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江西天井式传统民居大部分都存在通风不畅、风速分布不均匀等特点。本文在对赣北地区天井式传统民居调研并测绘的基础上,通过 cfd 软件模拟,对天井式传统民居室内自然通风进行了精确的定量分析。将门窗洞口位置、门窗洞口大小和屋面形式作为变量进行了模拟研究,有针对性地改进江西天井式传统民居室内自然通风状况。  相似文献   

岭南地区气候湿热,城镇建筑密度高,因此民居空间通风性能尤为重要。本文以岭南地区传统民居形式竹筒屋为研究对象,对其自然通风模式进行CFD数值模拟分析,重点研究室内通风性能随天井尺寸的变化规律。  相似文献   

张乾  李晓峰 《华中建筑》2013,(1):177-180
天井式民居是鄂东南地区典型的传统住居形式。由于外墙很少开窗,主要依靠内天井进行通风采光,因此天井的形态特征对民居的内部环境具有决定性影响。该文主要研究天井的形态特征对民居内部日照环境的影响。首先通过对大量的鄂东南传统民居测绘图纸的空间分析和统计,总结出鄂东南传统民居天井的一般性形态特征,然后利用日照仿真软件分析天井形态特征对民居内部日照环境的影响。最后利用实地考查中发现的案例证明:通过对天井形态的不断改进和发展,鄂东南传统民居的日照环境得到了改良和优化。  相似文献   

在建筑能耗与房间空气品质评价过程中,气密性都是重要参数。本文采用示踪气体的浓度衰减法对徽州传统民居气密性进行了实测。分析徽州传统民居不同天井类型、不同功能房间、不同门窗开启度下房间气密性变化。实验表明:徽州传统民居厅堂较厢房的通风效果好;厢房换气次数与门窗开口的大小及位置分布有关;回字形天井民居对自然通风的调节能力较一字形天井民居更强。  相似文献   

选取湖南传统民居景观为研究对象,旨在对湖南传统民居进行文化区划,运用建筑类型学与文化地理学理论与方法进行分区分类研究。根据文化区的基本概念,参考综合自然地理区划与部门自然地理区划的基本原则,选取屋顶、山墙、平面布局、立面形态、主体建筑材料、承重结构作为主要参考指标,将湖南的传统民居划分为湘北湘中传统民居文化区、湘西传统民居文化区与湘南传统民居文化区。湘北湘中传统民居文化区主要有独栋正堂式、天井院落式、"丰"字形大宅以及"四方印"大宅等民居类型;湘西传统民居文化区主要有窨子屋、吊脚楼、石板屋、土砖屋、土家族主屋、土家族冲天楼、北侗火铺屋等民居类型;湘南传统民居文化区主要有"四方印"式大宅、"王"字形大宅、瑶族合院、吊脚楼等民居类型。  相似文献   

传统民居在经历了多年的演变和发展后,形成了适应当地气候的特殊建筑设计策略。这种设计策略对于现代建筑设计有较大的参考作用。本研究以客家横屋民居为例,搭建参数化研究平台,量化其防潮性能的整体水平,分析总结其设计策略。结果表明,横屋民居全部民居案例的结露百分比(1900个案例)分布在0.27%~1.22%之间。增加入射太阳辐射、改善天井空间的形态参数和微气候状态、选择合适的墙体及屋面材料均可以提高横屋民居防结露性能。相应的取值偏好为:天井进深、厅进深和檐口高度偏向于取最小值,墙体材料偏向于取双隅青砖墙,屋顶材料偏向于取六重瓦和七重瓦。  相似文献   

本文以湘西传统民居的典型代表窨子屋为研究对象,通过对其进行夏季室内热环境实测并分析传统民居建筑热环境状况,研究结果表明:在室外温差较大的夏季,此类民居中厚重的蓄热墙体能够起到隔热降温的效果;高窄的天井白天主要为风压通风,在夜间则为热压通风,但在东侧房间中通风效果明显较差;采用架空通风地板和具有热缓冲层作用的楼层等措施,使得传统民居有着良好的气候适应性,对现代被动式绿色建筑设计具有一定启示。  相似文献   

卓晓岚  肖大威 《城市规划》2023,(11):110-122+132
通过对赣闽粤边客家地区传统村落及民居景观进行全域调查、记录、统计和归纳,采用文化地理学主导因子区划方法,以客家传统村落布局形态及民居平面型制为因子进行聚类统计,综合其他相关地理文化因子对赣闽粤边客家地区进行传统村落景观区划,划分出赣闽粤边区西北部堂厢天井式民居文化区、东北部堂横屋文化区、南部围屋文化区及西部排屋文化区共四大文化区(含10个亚区),对各文化区的传统村落及民居景观特征进行概括分析,结合区域的自然地理特征和发展历史背景的剖析,提出赣闽粤边客家传统村落景观区域格局是在自然地理格局提供的空间框架下,由于地区经济文化发展时序差异引起的居住文化差异的映射。  相似文献   

