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Displaying small multiples is a popular method for visually summarizing and comparing multiple facets of a complex data set. If the correlations between the data are not considered when displaying the multiples, searching and comparing specific items become more difficult since a sequential scan of the display is often required. To address this issue, we introduce CorrelatedMultiples, a spatially coherent visualization based on small multiples, where the items are placed so that the distances reflect their dissimilarities. We propose a constrained multi‐dimensional scaling (CMDS) solver that preserves spatial proximity while forcing the items to remain within a fixed region. We evaluate the effectiveness of our approach by comparing CMDS with other competing methods through a controlled user study and a quantitative study, and demonstrate the usefulness of CorrelatedMultiples for visual search and comparison in three real‐world case studies.  相似文献   

Pathline glyphs     
Visualization of pathlines is common and highly relevant for the analysis of unsteady flow. However, pathlines can intersect, leading to visual clutter and perceptual issues. This makes it intrinsically difficult to provide expressive visualizations of the entire domain by an arrangement of multiple pathlines, in contrast to well‐established streamline placement techniques. We present an approach to reduce these problems. It is inspired by glyph‐based visualization and small multiples: we partition the domain into cells, each corresponding to a downscaled version of the entire domain. Inside these cells, a single downscaled pathline is drawn. On the overview scale, our pathline glyphs lead to emergent visual patterns that provide insight into time‐dependent flow behavior. Zooming‐in allows us to analyze individual pathlines in detail and compare neighboring lines. The overall approach is complemented with a context‐preserving zoom lens and interactive pathline‐based exploration. While we primarily target the visualization of 2D flow, we also address the extension to 3D. Our evaluation includes several examples, comparison to other flow visualization techniques, and a user study with domain experts.  相似文献   

Line graphs have been the visualization of choice for temporal data ever since the days of William Playfair (1759-1823), but realistic temporal analysis tasks often include multiple simultaneous time series. In this work, we explore user performance for comparison, slope, and discrimination tasks for different line graph techniques involving multiple time series. Our results show that techniques that create separate charts for each time series--such as small multiples and horizon graphs--are generally more efficient for comparisons across time series with a large visual span. On the other hand, shared-space techniques--like standard line graphs--are typically more efficient for comparisons over smaller visual spans where the impact of overlap and clutter is reduced.  相似文献   

Researchers and analysts in modern industrial and academic environments are faced with a daunting amount of multi‐dimensional data. While there has been significant development in the areas of data mining and knowledge discovery, there is still the need for improved visualizations and generic solutions. The state‐of‐the‐art in visual analytics and exploratory data visualization is to incorporate more profound analysis methods while focusing on fast interactive abilities. The common trend in these scenarios is to either visualize an abstraction of the data set or to better utilize screen‐space. This paper presents a novel technique that combines clustering, dimension reduction and multi‐dimensional data representation to form a multivariate data visualization that incorporates both detail and overview. This amalgamation counters the individual drawbacks of common projection and multi‐dimensional data visualization techniques, namely ambiguity and clutter. A specific clustering criterion is used to decompose a multi‐dimensional data set into a hierarchical tree structure. This decomposition is embedded in a novel Dimensional Anchor visualization through the use of a weighted linear dimension reduction technique. The resulting Structural Decomposition Tree (SDT) provides not only an insight of the data set's inherent structure, but also conveys detailed coordinate value information. Further, fast and intuitive interaction techniques are explored in order to guide the user in highlighting, brushing, and filtering of the data.  相似文献   

We present a novel approach for analyzing the quality of multi‐agent crowd simulation algorithms. Our approach is data‐driven, taking as input a set of user‐defined metrics and reference training data, either synthetic or from video footage of real crowds. Given a simulation, we formulate the crowd analysis problem as an anomaly detection problem and exploit state‐of‐the‐art outlier detection algorithms to address it. To that end, we introduce a new framework for the visual analysis of crowd simulations. Our framework allows us to capture potentially erroneous behaviors on a per‐agent basis either by automatically detecting outliers based on individual evaluation metrics or by accounting for multiple evaluation criteria in a principled fashion using Principle Component Analysis and the notion of Pareto Optimality. We discuss optimizations necessary to allow real‐time performance on large datasets and demonstrate the applicability of our framework through the analysis of simulations created by several widely‐used methods, including a simulation from a commercial game.  相似文献   

