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The insufficiency of using only second-order statistics and premise of exploiting higher order statistics of the data has been well understood, and more advanced objectives including higher order statistics, especially those stemming from information theory, such as error entropy minimization, are now being studied and applied in many contexts of machine learning and signal processing. In the adaptive system training context, the main drawback of utilizing output error entropy as compared to correlation-estimation-based second-order statistics is the computational load of the entropy estimation, which is usually obtained via a plug-in kernel estimator. Sample-spacing estimates offer computationally inexpensive entropy estimators; however, resulting estimates are not differentiable, hence, not suitable for gradient-based adaptation. In this brief paper, we propose a nonparametric entropy estimator that captures the desirable properties of both approaches. The resulting estimator yields continuously differentiable estimates with a computational complexity at the order of those of the sample-spacing techniques. The proposed estimator is compared with the kernel density estimation (KDE)-based entropy estimator in the supervised neural network training framework with computation time and performance comparisons.   相似文献   

In this work we propose a new discretization method for the Laplace–Beltrami operator defined on point‐based surfaces. In contrast to the existing point‐based discretization techniques, our approach does not rely on any triangle mesh structure, turning out truly mesh‐free. Based on a combination of Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics and an optimization procedure to estimate area elements, our discretization method results in accurate solutions while still being robust when facing abrupt changes in the density of points. Moreover, the proposed scheme results in numerically stable discrete operators. The effectiveness of the proposed technique is brought to bear in many practical applications. In particular, we use the eigenstructure of the discrete operator for filtering and shape segmentation. Point‐based surface deformation is another application that can be easily carried out from the proposed discretization method.  相似文献   

We introduce a fully automatic algorithm which optimizes the high‐level structure of a given quadrilateral mesh to achieve a coarser quadrangular base complex. Such a topological optimization is highly desirable, since state‐of‐the‐art quadrangulation techniques lead to meshes which have an appropriate singularity distribution and an anisotropic element alignment, but usually they are still far away from the high‐level structure which is typical for carefully designed meshes manually created by specialists and used e.g. in animation or simulation. In this paper we show that the quality of the high‐level structure is negatively affected by helical configurations within the quadrilateral mesh. Consequently we present an algorithm which detects helices and is able to remove most of them by applying a novel grid preserving simplification operator (GP‐operator) which is guaranteed to maintain an all‐quadrilateral mesh. Additionally it preserves the given singularity distribution and in particular does not introduce new singularities. For each helix we construct a directed graph in which cycles through the start vertex encode operations to remove the corresponding helix. Therefore a simple graph search algorithm can be performed iteratively to remove as many helices as possible and thus improve the high‐level structure in a greedy fashion. We demonstrate the usefulness of our automatic structure optimization technique by showing several examples with varying complexity.  相似文献   

Rendering translucent materials in real time is usually done by using surface diffusion and/or (translucent) shadow maps. The downsides of these approaches are, that surface diffusion cannot handle translucency effects that show up when rendering thin objects, and that translucent shadow maps are only available for point light sources. Furthermore, translucent shadow maps introduce limitations to shadow mapping techniques exploiting the same maps. In this paper we present a novel approach for rendering translucent materials at interactive frame rates. Our approach allows for an efficient calculation of translucency with native support for general illumination conditions, especially area and environment lighting, at high accuracy. The proposed technique's only parameter is the used diffusion profile, and thus it works out of the box without any parameter tuning. Furthermore, it can be used in combination with any existing surface diffusion techniques to add translucency effects. Our approach introduces Spatial Adjacency Maps that depend on precalculations to be done for fixed meshes. We show that these maps can be updated in real time to also handle deforming meshes and that our results are of superior quality as compared to other well known real‐time techniques for rendering translucency.  相似文献   

Progressive light transport simulations aspire a physically‐based, consistent rendering to obtain visually appealing illumination effects, depth and realism. Thereby, the handling of large scenes is a difficult problem, as in typical scene subdivision approaches the parallel processing requires frequent synchronization due to the bouncing of light throughout the scene. In practice, however, only few object parts noticeably contribute to the radiance observable in the image, whereas large areas play only a minor role. In fact, a mesh simplification of the latter can go unnoticed by the human eye. This particular importance to the visible radiance in the image calls for an output‐sensitive mesh reduction that allows to render originally out‐of‐core scenes on a single machine without swapping of memory. Thus, in this paper, we present a preprocessing step that reduces the scene size under the constraint of radiance preservation with focus on high‐frequency effects such as caustics. For this, we perform a small number of preliminary light transport simulation iterations. Thereby, we identify mesh parts that contribute significantly to the visible radiance in the scene, and which we thus preserve during mesh reduction.  相似文献   

