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In computer simulations where constitutive equations are considered anisotropic polyconvex energies can preferably be used because the existence of minimizers is then automatically guaranteed. In this work we investigate the capability to simulate anisotropy effects of anisotropic thin shells using polyconvex anisotropic energies. The construction of the considered polyconvex transversely isotropic energy is based on specific structural tensors. The iterative enforcement of the zero normal stress condition at the integration points allows the consideration of arbitrary three-dimensional constitutive equations. As a representative example we compare results for isotropic and anisotropic plates.  相似文献   

The crack tip stress singularities for anisotropic materials are derived using the finite difference method and they are compared to other derivations. Subsequently, these asymptotic fields are implemented into a local stress method, enabling the determination of the mixed-mode stress intensity factor distribution along an arbitrary crack in an anisotropic material. Comparison with the interaction integral method shows that the local method yields excellent results and exhibits a better robustness with respect to irregular meshes.  相似文献   

We propose a theory of remodelling in fibre-reinforced biological tissues, in which the fibre orientation follows a given probability density. The latter is characterised by variance and mean angle. We claim that the fibres may change their orientation in time, thereby triggering a remodelling process that can be described by the spatiotemporal evolution of the mean angle. This is determined by solving a balance of external and internal generalised forces. We assign the latter ones by establishing a constitutive theory capable of resolving the spatial variability of the fibre mean angle and featuring a free energy density of the Allen–Cahn type. Through numerical simulations, we compare the predictions of our model with the results of another model available in the literature. Finally, we interpret the evolution of the mean angle as the consequence of a symmetry breaking that occurs in the tissue both spontaneously and due to the coupling between remodelling and deformation.  相似文献   

Enriched finite element methodology, which employs special crack tip elements, is extended for cracks in anisotropic materials. Enrichment formulation is described briefly and three validation examples using single crystal, directionally solidified, and orthotropic material properties are presented to demonstrate the accuracy and effectiveness of the methodology. In addition to validation examples, the effect of material anisotropy on stress intensity factors is investigated using the common compact tension specimen and the results are compared to the ASTM solution for isotropic materials. It is shown that the effect of anisotropy on the computed stress intensity factors can be significant, depending on the degree of anisotropy, material orientation, and a/W ratio in the compact tension specimen geometry.  相似文献   

For elastic-plastic and elastic-viscoplastic materials it is possible to introduce an evolution equation for an elastic deformation measure. Also, it is possible to develop constitutive equations for which the stress and strain energy are functions of elastic deformation only, the stress is determined by a derivative of the strain energy function and the associated material response is rate-independent and non-dissipative in the absence of the rate of inelasticity. Yet, these equations do not necessarily exhibit hyperelastic response in the elastic range. The objective of this paper is to emphasize the importance of satisfying an additional condition that requires the work done between two configurations to be insensitive to the history and rate of total deformation. This work condition places restrictions on the evolution equation which ensure that the integrated elastic deformation measure is a function of total deformation only. Also, it is argued that there is no need to complicate the evolution equation for elastic deformation to accommodate alternative strain measures since the nonlinearities of these strain measures can be absorbed into the form of the strain energy function.  相似文献   

We discuss a continuum model for the absorption and redistribution of fluid in swollen elastomers due to mechanical loading; and in particular distinguish between systems that are saturated with liquid and those that are not. To this end we consider a boundary value problem of radial displacement combined with azimuthal shear for an annular cylinder consisting of a fluid infused hyperelastic media. In the absence of load the elastomer deforms by free swelling, giving a homogeneous expansion in which the imbibed fluid is uniformly distributed. This free swelling is described by the theory of Flory and Rehner. We then consider the effect of various boundary displacements and tractions so as to study how this alters the uniform fluid distribution. This problem was previously considered by Wineman and Rajagopal for the case in which the lateral surfaces maintained the radius associated with free swelling. Here we consider certain generalizations in which the lateral surfaces may undergo not only a prescribed relative twist, but also radial displacement. This permits fluid to either enter or exit the cylinder. A numerical method is invoked to solve these boundary value problems using representative material parameters. Certain boundary tractions generate an overall volume increase after the free swelling. If the amount of available fluid is limited, this gives rise to the possibility of complete fluid absorption, whereupon the system is no longer saturated. It is found that the overall mechanical response after loss of saturation is stiffer than it would be if the system had remained saturated.  相似文献   