We present a novel and light‐weight approach to capture and reconstruct structured 3D models of multi‐room floor plans. Starting from a small set of registered panoramic images, we automatically generate a 3D layout of the rooms and of all the main objects inside. Such a 3D layout is directly suitable for use in a number of real‐world applications, such as guidance, location, routing, or content creation for security and energy management. Our novel pipeline introduces several contributions to indoor reconstruction from purely visual data. In particular, we automatically partition panoramic images in a connectivity graph, according to the visual layout of the rooms, and exploit this graph to support object recovery and rooms boundaries extraction. Moreover, we introduce a plane‐sweeping approach to jointly reason about the content of multiple images and solve the problem of object inference in a top‐down 2D domain. Finally, we combine these methods in a fully automated pipeline for creating a structured 3D model of a multi‐room floor plan and of the location and extent of clutter objects. These contribution make our pipeline able to handle cluttered scenes with complex geometry that are challenging to existing techniques. The effectiveness and performance of our approach is evaluated on both real‐world and synthetic models.  相似文献   

We propose a design framework to assist with user‐generated content in facial animation — without requiring any animation experience or ground truth reference. Where conventional prototyping methods rely on handcrafting by experienced animators, our approach looks to encode the role of the animator as an Evolutionary Algorithm acting on animation controls, driven by visual feedback from a user. Presented as a simple interface, users sample control combinations and select favourable results to influence later sampling. Over multiple iterations of disregarding unfavourable control values, parameters converge towards the user's ideal. We demonstrate our framework through two non‐trivial applications: creating highly nuanced expressions by evolving control values of a face rig and non‐linear motion through evolving control point positions of animation curves.  相似文献   

Full and accurate representation of an organization's knowledge assets, which together constitute “organizational memory”, requires multi-perspective modelling at a number of levels of detail. We propose that the perspectives which need to be represented can be characterized as who, what, how, when, where and why knowledge; these perspectives, and necessary levels of abstraction, are captured by the Zachman framework for Information Systems Architecture. We suggest modelling techniques that might be appropriate for different perspectives and levels of abstraction, and illustrate using examples from a medical domain. We also describe how an individual perspective can become the user interface of a knowledge distribution system, and illustrate this by describing the protocol assistant, a Web-based knowledge-based system capable of representing and reasoning with best practice guidelines (“protocols”) in the medical domain.  相似文献   

In volume visualization, the definition of the regions of interest is inherently an iterative trial‐and‐error process finding out the best parameters to classify and render the final image. Generally, the user requires a lot of expertise to analyze and edit these parameters through multi‐dimensional transfer functions. In this paper, we present a framework of intelligent methods to label on‐demand multiple regions of interest. These methods can be split into a two‐level GPU‐based labelling algorithm that computes in time of rendering a set of labelled structures using the Machine Learning Error‐Correcting Output Codes (ECOC) framework. In a pre‐processing step, ECOC trains a set of Adaboost binary classifiers from a reduced pre‐labelled data set. Then, at the testing stage, each classifier is independently applied on the features of a set of unlabelled samples and combined to perform multi‐class labelling. We also propose an alternative representation of these classifiers that allows to highly parallelize the testing stage. To exploit that parallelism we implemented the testing stage in GPU‐OpenCL. The empirical results on different data sets for several volume structures shows high computational performance and classification accuracy.  相似文献   

The analysis of financial assets’ correlations is fundamental to many aspects of finance theory and practice, especially modern portfolio theory and the study of risk. In order to manage investment risk, in‐depth analysis of changing correlations is needed, with both high and low correlations between financial assets (and groups thereof) important to identify. In this paper, we propose a visual analytics framework for the interactive analysis of relations and structures in dynamic, high‐dimensional correlation data. We conduct a series of interviews and review the financial correlation analysis literature to guide our design. Our solution combines concepts from multi‐dimensional scaling, weighted complete graphs and threshold networks to present interactive, animated displays which use proximity as a visual metaphor for correlation and animation stability to encode correlation stability. We devise interaction techniques coupled with context‐sensitive auxiliary views to support the analysis of subsets of correlation networks. As part of our contribution, we also present behaviour profiles to help guide future users of our approach. We evaluate our approach by checking the validity of the layouts produced, presenting a number of analysis stories, and through a user study. We observe that our solutions help unravel complex behaviours and resonate well with study participants in addressing their needs in the context of correlation analysis in finance.  相似文献   

