximized when the O2/fuel ratio was 0.272. Charcoal with high carbon and fixed carbon content had a lower carbon conversion and cold gas efficiency than the coals used in this study.  相似文献   

Studies on the coal gasification process in supercritical water (SCW) were carried out with the ReaxFF molecular dynamics (MD) method, in which the Wiser model of the coal molecule was adopted. The results show that hydrogen production increases with increase of temperature and water–coal mass ratio. It is also found that the coal molecule breaks into small fragments before it reacts with water molecules. The detailed chemical reactions and pathways of hydrogen generation during the gasification process are disclosed. H ions are found to be the main source of hydrogen generation, and C–H–O compounds or radicals are the most essential reactants throughout the reactions producing H2 and H ions. OH ions can significantly accelerate the oxidization of organic fragments to produce C–H–O compounds and radicals, which explains how catalysts of alkali salts such as NaOH and KOH improve hydrogen production.  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to conduct a parametric study to show the best steam to carbon ratio that produces the maximum system performance of an integrated gasifier for hydrogen production. The study focuses on the energy and exergetic efficiency of the system and hydrogen production. The work is completed using computer simulation models in Engineering Equation Solver software package. This software is used for its extensive thermodynamic properties library. An equilibrium based model is used to determine the performance of the system. The data is presented in graphs which show the chemical composition in molar fractions of the syngas, the overall energy and exergy efficiency of the system, and the hydrogen production rates. A study of these parameters is conducted by varying the steam to carbon ratio entering the gasifier and the ambient temperature. It is observed that the higher the steam to carbon ratio that is achieved the more hydrogen and more power the plant is able to produce. Because of this, the exergy and energy efficiency of the system increases as the steam to carbon ratio increases as well. It is also observed that the system favors a lower ambient temperature for maximum exergy efficiency and hydrogen production.  相似文献   

Coal is the single most important fuel for power generation today. Nowadays, most coal is consumed by means of “burning coal in air” and pollutants such as NOx, SOx, CO2, PM2.5 etc. are inevitably formed and mixed with excessive amount of inner gases, so the pollutant emission reduction system is complicated and the cost is high. IGCC is promising because coal is gasified before utilization. However, the coal gasifier mostly operates in gas environments, so special equipments are needed for the purification of the raw gas and CO2 emission reduction. Coal and supercritical water gasification process is another promising way to convert coal efficiently and cleanly to H2 and pure CO2. The gasification process is referred to as “boiling coal in water” and pollutants containing S and N deposit as solid residual and can be discharged from the gasifier. A novel thermodynamics cycle power generation system was proposed by us in State Key Laboratory of Multiphase Flow in Power Engineering (SKLMFPE) of Xi'an jiaotong University (XJTU), which is based on coal and supercritical water gasification and multi-staged steam turbine reheated by hydrogen combustion. It is characterized by its high coal-electricity efficiency, zero net CO2 emission and no pollutants. A series of experimental devices from quartz tube system to a pilot scale have been established to realize the complete gasification of coal in SKLMFPE. It proved the prospects of coal and supercritical water gasification process and the novel thermodynamics cycle power generation system.  相似文献   

This study investigated the engine performance and emissions of a supercharged engine fueled by hydrogen and ignited by a pilot amount of diesel fuel in dual-fuel mode. The engine was tested for use as a cogeneration engine, so power output while maintaining a reasonable thermal efficiency was important. Experiments were carried out at a constant pilot injection pressure and pilot quantity for different fuel-air equivalence ratios and at various injection timings without and with charge dilution. The experimental strategy was to optimize the injection timing to maximize engine power at different fuel-air equivalence ratios without knocking and within the limit of the maximum cylinder pressure. The engine was tested first with hydrogen-operation condition up to the maximum possible fuel-air equivalence ratio of 0.3. A maximum IMEP of 908 kPa and a thermal efficiency of about 42% were obtained. Equivalence ratio could not be further increased due to knocking of the engine. The emission of CO was only about 5 ppm, and that of HC was about 15 ppm. However, the NOx emissions were high, 100–200 ppm or more. The charge dilution by N2 was then performed to obtain lower NOx emissions. The 100% reduction of NOx was achieved. Due to the dilution by N2 gas, higher amount of energy could be supplied from hydrogen without knocking, and about 13% higher IMEP was produced than without charge dilution.  相似文献   