3D objects of the same kind often have different topologies, and finding correspondence between them is important for operations such as morphing, attribute transfer, and shape matching. This paper presents a novel method to find the surface correspondence between topologically different surfaces. The method is characterized by deforming the source polygonal mesh to match the target mesh by using the intermediate implicit surfaces, and by performing a topological surgery at the appropriate locations on the mesh. In particular, we propose a mathematically well‐defined way to detect the topology change of surface by finding the non‐degenerate saddle points of the velocity fields that tracks implicit surfaces. We show the effectiveness and possible applications of the proposed method through several experiments.  相似文献   

Transparent and Specular Object Reconstruction   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This state of the art report covers reconstruction methods for transparent and specular objects or phenomena. While the 3D acquisition of opaque surfaces with Lambertian reflectance is a well‐studied problem, transparent, refractive, specular and potentially dynamic scenes pose challenging problems for acquisition systems. This report reviews and categorizes the literature in this field. Despite tremendous interest in object digitization, the acquisition of digital models of transparent or specular objects is far from being a solved problem. On the other hand, real‐world data is in high demand for applications such as object modelling, preservation of historic artefacts and as input to data‐driven modelling techniques. With this report we aim at providing a reference for and an introduction to the field of transparent and specular object reconstruction. We describe acquisition approaches for different classes of objects. Transparent objects/phenomena that do not change the straight ray geometry can be found foremost in natural phenomena. Refraction effects are usually small and can be considered negligible for these objects. Phenomena as diverse as fire, smoke, and interstellar nebulae can be modelled using a straight ray model of image formation. Refractive and specular surfaces on the other hand change the straight rays into usually piecewise linear ray paths, adding additional complexity to the reconstruction problem. Translucent objects exhibit significant sub‐surface scattering effects rendering traditional acquisition approaches unstable. Different classes of techniques have been developed to deal with these problems and good reconstruction results can be achieved with current state‐of‐the‐art techniques. However, the approaches are still specialized and targeted at very specific object classes. We classify the existing literature and hope to provide an entry point to this exiting field.  相似文献   

Performances of actual mesh compression algorithms vary significantly depending on the type of model it encodes. These methods rely on prior assumptions on the mesh to be efficient, such as regular connectivity, simple topology and similarity between its elements. However, these priors are implicit in usual schemes, harming their suitability for specific models. In particular, connectivity‐driven schemes are difficult to generalize to higher dimensions and to handle topological singularities. GEncode is a new single‐rate, geometry‐driven compression scheme where prior knowledge of the mesh is plugged into the coder in an explicit manner. It encodes meshes of arbitrary dimension without topological restrictions, but can incorporate topological properties, such as manifoldness, to improve the compression ratio. Prior knowledge of the geometry is taken as an input of the algorithm, represented by a function of the local geometry. This suits particularly well for scanned and remeshed models, where exact geometric priors are available. Compression results surfaces and volumes are competitive with existing schemes.  相似文献   

We present a user‐guided, semi‐automatic approach to completing large holes in a mesh. The reconstruction of the missing features in such holes is usually ambiguous. Thus, unsupervised methods may produce unsatisfactory results. To overcome this problem, we let the user indicate constraints by providing merely four points per important feature curve on the mesh. Our algorithm regards this input as an indication of an important broken feature curve. Our completion is formulated as a global energy minimization problem, with user‐defined spatial‐coherence constraints, allows for completion that adheres to the existing features. We demonstrate the method on example problems that are not handled satisfactorily by fully automatic methods.  相似文献   

A combined detection-estimation scheme is proposed for state estimation in linear systems with random Markovian noise statistics. The optimal MMSE estimator requires exponentially increasing memory and computations with time. The proposed approach is an attempt to circumvent this problem. Simulation results are presented which show the advantages of the proposed scheme over some of the existing suboptimal approaches.  相似文献   

