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OBJECTIVE: The purpose of this study was to apply multishot echoplanar MR imaging (EPI) to the female pelvis and compare image quality with that of fast spin-echo MR imaging. SUBJECTS AND METHODS: Twenty-one patients with suspected pelvic disease and five healthy female volunteers were prospectively examined. MR imaging was obtained using an EPI-capable 1.0-T imager and a pelvic phased-array coil. Axial EPI and fast Spin-echo sequences were obtained at identical image locations in each patient and volunteer. Spin-echo EPI images were obtained using a multishot number of 16. Acquisition time for each EPI sequence was 2 min 10 sec. Fat-suppressed T2-weighted fast spin-echo images were obtained in 2 min 12 sec. Paired EPI and fast spin-echo MR images were independently evaluated by three reviewers. RESULTS: Delineation of the perivaginal and parametrial venous plexus on EPI was rated superior to the fast spin-echo images in 62 (77%) of 81 cases. On EPI, uterine zone anatomy and ovary visualization were judged to be inferior in 44 (56%) of 78 cases and in 18 (33%) of 54 cases, respectively. For delineation of uterine abnormalities, including leiomyoma and adenomyosis, both sequences performed almost equally well. However, ovarian cystic lesions were revealed more precisely by the fast spin-echo sequence. An overall fat-suppression effect was seen on EPI images in 62 (77%) of 81 cases. CONCLUSION: Multishot EPI cannot replace fast spin-echo sequences for imaging the female pelvis; however, because EPI has a potent fat-suppression effect and heavily T2-weighted contrast, EPI sequences can be a valuable adjunct to routine examination.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: Gradient-echo pulse sequences can reduce imaging time and decrease motion artifacts. If gradient-echo pulse sequences are shown to be comparable to spin-echo sequences in MR imaging of the brain, then gradient-echo imaging can be valuable for examining critically ill, anxious, or uncooperative patients and can increase patient throughput. The purpose of this study was to prospectively compare one fast multiplanar spoiled gradient-recalled acquisition in the steady state (GRASS) (FMPSPGR) sequence with one conventional T1-weighted spin-echo sequence to determine the reliability of the FMPSPGR sequence for detecting cerebral lesions. SUBJECTS AND METHODS: Fifty-one patients with 142 cranial lesions, including brain tumors, infarction, infection, and noninflammatory lesions, were examined. Forty-two unenhanced and 39 contrast-enhanced FMPSPGR (113-240/2.6-3.6/90 degrees/4 [TR/TE/flip angle/acquisitions]) and spin-echo T1-weighted (400-579/11-12/90 degrees/2) MR images of the head were obtained with a 1.5-T system. The visibility, margination, and extent of the lesions; image quality; contrast; and artifacts were qualitatively and quantitatively compared. RESULTS: Supratentorial lesions were more conspicuous on the unenhanced FMPSPGR images because of the higher signal-to-noise ratio of the normal brain resulting in higher lesion contrast. The higher contrast-to-noise ratio of neoplasms on the contrast-enhanced spin-echo images was not found to be significant in the independent qualitative analysis. The conspicuity and extent of other lesions evaluated with the two pulse sequences were not significantly different for either the unenhanced or the contrast-enhanced studies. Vascular pulsation artifacts were significantly reduced on the contrast-enhanced FMPSPGR images. Susceptibility and chemical-shift phase-cancellation artifacts were more pronounced on the FMPSPGR images. CONCLUSION: The FMPSPGR sequence provides high-quality images with fewer vascular pulsation artifacts three to four times faster than the spin-echo sequence. The FMPSPGR sequence can reliably show intracranial lesions and can substitute for the T1-weighted spin-echo sequence in routine brain imaging.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: To characterize white matter changes in early-treated phenylketonuria (PKU) with magnetic resonance (MR) imaging and hydrogen-1 MR spectroscopy and to correlate these findings to biochemical control and brain function. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Fifty-one patients aged 12-33 years underwent T1-, T2-, and proton-density-weighted MR imaging and testing of intelligence, visual evoked potentials (VEPs), and neuropsychologic status (29 adult patients only). H-1 MR spectroscopy was performed in eight patients to determine brain metabolite concentrations, including phenylalanine (PHE) concentration, and brain compartmentation. RESULTS: MR imaging revealed a high frequency of supra- and infratentorial abnormalities. MR imaging grade, which was based on areas of high signal intensity on T2-weighted images, showed statistically significant correlation with long-term biochemical control and neuropsychologic test results but not with intelligence quotient or VEPs. H-1 MR spectroscopy revealed normal metabolite levels, except for increased PHE levels. It also showed enlarged cerebrospinal fluid-like compartments in affected white matter, related to plasma and brain concentrations of PHE and MR imaging grades. CONCLUSION: A synergistic use of MR imaging and MR spectroscopy may help elucidate both the pathogenesis of brain dysfunction and clinical treatment policies in PKU.  相似文献   

Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) is a well-recognized cause of hospital-acquired sepsis. We reviewed the clinical features of a new variant of community-acquired MRSA originally described from the Kimberley region of northern Western Australia (WA MRSA). This strain has become an increasing cause of community- and hospital-acquired sepsis at Royal Darwin Hospital (RDH) in the Northern Territory, especially in Aboriginal Australians from remote communities. Fifty percent of WA MRSA was community-acquired, with 76% in Aboriginals. Like the MRSA from eastern Australia (EA MRSA), WA MRSA commonly caused skin sepsis but was less likely to cause respiratory or urinary infections compared with EA MRSA. Twelve out of 125 (9.6%) WA MRSA and 7/93 (7.5%) EA MRSA infections were septicaemias. Septicaemia due to WA MRSA occurred in adult medical patients, especially those with temporary haemodialysis catheters, while EA MRSA septicaemia occurred throughout the hospital. Aboriginal people were more likely to develop both community- and hospital-acquired WA MRSA septicaemia [overall relative risk (RR) 12.3 (95% CI 3.7-40.7)]. Control of WA MRSA requires policies to reduce transmission in both hospitals and communities. Community-based control programmes need support for individual patient management, improved housing and hygiene, control of skin sepsis and appropriate use of antibiotics, especially in rural Aboriginal communities in northern Australia.  相似文献   

We performed pretreatment brain MRIs in 25 patients with neurologically symptomatic Wilson's disease (WD) and clinical and MRI follow-up in 16 of them. All 25 pretreatment MRIs revealed abnormalities, with abnormal high-signal intensity (HSI) in bilateral thalami being the most common (92%). HSI lesions in the brainstem (84%) and the basal ganglia (72%) were also common. Brain atrophy was present in 88% of the 25 patients. In the follow-up period of 5 to 24 months, during which the patients were treated with D-penicillamine, both HSI lesions and neurologic symptoms improved in 88% of the 16 patients, but the brain atrophy did not change.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: To determine the accuracy of breath-hold gadolinium- and perflubron-enhanced magnetic resonance (MR) imaging, immunoscintigraphy with indium-111-CYT-103 (planar and single photon emission computed tomography [CT]), and contrast material-enhanced CT for the detection of ovarian cancer prior to laparotomy. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Sixteen patients with primary (n = 3) or treated (n = 13) ovarian cancer underwent imaging of the abdomen and pelvis with each modality. All images were reviewed prospectively for tumor location, and results were compared with findings at surgery. RESULTS: With CT or MR imaging, tumor was detected in 11 of 13 (85%) patients compared with 11 of 12 patients (92%) with immunoscintigraphy. Per patient accuracy for CT was 81% compared with 75% for MR imaging and 86% for immunoscintigraphy. For detection of individual sites of tumor, the sensitivity of MR imaging was highest (81%) compared with CT (51%, P < .001) and immunoscintigraphy (50%, P < .01). The combination of MR imaging and immunoscintigraphy depicted 89% of sites of tumor involvement confirmed at laparotomy. CONCLUSION: MR imaging and immunoscintigraphy show promise for the evaluation of patients with ovarian cancer.  相似文献   

