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基于JaVa的捕获/回放测试工具的实现   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
姚砺  束永安 《计算机工程》2003,29(15):22-24
目前,越来越多的应用程序需要和图形用户界面一起工作,一个优秀的软件测试工具必须提供捕获(Capture)用户操作(如击键、鼠标括动等)的能力并在代码被修改之后能够自动回放(Playback)用户的操作。文章结合自主开发的面向Java的事件捕获/回放工具JPlayer(Swing/AWT事件记录器/回放器),介绍了基于事件源识别的捕获/回放技术,以及基于事件跟踪的回放同步技术。  相似文献   

Graphical user interfaces are pervasive in modern software systems, and to ensure their quality it is important to test them. Two primary classes of automated GUI testing approaches, those based on static models and those based on dynamic event-extraction, present tradeoffs in cost and effectiveness. For example, static model-based GUI testing techniques can create test cases that contain nonexecutable events, whereas dynamic event-extraction based GUI testing techniques can create larger numbers of duplicate test cases. To better understand the effects of these tradeoffs, we created a GUI testing framework that facilitates fair comparison of different GUI testing techniques, and we conducted a controlled experiment comparing representative versions of static-model based and dynamic event-extraction based testing techniques on several GUI-based Java applications. Our study reveals several cost and effectiveness tradeoffs between the techniques, with implications for research and practice.  相似文献   

This paper describes JaRec, a portable record/replay system for Java. It correctly replays multi‐threaded, data‐race free Java applications, by recording the order of synchronization operations, and by executing them in the same order during replay. The record/replay infrastructure is developed in Java, and does not require a modification of the Java Virtual Machine (JVM) if it provides the JVM Profiler Interface (JVMPI). If the JVM does not support JVMPI, which is used for intercepting the loaded classes, only a minor modification to the JVM is required in order to run the system. On ystems with limited memory resources, JaRec can be executed in a distributed fashion. This also makes it suitable to aid debugging of multi‐threaded applications on embedded systems. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Specification-based Testing for Gui-based Applications   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The development of GUI-based applications has raised a lot of new issues, one of them being how to automate effective testing for applications with complicated graphical user interactions. In this paper, we discuss the architectural issues and the implementation concerns of our approach to an automated specification-based testing technique for GUI-based applications. This approach is carried out by enriching existing architecture for automated specification-based testing. An essential part of our work is a visual environment to obtain test specifications. This environment pre-runs the Application Under Test (AUT) under its own control, with two prominent characteristics: First, testers can edit test specifications within the true GUI environment of the AUT. Second, the recorded input and output contain the same references as those in the AUT, so that the test cases generated from the edited specification can be used directly by test oracles during the automated testing procedure.We present our running prototype of a visual specification editor that allows users to graphically manipulate test specifications when these specifications are given in term of Finite State Machines (FSM) and the implementations of the AUT are GUI-based Java applications.  相似文献   

并发Java程序动态分析及重演技术研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Java语言在并发程序方面的广泛应用对软件测试提出了新的挑战。众所周知,由于并发程序的不确定性,使得并发程序的设计、开发、调试和测试都非常困难。文章介绍了Safepro/Java中的多线程测试技术,通过对Java源程序进行适当的修改并且保持语义不变,跟踪并发Java程序的运行过程,收集有关数据并对数据进行分析,最终控制并发Java程序的重演。  相似文献   

The increasingly prevalent use of mobile devices has raised the popularity of mobile applications. Therefore, automated testing of mobile applications has become an extremely important task. However, it is still a challenge to automatically generate tests with high coverage for mobile applications due to their specific nontrivial structure and the highly interactive nature of graphical user interfaces (GUIs). In this paper, we propose a novel automated GUI testing technique for mobile applications, namely, Mobolic. In this approach, tests with high coverage are automatically generated and executed by combining the online testing technique and customated input generation. Employing the online testing technique, Mobolic systematically explores the app GUI without falling in a loop. It generates relevant events “on the fly” that are followed by an immediate execution. In addition, involving the customated input generation, Mobolic automatically generates relevant user inputs such as user‐predefined, concrete, or random ones. We implemented Mobolic and evaluated its performance on 10 real‐world open‐source Android applications. Our experimental results show the effectiveness and efficiency of Mobolic in terms of achieved code coverage and overall exercising time.  相似文献   

