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上海染化五厂在生产分散染料的后处理工序中,砂磨是在砂磨锅中进行的。砂磨锅是装有三层桨式搅拌器的立式容器(见图1)。砂磨锅公称容积V=1500升,D=1200毫米,H=1200毫米,a=2/3D,搅拌器转速 n=106转/分钟,v=4.5米/秒,电动机功率N=7.5千瓦。在研磨分散染料时,把配比恰当的浆状染料、扩散剂与适当量的研磨体(玻璃珠)三者混合“一锅炒”在锅内进行搅拌研磨。这种砂磨锅结构简单,检  相似文献   

我厂自一九七○年开始生产分散染料,其品种有:分散黄RGFL、分散红3B和分散蓝2BLN。目前年产量约350吨。染料后处理中的砂磨采用两种形式:砂磨机砂磨和砂磨锅砂磨。分散黄1970年开始采用砂磨机砂磨,现已有十余年历史。分散蓝1981年开始采用砂磨锅与砂磨机相结合的形式进行砂磨。现将砂磨机在分散染料后处理中的应用情况汇报如下:一、砂磨机在分散黄染料后处理中的应用及改进分散黄1970年采用砂磨机进行砂磨,起初是齿轮泵打料连续砂磨,砂磨时间长,一机料约  相似文献   

砂磨是五十年代后期发展的新型涂料分散设备,我国在六十年代引进采用。砂磨体积小,连续高速分散,效率高,结构简单,操作方便,因此迅速获得推广应用,并且在相当程度上取代了三辊磨和球磨在涂料生产中的地位。目前砂磨已广泛用于油性漆、醇酸漆、环氧漆、水性漆、硝基色浆等品种的研磨分散,已成为涂料工业的重要研磨分散设备之一。因此,如何进一步提高砂磨的研磨效率,增加台时产量,充分发挥设备潜力,是具有重大的经济意义的。根据砂磨的研磨分散机理,影响和决定砂磨分散效果的因素主要有:(1)研磨的漆浆中颜料浓度;(2)研磨漆浆的粘度;  相似文献   

化工部科技局于1982年4月27日至29日在北京召开了染料加工用砂磨机科研座谈会。参加会议的有砂磨机生产厂、使用砂磨的染料厂及科研部门共12个单位27人。部科技局等有关负责同志出席了会议。这次会议是根据今年3月份上海RSN超细粉会议的精神而召开的。上海会议突出地提出砂磨锅研磨的均匀度差,对染色性能有很大影响,使染色布面出现斑点,染料固色率降低。为了提高染料商品质量,除了砂磨问题而  相似文献   

浙江闰土股份有限公司是最早在分散染料生产的后处理工艺中采用上海东华高压均质机厂制造的高压均质机的企业之一。该公司的科技人员探索、总结了利用原有的老工艺所用的砂磨锅或砂磨机先行预粉碎,然后经过滤后将物料送入高压均质机进行处理的生产工艺,取得了显著效果。采用上海东华高压均质机厂生产的高压均质机,使用压力根据不同的品种可控制在50~90MPa。生产实践表明,经高压均质机处理后的分散染料的各项性能均优于砂磨锅或砂磨机处理后的分散染料的性能,而且省时、省工、节能。  相似文献   

随着许多化工过程的强化,产生了强化砂磨中分散过程的必要,也就是说,有必要设计出更为有效的新型工作部件。文献表明,作为砂磨工作机构的搅拌装置之工作效率取决于砂磨中的流体动力学状况。从这一点出发,旋涡式搅拌装置(图1)是具有实际意义的,在它们工作时,被分散介质于玻璃珠的动能作用下产生湍动,而处于磨中物质的轴向循环,则由被分散介质流的形状和方向来确定。  相似文献   

