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Conclusions Moisture transfer has been studied in viscose textile complex yarns having a linear density of 13.3 tex where the linear density of the elementary filaments was 0.13–0.75 tex, as compared with moisture transfer in cotton, natural silk, and polyamide yarns.The advisability of using complex viscose textile yarns with a low linear density of the elementary filaments in cloth and articles of the linen or dress/shirt type has been demonstrated, since they correspond to a very high level of sanitary-hygienic and comfort characteristics.Translated from Khimicheskie Volokna, No. 3, pp. 6–7, May–June, 1984.  相似文献   

The possibility of modifying viscose fibre with phosphorus-containing flame retardants — derivatives of dimethyl methylphosphonate — was investigated. Bath compositions and modification parameters that ensure the sorption-diffusion interaction of flame retardant and fibre were developed and fire-proofed viscose fibres were fabricated for production of textiles and reinforcing systems in production of polymeric composite materials. The effect of the flame retardant on thermochemical processes in thermooxidative degradation and combustion of the viscose fibre and the possibility of regulating these processes by altering the mechanism of decomposition of the fibre and reducing its combustibility were established.  相似文献   

Technology was developed for nonwovens for medical use. NW with a different spectrum of biological action were created and their antimicrobial properties were evaluated.  相似文献   

We present a study of the mechanical properties of porous polymer materials elaborated from the controlled formulation of emulsions and using a polyHIPE templating approach. This consists in the polymerization of high internal phase water-in-oil emulsions of controlled average size and dispersed phase volume fraction. We investigate the evolution of the linear and non-linear mechanical properties as a function of two sets of parameters, that define the structure (namely pore size and volume fraction) and the composition (chemical composition of the polymer walls) of the material. Pore sizes and volume fraction were varied by tuning the initial emulsion size and volume fraction while the solid wall composition was varied by using a mixture of monomers which yield polymers with very different glass transition temperatures T g (namely styrene and ethyl hexyl acrylate which yield polymers with a high and low T g respectively). Unlike the classical models, the two components model that we developed is able to account for the dependence of the measured mechanical properties on the cell size and porosity values. We show that the foam mechanical properties are mainly governed by the T g of the blends. The foams are shown to vary from an elastic-brittle system to a soft ductile material as the proportion of EHA is increased.  相似文献   

Methods and manufacturing conditions were developed for giving ion-exchange properties to PCA fibres by graft polymerization of methacrylic acid to PCA fibres and styrene to PP fibres followed by sulfurization of the graft polystyrene. Antimicrobial surgical suture materials with fixation of antibiotics on the modified sutures by the ion-exchange mechanism were obtained. It was found that the duration and effectiveness of the antimicrobial action of the sutures are determined by the amount of antibiotic sorbed and the ionic bond strength of the latter with the ion-exchange groups in the sutures. The effect of the conditions of modification and methods of sterilization on the physicomechanical properties of the sutures was investigated. Antimicrobial surgical PCA sutures with the gentamycin Caprogent are recommended for use in general clinical practice and are being manufactured. __________ Translated from Khimicheskie Volokna, No. 2, pp. 37–43, March–April, 2007.  相似文献   

An algorithm was developed for control of the output of a viscose plant chemical shop using a control chart. In testing the control algorithm in conditions of Svetlogorsk Khimvolokno Association, an approximately 30% decrease was noted in the number of corrections in chemical shop output. The coefficient of variation of the cold viscose volume during testing of the algorithm was approximately 11%.  相似文献   

A higher level of oil- and water-repellent properties is attained as a result of successive treatment of viscous material with polyhexamethyleneguanidine hydrochloride [PHMG(X)] and phosphorus-containing polymer with latex. It was found that desorption of PHMG(X) is more effective when the amount of applied fluoropolymer on the surface of the fibre material is increased. The studies demonstrated the possibility of obtaining viscose material with a long-acting microbial effect and high level of antiadhesive properties.  相似文献   

The method of development and study of the structure of needle-punched insole fabric for use in shoemaking is described. The nonwoven insole material is composed of three layers, which imparts to the material moisture-absorbing capacity (hygroscopicity), moisture-yielding capacity, elasticity, abrasion resistance, strength, antimicrobial property, deodorizing property, etc. Bamboo fibre is proposed to be used in the composition of the material as an alternative to traditional viscose fibre. It is proved that, thanks to their higher hygroscopicity and strength in the wet state, nonwoven materials containing bamboo fibre are suitable for making insoles for working and special shoes.  相似文献   

采用水相聚合法 ,以高锰酸钾 -硫酸为引发剂 ,研究了粘胶纤维与丙烯酸的接枝共聚反应。实验结果表明 ,硫酸浓度为 8× 10 -3mol·l-1,丙烯酸浓度为 14 % ,反应时间为 4h ,反应温度为 90℃时 ,接枝率比较高  相似文献   

The paper concerns a study of the thermophysical properties and electron-microscopic data for mullite-silica and carbon fibers operating in vacuum and in air at various heating rates.  相似文献   

This paper considers the effective properties of cellular materials. The present approach and some earlier proposed methods are compared and discussed. The main effort is placed upon the continuum mechanics approaches' ability to predict effective elastic properties. It is shown that two methods are distinctly better, namely a slight modification of the Mori‐Tanaka approach and a new approach by Dvorak and Srinivas, which is shown to predict the Young's modulus and shear modulus of the Divinycell H‐grade PVC foam almost exactly.  相似文献   

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