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Detail enhancement is a well‐studied area of 3D rendering and image processing, which has few equivalents for 3D shape processing. To enhance details, one needs an efficient analysis tool to express the local surface dynamics. We introduce Wavejets, a new function basis for locally decomposing a shape expressed over the local tangent plane, by considering both angular oscillations of the surface around each point and a radial polynomial. We link the Wavejets coefficients to surface derivatives and give theoretical guarantees for their precision and stability with respect to an approximate tangent plane. The coefficients can be used for shape details amplification, to enhance, invert or distort them, by operating either on the surface point positions or on the normals. From a practical point of view, we derive an efficient way of estimating Wavejets on point sets and demonstrate experimentally the amplification results with respect to noise or basis truncation.  相似文献   

In this paper, we introduce an interactive method suitable for retargeting both 3D objects and scenes. Initially, the input object or scene is decomposed into a collection of constituent components enclosed by corresponding control bounding volumes which capture the intra‐structures of the object or semantic grouping of objects in the 3D scene. The overall retargeting is accomplished through a constrained optimization by manipulating the control bounding volumes. Without inferring the intricate dependencies between the components, we define a minimal set of constraints that maintain the spatial arrangement and connectivity between the components to regularize the valid retargeting results. The default retargeting behavior can then be easily altered by additional semantic constraints imposed by users. This strategy makes the proposed method highly flexible to process a wide variety of 3D objects and scenes under an unified framework. In addition, the proposed method achieved more general structure‐preserving pattern synthesis in both object and scene levels. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our method by applying it to several complicated 3D objects and scenes.  相似文献   

Pseudo‐splines provide a rich family of subdivision schemes with a wide range of choices that meet various demands for balancing the approximation power, the length of the support, and the regularity of the limit functions. Special cases of pseudo‐splines include uniform odd‐degree B‐splines and the interpolatory 2n‐point subdivision schemes, and the other pseudo‐splines fill the gap between these two families. In this paper we show how the refinement step of a pseudo‐spline subdivision scheme can be implemented efficiently using repeated local operations, which require only the data in the direct neighbourhood of each vertex, and how to generalize this concept to quadrilateral meshes with arbitrary topology. The resulting pseudo‐spline surfaces can be arbitrarily smooth in regular mesh regions and C1 at extraordinary vertices as our numerical analysis reveals.  相似文献   

Given a shape, a skeleton is a thin centered structure which jointly describes the topology and the geometry of the shape. Skeletons provide an alternative to classical boundary or volumetric representations, which is especially effective for applications where one needs to reason about, and manipulate, the structure of a shape. These skeleton properties make them powerful tools for many types of shape analysis and processing tasks. For a given shape, several skeleton types can be defined, each having its own properties, advantages, and drawbacks. Similarly, a large number of methods exist to compute a given skeleton type, each having its own requirements, advantages, and limitations. While using skeletons for two‐dimensional (2D) shapes is a relatively well covered area, developments in the skeletonization of three‐dimensional (3D) shapes make these tasks challenging for both researchers and practitioners. This survey presents an overview of 3D shape skeletonization. We start by presenting the definition and properties of various types of 3D skeletons. We propose a taxonomy of 3D skeletons which allows us to further analyze and compare them with respect to their properties. We next overview methods and techniques used to compute all described 3D skeleton types, and discuss their assumptions, advantages, and limitations. Finally, we describe several applications of 3D skeletons, which illustrate their added value for different shape analysis and processing tasks.  相似文献   

The design of video game environments, or levels, aims to control gameplay by steering the player through a sequence of designer‐controlled steps, while simultaneously providing a visually engaging experience. Traditionally these levels are painstakingly designed by hand, often from pre‐existing building blocks, or space templates. In this paper, we propose an algorithmic approach for automatically laying out game levels from user‐specified blocks. Our method allows designers to retain control of the gameplay flow via user‐specified level connectivity graphs, while relieving them from the tedious task of manually assembling the building blocks into a valid, plausible layout. Our method produces sequences of diverse layouts for the same input connectivity, allowing for repeated replay of a given level within a visually different, new environment. We support complex graph connectivities and various building block shapes, and are able to compute complex layouts in seconds. The two key components of our algorithm are the use of configuration spaces defining feasible relative positions of building blocks within a layout and a graph‐decomposition based layout strategy that leverages graph connectivity to speed up convergence and avoid local minima. Together these two tools quickly steer the solution toward feasible layouts. We demonstrate our method on a variety of real‐life inputs, and generate appealing layouts conforming to user specifications.  相似文献   