This paper comparatively discusses hydrogen production options through coal gasification, including plasma methods, and evaluate them for practical applications. In this regard, it focuses on numerous aspects of hydrogen production from coal gasification, including (i) state of the art and comparative evaluation, (ii) environmental and economic dimensions, (iii) energetic and exergetic aspects, (iv) challenges, opportunities and future directions. Furthermore, this review paper outlines what differences it brings in and what contributions it makes to the current literature about such a significant domain of potential hydrogen production which can be used as clean fuel, energy carrier and feedstock. Accordingly, this comprehensive review offers some results as follows: (i) plasma gasification system produces higher amount of hydrogen from other gasification processes, (ii) less amounts of solid wastes (slag, ash, tar, etc.) are released during plasma gasification process compared to other gasification processes, and (iii) it is overall more sustainable Thus, plasma gasification is proposed as a potential option for hydrogen fuel production from coals and for practical application in energy sector. As a case study, some plasma gasifiers in the literature are analyzed in terms of the exergetic sustainability. Furthermore, the case study results show that the exergetic sustainability index decreases from 0.642 to 0.186, and the exergetic efficiency drops from 0.342 to 0.156, while the environmental impact factor increases from 1.556 to 5.372 with an increase of waste exergy ratio from 0.839 to 0.532, respectively.  相似文献   

According to the literature, there is in lack of a comprehensive study to compare the combustion, performance and emissions of a diesel engine using diesel, biodiesel and ethanol fuels (DBE) in the blended mode and fumigation mode under various engine speeds. This study was conducted to fill this knowledge gap by comparing the effect of blended, fumigation and combined fumigation + blended (F + B) modes on the combustion, performance and emissions of a diesel engine under a constant engine load (50% of full torque) with five engine speeds ranging from 1400 rpm to 2200 rpm. A constant overall fuel composition of 80% diesel, 5% biodiesel and 15% ethanol, by volume % (D80B5E15), was utilized to provide the same fuel for comparing the three fueling modes.According to the average results of five engine speeds, the blended mode has higher peak heat release rate (HRR), ignition delay (ID), brake thermal efficiency (BTE), brake specific nitrogen monoxide (BSNO) and brake specific nitrogen oxides (BSNOX), but lower duration of combustion (DOC), brake specific fuel consumption (BSFC), brake specific carbon dioxide (BSCO2), brake specific carbon monoxide (BSCO), brake specific hydrocarbon (BSHC), brake specific nitrogen dioxide (BSNO2), brake specific particulate matter (BSPM), total number concentration (TNC) and geometric mean diameter (GMD), and similar peak in-cylinder pressure compared to the fumigation mode. In addition, for almost all the parameters, results obtained in the F + B mode are in between those of the blended and fumigation modes. In regard to the effect of engine speed, the results reveal that the increase in engine speed causes reduction in peak in-cylinder pressure, BTE, BSHC, BSNOX, BSNO and BSNO2, but increase in peak HRR, ID, DOC, BSFC, BSCO2, BSPM and TNC, and similar BSCO and GMD for almost all the tested fueling modes. It can be inferred that the blended mode is the suitable fueling mode, compared with the fumigation mode, under the operating conditions investigated in this study.  相似文献   

The use of vegetable oils as a fuel in diesel engines causes some problems due to their high viscosity compared with conventional diesel fuel. Various techniques and methods are used to solve the problems resulting from high viscosity. One of these techniques is fuel blending. In this study, a blend of 50% sesame oil and 50% diesel fuel was used as an alternative fuel in a direct injection diesel engine. Engine performance and exhaust emissions were investigated and compared with the ordinary diesel fuel in a diesel engine. The experimental results show that the engine power and torque of the mixture of sesame oil–diesel fuel are close to the values obtained from diesel fuel and the amounts of exhaust emissions are lower than those of diesel fuel. Hence, it is seen that blend of sesame oil and diesel fuel can be used as an alternative fuel successfully in a diesel engine without any modification and also it is an environmental friendly fuel in terms of emission parameters.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to investigate the performance and emissions of a pilot-ignited, supercharged, dual-fuel engine powered by different types of syngas at various equivalence ratios. It was found that if certain operating conditions were maintained, conventional engine combustion could be transformed into combustion with two-stage heat release. This mode of combustion has been investigated in previous studies with natural gas, and has been given the name PREmixed Mixture Ignition in the End-gas Region (PREMIER) combustion. PREMIER combustion begins as premixed flame propagation, and then, because of mixture autoignition in the end-gas region, ahead of the propagating flame front, a transition occurs, with a rapid increase in the heat release rate. It was determined that the mass of fuel burned during the second stage affected the rate of maximum pressure rise. As the fuel mass fraction burned during the second stage increased, the rate of maximum pressure rise also increased, with a gradual decrease in the delay between the first increase in the heat release rate following pilot fuel injection and the point when the transition to the second stage occurred. The H2 and CO2 content of syngas affected the engine performance and emissions. Increased H2 content led to higher combustion temperatures and efficiency, lower CO and HC emissions, but higher NOx emissions. Increased CO2 content influenced performance and emissions only when it reached a certain level. In the most recent studies, the mean combustion temperature, indicated thermal efficiency, and NOx emissions decreased only when the CO2 content of the syngas increased to 34%. PREMIER combustion did not have a major effect on engine cycle-to-cycle variation. The coefficient of variation of the indicated mean effective pressure (COVIMEP) was less than 4% for all types of fuel at various equivalence ratios, indicating that the combustion was within the stability range for engine operation.  相似文献   