When developers need to improve the performance of their applications, they usually use one of the many existing profilers. These profilers generally capture a profile that represents the execution time spent in each method. The developer can thus focus her optimization efforts on the methods that consume the most time. In this paper we argue that this type of profile is insufficient for tuning interactive applications. Interactive applications respond to user events, such as mouse clicks and key presses. The perceived performance of interactive applications is directly related to the response time of the program.In this paper we present listener latency profiling, a profiling approach with two distinctive characteristics. First, we call it latency profiling because it helps developers to find long latency operations. Second, we call it listener profiling because it abstracts away from method-level profiles to compute the latency of the various listeners. This allows a developer to reason about performance with respect to listeners, also called observers, the high level abstraction at the core of any interactive Java application.We present our listener latency profiling approach, describe LiLa, our implementation, validate it on a set of microbenchmarks, and evaluate it on a complex real-world interactive application. We then perform case studies where we use LiLa to tune the perceptible performance of two interactive applications, and we show that LiLa is able to pinpoint performance problems even if their causes are embedded in the largest interactive Java application we are aware of.  相似文献   

智能手机以及平板凭借其便捷的丰富的输入功能越来越受到用户的欢迎,但是它们丰富的输入功能增加了测试的复杂性.现有的基于GUI级别的录制与回放工具满足不了Android应用程序可以从设备上的各种传感器获取输入,识别GUI手势以及一些对时间有精确要求的录制和回放需求.本文设计并且实现了一个工具:RARA.RARA可通过直接捕获手机底层的GUI事件以及传感器事件进行应用的录制,并且以微秒时间精度回放.最后通过实验验证了:(1) RARA录制与回放功能是有效的;(2)回放的时间开销只有1%左右,不会对宿主APP的性能产生影响;(3)通过RARA的录制回放功能,可在多款应用程序的测试中重现应用Bug.  相似文献   

基于Robot Framework提出了一种面向MVC GUI模块的自动化测试框架。该框架将GUI自动化测试分为四大方面:用户界面功能测试、信息设置功能测试、信息查询功能测试和特殊项测试。整个框架将上层 GUI和底层Database进行结合测试,使GUI自动化测试范围得以全面覆盖;并根据不同系统环境,编写Python脚本,灵活调用底层数据;而选用黑盒与白盒有机结合的测试方式,使测试者可以迅速锁定代码缺陷,保证了开发程序的正确性和完整性。同时,就OpenWRT LuCI模块作为具体实例,验证了本框架的适用性。  相似文献   

Concurrency constructs are widely used when developing complex software such as real-time, networking and multithreaded client–server applications. Consequently, testing a program, which includes concurrency constructs is a very elaborate and complex process. In this work, we first identify the different classes of synchronization anomalies that may occur in concurrent Java programs. We then consider testing concurrent Java programs against synchronization anomalies using dynamic data flow analysis techniques. Moreover, we show how the data flow analysis technique can be extended to detect such anomalies.  相似文献   

Advancement in reusable component technology has had a significant impact on the development of complex graphical user interfaces (GUIs), which are front-ends to most of today’s software. Software developers can, with very little effort, integrate components into their software’s GUI. Problems, however, arise when new versions of GUI components replace their predecessors in an implementation. Often, the inclusion of a new version of a component breaks some part of the software, i.e., tasks that end-users were able to perform before modifications were made can no longer be performed. Software developers (who also happen to be component users) are unable to perform adequate regression testing in this context because of several factors, including lack of source code, environmental side-effects on GUI rendering, event-driven nature of GUIs, and large number of possible permutations of events. This paper presents a new technique that end-users’ quality assurance (QA) teams can employ to test the new version of a component in its application context by using the existing version as a baseline. The technique combines lightweight event-level dynamic profiling to collect user profiles in a transparent manner, GUI reverse engineering to extract the structure of the component’s GUI, test case execution to replay the collected profiles on the new version, and GUI oracles that collect properties from the existing version. Empirical studies demonstrate the practicality, usefulness, and limitations of the technique. Atif M. Memon is an Assistant Professor at the Department of Computer Science, University of Maryland. He received his BS, MS, and Ph.D. in Computer Science in 1991, 1995, and 2001 respectively. He was awarded a Gold Medal in BS. He was awarded Fellowships from the Andrew Mellon Foundation for his Ph.D. research. He received the NSF CAREER award in 2005. His research interests include program testing, software engineering, artificial intelligence, plan generation, reverse engineering, and program structures. He is a member of the ACM and the IEEE Computer Society.  相似文献   

