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We present a data‐driven method for synthesizing 3D indoor scenes by inserting objects progressively into an initial, possibly, empty scene. Instead of relying on few hundreds of hand‐crafted 3D scenes, we take advantage of existing large‐scale annotated RGB‐D datasets, in particular, the SUN RGB‐D database consisting of 10,000+ depth images of real scenes, to form the prior knowledge for our synthesis task. Our object insertion scheme follows a co‐occurrence model and an arrangement model, both learned from the SUN dataset. The former elects a highly probable combination of object categories along with the number of instances per category while a plausible placement is defined by the latter model. Compared to previous works on probabilistic learning for object placement, we make two contributions. First, we learn various classes of higher‐order object‐object relations including symmetry, distinct orientation, and proximity from the database. These relations effectively enable considering objects in semantically formed groups rather than by individuals. Second, while our algorithm inserts objects one at a time, it attains holistic plausibility of the whole current scene while offering controllability through progressive synthesis. We conducted several user studies to compare our scene synthesis performance to results obtained by manual synthesis, state‐of‐the‐art object placement schemes, and variations of parameter settings for the arrangement model.  相似文献   

Paper pop‐ups are interesting three‐dimensional books that fascinate people of all ages. The design and construction of these pop‐up books however are done manually and require a lot of time and effort. This has led to computer‐assisted or automated tools for designing paper pop‐ups. This paper proposes an approach for automatically converting a 3D model into a multi‐style paper pop‐up. Previous automated approaches have only focused on single‐style pop‐ups, where each is made of a single type of pop‐up mechanisms. In our work, we combine multiple styles in a pop‐up, which is more representative of actual artist's creations. Our method abstracts a 3D model using suitable primitive shapes that both facilitate the formation of the considered pop‐up mechanisms and closely approximate the input model. Each shape is then abstracted using a set of 2D patches that combine to form a valid pop‐up. We define geometric conditions that ensure the validity of the combined pop‐up structures. In addition, our method also employs an image‐based approach for producing the patches to preserve the textures, finer details and important contours of the input model. Finally, our system produces a printable design layout and decides an assembly order for the construction instructions. The feasibility of our results is verified by constructing the actual paper pop‐ups from the designs generated by our system.  相似文献   

Feature learning for 3D shapes is challenging due to the lack of natural paramterization for 3D surface models. We adopt the multi‐view depth image representation and propose Multi‐View Deep Extreme Learning Machine (MVD‐ELM) to achieve fast and quality projective feature learning for 3D shapes. In contrast to existing multi‐view learning approaches, our method ensures the feature maps learned for different views are mutually dependent via shared weights and in each layer, their unprojections together form a valid 3D reconstruction of the input 3D shape through using normalized convolution kernels. These lead to a more accurate 3D feature learning as shown by the encouraging results in several applications. Moreover, the 3D reconstruction property enables clear visualization of the learned features, which further demonstrates the meaningfulness of our feature learning.  相似文献   

We present an algorithm for shape reconstruction from incomplete 3D scans by fusing together two acquisition modes: 2D photographs and 3D scans. The two modes exhibit complementary characteristics: scans have depth information, but are often sparse and incomplete; photographs, on the other hand, are dense and have high resolution, but lack important depth information. In this work we fuse the two modes, taking advantage of their complementary information, to enhance 3D shape reconstruction from an incomplete scan with a 2D photograph. We compute geometrical and topological shape properties in 2D photographs and use them to reconstruct a shape from an incomplete 3D scan in a principled manner. Our key observation is that shape properties such as boundaries, smooth patches and local connectivity, can be inferred with high confidence from 2D photographs. Thus, we register the 3D scan with the 2D photograph and use scanned points as 3D depth cues for lifting 2D shape structures into 3D. Our contribution is an algorithm which significantly regularizes and enhances the problem of 3D reconstruction from partial scans by lifting 2D shape structures into 3D. We evaluate our algorithm on various shapes which are loosely scanned and photographed from different views, and compare them with state‐of‐the‐art reconstruction methods.  相似文献   

We present a sparse optimization framework for extracting sparse shape priors from a collection of 3D models. Shape priors are defined as point‐set neighborhoods sampled from shape surfaces which convey important information encompassing normals and local shape characterization. A 3D shape model can be considered to be formed with a set of 3D local shape priors, while most of them are likely to have similar geometry. Our key observation is that the local priors extracted from a family of 3D shapes lie in a very low‐dimensional manifold. Consequently, a compact and informative subset of priors can be learned to efficiently encode all shapes of the same family. A comprehensive library of local shape priors is first built with the given collection of 3D models of the same family. We then formulate a global, sparse optimization problem which enforces selecting representative priors while minimizing the reconstruction error. To solve the optimization problem, we design an efficient solver based on the Augmented Lagrangian Multipliers method (ALM). Extensive experiments exhibit the power of our data‐driven sparse priors in elegantly solving several high‐level shape analysis applications and geometry processing tasks, such as shape retrieval, style analysis and symmetry detection.  相似文献   

Contour trees are extensively used in scalar field analysis. The contour tree is a data structure that tracks the evolution of level set topology in a scalar field. Scalar fields are typically available as samples at vertices of a mesh and are linearly interpolated within each cell of the mesh. A more suitable way of representing scalar fields, especially when a smoother function needs to be modeled, is via higher order interpolants. We propose an algorithm to compute the contour tree for such functions. The algorithm computes a local structure by connecting critical points using a numerically stable monotone path tracing procedure. Such structures are computed for each cell and are stitched together to obtain the contour tree of the function. The algorithm is scalable to higher degree interpolants whereas previous methods were restricted to quadratic or linear interpolants. The algorithm is intrinsically parallelizable and has potential applications to isosurface extraction.  相似文献   