针对高转速和大负荷工况下发动机粗暴燃烧、热负荷过高的问题,在一台高强化单缸柴油机上加装进气道辅助喷水系统进行仿真试验,研究了进气道喷水对燃烧与排放特性的影响。通过建立一维热力学模型和三维全气道模型,在独立进气道水喷射系统的高强化单缸柴油机上进行试验,对比不同喷水压力和水油比对缸内氧气浓度、燃烧压力、燃烧温度和NOx排放的影响。试验结果表明,喷水压力为1 MPa、水油比为0.6时,缸内最高燃烧温度降低34.2 K,NOx生成量减少24.6%。进气道喷水可明显降低缸内燃烧温度,在优化排放的同时有效改善了高强化柴油机热负荷过高的问题。  相似文献   

介绍了万丰热电厂2号燃油锅炉改烧水煤浆的改造内容、水煤浆供浆系统的工艺流程、水煤浆试验的结果,说明水煤浆是一种有效的代油燃料,在电站锅炉中可推广应用。  相似文献   

Emulsions of diesel and water are often promoted as being able to overcome the difficulty of simultaneously reducing emissions of both oxidises of nitrogen (NOx) and particulate matter from diesel engines. In this paper we present measurements of the performance and NOx and hydrocarbon emissions of a diesel engine operating on a typical diesel oil emulsion and examine through the use of heat release analysis differences found during its combustion relative to standard diesel in the same engine. While producing similar or greater thermal efficiency and improved NOx and hydrocarbon emission outcomes, use of the emulsion also results in an increase in brake specific fuel consumption. Use of the emulsion is also shown to result in a retarded fuel injection, but smaller ignition delay for the same engine timing. As a result of these changes, cylinder pressures and temperatures are lower.  相似文献   

The technology of supercritical water gasification (SCWG) of coal has a great prospect because it converts coal into hydrogen-rich gas products efficiently and cleanly. However, there are bottlenecks affecting the complete gasification of coal in supercritical water (SCW) without catalyst under moderate conditions. This work is to explore the restricted factor for complete gasification of coal in SCW by investigating the conversion mechanism. The conversion mechanism of SCWG of coal with and without K2CO3 is proposed. Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) with graphite phase structures are formed by the condensation of aromatic structures at 550–750 °C. It is the restricted factor due to its characteristic of difficulty to be gasified. There is no condensation of aromatic structures in the process of SCWG of coal with K2CO3, which effectively inhibited the formation of PAHs with graphite phase structures. K2CO3 dramatically promoted the SCWG of coal, leading to carbon gasification efficiency (CE) reaching 98.43%.  相似文献   

The present work describes an experimental investigation concerning the electric energy generation using blends of diesel and soybean biodiesel. The soybean biodiesel was produced by a transesterification process of the soybean oil using methanol in the presence of a catalyst (KOH). The properties (density, flash point, viscosity, pour point, cetane index, copper strip corrosion, conradson carbon residue and ash content) of the diesel and soybean biodiesel were determined. The exhaust emissions of gases (CO, CO2,CxHy,O2, NO, NOx and SO2) were also measured. The results show that for all the mixtures tested, the electric energy generation was assured without problems. It has also been observed that the emissions of CO, CxHy and SO2 decrease in the case of diesel–soybean biodiesel blends. The temperatures of the exhaust gases and the emissions of NO and NOx are similar to or less than those of diesel.  相似文献   

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