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《Information and Computation》2007,205(7):1027-1077
Probabilistic timed automata are timed automata extended with discrete probability distributions, and can be used to model timed randomised protocols or fault-tolerant systems. We present symbolic model-checking algorithms for probabilistic timed automata to verify both qualitative temporal logic properties, corresponding to satisfaction with probability 0 or 1, and quantitative properties, corresponding to satisfaction with arbitrary probability. The algorithms operate on zones, which represent sets of valuations of the probabilistic timed automaton’s clocks. Our method considers only those system behaviours which guarantee the divergence of time with probability 1. The paper presents a symbolic framework for the verification of probabilistic timed automata against the probabilistic, timed temporal logic PTCTL. We also report on a prototype implementation of the algorithms using Difference Bound Matrices, and present the results of its application to the CSMA/CD and FireWire root contention protocol case studies.  相似文献   

Two base algorithms are known for reachability verification over timed automata. They are called forward and backwards, and traverse the automata edges using either successors or predecessors. Both usually work with a data structure called Difference Bound Matrices (DBMs). Although forward is better suited for on-the-fly construction of the model, the one known as backwards provides the basis for the verification of arbitrary formulae of the TCTL logic, and more importantly, for controller synthesis. Zeus is a distributed model checker for timed automata that uses the backwards algorithm. It works assigning each automata location to only one processor. This design choice seems the only reasonable way to deal with some complex operations involving many DBMs in order to avoid huge overheads due to distribution. This article explores the limitations of Zeus-like approaches for the distribution of timed model checkers.Our findings justify why close-to-linear speedups are so difficult –and sometimes impossible– to achieve in the general case. Nevertheless, we present mechanisms based on the way model checking is usually applied. Among others, these include model-topology-aware partitioning and on-the-fly workload redistribution. Combined, they have a positive impact on the speedups obtained.
F. SchapachnikEmail:

Most of the timed automaton model checking algorithms explore state spaces by enumeration of time zones. The data structure called Difference Bound Matrix (DBM) is widely adopted to represent time zones because of its efficiency and simplicity. In this paper, we first present a quadratic-time algorithm to compute the canonical form of the conjunction of a canonical DBM and a time guard or a location invariant. Based on this algorithm, we present a quadratic-time DBM-based successor algorithm for timed automaton model checking.  相似文献   

We consider the model checking problem for Timed Probabilistic Computation Tree Logic (TPCTL) introduced by H.A. Hansson and D. Jonsson, and studied in a recent book by H.A. Hansson [Han94]. The semantics of TPCTL is defined in terms of probabilistic transition systems. It is shown in [Han94] that model checking for TPCTL has exponential time complexity, the latter being measured in terms of the size of formula, the size of transition system and the value of explicit time that appears in the formula. Besides that, [Han94] describes some polytime decidable classes, the proofs being rather voluminous. We show, by a short proof, that this model checking problem is polytime decidable in the general case. The proof is essentially based on results on the complexity of Markov decision processes. Received: 2 May 1996 / 5 January 1998  相似文献   

为了提高对时间自动机进行空性检测的效率,研究了使用基于时钟区域(zone)的符号化方法和抽象对时间自动机进行空性检测,提出了针对时间自动机自身特点对检测过程进行改进的方法.通过使用基于zone的符号化表示方法和抽象,一个符号化状态表示显式的状态的集合,时间自动机的状态空间会显著缩小,不同的抽象方法对状态空间有不同的效果.符号化状态间不仅有相等关系还有包含关系,通过判断这种包含关系可以尽早的找到接收路径和避免不必要的状态展开从而提高空性检测的效率.实现了改进的检测过程,对一些例子进行了数据比较,取得了较好的实验结果.  相似文献   

为了避免在有界模型检测过程中对变量进行布尔编码以及对时间自动机模型中的时钟进行预处理,给出一个利用SMT(satisfiability modulo theories)工具进行的对时间自动机进行有界模型检测的方法.该方法将时间自动机模型直接转换成SMT工具可识别的逻辑公式,利用SMT工具可求解包含有整数型和实数型变量逻辑公式的能力来进行模型检测.实验结果表明,对于某些可达性性质的验证,该方法的效率有一定的优势.  相似文献   