祁剑青 《华中建筑》2020,38(8):109-112
该文选取湖南传统民居为研究对象,运用建筑类型学方法与文化地理学方法进行分区分类研究,分析了湖南传统民居的地域分异及其对自然地理环境的适应性。独栋正堂式、天井院落式以及"丰"字形大宅主要分布在湘北湘中区;窨子屋、土家族吊脚楼、苗族吊脚楼、石板屋、土砖屋、土家族主屋、土家族冲天楼、北侗火铺屋主要分布在湘西区;"四方印"式大宅、"王"字形大宅、瑶族合院、瑶族吊脚楼主要分布在湘南区。在湘北洞庭湖冲积平原、湘中诸盆地以及湘南诸山间盆地,民居的平面布局较为自由;在湘西北武陵山地、湘西南雪峰山地、湘南南岭山地、湘赣交界诸山地以及湘中湘东北丘陵地带,平面布局适应地形。石板屋、土砖屋以及吊脚楼充分体现了就地取材这一基本原则。湖南传统民居的屋顶、平面布局,有效地起到了排水、隔热以及通风的作用,是适应区域气候之作。  相似文献   

本文对江西赣中天井院民居特征进行研究。通过对天井式民居和赣中天井院民居进行比较,得出了赣中民居为解决排水和防潮而舍弃了传统天井式民居的原因,并把天井推到屋外改造成天井院,还创造性地采用天门、天眼、天窗的采光口来解决厅房的采光通风问题,从而逐渐发展成为赣中地区的天井院民居。  相似文献   

赵立华  张玉 《建筑科学》2006,22(B04):55-62
针对严寒地区节能住宅建筑冬季卫生通风不足的问题,本文应用Fluent软件对安装通风装置的示范住宅建筑的室外风场、室内气流组织及温度分布进行模拟研究并实测室内空气温度场。在严寒地区,为保证适当的卫生通风和气流组织,应加强热压的作用,而尽量避免风压的不利影响。对严寒地区典型的建筑住区不同尺度的外部风环境模拟分析结果表明:除建筑住区的迎风面建筑外,整个建筑住区及建筑子区内风场分布较为均匀,符合严寒地区冬季避免冷风侵入耗热量的建筑节能设计。为避免迎风面建筑较高层住宅的背风向房间出现进风口变为排风口的现象,需加强屋顶排风风口处的引风作用;示范性通风建筑室内的进风角度及安装位置、建筑构件、家具的材料以及家具摆放位置等是影响室内热舒适性和室内气流组织的主要原因。  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to evaluate the effects of a building parameter, namely ceiling configuration, on indoor natural ventilation. The computational fluid dynamics (CFD) code Phoenics was used with the RNG k? turbulence model to study wind motion and ventilation flow rates inside the building. All the CFD boundary conditions were described. The simulation results were first validated by wind tunnel experiment results in detail, and then used to compare rooms with various ceiling configurations in different cases. The simulation results generated matched the experimental results confirming the accuracy of the RNG k? turbulence model to successfully predict indoor wind motion for this study. Our main results reveal that ceiling configurations have certain effects on indoor airflow and ventilation flow rates although these effects are fairly minor.  相似文献   

Larger window openings in the walls of a building may provide better natural ventilation. However, it also increases the penetration of direct solar radiation into indoor environment. The use of wing wall, one of the green features, is an alternative to create effective natural ventilation. Givoni conducted experiments in a wind tunnel to study the ventilation performance of wing walls. This paper presents a numerical study of the ventilation performance of wing walls using computational fluid dynamics (CFD). Two-dimensional and three-dimensional simulations are compared with the results of the experiments of Givoni. The results indicate that wing wall can promote natural ventilation by increasing the air change per hour and the mean indoor air speed relative to wind speed at various wind speeds and wind directions. The best performance of wing wall is at the wind angle of around 45°. The study also shows that 3D CFD simulation produces similar trend to the experimental results though there are some discrepancies.  相似文献   

Indoor pollen concentrations are an underestimated human health issue. In this study, we measured hourly indoor birch pollen concentrations on 8 days in April 2015 with portable pollen traps in five rooms of a university building at Freising, Germany. These data were compared to the respective outdoor values right in front of the rooms and to background pollen data. The rooms were characterized by different aspects and window ventilation schemes. Meteorological data were equally measured directly in front of the windows. Outdoor concentration could be partly explained with phenological data of 56 birches in the surrounding showing concurrent high numbers of trees attaining flowering stages. Indoor pollen concentrations were lower than outdoor concentrations: mean indoor/outdoor (I/O) ratio was highest in a room with fully opened window and additional mechanical ventilation (.75), followed by rooms with fully opened windows (.35, .12) and lowest in neighboring rooms with tilted window (.19) or windows only opened for short ventilation (.07). Hourly I/O ratios depended on meteorology and increased with outside temperature and wind speed oriented perpendicular to the window opening. Indoor concentrations additionally depended on the previously measured concentrations, indicating accumulation of pollen inside the rooms even after the full flowering period.  相似文献   