采用砂磨的方法对α-Al2O3粉体进行改性。利用X射线衍射、透射电子显微镜、扫描电子显微镜、Fourier红外光谱等分析方法研究了有机酸添加剂提高砂磨效果的机理。结果表明,当有机酸的加入量为2%时,氧化铝粉体粒径从5μm减小到155 nm左右、粒度分布变窄,砂磨效果明显。有机酸的加入改变了粉体表面双电层结构,在粉体表面形成有机包覆层,改变了氧化铝粉体表面性质,使粉体在溶液中分散稳定,提高了砂磨效率。  相似文献   

锅悬挂的底燃式燃煤固碱炉,是于1991年设计研究的新型固碱炉。它针对传统固碱炉存在的问题,采取了一系列改进措施。在新固碱炉上,不仅首次设计了锅悬挂、底燃的新结构形式,采用了新的吊锅操作方  相似文献   

一、概况为进一步提高染料商品化工艺水平,改变目前由砂磨锅生产染料的工时长、粉碎效果差、染料粒度不匀的情况,我厂从日本引进密闭型砂磨机(单机),配套部分由我厂自行设计。1.引进设备名称:SG_1-16RSC-2密闭型砂磨机2.制造商:日本井上制作所3.安装使用日期:1986年7月4.生产染料:还原棕BR二、流程概述将染料滤饼、助剂、水投入打浆锅打匀后,用管式过滤器将料吸至吸料锅,经滤桶过滤后用泵送入磨缸,研磨物料再经另一个滤桶过滤,然后用泵送至吸料锅,循环数遍经测试合  相似文献   

<正> 一种集分散、粉碎、混和与输送为一体的GSF120—3湿式粉碎机于九二年十一月十八日通过由化学工业部科技司和上海市经委联合组织的新产品鉴定。它的主要技术性能指标均达到了国际同类产品水平。 GSF120-3湿式粉碎机可以将约200μm的物料加工至20μm以下。同染料行业普遍采用的砂磨锅相比,它不仅实现了生产的连  相似文献   

麦霭平 《广州化工》2011,39(7):60-63,104
水悬浮体系的制备过程中,立式砂磨机和卧式砂磨机是目前普遍使用的关键设备,其加工过程对产品的储存物理稳定性影响很大。为了研究了这两类砂磨机和研磨时间对悬浮体系研磨效率及贮存物理稳定性的影响,我们进行了一系列实验对比,结果表明,通过延长研磨时间,可以降低悬浮体系中颗粒的平均粒径和粒径分布(粒径〈3μm的百分比),提高悬浮体系粘度,从而改善悬浮体系的物理稳定性。在相同条件下,卧式砂磨机的研磨效率比立式砂磨机的要高。  相似文献   

This article presents the innovative grinding apparatus Pulsar in which comminution is caused by impact of a particle plug on an impact plate. Advantages of the Pulsar principle in comparison to other types of mills are discussed. The aim of the work is to classify the Pulsar system in the field of grinding apparatus and machines in terms of energy consumption. Experiments were carried out in a Pulsar, a cross beater mill and a ball mill for comparison purposes. The results show that, for the material quartz sand, grinding in the Pulsar at a medium pressure of compressed air (pcar,i = 7.5 bars) and a medium magnetic valve opening time (to = 70 ms) is as efficient as in the ball mill. The grinding energy consumption of both mills, the Pulsar and the ball mill, is remarkably higher than that of the cross beater mill.  相似文献   

Conclusions At the Semiluk Refractories Plant new types of two-plate and single-plate mills were constructed from drawings supplied by the Ukrainian Scientific-Research Institute of Refractories. The mills were tested and are used for breaking up the clay before it is fed into disintegrators and for grinding waste material from the production of lightweight corundum bricks after it is first crushed in a jaw crusher. A two-plate mill is in use also at the Zaporozhe Refractories Plant for breaking up lumps of sintered silicon carbide powder.The centrifugal mills are small and can be constructed in the tool and engineering shops of refractory plants. The installation of the centrifugal mills has resulted in the elimination of basket fractures in the disintegrators by the metallic and other hard objects that may be accidentally contained in the material, and it has resulted in longer basket life.Translated from Ogneupory, Vol. 18, No. 8, pp. 17–19, August, 1977.  相似文献   