Sonography was performed in 41 patients with symptoms referable to the rotator cuff. Sonography was performed immediately after MR imaging, so that the information obtained by MR imaging could be applied to sonographic diagnosis. Twenty patients were diagnosed from T2-weighted images as having complete tears of the rotator cuff. Sonography showed full-thickness anechoic areas in 12 of the 20 patients, heterogeneous hyperechoic areas in seven, and no abnormal findings in the other one. Thirteen patients were diagnosed as having incomplete tears with MR imaging. Sonography showed heterogeneous hyperechoic areas in 12, but no abnormal findings in one of the 13. Hyperechoic areas in the rotator cuff were shown in four of eight patients who had been diagnosed from T2-weighted images as not having tears. We consider full-thickness anechoic areas to be specific findings of complete tears, although some patients with rotator cuff tears did not show this finding.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: Aggressive angiomyxoma is a benign tumor affecting the pelvis and perineum, predominantly in women. Because of its variable presentation as a soft mass in the vulva, perianal region, buttock, or pelvis, the tumor is often clinically misdiagnosed and initial surgery is usually unsuccessful in extirpating it. This study describes the imaging features of these tumors. CONCLUSION: Aggressive angiomyxomas display unusual growth patterns of translevator extension with growth around perineal structures. Both CT and MR imaging show the transdiaphragmatic extent of these tumors. High signal intensity on T2-weighted MR images may reflect the myxomatous stroma of these tumors.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: To assess the value of magnetic resonance (MR) imaging in the diagnosis of pelvic inflammatory disease (PID) and to compare MR imaging with transvaginal ultrasonography (US) and laparoscopy. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Thirty consecutive patients hospitalized because they were clinically suspected of having PID underwent transvaginal US and T1-weighted spin-echo, T2-weighted turbo spin-echo, and inversion-recovery MR imaging at 1.5 T. All patients underwent laparoscopy after MR imaging. RESULTS: PID was laparoscopically proved in 21 (70%) patients. The MR imaging diagnosis agreed with that obtained with laparoscopy in 20 (95%) of the 21 patients with PID. The imaging findings for PID were as follows: fluid-filled tube, pyosalpinx, tubo-ovarian abscess, or polycystic-like ovaries and free pelvic fluid. Findings at transvaginal US agreed with those at laparoscopy in 17 (81%) of the 21 patients with PID. The sensitivity of MR imaging in the diagnosis of PID was 95%, the specificity was 89%, and the overall accuracy was 93%. For transvaginal US, the corresponding values were 81%, 78%, and 80%. CONCLUSION: MR imaging is more accurate than transvaginal US in the diagnosis of PID and provides information about the differential diagnosis of PID. MR imaging may reduce the need for diagnostic laparoscopy.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: The purposes of this study were to assess the appearance of stage 1 neoplasia of the cervix by high-resolution MR imaging with an enveloping transvaginal receiver coil and to correlate the imaging findings with the pathologic findings. SUBJECTS AND METHODS: Fifteen patients (25-73 years old; mean, 40 years old) with clinical stage I disease were examined with a 37-mm-diameter ring-design solenoid receiver coil placed around the cervix. Axial 2.5-mm contiguous slices were obtained with a field of view of 10-15 cm on a 1.0-T HPQ Vista scanner with T1-weighted (660/20 msec [TR/TE]) and T2- weighted (2500/80 msec) spin-echo sequences and dynamic gradient-echo sequences during injection of gadopentetate dimeglumine (0.1 mmol/kg). Ten patients subsequently underwent Wertheim's hysterectomy, two underwent radiotherapy, two underwent extended cone biopsy for microinvasive disease, and one underwent a punch biopsy. For seven of 10 patients who had a hysterectomy, the widths of the tumor and the residual stroma were measured at eight radial points on the transverse images and at corresponding points on the histologic specimens at 5, 10, 15, 20, and 25 mm from the ectocervix. We then compared the widths of the tumor and the stroma on images and histologic specimens at each of these 40 points. Tumor volumes were calculated from the MR imaging and pathologic data and compared. For the other three patients, detailed MR imaging-pathology correlation was not possible because of multifocal tumor distribution (two patients) and insufficient detailed pathologic data (one patient). RESULTS: Three carcinoma types were recognized. Squamous carcinoma (nine cases) was seen as a centrally expanding intermediate-signal-intensity mass, whereas oat (small)-cell carcinoma (one case) and clear-cell carcinoma (one case) showed a multifocal distribution. For patients who had a radical hysterectomy, we noted good agreement between the widths of the tumor and the stroma determined by MR imaging and histology. Tumor volumes were determined to be 0-28.2 cm3 by MR imaging and 0-18.4 cm3 by pathology. We observed tumor extension into the immediate parametrium in four patients by MR imaging; one of these cases was not confirmed at surgery. Parametrial extension was not underestimated by MR imaging in any case. CONCLUSION: High-resolution imaging of the cervix with a transvaginal coil provides accurate assessment of the intra- and extracervical extents of tumors in clinical stage 1 cervical neoplasia.  相似文献   