Casual information visualization: depictions of data in everyday life   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Information visualization has often focused on providing deep insight for expert user populations and on techniques for amplifying cognition through complicated interactive visual models. This paper proposes a new subdomain for infovis research that complements the focus on analytic tasks and expert use. Instead of work-related and analytically driven infovis, we propose Casual Information Visualization (or Casual Infovis) as a complement to more traditional infovis domains. Traditional infovis systems, techniques, and methods do not easily lend themselves to the broad range of user populations, from expert to novices, or from work tasks to more everyday situations. We propose definitions, perspectives, and research directions for further investigations of this emerging subfield. These perspectives build from ambient information visualization [32], social visualization, and also from artistic work that visualizes information [41]. We seek to provide a perspective on infovis that integrates these research agendas under a coherent vocabulary and framework for design. We enumerate the following contributions. First, we demonstrate how blurry the boundary of infovis is by examining systems that exhibit many of the putative proper ties of infovis systems, but perhaps would not be considered so. Second, we explore the notion of insight and how, instead of a monolithic definition of insight, there may be multiple types, each with particular characteristics. Third, we discuss design challenges for systems intended for casual audiences. Finally we conclude with challenges for system evaluation in this emerging subfield.  相似文献   

Parallel coordinate plots (PCPs) are a well‐known visualization technique for viewing multivariate data. In the past, various visual modifications to PCPs have been proposed to facilitate tasks such as correlation and cluster identification, to reduce visual clutter, and to increase their information throughput. Most modifications pertain to the use of color and opacity, smooth curves, or the use of animation. Although many of these seem valid improvements, only few user studies have been performed to investigate this, especially with respect to cluster identification. We performed a user study to evaluate cluster identification performance – with respect to response time and correctness – of nine PCP variations, including standard PCPs. To generate the variations, we focused on covering existing techniques as well as possible while keeping testing feasible. This was done by adapting and merging techniques, which led to the following novel variations. The first is an effective way of embedding scatter plots into PCPs. The second is a technique for highlighting fuzzy clusters based on neighborhood density. The third is a spline‐based drawing technique to reduce ambiguity. The last is a pair of animation schemes for PCP rotation. We present an overview of the tested PCP variations and the results of our study. The most important result is that a fair number of the seemingly valid improvements, with the exception of scatter plots embedded into PCPs, do not result in significant performance gains.  相似文献   

A hallmark of early stage design is a number of quick‐and‐dirty sketches capturing design inspirations, model variations and alternate viewpoints of a visual concept. We present SketchSoup, a workflow that allows designers to explore the design space induced by such sketches. We take an unstructured collection of drawings as input, along with a small number of user‐provided correspondences as input. We register them using a multi‐image matching algorithm, and present them as a 2D interpolation space. By morphing sketches in this space, our approach produces plausible visualizations of shape and viewpoint variations despite the presence of sketch distortions that would prevent standard camera calibration and 3D reconstruction. In addition, our interpolated sketches can serve as inspiration for further drawings, which feed back into the design space as additional image inputs. SketchSoup thus fills a significant gap in the early ideation stage of conceptual design by allowing designers to make better informed choices before proceeding to more expensive 3D modelling and prototyping. From a technical standpoint, we describe an end‐to‐end system that judiciously combines and adapts various image processing techniques to the drawing domain—where the images are dominated not by colour, shading and texture, but by sketchy stroke contours.  相似文献   

We provide a novel visualization method for the comparison of hierarchically organized data. Our technique visualizes a pair of hierarchies that are to be compared and simultaneously depicts how these hierarchies are related by explicitly visualizing the relations between matching subhierarchies. Elements that are unique to each hierarchy are shown, as well as the way in which hierarchy elements are relocated, split or joined. The relations between hierarchy elements are visualized using Hierarchical Edge Bundles (HEBs). HEBs reduce visual clutter, they visually emphasize the aforementioned splits, joins, and relocations of subhierarchies, and they provide an intuitive way in which users can interact with the relations. The focus throughout this paper is on the comparison of different versions of hierarchically organized software systems, but the technique is applicable to other kinds of hierarchical data as well. Various data sets of actual software systems are used to show how our technique can be employed to easily spot splits, joins, and relocations of elements, how sorting both hierarchies with respect to each other facilitates comparison tasks, and how user interaction is supported.  相似文献   