Symmetry is a common characteristic in natural and man‐made objects. Its ubiquitous nature can be exploited to facilitate the analysis and processing of computational representations of real objects. In particular, in computer graphics, the detection of symmetries in 3D geometry has enabled a number of applications in modeling and reconstruction. However, the problem of symmetry detection in incomplete geometry remains a challenging task. In this paper, we propose a vote‐based approach to detect symmetry in 3D shapes, with special interest in models with large missing parts. Our algorithm generates a set of candidate symmetries by matching local maxima of a surface function based on the heat diffusion in local domains, which guarantee robustness to missing data. In order to deal with local perturbations, we propose a multi‐scale surface function that is useful to select a set of distinctive points over which the approximate symmetries are defined. In addition, we introduce a vote‐based scheme that is aware of the partiality, and therefore reduces the number of false positive votes for the candidate symmetries. We show the effectiveness of our method in a varied set of 3D shapes and different levels of partiality. Furthermore, we show the applicability of our algorithm in the repair and completion of challenging reassembled objects in the context of cultural heritage.  相似文献   

We present a new method for the completion of partial globally‐symmetric 3D objects, based on the detection of partial and approximate symmetries in the incomplete input dataset. In our approach, symmetry detection is formulated as a constrained sparsity maximization problem, which is solved efficiently using a robust RANSAC‐based optimizer. The detected partial symmetries are then reused iteratively, in order to complete the missing parts of the object. A global error relaxation method minimizes the accumulated alignment errors and a non‐rigid registration approach applies local deformations in order to properly handle approximate symmetry. Unlike previous approaches, our method does not rely on the computation of features, it uniformly handles translational, rotational and reflectional symmetries and can provide plausible object completion results, even on challenging cases, where more than half of the target object is missing. We demonstrate our algorithm in the completion of 3D scans with varying levels of partiality and we show the applicability of our approach in the repair and completion of heavily eroded or incomplete cultural heritage objects.  相似文献   

Geodesic based Voronoi diagrams play an important role in many applications of computer graphics. Constructing such Voronoi diagrams usually resorts to exact geodesics. However, exact geodesic computation always consumes lots of time and memory, which has become the bottleneck of constructing geodesic based Voronoi diagrams. In this paper, we propose the window‐VTP algorithm, which can effectively reduce redundant computation and save memory. As a result, constructing Voronoi diagrams using the proposed window‐VTP algorithm runs 3–8 times faster than Liu et al.'s method [ LCT11 ], 1.2 times faster than its FWP‐MMP variant and more importantly uses 10–70 times less memory than both of them.  相似文献   

This paper studies the Voronoi diagrams on 2‐manifold meshes based on geodesic metric (a.k.a. geodesic Voronoi diagrams or GVDs), which have polyline generators. We show that our general setting leads to situations more complicated than conventional 2D Euclidean Voronoi diagrams as well as point‐source based GVDs, since a typical bisector contains line segments, hyperbolic segments and parabolic segments. To tackle this challenge, we introduce a new concept, called local Voronoi diagram (LVD), which is a combination of additively weighted Voronoi diagram and line‐segment Voronoi diagram on a mesh triangle. We show that when restricting on a single mesh triangle, the GVD is a subset of the LVD and only two types of mesh triangles can contain GVD edges. Based on these results, we propose an efficient algorithm for constructing the GVD with polyline generators. Our algorithm runs in O(nNlogN) time and takes O(nN) space on an n‐face mesh with m generators, where N = max{m, n}. Computational results on real‐world models demonstrate the efficiency of our algorithm.  相似文献   

We present a user‐guided, semi‐automatic approach to completing large holes in a mesh. The reconstruction of the missing features in such holes is usually ambiguous. Thus, unsupervised methods may produce unsatisfactory results. To overcome this problem, we let the user indicate constraints by providing merely four points per important feature curve on the mesh. Our algorithm regards this input as an indication of an important broken feature curve. Our completion is formulated as a global energy minimization problem, with user‐defined spatial‐coherence constraints, allows for completion that adheres to the existing features. We demonstrate the method on example problems that are not handled satisfactorily by fully automatic methods.  相似文献   

We present the first 3D algorithm capable of answering the question: what would a Mandelbrot‐like set in the shape of a bunny look like? More concretely, can we find an iterated quaternion rational map whose potential field contains an isocontour with a desired shape? We show that it is possible to answer this question by casting it as a shape optimization that discovers novel, highly complex shapes. The problem can be written as an energy minimization, the optimization can be made practical by using an efficient method for gradient evaluation, and convergence can be accelerated by using a variety of multi‐resolution strategies. The resulting shapes are not invariant under common operations such as translation, and instead undergo intricate, non‐linear transformations.  相似文献   