In previous work, the authors have developed a theory for treating microstructural changes in fiber reinforced hyperelastic materials. In this theory, fibers undergo dissolution as a result of increasing elongation and then reassemble in a direction defined as part of the model. Processes in which the fibers reassemble in the direction of maximum principal stretch of the matrix were specifically considered. This model was previously illustrated for various cases of homogeneous deformation. The present work studies the implications of the model during the non-homogeneous deformation of axial stretch and torsion of a circular solid cylinder composed of an isotropic matrix and families of helically wound fibers. It is shown that the process of fiber dissolution and reassembly produces complex morphological changes in the fibrous structure and hence, in the response of the cylinder. Such events can give rise to an outer layer of material in which the fibers have undergone dissolution and reassembly. The interface between this region and the as yet unaltered core material can then move radially inward as axial stretch and/or twist increase. Gradual reassembly of the fibers with increasing stretch and twist changes their contributions to the torque and axial force and their helical orientation. Different sequences of axial stretch and twist result in different morphologies in the fibrous structure.  相似文献   

A new variational principle for an anisotropic elastic formulation in stress space is constructed, the Euler–Lagrange equations of which are the equations of compatibility (in terms of stress), the equilibrium equations and the traction boundary condition. Such a principle can be used to extend recently obtained configurational balance laws in stress space to the case of anisotropy.  相似文献   

A nonlinear mathematical programming approach together with the finite element method and homogenization technique is developed to implement kinematic limit analysis for a microstructure and the macroscopic strength of a composite with anisotropic constituents can be directly calculated. By means of the homogenization theory, the classical kinematic theorem of limit analysis is generalized to incorporate the microstructure - Representative Volume Element (RVE) chosen from a periodic composite/heterogeneous material. Then, using an associated plastic flow rule, a general yield function is directly introduced into limit analysis and a purely-kinematic formulation is obtained. Based on the mathematical programming technique, the finite element model of microstructure is finally formulated as a nonlinear programming problem subject to only one equality constraint, which is solved by a direct iterative algorithm. The calculation is entirely based on a purely-kinematical velocity field without calculation of stress fields. Meanwhile, only one equality constraint is introduced into the nonlinear programming problem. So the computational cost is very modest. Both anisotropy and pressure-dependence of material yielding behavior are considered in the general form of kinematic limit analysis. The developed method provides a direct approach for determining the macroscopic strength domain of anisotropic composites and can serve as a powerful tool for microstructure design of composites.  相似文献   

Summary A simple approach to the problem of finite quasi-static axially symmetric deformation of an isotropic incompressible hyperelastic membrane is presented. Lagrangian type equilibrium equations, expressed in terms of the Biot stresses, are used along with constitutive relations expressing the principal components of Biot stress in terms of the principal stretches. Numerical results, obtained from the application of a finite element method to the governing equilibrium equations and constitutive relations, are presented for two problems, and for two different strain energy functions. It is shown how the proposed equilibrium equations can be obtained from a variational principle, and the variational principle is also used to obtain approximate solutions.  相似文献   

A number of energetic materials and explosives have been studied by laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS). They include black powder, neat explosives such as TNT, PETN, HMX, and RDX (in various forms), propellants such as M43 and JA2, and military explosives such as C4 and LX-14. Each of these materials gives a unique spectrum, and generally the spectra are reproducible shot to shot. We observed that the laser-produced microplasma did not initiate any of the energetic materials studied. Extensive studies of black powder and its ingredients by use of a reference spectral library have demonstrated excellent accuracy for unknown identification. Finally, we observed that these nitrogen- and oxygen-rich materials yield LIBS spectra in air that have correspondingly different O:N peak ratios compared with air. This difference can help in the detection and identification of such energetic materials.  相似文献   

Summary In this study, using the VEC operator [1], compact expressions are formulated for the tangent modulus matrix of hyperelastic materials, in particular elastomers, using Lagrangian coordinates. Compressible, incompressible, and near-compressible materials are considered. Expressions are obtained for the corresponding finite element tangent stiffness matrices. It is observed that the incremental stress-strain relations should be considered anisotropic. Numerical procedures based on Newton iteration are sketched. The limiting case of small strain is developed. Finally, the tangent modulus matrix is presented for the Mooney-Rivlin material, with application to the rubber rod element.  相似文献   

An alternative model for anisotropic elasticity based on fabric tensors   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
Motivated by the mechanical analysis of multiphase or damaged materials, a general approach relating fabric tensors characterizing microstructure to the fourth rank elasticity tensor is proposed. Using a Fourier expansion in spherical harmonics, the orientation distribution function of a positive, radially symmetric microstructural property is approximated by a scalar and a symmetric, traceless second rank tensor. Following this approximation, a general expression of the elastic free energy potential is derived from representation theorems for anisotropic scalar functions. Based on a homogeneity assumption for the elastic constitutive law with respect to the microstructural property, a particular elasticity model is developed that involves three independent constants beside the fabric tensors. Strict positive definiteness of the corresponding elasticity tensor is ensured under explicit conditions on the independent constants for arbitrary fabric tensors.  相似文献   