Probabilistic timed automata, a variant of timed automata extended with discrete probability distributions, is a modelling formalism suitable for describing formally both nondeterministic and probabilistic aspects of real-time systems, and is amenable to model checking against probabilistic timed temporal logic properties. However, the previously developed verification algorithms either suffer from high complexity, give only approximate results, or are restricted to a limited class of properties. In the case of classical (non-probabilistic) timed automata it has been shown that for a large class of real-time verification problems correctness can be established using an integral model of time (digital clocks) as opposed to a dense model of time. Based on these results we address the question of under what conditions digital clocks are sufficient for the performance analysis of probabilistic timed automata and show that this reduction is possible for an important class of systems and properties including probabilistic reachability and expected reachability. We demonstrate the utility of this approach by applying the method to the performance analysis of three probabilistic real-time protocols: the dynamic configuration protocol for IPv4 link-local addresses, the IEEE 802.11 wireless local area network protocol and the IEEE 1394 FireWire root contention protocol.
Jeremy SprostonEmail:

Probabilistic timed automata can be used to model systems in which probabilistic and timing behaviour coexist. Verification of probabilistic timed automata models is generally performed with regard to a single reference valuation π 0 of the timing parameters. Given such a parameter valuation, we present a method for obtaining automatically a constraint K 0 on timing parameters for which the reachability probabilities (1) remain invariant and (2) are equal to the reachability probabilities for the reference valuation. The method relies on parametric analysis of a non-probabilistic version of the probabilistic timed automata model using the “inverse method”. The method presents the following advantages. First, since K 0 corresponds to a dense domain around π 0 on which the system behaves uniformly, it gives us a measure of robustness of the system. Second, it allows us to obtain a valuation satisfying K 0 which is as small as possible while preserving reachability probabilities, thus making the probabilistic analysis of the system easier and faster in practice. We provide examples of the application of our technique to models of randomized protocols, and introduce an extension of the method allowing the generation of a “probabilistic cartography” of a system.  相似文献   

多agent自适应系统在运行过程中需要根据环境进行自适应调整。异构agent能够提高agent的使用效率和降低系统的构建成本,但存在复杂的协作问题,因此提出一种基于概率时间自动机的异构多agent自适应系统运行时验证方法。该方法通过形式化描述异构agent的功能特征并融合环境中的随机因素构建概率时间自动机模型模拟自适应系统的运行过程;针对异构agent之间的协作逻辑制定安全约束条件以确保系统运行中状态迁移流程的安全性。通过模型检查结合运行时定量验证方法进行实验验证,在智能泊车系统案例中应用该方法。实验结果表明,agent之间协作逻辑的正确性可以有效保证系统运行时的稳定性,且相较于不使用运行时定量验证的初始系统在相同时间内正常运行的时间提升了21%左右。  相似文献   

Axiomatising timed automata   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Timed automata has been developed as a basic semantic model for real time systems. Its algorithmic aspects for automated analysis have been well studied. But so far there is still no satisfactory algebraic theory to allow the derivation of semantical equivalence of automata by purely syntactical manipulation. The aim of this paper is to provide such a theory. We present an inference system of timed bisimulation equivalence for timed automata based on a CCS-style regular language for describing timed automata. It consists of the standard monoid laws for bisimulation and a set of inference rules. The judgments of the proof system are conditional equations of the form where is a clock constraint and t,u are terms denoting timed automata. The inference system is shown to be sound and complete for timed bisimulation. The proof of the completeness result relies on the notion of symbolic timed bisimulation, adapted from the work on value–passing processes. Received: 10 May 2001 / 22 October 2001  相似文献   

Mobile Ambient演算是一种描述进程和设备移动的形式化方法,但其移动进程的实时性目前尚未有合适的形式化表达.通过对Mobile Ambient演算进行实时扩充,提出了一种离散时间域的时间Mobile Ambient演算(DTMA),并为DTMA演算定义了模态逻辑.基于DTMA演算及其模态逻辑的子集给出了模型验证算法,提出了一种对BPEL4WS程序的形式化建模方法,实现了业务流程的活动可达性的模型验证.  相似文献   

We review the known decidability and undecidability results for reachability in parametric timed automata. Then, we present a new proof of undecidability in dense time for open timed automata that avoids equalities in clock constraints. Our result shows that the undecidability of parametric timed automata does not follow from their ability to specify punctual constraints in a dense time domain.  相似文献   

Directed model checking is a well-established approach for detecting error states in concurrent systems. A popular variant to find shortest error traces is to apply the A\(^*\) search algorithm with distance heuristics that never overestimate the real error distance. An important class of such distance heuristics is the class of pattern database heuristics. Pattern database heuristics are built on abstractions of the system under consideration. In this paper, we propose downward pattern refinement, a systematic approach for the construction of pattern database heuristics for concurrent systems of timed automata. First, we propose a general framework for pattern databases in the context of timed automata and show that desirable theoretical properties hold for the resulting pattern database. Afterward, we formally define a concept to measure the accuracy of abstractions. Based on this concept, we propose an algorithm for computing succinct abstractions that are still accurate to produce informed pattern databases. We evaluate our approach on large and complex industrial problems. The experiments show the practical potential of the resulting pattern database heuristic.  相似文献   

