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A contact model for describing the contact mechanics between the stator and slider of the standing wave linear ultrasonic motor was presented. The proposed model starts from the assumption that the vibration characteristics of the stator is not affected by the contact process. A modified friction models was used to analyze the contact problems. Firstly, the dynamic normal contact force, interface friction force, and steady-state characteristics were analyzed. Secondly, the influences of the contact layer material, the dynamic characteristics of the stator, and the pre-load on motor performance were simulated. Finally, to validate the contact model, a linear ultrasonic motor based on in-plane modes was used as an example. The corresponding results show that a set of simulation of motor performances based on the proposed contact mechanism is in good agreement with experimental results. This model is helpful to understanding the operation principle of the standing wave linear motor and thus contributes to the design of these types of motor.  相似文献   

A double cylinders type traveling wave ultrasonic motor using composite transducer was proposed.The proposed stator contained two cylinders and one composite transducer,and the transducer located on the outer surfaces of cylinders.The composite transducer included two exponential horns located on leading ends,and the horns insected with the cylinders at tip ends.Two degenerated flexural vibration modes spatially and temporally orthogonal to each other were excited in each cylinder by the composite transducer.In this new design,a single transducer could excite two flexural traveling waves in the cylinders.Thus,elliptical motions were achieved at the particles on the teeth.The working principle of the proposed motor was analyzed.The cylinder and transducer were designed with FEM.The resonant frequencies of two vibration modals of the stator were tuned to be the same,and the motion trajectories of nodes on the teeth were analyzed.Transient analysis results show that the motion trajectories of teeth are ellipses.The results of this paper can guide the development of this new type of ultrasonic motor.  相似文献   

A novel traveling wave ultrasonic motor using a bar shaped transducer   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A novel traveling wave ultrasonic motor was proposed. The structure of the motor is rather simple and different from the conventional traveling wave ultrasonic motors. Its production processes are very convenient. It is composed of a stator constituted with a ring and a bar shaped transducer and two cone shaped rotors. The rotors were pressed on inner surface of the ring by means of a pre-pressure system. The bar shaped transducer has a sand- wich-like configuration,where two sets of piezoelectric element are bolted. One set excites a longitudinal vibration of the bar, and the other set excites a flexural vibration of the bar. The ring's traveling wave excited with the longitudinal vibration and the bending vibration of the bar transducer was simulated with FEM (finite element method). The prototype of the motor was made and investigated experimentally for its performance. Its maximum torque and rotating speed are 0.25 N · m and 50 r/min, respectively.  相似文献   

三自由度行波型超声波电机的静力学分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从三自由度行波型超声波电机的驱动原理与基本结构出发,使用变换矩阵得到了定转子的位置变换关系,进而分析了球转子的受力情况,并给出了定转子接触圆周的接触力方程.根据球转子和各个行波定子的力平衡方程,得到了球转子球心的微位移和行波定子的轴向压紧量与行波定子的轴向压紧力的关系方程.仿真分析表明,对电机定子施加对称的压紧力、增大定子轴线与基本坐标系轴线的夹角和减小定子半径,能够减小定转子接触圆周上定子与转子不相互接触的区域,使电机性能得到充分发挥.  相似文献   

设计了一种双振子自走型直线超声电机,电机的定子由2个同轴的对称布置的弯曲摇头型振子和中部带细颈的柔性振动块组成.2个振子的弯曲振动会激励出中间振动块的摇头振动,使驱动头上的质点产生椭圆运动轨迹,与导轨摩擦接触产生自走直线运动.测量得到定子上振动块的局部弯曲共振频率为20 792Hz,定子的弯曲共振频率约为40 420Hz.仿真发现,以振动块的局部弯曲共振模态作为工作模态能够得到更大的振幅.实验结果表明,在该模态频率下,电机可以提供较大的驱动速度,发热很少,较长时间工作仍旧稳定可靠,故被选作工作模态.在40 420Hz附近电机能够驱动,但是振子发热严重,不易稳定工作.当两相驱动信号的频率为20.8kHz、相位差为90°、驱动信号电压的峰峰值为138V时,电机的驱动速度达到598mm/s,电机的最大驱动力达到1.94N.  相似文献   

从复合型超声马达的结构形式入手,分析了复合型超声马达的工作原理,研究了压电振子的微观振动与超声马达宏观运动之间的关系,阐述了扭转振子的速度波形特性,提出了理想的驱动波形。  相似文献   

A new hybrid piezoelectric ultrasonic motor with two stators   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A new hybrid piezoelectric ultrasonic motor, which consists of one rotor and two stators, was proposed in this paper. In order to match the resonance frequencies of longitudinal vibration and torsional vibration excited in the stators, a symmetrical structure was adopted in design of the motor. A so-called mass matching method, namely adding two rings to the outside circumference of the two stators respectively, was used to adjust the resonance frequencies of these two vibrations. A finite element model was developed using ANSYS software for the purpose of analyzing the resonance frequencies of longitudinal vibration and torsional vibration as well as the function of the adjusting rings. The results show that the resonance frequency of torsional vibration varies with the position of the ring, but the resonance frequency of longitudinal vibration changes little. By means of adjusting the mass and the position of the rings, the first order resonance frequency of longitudinal vibration is coincided with that of torsional vibration and the value is 20.75kHz. An experimental prototype motor was fabricated according to the analytical results and its performance is in agreement with the theoretical predictions. The speed of motor reaches the maximum 92r/min at the working frequency 19.0kHz.  相似文献   