The transport behavior of particulate solids flowing through tumbling mills depends strongly on the mill operating conditions. This paper presents the results of a detailed study to delineate the effect of the important operating variables on the hold-up, mean residence time and residence time distribution of particulate solids flowing through ball mills and rod mills. The effects of feed rate, media load, and mill speed on these transport parameters are discussed, emphasizing the fundamental differences between particulate transport in ball mills and rod mills. Under identical dimensionless operating conditions over the range of the investigation, the material hold-up and the Peclet number of the flow regime in the rod mill were always higher than those in the ball mill. Mechanistic interpretations of the observed transport phenomena are presented, and their implications in the context of tumbling mill analysis and design pointed out.  相似文献   

Wet grinding in agitated ball mills. To ensure certain product qualities it is necessary to have very fine particles or a narrow particle size distribution. For this process agitated ball mill grinding can be used as well as crystallisation and precipitation. Cost effective grinding of very fine products to a narrow particle size distribution requires that the effects of variation of strain intensity, frequency of impacts, residence time distribution, size of grinding media, viscosity of liquid and concentration of feed material should be known. The most important parameters and their effects on the grinding result are demonstrated, as well as explained by a model, and the consequences for the operating conditions of agitated ball mills are presented. By using small grinding media in agitated ball mills the production rate can be increased, or at the same energy level smaller particles can be obtained by grinding or deagglomeration. At high flow rates and a narrow residence time distribution the feed material becomes more homogeneous. These facts require the development of new or modified types of agitated ball mills.  相似文献   

生物炼制是解决石化资源紧缺的新途径,而制浆造纸厂是生物炼制技术最容易实现产业化的平台。文章综述了制浆造纸厂中半纤维素、木质素、松节油、妥尔油等废弃生物质进行生物炼制的可行性及存在的问题,并对发展前景作了展望。  相似文献   

研究了直接由草粉或浆料制备羧甲基纤维素钠的溶剂适应性,并对产品的结构、粘度、取代度做了分析。结果表明,丙酮做溶剂时羧甲基纤维素合成的得率最高、取代度最大。草粉和草浆在丙酮溶剂中经过一次反应得到的羧甲基纤维素取代度均可达0.7以上。红外光谱表明,从草粉和从浆料制得的羧甲基纤维素样品结构上没有明显差别。以不同程度预处理的草粉为原料,可以得到取代度0.5~1.1之间的不同品质的羧甲基纤维素产品。  相似文献   

变尺度混沌遗传算法及其在冷扎参数化中的应用   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
针对标准遗传算法存在的收敛速度慢,易陷入局部极小等问题,提出智能化新方法,基于变尺度混沌优化策略的混沌遗传算法,对经过一次遗传操作的群体进行混沌搜索寻伏,引导种群快速进化,并将其成为应用于冷轧参数的优化计算中。  相似文献   

Stirred ball mills are frequently used for ultrafine- and nanogrinding in food, pharmaceutical and chemical industry, but only few investigations have been published on empirical or scale-up modeling of stirred ball mills. Experiments have been carried out with a laboratory scale stirred ball mill. During the experiments the main technical parameters such as stirrer speed, grinding media, filling ratio, grinding time and the solid mass concentration have been systematically adjusted. The particle size distribution of mill products can be well estimated by empirical functions, so an empirical model has been prepared for the laboratory mill. The relation between the grinding fineness, grinding time and specific grinding work was represented for several materials such as pumice, andesite, limestone and tailings of ore mining industry. The power consumption of the stirred ball mill for scale-up was determined by a method based on the dimensional analysis. A new scale-up model has been presented as well by with industrial size stirred ball mills can be designed on the basis of the laboratory measurements.  相似文献   

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