新风对于稀释室内空气中的有害物质、改善室内环境有着重要的意义。新风量则是衡量新风的有效手段,目前不设独立新风系统的建筑室内新风量测量广泛采用CO_2示踪气体法。本文通过一系列实验探讨CO_2初始浓度、门窗开关方式、室外风速以及室内杂物对室内新风量检测结果的影响。实验结果表明CO_2初始浓度、门窗开关方式、室外风速、室内杂物这些因素均对新风量检测值均存在不同程度的影响,其中室外风速和室内有无杂物对新风量检测结果的影响最为明显。  相似文献   

为了探求具有良好自然通风的传统民居形式,本文对云南彝族传统民居的室内、外空气温度和风速进行了实测;并利用CFD软件对其室内和院落的风环境进行了模拟,分析各建筑因素(院门的开启、院墙的高低、畜棚的位置及门窗的设置)对自然通风的影响。结果表明,合理设置窗户和百叶、增加通风槽、扩大正房厦子能有效提高室内的自然通风效果;合理调整附属建筑的位置、院落尺寸和院墙高低能改善院落的自然通风效果。在此基础上,提出了改进风环境的设计建议。  相似文献   

The coupling strategies for natural ventilation between building simulation (BS) and computational fluid dynamics (CFD) are discussed and coupling methodology for natural ventilation is highlighted. Two single-zone cases have been used to validate coupled simulations with full CFD simulations. The main discrepancy factors have also been analyzed. The comparison results suggest that for coupled simulations taking pressure from BS as inlet boundary conditions can provide more accurate results for indoor CFD simulation than taking velocity from BS as boundary conditions. The validation results indicate that coupled simulations can improve indoor thermal environment prediction for natural ventilation taking wind as the major force. With the aids of developed coupling program, coupled simulations between BS and CFD can effectively improve the speed and accuracy in predicting indoor thermal environment for natural ventilation studies.  相似文献   

湘南天井排屋式传统民居的形态尺度与建筑群通风效能之间的关系存在紧密的气候适应性联系。通过现场调研与测绘获取气象数据,并应用Envi-met 软件对传统村落整体风环境进行模拟分析;然后,以该模拟结果作为边界条件,对典型天井排屋的室内风环境进行逐一模拟与评价;最后,以前两步结果作为原型边界条件,模拟对比不同尺度组合下的井巷风环境总结并变化规律。研究结果表明,随着宝镜村古民居进深增加,夏季风速先增后减,冬季风速先增大后平稳;风速与井巷高度正相关,与宽度没有明显关联;建筑群进深34.3m、宽度3m、高度6.6m 的尺度组合通风效果最佳。建议将井巷高度相对较高,进深相对适中的尺度作为符合宝镜村当地气候适应性的地域性井巷建筑量化设计参考。  相似文献   

Hospital and healthcare facilities have diverse indoor environment due to the different comfort and health needs of its occupants. Currently, most ventilation studies revolve around specialised areas such as operating rooms and isolation rooms. This paper focuses on the ventilation of multiple-bed hospital wards in the tropical climate, taking into account the design, indoor conditions and engineering controls. General ward layouts are described briefly. The required indoor conditions such as temperature, humidity, air movements and indoor air quality in the ward spaces are summarized based on the current guidelines and practices. Also, recent studies and engineering practices in the hospital indoor environment are elaborated. Usage of computational fluid dynamics tools for the ventilation studies is discussed as well. As identified during the review, there is an apparent knowledge gap for ventilation studies in the tropics compared with temperate climates, as fact studies have only been published for hospital wards in countries with a temperate climate. Therefore, it is highlighted that specific tropical studies along with novel engineering controls are required in addressing the ventilation requirements for the tropics.  相似文献   

为研究鲁中地区办公建筑外窗布局对建筑室内通风的影响,采用Phoenics软件分别模拟了24 m~2、6 m~2几组房间的分散式与集中式2种外窗布局下的室内风环境的效果,并以山东建筑大学教学实验综合楼一期项目为例,验证了原始方案与对比方案布窗差异对室内风环境的影响,模拟结果表明,在窗墙比固定的情况下,分散式布窗的通风效果优于集中式布窗,为改善夏季室内环境舒适性,辅助确定建筑南向的基本立面形体,提高办公人员生活与工作质量提供理论依据。  相似文献   

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