A new n‐sided surface scheme is presented, that generalizes tensor product Bézier patches. Boundaries and corresponding cross‐derivatives are specified as conventional Bézier surfaces of arbitrary degrees. The surface is defined over a convex polygonal domain; local coordinates are computed from generalized barycentric coordinates; control points are multiplied by weighted, biparametric Bernstein functions. A method for interpolating a middle point is also presented. This Generalized Bézier (GB) patch is based on a new displacement scheme that builds up multi‐sided patches as a combination of a base patch, n displacement patches and an interior patch; this is considered to be an alternative to the Boolean sum concept. The input ribbons may have different degrees, but the final patch representation has a uniform degree. Interior control points—other than those specified by the user—are placed automatically by a special degree elevation algorithm. GB patches connect to adjacent Bézier surfaces with G1continuity. The control structure is simple and intuitive; the number of control points is proportional to those of quadrilateral control grids. The scheme is introduced through simple examples; suggestions for future work are also discussed.  相似文献   

In this paper, we address the problem of structure‐aware shape deformation: We specifically consider deformations that preserve symmetries of the shape being edited. While this is an elegant approach for obtaining plausible shape variations from minimal assumptions, a straightforward optimization is numerically expensive and poorly conditioned. Our paper introduces an explicit construction of bases of linear spaces of shape deformations that exactly preserve symmetries for any user‐defined level of detail. This permits the construction of low‐dimensional spaces of low‐frequency deformations that preserve the symmetries. We obtain substantial speed‐ups over alternative approaches for symmetry‐preserving shape editing due to (i) the sub‐space approach, which permits low‐res editing, (ii) the removal of redundant, symmetric information, and (iii) the simplification of the numerical formulation due to hard‐coded symmetry preservation. We demonstrate the utility in practice by applying our framework to symmetry‐preserving co‐rotated iterative Laplace surface editing of models with complex symmetry structure, including partial and nested symmetry.  相似文献   

In many geometry processing applications, it is required to improve an initial mesh in terms of multiple quality objectives. Despite the availability of several mesh generation algorithms with provable guarantees, such generated meshes may only satisfy a subset of the objectives. The conflicting nature of such objectives makes it challenging to establish similar guarantees for each combination, e.g., angle bounds and vertex count. In this paper, we describe a versatile strategy for mesh improvement by interpreting quality objectives as spatial constraints on resampling and develop a toolbox of local operators to improve the mesh while preserving desirable properties. Our strategy judiciously combines smoothing and transformation techniques allowing increased flexibility to practically achieve multiple objectives simultaneously. We apply our strategy to both planar and surface meshes demonstrating how to simplify Delaunay meshes while preserving element quality, eliminate all obtuse angles in a complex mesh, and maximize the shortest edge length in a Voronoi tessellation far better than the state‐of‐the‐art.  相似文献   

Geometry processing has made ample use of discrete representations of tangent vector fields and antisymmetric tensors (i.e., forms) on triangulations. Symmetric 2‐tensors, while crucial in the definition of inner products and elliptic operators, have received only limited attention. They are often discretized by first defining a coordinate system per vertex, edge or face, then storing their components in this frame field. In this paper, we introduce a representation of arbitrary 2‐tensor fields on triangle meshes. We leverage a coordinate‐free decomposition of continuous 2‐tensors in the plane to construct a finite‐dimensional encoding of tensor fields through scalar values on oriented simplices of a manifold triangulation. We also provide closed‐form expressions of pairing, inner product, and trace for this discrete representation of tensor fields, and formulate a discrete covariant derivative and a discrete Lie bracket. Our approach extends discrete/finite‐element exterior calculus, recovers familiar operators such as the weighted Laplacian operator, and defines discrete notions of divergence‐free, curl‐free, and traceless tensors–thus offering a numerical framework for discrete tensor calculus on triangulations. We finally demonstrate the robustness and accuracy of our operators on analytical examples, before applying them to the computation of anisotropic geodesic distances on discrete surfaces.  相似文献   