In this paper, we prove the decidability of the minimal and maximal reachability problems for multi-priced timed automata, an extension of timed automata with multiple cost variables evolving according to given rates for each location. More precisely, we consider the problems of synthesizing the minimal and maximal costs of reaching a given target location. These problems generalize conditional optimal reachability, i.e., the problem of minimizing one primary cost under individual upper bound constraints on the remaining, secondary, costs, and the problem of maximizing the primary cost under individual lower bound constraints on the secondary costs. Furthermore, under the liveness constraint that all traces eventually reach the goal location, we can synthesize all costs combinations that can reach the goal.

The decidability of the minimal reachability problem is proven by constructing a zone-based algorithm that always terminates while synthesizing the optimal cost tuples. For the corresponding maximization problem, we construct two zone-based algorithms, one with and one without the above liveness constraint. All algorithms are presented in the setting of two cost variables and then lifted to an arbitrary number of cost variables.  相似文献   

Interaction among autonomous agents in Multi-Agent Systems (MASs) is a key aspect for agents to coordinate with one another. Social approaches, as opposed to the mental approaches, have recently received a considerable attention in the area of agent communication. They exploit observable social commitments to develop a verifiable formal semantics through which communication protocols can be specified. Developing and implementing algorithmic model checking for social commitments have been recently addressed. However, model checking social commitments in the presence of uncertainty is yet to be investigated.In this paper, we propose a model checking technique for verifying social commitments in uncertain settings. Social commitments are specified in a modal logical language called Probabilistic Computation Tree Logic of Commitments (PCTLC). The modal logic PCTLC extends PCTL, the probabilistic extension of CTL, with modalities for commitments and their fulfillments. The proposed verification method is a reduction-based model checking technique to the model checking of PCTL. The technique is based upon a set of reduction rules that translate PCTLC formulae to PCTL formulae to take benefit of existing model checkers such as PRISM. Proofs that confirm the soundness of the reduction technique are presented. We also present rules that transform our new version of interpreted systems into models of Markov Decision Processes (MDPs) to be suitable for the PRISM tool. We implemented our approach on top of the PRISM model checker and verified some given properties for the Oblivious Transfer Protocol from the cryptography domain. Our simulation demonstrates the effectiveness of our approach in verifying and model checking social commitments in the presence of uncertainty. We believe that the proposed formal verification technique will advance the literature of social commitments in such a way that not only representing social commitments in uncertain settings is doable, but also verifying them in such settings becomes achievable.  相似文献   

We aim to generalize Büchi’s fundamental theorem on the coincidence of recognizable and MSO-definable languages to a weighted timed setting. For this, we investigate weighted timed automata and show how we can extend Wilke’s relative distance logic with weights taken from an arbitrary semiring. We show that every formula in our logic can effectively be transformed into a weighted timed automaton, and vice versa. The results indicate the robustness of weighted timed automata and may also be used for specification purposes.  相似文献   

In this work, we present timed automata as a natural tool for posing and solving scheduling problems. We show how efficient shortest path algorithms for timed automata can find optimal schedules for the classical job-shop problem. We then extend these results to synthesize adaptive scheduling strategies for problems with uncertainty in task durations.  相似文献   

Model checking is a fully automatic verification technique traditionally used to verify finite-state systems against regular specifications. Although regular specifications have been proven to be feasible in practice, many desirable specifications are non-regular. For instance, requirements which involve counting cannot be formalized by regular specifications but using pushdown specifications, i.e., context-free properties represented by pushdown automata. Research on model-checking techniques for pushdown specifications is, however, rare and limited to the verification of non-probabilistic systems.In this paper, we address the probabilistic model-checking problem for systems modeled by discrete-time Markov chains and specifications that are provided by deterministic pushdown automata over infinite words. We first consider finite-state Markov chains and show that the quantitative and qualitative model-checking problem is solvable via a product construction and techniques that are known for the verification of probabilistic pushdown automata. Then, we consider recursive systems modeled by probabilistic pushdown automata with an infinite-state Markov chain semantics. We first show that imposing appropriate compatibility (visibility) restrictions on the synchronizations between the pushdown automaton for the system and the specification, decidability of the probabilistic model-checking problem can be established. Finally we prove that slightly departing from this compatibility assumption leads to the undecidability of the probabilistic model-checking problem, even for qualitative properties specified by deterministic context-free specifications.  相似文献   

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