MR imaging of the female pelvis with a local coil (multiple phased array coils) has been reported. With this method, the signal-to-noise ratio (S/N) is improved so that high-resolution images can be obtained. Dynamic contrast-enhanced MR imaging has been reported to be useful in diagnosing uterine neoplasms. However, dynamic MR imaging is done in only limited imaging planes. When multisection dynamic MR imaging with fast gradient-echo sequences is combined with the use of a local coil, high-resolution images can be obtained throughout the entire uterus during a single breath-hold. This pictorial essay illustrates the appearance of the normal uterus and malignant uterine neoplasms on high-resolution multisection dynamic MR images obtained with a Helmholtz-type surface coil.  相似文献   

The aim of the current study was to examine whether the measurement of intrauterine human decidua-associated protein (hDP) 200 might be of clinical value in the diagnosis of ectopic pregnancy versus early missed abortion. Uterine fluid levels of hDP 200 were measured in two groups of patients: 20 women with ectopic pregnancy, diagnosed by laparoscopy, and 20 women diagnosed (after curettage) as having a missed abortion. No significant difference in hDP 200 levels was observed comparing patients with ectopic pregnancy (mean 114.0+/-58.2 mU/ml) and patients with early missed abortion (mean 222.0+/-116.0 mU/ml), although a trend towards lower levels of uterine fluid hDP 200 was noted in the group of patients presenting with tubal pregnancy. Thus, according to our data, intrauterine hDP 200 is not sufficiently discriminative to be of clinical value in the diagnosis of ectopic pregnancy.  相似文献   