Style transfer aims to apply the style of an exemplar model to a target one, while retaining the target's structure. The main challenge in this process is to algorithmically distinguish style from structure, a high‐level, potentially ill‐posed cognitive task. Inspired by cognitive science research we recast style transfer in terms of shape analogies. In IQ testing, shape analogy queries present the subject with three shapes: source, target and exemplar, and ask them to select an output such that the transformation, or analogy, from the exemplar to the output is similar to that from the source to the target. The logical process involved in identifying the source‐to‐target analogies implicitly detects the structural differences between the source and target and can be used effectively to facilitate style transfer. Since the exemplar has a similar structure to the source, applying the analogy to the exemplar will provide the output we seek. The main technical challenge we address is to compute the source to target analogies, consistent with human logic. We observe that the typical analogies we look for consist of a small set of simple transformations, which when applied to the exemplar generate a continuous, seamless output model. To assemble a shape analogy, we compute an optimal set of source‐to‐target transformations, such that the assembled analogy best fits these criteria. The assembled analogy is then applied to the exemplar shape to produce the desired output model. We use the proposed framework to seamlessly transfer a variety of style properties between 2D and 3D objects and demonstrate significant improvements over the state of the art in style transfer. We further show that our framework can be used to successfully complete partial scans with the help of a user provided structural template, coherently propagating scan style across the completed surfaces.  相似文献   

Various applications of global surface parametrization benefit from the alignment of parametrization isolines with principal curvature directions. This is particularly true for recent parametrization‐based meshing approaches, where this directly translates into a shape‐aware edge flow, better approximation quality, and reduced meshing artifacts. Existing methods to influence a parametrization based on principal curvature directions suffer from scale‐dependence, which implies the necessity of parameter variation, or try to capture complex directional shape features using simple 1D curves. Especially for non‐sharp features, such as chamfers, fillets, blends, and even more for organic variants thereof, these abstractions can be unfit. We present a novel approach which respects and exploits the 2D nature of such directional feature regions, detects them based on coherence and homogeneity properties, and controls the parametrization process accordingly. This approach enables us to provide an intuitive, scale‐invariant control parameter to the user. It also allows us to consider non‐local aspects like the topology of a feature, enabling further improvements. We demonstrate that, compared to previous approaches, global parametrizations of higher quality can be generated without user intervention.  相似文献   

We present a data‐driven method for synthesizing 3D indoor scenes by inserting objects progressively into an initial, possibly, empty scene. Instead of relying on few hundreds of hand‐crafted 3D scenes, we take advantage of existing large‐scale annotated RGB‐D datasets, in particular, the SUN RGB‐D database consisting of 10,000+ depth images of real scenes, to form the prior knowledge for our synthesis task. Our object insertion scheme follows a co‐occurrence model and an arrangement model, both learned from the SUN dataset. The former elects a highly probable combination of object categories along with the number of instances per category while a plausible placement is defined by the latter model. Compared to previous works on probabilistic learning for object placement, we make two contributions. First, we learn various classes of higher‐order object‐object relations including symmetry, distinct orientation, and proximity from the database. These relations effectively enable considering objects in semantically formed groups rather than by individuals. Second, while our algorithm inserts objects one at a time, it attains holistic plausibility of the whole current scene while offering controllability through progressive synthesis. We conducted several user studies to compare our scene synthesis performance to results obtained by manual synthesis, state‐of‐the‐art object placement schemes, and variations of parameter settings for the arrangement model.  相似文献   

Scientific visualization has many effective methods for examining and exploring scalar and vector fields, but rather fewer for bivariate fields. We report the first general purpose approach for the interactive extraction of geometric separating surfaces in bivariate fields. This method is based on fiber surfaces: surfaces constructed from sets of fibers, the multivariate analogues of isolines. We show simple methods for fiber surface definition and extraction. In particular, we show a simple and efficient fiber surface extraction algorithm based on Marching Cubes. We also show how to construct fiber surfaces interactively with geometric primitives in the range of the function. We then extend this to build user interfaces that generate parameterized families of fiber surfaces with respect to arbitrary polygons. In the special case of isovalue‐gradient plots, fiber surfaces capture features geometrically for quantitative analysis that have previously only been analysed visually and qualitatively using multi‐dimensional transfer functions in volume rendering. We also demonstrate fiber surface extraction on a variety of bivariate data.  相似文献   

We explore a method for generalising Pixar semi‐sharp creases from the univariate cubic case to arbitrary degree subdivision curves. Our approach is based on solving simple matrix equations. The resulting schemes allow for greater flexibility over existing methods, via control vectors. We demonstrate our results on several high‐degree univariate examples and explore analogous methods for subdivision surfaces.  相似文献   

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