基于连续介质力学理论,提出了一种考虑二维编织物拉剪耦合作用的各向异性超弹性本构模型。该模型中应变能被分解为纤维拉伸应变能和拉剪耦合作用下的剪切应变能两部分。给出了模型参数的确定方法,通过拟合实验数据,得到了本构模型参数。利用确定的本构模型对文献中不同预拉状态下的镜框剪切实验进行了预测,通过与实验结果对照,验证了所提出的本构模型正确性。该模型不仅具有明确的物理意义且参数确定简单,为更加全面精确的二维编织物成型有限元分析奠定了理论基础。  相似文献   

An approach to systematic materials selection is believed to be suitable for both manual and computer aided materials selection. The procedure is divided into two stages; the discriminating and the optimising parts. In the former, all requirements on properties which do not influence the final sizing of the component in question are considered. From this stage a number of materials survives which are used in the optimisation stage. To rank the materials, merit parameters are introduced. This is exemplified for pressurized containers. With the help of the merit parameters it is possible to decide which material is the most suitable in a given situation. A procedure is also proposed from which the influence of the design parameters on the selection can be evaluated. This is exemplified by analysing how the pressure in the containers affects the choice of optimum material.  相似文献   

The paper presents a computational method for predicting the initial geometry of a finitely deforming anisotropic elastic body from a given deformed state. The method is imperative for a class of problem in stress analysis, particularly in biomechanical applications. While the basic idea has been established elsewhere Comput. Methods Appl. Mech. Eng. 1996; 136 :47–57; Int. J. Numer. Meth. Engng 1998; 43 : 821–838), the implementation in general anisotropic solids is not a trivial exercise, but comes after a systematic development of Eulerian representations of constitutive equations. In this paper, we discuss the general representation in the context of fibrous hyperelastic solids, and provide explicit stress functions for some commonly used soft tissue models including the Fung model and the Holzapfel model. A three‐field mixed formulation is introduced to enforce quasi‐incompressibility constraints. The practical utility of this method is demonstrated using an example of aneurysm stress analysis. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The hygro-mechanical behavior of a hierarchical cellular material, i.e. growth rings of softwood is investigated using a two-scale micro-mechanics model based on a computational homogenization technique. The lower scale considers the individual wood cells of varying geometry and dimensions. Honeycomb unit cells with periodic boundary conditions are utilized to calculate the mechanical properties and swelling coefficients of wood cells. Using the cellular scale results, the anisotropy in mechanical and swelling behavior of a growth ring in transverse directions is investigated. Predicted results are found to be comparable to experimental data. It is found that the orthotropic swelling properties of the cell wall in thin-walled earlywood cells produce anisotropic swelling behavior while, in thick latewood cells, this anisotropy vanishes. The proposed approach provides the ability to consider the complex microstructure when predicting the effective mechanical and swelling properties of softwood.  相似文献   

Nonlinear three-dimensional constitutive equations are developed for analyzing inelastic effects that cause dissipation in biological tissues. The model combines a structural icosahedral model of six discrete fiber bundles with a phenomenological model of the inelastic distortional deformations of the matrix containing the fibers. The inelastic response of the matrix is characterized by only three material parameters, which can be used to model both rate-independent and rate-dependent response with a smooth elastic-inelastic transition. Also, a robust, strongly objective scheme is discussed, which allows the model to be easily implemented into finite element computer codes. Examples show that the model predictions compare well with experimental data for the nonlinear, anisotropic, inelastic response of a number of tissues. Specifically, the model simulated the biaxial stretching of rabbit skin with an error of 15.7%, stress relaxation of rabbit skin with an error of 17.2%, simple shear of rat septal myocardium with an error of 21.6%, and uniaxial stress in compression of monkey liver with an error of 8.3%.  相似文献   

In the last decade, instrumented macro- and nano-indentation tests have become useful tools for probing mechanical properties of materials. In this context, little in-depth work has been done for soft bio-materials like biofilms, tissues, gels, cells, etc. Such materials show large elastic strains when subjected to relatively fast loading (excluding viscoelastic phenomena). The present work focuses on the adhesive contact of such materials. Flat punches of circular imprint are used and are subjected to pullout normal forces or bending moments. The materials are modeled as hyperelastic (fast-testing conditions), using the Mooney-Rivlin (M-R) strain energy density function. We examine both incompressibility and compressibility issues. The contact problem of half-space materials interacting with rigid indenters is solved explicitly for moderate deformations and is compared with finite element results. Experiments are conducted with an artificial material (gel, reinforced with talc powder) that is modeled as a hyperelastic material. The present work is expected to extend indentation testing to important technologies like medical applications (health monitoring of tissues) and food industries (quality control of various production stages). It is concluded that the adhesive contact can be used to estimate the initial elastic modulus of soft substrates, but not all the material constants required by the hyperelastic models.  相似文献   

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