A new contact model of traveling wave ultrasonic motor (TWUSM) with a visco-elastic stator frictional layer was presented. In this model, the initial boundaries were revised, and the rotor revolution speed could be calculated iteratively. This model was compared with compliant slider and rigid stator model. The results of motor characteristics simulations showed that the motors based on this model would gain bigger stall torque. Then the friction and wear characteristics of two models were analyzed. The motors based on this model had lower coefficient of friction and better wear resistance.  相似文献   

To take advantage of merits of higher output-power and efficiency of bolt-clamped transducer,a T-type linear ultrasonic motor was proposed in this paper.The proposed motor contained a horizontal transducer and a vertical transducer.The horizontal transducer included two exponential shape horns,and the vertical transducer contained one exponential shape horn.And the horns intersected at tip ends where a driving foot was located.The longitudinal vibrations of transducers were excited by the stretching vibration of PZT ceramics.Longitudinal vibrations were superimposed in the motor and generated elliptical trajectory at the driving foot.The actuating mechanism of the proposed motor was analyzed.The two working modals of the motor were gained with FEM.The resonant frequencies of two working modals were degenerated by adjusting the structural parameters.The motion trajectory of nodes on the driving foot was gained by transient analysis.The vibration amplitude of node on the driving foot indicates that the proposed motor has potential good output characteristics.The results verify the feasibility of the proposed design and provide instructions for the development of the new ultrasonic motor.  相似文献   

为了减小行波型旋转超声电动机定子与转子间的径向滑移,提出通过增大转子摩擦层径向最大剪切变形角的方法和基于定子与摩擦层间的黏滑原理来减小定子与转子间的径向滑移,分析了影响摩擦层的径向最大剪切变形角的因数;在ANSYS10.0中建立电动机定转子三维有限元接触模型;对影响定转子间径向滑移的因素进行仿真分析。分析结果表明,可以通过增大定子与摩擦层间的摩擦因子和增大摩擦材料的泊松比来减小电动机定子与转子间的径向滑移。摩擦材料泊松比的改变对减小径向滑移的贡献程度要大于定子与摩擦层间摩擦因子的改变对减小径向滑移的贡献程度。  相似文献   

针对管道防腐层破损和剥离的检测问题,从钢板防腐层模型出发,提出了一种基于超声波的钢板防腐层剥离检测算法.该算法利用兰姆波在单层介质和双层介质中的传播特性,得出了不同传播介质与超声波传播速度变化的关系.在有限元仿真软件ANSYS环境下构建了裸钢板模型及外壁涂有防腐层的钢板模型,分别在这两种模型下进行受力振动产生超声波,并对超声波的传播速度进行对比分析.通过仿真计算得出,超声波在有防腐层钢板中比在裸钢板中的传播速度慢,根据仿真模型搭建实验平台,验证了仿真结果的正确性,从而可进行基于超声波的钢板防腐层剥离检测.  相似文献   

超声振动拉丝的有限元模拟研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
超声振动拉丝可以解决难拉拔材料和细微丝的拉拔问题.然而,由于超声振动拉丝的高速度,按照传统的实验方法,很难解决超声振动拉丝机理的进一步分析和理解.因此,尝试采用有限元方法对超声振动拉丝过程进行仿真.从机理上研究超声振动对拉丝过程的作用效果及影响,分析有关超声拉丝的规律及结论.仿真过程采用ANSYS有限元分析软件.结果表明,超声拉丝使变形更加均匀,更有利于发挥材料的塑性;在相同拉丝速度下,应力和拉拔力都有很大程度减小.可见,超声波拉丝可以提高生产效率、并降低成本.研究成果及结论可使超声拉丝理论更加完善.  相似文献   

对提出的一种平板形单振子多自由度压电马达进行了理论设计和试验研究。利用梁函数组合法,计算了压电马达的工作模态频率,得出了布置于马达压电振子表面的各凸起之间间距的设计依据;提出凸起的尺寸应使其一阶弯曲振动频率与整个压电振子工作频率一致,给出了各凸起尺寸的选取原则。根据设计理论,制作了马达样机,对样机的运动能力进行了试验测试。结果表明:马达工作模态频率的理论计算结果接近于实测值;当驱动电压为90V、频率为45kHz时,马达绕矩形板压电振子长度方向轴向的转速为45.6r/min。  相似文献   

A new method for optimizing a butterfly-shaped linear ultrasonic motor was proposed to maximize its mechanical output. The finite element analysis technology and response surface methodology were combined together to realize the optimal design of the butterfly-shaped linear ultrasonic motor. First, the operation principle of the motor was introduced. Second, the finite element parameterized model of the stator of the motor was built using ANSYS parametric design language and some structure parameters of the stator were selected as design variables. Third, the sample points were selected in design variable space using latin hypercube Design. Through modal analysis and harmonic response analysis of the stator based on these sample points, the target responses were obtained. These sample points and response values were combined together to build a response surface model. Finally, the simplex method was used to find the optimal solution. The experimental results showed that many aspects of the design requirements of the butterfly-shaped linear ultrasonic motor have been fulfilled. The prototype motor fabricated based on the optimal design result exhibited considerably high dynamic performance, such as no-load speed of 873 mm/s, maximal thrust of 27.5 N, maximal efficiency of 43%, and thrust-weight ratio of 45.8.  相似文献   

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