The main purpose of this study was to investigate pathohistological factors that affect the MR findings of intraductal spread (IDS) of breast cancer. The subjects of the present study were 42 breast cancer patients who were examined by MR imaging. Fat-suppressed high-resolution T1-weighted spin-echo images [350/13/1 (TR/TE/excitations), 16-cm FOV, 5-mm section thickness, and 512 x 256 matrix] were obtained one minute after the intravenous administration of Gd-DTPA. In this protocol, contrast determination time was 1 min 48 sec. Of the 42 cases, IDS was found to be located more than 1 cm from the primary focus in 22 cases (52%). Rates of sensitivity, specificity and accuracy of MR imaging for the detection of IDS were 82%, 80%, and 81%, respectively. The probable cause of misdiagnosis was parenchymal enhancement due to severe fibrocystic disease and normal menstrual cycle. In 21 of 42 cases, the MR findings were precisely correlated with the pathohistologic findings of almost the same cross-section. The MR findings of IDS varied greatly with observation of linear, band-like, branch-like, plate-like and minute ring enhancements. These findings closely reflected the size, aggregation pattern, and distribution of intraductal lesions. In particular, minute ring enhancement was only observed in 4 comedo-type lesions. This pattern of enhancement is considered to reflect elevated intraductal cellular density with necrosis in the central region.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: To assess the clinical and imaging findings in primary muscle lymphoma. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Seven patients with biopsy-proved primary muscle lymphoma without evidence of systemic disease underwent imaging with plain radiography or computed tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance (MR) imaging. Four underwent bone scintigraphy, and two underwent gallium scintigraphy and fluorine-18 fluorodeoxyglucose (FDG) positron emission tomography (PET) before and after therapy. RESULTS: Plain radiographs at initial examination (n = 5) showed no bone abnormalities. Soft-tissue masses and bone marrow involvement showed isoattenuation at CT (n = 3), but at MR imaging (n = 7), all masses demonstrated increased signal intensity on T2-weighted images that involved multiple muscle compartments and typically spanned a long segment of the extremity. Adjacent bone disease was less extensive than muscle disease, and, in most cases, subcutaneous stranding or extension was observed adjacent to the masses. Good size correlation was observed between findings at MR imaging, gallium scintigraphy, and FDG PET. Two patients developed recurrent multifocal muscle lymphoma several years after initial examination. CONCLUSION: The presence of an extensive soft-tissue mass with infiltration of adjacent subcutaneous fat and minimal or no extension into the bone marrow cavity at MR imaging and normal plain radiographic findings may suggest primary muscle lymphoma.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: This study was done to determine which clinical and imaging findings best correlate with outcome in children with tectal tumors. METHODS: A retrospective review was done of the medical records and imaging studies of 32 children (16 boys and 16 girls; mean age, 8 years) with tectal tumors. Eight children had CT, 11 had MR imaging, and 13 had both CT and MR studies. Findings from surgical and pathologic reports as well as from follow-up examinations (mean follow-up period, 5 years; range, 3.6 months to 17 years) were included in the review. RESULTS: All patients had hydrocephalus and all but one required CSF diversion. The tectum was the center of the tumor in all cases and the majority of the tumors appeared isodense on CT scans, isointense on T1-weighted MR images, and hyperintense on T2-weighted images. Twenty patients required no further treatment. In this group, the mean maximum tumor diameter was 1.8 cm and enhancement occurred in two cases. At follow-up, 18 patients had stable tumor size, one had an increase in tumor size with cyst formation but no worsening of symptoms, and one had a decrease in tumor size. Twelve patients required further treatment (excision and/or radiotherapy) because of progression as indicated by either increased tumor size or worsening of symptoms. In this group, the mean maximum tumor diameter was 2.5 cm and contrast enhancement occurred in nine cases. Further follow-up in this group showed decreased tumor size in eight and stable residual tumor in three. CONCLUSION: Tectal tumors in childhood have variable behavior. MR imaging assists in the clinical determination of which children need treatment beyond CSF diversion. Larger tumor size and enhancement are radiologic predictors of the need for further treatment.  相似文献   

Extraskeletal osteosarcomas are rare tumors, and the telangiectatic variety is the least common histological variety in this group. This report describes the clinical and MR imaging findings in two cases arising in the pretibial soft tissues. Both tumors demonstrated marked inhomogeneity with T2-weighted spin echo and STIR sequences. One of the tumors revealed numerous fluid levels within the lesion. A review of the MRI features of these tumors is provided. Osteosarcoma with telangiectatic features should be considered in the differential diagnosis of a soft tissue mass with fluid-fluid levels in patients 40 years of age or older.  相似文献   

Infectious arthritis causes substantial morbidity and mortality. In patients with monoarticular involvement, careful history taking and attention to the clinical presentation aid in timely diagnosis. Certain factors (eg, patient age, structural changes in the joint, presence of chronic disease) provide clues to the likely infectious agent. Antibiotic treatment should be instituted immediately after culture specimens are obtained, and the choice of agent can be modified when antibiotic sensitivities are known. Surgical intervention may be necessary if medical therapy fails. An aggressive approach to evaluation and treatment is warranted when polyarticular infection is suspected.  相似文献   

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