Over the past decade, computer scientists and psychologists have made great efforts to collect and analyze facial dynamics data that exhibit different expressions and emotions. Such data is commonly captured as videos and are transformed into feature‐based time‐series prior to any analysis. However, the analytical tasks, such as expression classification, have been hindered by the lack of understanding of the complex data space and the associated algorithm space. Conventional graph‐based time‐series visualization is also found inadequate to support such tasks. In this work, we adopt a visual analytics approach by visualizing the correlation between the algorithm space and our goal – classifying facial dynamics. We transform multiple feature‐based time‐series for each expression in measurement space to a multi‐dimensional representation in parameter space. This enables us to utilize parallel coordinates visualization to gain an understanding of the algorithm space, providing a fast and cost‐effective means to support the design of analytical algorithms.  相似文献   

In many domains, multivariate event sequence data is collected focused around an entity (the case). Typically, each event has multiple attributes, for example, in healthcare a patient has events such as hospitalization, medication, and surgery. In addition to the multivariate events, also the case (a specific attribute, e.g., patient) has associated multivariate data (e.g., age, gender, weight). Current work typically only visualizes one attribute per event (label) in the event sequences. As a consequence, events can only be explored from a predefined case-centric perspective. However, to find complex relations from multiple perspectives (e.g., from different case definitions, such as doctor), users also need an event- and attribute-centric perspective. In addition, support is needed to effortlessly switch between and within perspectives. To support such a rich exploration, we present FlexEvent: an exploration and analysis method that enables investigation beyond a fixed case-centric perspective. Based on an adaptation of existing visualization techniques, such as scatterplots and juxtaposed small multiples, we enable flexible switching between different perspectives to explore the multivariate event sequence data needed to answer multi-perspective hypotheses. We evaluated FlexEvent with three domain experts in two use cases with sleep disorder and neonatal ICU data that show our method facilitates experts in exploring and analyzing real-world multivariate sequence data from different perspectives.  相似文献   

We report on an in‐depth corpus linguistic study on ‘multiple views’ terminology and word collocation. We take a broad interpretation of these terms, and explore the meaning and diversity of their use in visualisation literature. First we explore senses of the term ‘multiple views’ (e.g., ‘multiple views’ can mean juxtaposition, many viewport projections or several alternative opinions). Second, we investigate term popularity and frequency of occurrences, investigating usage of ‘multiple’ and ‘view’ (e.g., multiple views, multiple visualisations, multiple sets). Third, we investigate word collocations and terms that have a similar sense (e.g., multiple views, side‐by‐side, small multiples). We built and used several corpora, including a 6‐million‐word corpus of all IEEE Visualisation conference articles published in IEEE Transactions on Visualisation and Computer Graphics 2012 to 2017. We draw on our substantial experience from early work in coordinated and multiple views, and with collocation analysis develop several lists of terms. This research provides insight into term use, a reference for novice and expert authors in visualisation, and contributes a taxonomy of ‘multiple view’ terms.  相似文献   

We present an approach for animating cracks and fractures in cartoon style. In our method we take a 2D hand-drawn object as input and then construct a 2.5D model of the object in order to approximate the object volume. Next, we generate the Voronoi textures on the 2.5D object model for visual abstraction of cartoon cracks. Further, cracking gaps on the Voronoi textures are widened progressively until Voronoi cells split apart and finally fall onto ground according to simplified physical rules. With minimum user intervention, our model is able to generate cartoon cracks and fractures animations procedurally, as demonstrated by examples given in the paper.  相似文献   

We present a novel framework to evaluate multi‐agent crowd simulation algorithms based on real‐world observations of crowd movements. A key aspect of our approach is to enable fair comparisons by automatically estimating the parameters that enable the simulation algorithms to best fit the given data. We formulate parameter estimation as an optimization problem, and propose a general framework to solve the combinatorial optimization problem for all parameterized crowd simulation algorithms. Our framework supports a variety of metrics to compare reference data and simulation outputs. The reference data may correspond to recorded trajectories, macroscopic parameters, or artist‐driven sketches. We demonstrate the benefits of our framework for example‐based simulation, modeling of cultural variations, artist‐driven crowd animation, and relative comparison of some widely‐used multi‐agent simulation algorithms.  相似文献   

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