In many geometry processing applications, it is required to improve an initial mesh in terms of multiple quality objectives. Despite the availability of several mesh generation algorithms with provable guarantees, such generated meshes may only satisfy a subset of the objectives. The conflicting nature of such objectives makes it challenging to establish similar guarantees for each combination, e.g., angle bounds and vertex count. In this paper, we describe a versatile strategy for mesh improvement by interpreting quality objectives as spatial constraints on resampling and develop a toolbox of local operators to improve the mesh while preserving desirable properties. Our strategy judiciously combines smoothing and transformation techniques allowing increased flexibility to practically achieve multiple objectives simultaneously. We apply our strategy to both planar and surface meshes demonstrating how to simplify Delaunay meshes while preserving element quality, eliminate all obtuse angles in a complex mesh, and maximize the shortest edge length in a Voronoi tessellation far better than the state‐of‐the‐art.  相似文献   

In this paper we present a novel method to reconstruct watertight quad meshes on scanned 3D geometry. There exist many different approaches to acquire 3D information from real world objects and sceneries. Resulting point clouds depict scanned surfaces as sparse sets of positional information. A common downside is the lack of normals, connectivity or topological adjacency data which makes it difficult to actually recover a meaningful surface. The concept described in this paper is designed to reconstruct a surface mesh despite all this missing information. Even when facing varying sample density, our algorithm is still guaranteed to produce watertight manifold meshes featuring quad faces only. The topology can be set‐up to follow superimposed regular structures or align naturally to the point cloud's shape. Our proposed approach is based on an initial divide and conquer subsampling procedure: Surface samples are clustered in meaningful neighborhoods as leafs of a kd‐tree. A representative sample of the surface neighborhood is determined for each leaf using a spherical surface approximation. The hierarchical structure of the binary tree is utilized to construct a basic set of loose tiles and to interconnect them. As a final step, missing parts of the now coherent tile structure are filled up with an incremental algorithm for locally optimal gap closure. Disfigured or concave faces in the resulting mesh can be removed with a constrained smoothing operator.  相似文献   

Hexahedral (hex‐) meshes are important for solving partial differential equations (PDEs) in applications of scientific computing and mechanical engineering. Many methods have been proposed aiming to generate hex‐meshes with high scaled Jacobians. While it is well established that a hex‐mesh should be inversion‐free (i.e. have a positive Jacobian measured at every corner of its hexahedron), it is not well‐studied that whether the scaled Jacobian is the most effective indicator of the quality of simulations performed on inversion‐free hex‐meshes given the existing dozens of quality metrics for hex‐meshes. Due to the challenge of precisely defining the relations among metrics, studying the correlations among different quality metrics and their correlations with the stability and accuracy of the simulations is a first and effective approach to address the above question. In this work, we propose a correlation analysis framework to systematically study these correlations. Specifically, given a large hex‐mesh dataset, we classify the existing quality metrics into groups based on their correlations, which characterizes their similarity in measuring the quality of hex‐elements. In addition, we rank the individual metrics based on their correlations with the accuracy and stability metrics for simulations that solve a number of elliptic PDE problems. Our preliminary experiments suggest that metrics that assess the conditioning of the elements are more correlated to the quality of solving elliptic PDEs than the others. Furthermore, an inversion‐free hex‐mesh with higher average quality (measured by any quality metrics) usually leads to a more accurate and stable computation of elliptic PDEs. To support our correlation study and address the lack of a publicly available large hex‐mesh dataset with sufficiently varying quality metric values, we also propose a two‐level perturbation strategy to generate the desired dataset from a small number of meshes to exclude the influences of element numbers, vertex connectivity, and volume sizes to our study.  相似文献   

During the last decade many algorithms for compressing 3D animations represented by sequences of triangular meshes have been proposed. Most of these algorithms are lossy in their nature, i.e. the reconstructed data do not exactly match the algorithm input.Quite surprisingly, most of the existing algorithms mainly use only general compression techniques, such as entropy coding, quantisation, PCA or wavelet decomposition, while the inherent geometrical properties of the compressed surface remain unexploited. In this paper we focus on geometry specific optimisation: we extend the PCA-based dynamic mesh compression by optimising the order in which the mesh is traversed. By considering the distribution of residuals and optimising the gate selection strategy we achieve data rate reductions by 5.9–29.1% over the existing approaches in the experiments, while the error introduced by compression remains unchanged. This optimisation improves the performance of our encoder above the performance of current state of the art algorithms.  相似文献   