Testing software that has a GUI is difficult. Manual testing is costly and error-prone, but recorded test cases frequently “break” due to changes in the GUI. Test cases intended to test business logic must therefore be converted to a less “brittle” form to lengthen their useful lifespan. In this paper, we describe BlackHorse, an approach to doing this that converts a recorded test case to Java code that bypasses the GUI. The approach was implemented within the testing environment of Research In Motion. We describe the design of the toolset and discuss lessons learned during the course of the project.  相似文献   

Code transformation and analysis tools provide support for software engineering tasks such as style checking, testing, calculating software metrics as well as reverse‐ and re‐engineering. In this paper we describe the architecture and the applications of JTransform, a general Java source code processing and transformation framework. It consists of a Java parser generating a configurable parse tree and various visitors (transformers, tree evaluators) which produce different kinds of outputs. While our framework is written in Java, the paper further opens an opportunity for a new generation of XML‐based source code tools. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

We describe the Modern Multithreading (MM) class library. MM is a class library consisting of thread and synchronization classes that provide significant support for testing and debugging multithreaded programs. The synchronization classes implement commonly used synchronization objects such as semaphores, monitors, and asynchronous and synchronous message passing channels, for programs that run on a single computer or on a distributed system. MM uses controlled executions to provide program tracing and replay and to support a number of implementation-based and specification-based testing techniques, including non-deterministic and deterministic testing and several forms of reachability testing. MM is portable and easy to use, and has been implemented in Java and C++, with C++ versions for the POSIX Pthreads library and for the Windows Win32 API.  相似文献   

近来针对Android应用程序的基于GUI(图形用户界面)的分析和测试方法已经成为一个研究热点. 自动化技术和较高的GUI覆盖率可以提高大部分方法的效率和效果. 然而以前的工作并不能充分满足自动化和高GUI覆盖率的要求. 提出了一种在不需要程序源代码的情况下遍历Android应用程序GUI的自动化方法. 其主要思想是通过模拟用户的行为自动探测Android应用程序的GUI. 我们的工作主要解决了UI元素提取和处理、用户行为模拟、GUI遍历算法设计和模型构建三方面中的一些关键问题. 实验结果表明, 该方法能获得较高的GUI覆盖率可以有效遍历应用程序的GUI. 此外, 该方法也将有助于程序安全分析、GUI测试等其他研究.  相似文献   

In this paper we present a method for sharing interactive and dynamic 3D models that are collaboration-unaware, i.e., models that have not been designed to be used by multiple users at the same time. This functionality is an essential requirement for the inclusion of arbitrary 3D models, as generated by standard CAD or animation software, into teleconferencing sessions. A key aim of this work is to show that a large part of the required functionality can be developed in a way so that it is reusable for other applications such as shared whiteboards or networked computer games. Our method therefore consists of both an application dependent part that handles the specific tasks required for sharing 3D models, and of a number of generic services such as synchronization, scalable support for latecomers, and the ability to record and replay sessions. The generic services are based on an abstract media model and the RTP/I application level protocol for distributed interactive media. Any other application for a medium that shares this model and that uses RTP/I may reuse these generic services. We have implemented a prototype called TeCo3D demonstrating the feasibility of our approach.  相似文献   

This article presents two tools to generate test cases, one for Java programs and one for .NET programs, as well as a structured testing process whereby such tools can be used in order to help in process automation. The main innovation in this work is the joint use of diverse techniques and technologies, which have been separately applied to test automation: reflection to extract the class structure; regular expressions to describe test templates and test cases; JUnit and NUnit as test case execution frameworks; mutation and MuJava as test case quality measurers; serialization to deal with the parameters of complex data types; and once more, reflection, to facilitate the test engineer in the task of writing the oracle. Finally, the article presents an experiment carried out to validate the work. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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