Mesh Optimization for Polygonized Isosurfaces   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
In this paper, we propose a method for improvement of isosurface polygonizations. Given an initial polygonization of an isosurface, we introduce a mesh evolution process initialized by the polygonization. The evolving mesh converges quickly to its limit mesh which provides with a high quality approximation of the isosurface even if the isosurface has sharp features, boundary, complex topology. To analyze how close the evolving mesh approaches its destined isosurface, we introduce error estimators measuring the deviations of the mesh vertices from the isosurface and mesh normals from the isosurface normals. A new technique for mesh editing with isosurfaces is also proposed. In particular, it can be used for creating carving effects.  相似文献   

We present a novel method for retargeting human motion to arbitrary 3D mesh models with as little user interaction as possible. Traditional motion‐retargeting systems try to preserve the original motion, while satisfying several motion constraints. Our method uses a few pose‐to‐pose examples provided by the user to extract the desired semantics behind the retargeting process while not limiting the transfer to being only literal. Thus, mesh models with different structures and/or motion semantics from humanoid skeletons become possible targets. Also considering the fact that most publicly available mesh models lack additional structure (e.g. skeleton), our method dispenses with the need for such a structure by means of a built‐in surface‐based deformation system. As deformation for animation purposes may require non‐rigid behaviour, we augment existing rigid deformation approaches to provide volume‐preserving and squash‐and‐stretch deformations. We demonstrate our approach on well‐known mesh models along with several publicly available motion‐capture sequences.  相似文献   

We address the problem of generating quality surface triangle meshes from 3D point clouds sampled on piecewise smooth surfaces. Using a feature detection process based on the covariance matrices of Voronoi cells, we first extract from the point cloud a set of sharp features. Our algorithm also runs on the input point cloud a reconstruction process, such as Poisson reconstruction, providing an implicit surface. A feature preserving variant of a Delaunay refinement process is then used to generate a mesh approximating the implicit surface and containing a faithful representation of the extracted sharp edges. Such a mesh provides an enhanced trade‐off between accuracy and mesh complexity. The whole process is robust to noise and made versatile through a small set of parameters which govern the mesh sizing, approximation error and shape of the elements. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our method on a variety of models including laser scanned datasets ranging from indoor to outdoor scenes.  相似文献   

Geometric Snakes for Triangular Meshes   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Feature detection is important in various mesh processing techniques, such as mesh editing, mesh morphing, mesh compression, and mesh signal processing. In spite of much research in computer vision, automatic feature detection even for images still remains a difficult problem. To avoid this difficulty, semi‐automatic or interactive techniques for image feature detection have been investigated. In this paper, we propose a geometric snake as an interactive tool for feature detection on a 3D triangular mesh. A geometric snake is an extension of an image snake, which is an active contour model that slithers from its initial position specified by the user to a nearby feature while minimizing an energy functional. To constrain the movement of a geometric snake onto the surface of a mesh, we use the parameterization of the surrounding region of a geometric snake. Although the definition of a feature may vary among applications, we use the normal changes of faces to detect features on a mesh. Experimental results demonstrate that geometric snakes can successfully capture nearby features from user‐specified initial positions.  相似文献   

Scanning and acquisition methods produce highly detailed surface meshes that need multi‐chart parameterizations to reduce stretching and distortion. From these complex shape surfaces, high‐quality approximations are automatically generated by using surface simplification techniques. Multi‐chart textures hinder the quality of the simplification of these techniques for two reasons: either the chart boundaries cannot be simplified leading to a lack of geometric fidelity; or texture distortions and artefacts appear near the simplified boundaries. In this paper, we present an edge‐collapse based simplification method that provides an accurate, low‐resolution approximation from a multi‐chart textured model. For each collapse, the model is reparameterized by local bijective mappings to avoid texture distortions and chart boundary artefacts on the simplified mesh due to the geometry changes. To better apply the appearance attributes and to guarantee geometric fidelity, we drive the simplification process with the quadric error metrics weighted by a local area distortion measure.  相似文献   

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