Automatic Modeling of Urban Facades from Raw LiDAR Point Data   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
Modeling of urban facades from raw LiDAR point data remains active due to its challenging nature. In this paper, we propose an automatic yet robust 3D modeling approach for urban facades with raw LiDAR point clouds. The key observation is that building facades often exhibit repetitions and regularities. We hereby formulate repetition detection as an energy optimization problem with a global energy function balancing geometric errors, regularity and complexity of facade structures. As a result, repetitive structures are extracted robustly even in the presence of noise and missing data. By registering repetitive structures, missing regions are completed and thus the associated point data of structures are well consolidated. Subsequently, we detect the potential design intents (i.e., geometric constraints) within structures and perform constrained fitting to obtain the precise structure models. Furthermore, we apply structure alignment optimization to enforce position regularities and employ repetitions to infer missing structures. We demonstrate how the quality of raw LiDAR data can be improved by exploiting data redundancy, and discovering high level structural information (regularity and symmetry). We evaluate our modeling method on a variety of raw LiDAR scans to verify its robustness and effectiveness.  相似文献   

Since indoor scenes are frequently changed in daily life, such as re‐layout of furniture, the 3D reconstructions for them should be flexible and easy to update. We present an automatic 3D scene update algorithm to indoor scenes by capturing scene variation with RGBD cameras. We assume an initial scene has been reconstructed in advance in manual or other semi‐automatic way before the change, and automatically update the reconstruction according to the newly captured RGBD images of the real scene update. It starts with an automatic segmentation process without manual interaction, which benefits from accurate labeling training from the initial 3D scene. After the segmentation, objects captured by RGBD camera are extracted to form a local updated scene. We formulate an optimization problem to compare to the initial scene to locate moved objects. The moved objects are then integrated with static objects in the initial scene to generate a new 3D scene. We demonstrate the efficiency and robustness of our approach by updating the 3D scene of several real‐world scenes.  相似文献   

We define Voronoi cells and centroids based on heat diffusion. These heat cells and heat centroids coincide with the common definitions in Euclidean spaces. On curved surfaces they compare favorably with definitions based on geodesics: they are smooth and can be computed in a stable way with a single linear solve. We analyze the numerics of this approach and can show that diffusion diagrams converge quadratically against the smooth case under mesh refinement, which is better than other common discretization of distance measures in curved spaces. By factorizing the system matrix in a preprocess, computing Voronoi diagrams or centroids amounts to just back‐substitution. We show how to localize this operation so that the complexity is linear in the size of the cells and not the underlying mesh. We provide several example applications that show how to benefit from this approach.  相似文献   

Constructing locally injective mappings for 2D triangular meshes is vital in applications such as deformations. In such a highly constrained optimization, the prescribed tessellation may impose strong restriction on the solution. As a consequence, the feasible region may be too small to contain an ideal solution, which leads to problems of slow convergence, poor solution, or even that no solution can be found. We propose to integrate adaptive remeshing into interior point method to solve this issue. We update the vertex positions via a parameter‐free relaxation enhanced geometry optimization, and then use edge‐flip operations to reduce the residual and keep a reasonable condition number for better convergence. For more robustness, when the iteration of interior point method terminates but leaves the positional constraints unsatisfied, we estimate the edges in the current tessellation that block vertices moving based on the convergence information of the optimization, and then split neighboring edges to break the restriction. The results show that our method has better performance than the solely geometric optimization approaches, especially for extreme deformations.  相似文献   

In this paper, we introduce an interactive method suitable for retargeting both 3D objects and scenes. Initially, the input object or scene is decomposed into a collection of constituent components enclosed by corresponding control bounding volumes which capture the intra‐structures of the object or semantic grouping of objects in the 3D scene. The overall retargeting is accomplished through a constrained optimization by manipulating the control bounding volumes. Without inferring the intricate dependencies between the components, we define a minimal set of constraints that maintain the spatial arrangement and connectivity between the components to regularize the valid retargeting results. The default retargeting behavior can then be easily altered by additional semantic constraints imposed by users. This strategy makes the proposed method highly flexible to process a wide variety of 3D objects and scenes under an unified framework. In addition, the proposed method achieved more general structure‐preserving pattern synthesis in both object and scene levels. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our method by applying it to several complicated 3D objects and scenes.  相似文献   

We propose a novel method to synthesize geometric models from a given class of context‐aware structured shapes such as buildings and other man‐made objects. The central idea is to leverage powerful machine learning methods from the area of natural language processing for this task. To this end, we propose a technique that maps shapes to strings and vice versa, through an intermediate shape graph representation. We then convert procedurally generated shape repositories into text databases that, in turn, can be used to train a variational autoencoder. The autoencoder enables higher level shape manipulation and synthesis like, for example, interpolation and sampling via its continuous latent space. We provide project code and pre‐trained models.  相似文献   

The joint bilateral filter is a variant of the standard bilateral filter, where the range kernel is evaluated using a guidance signal instead of the original signal. It has been successfully applied to various image processing problems, where it provides more flexibility than the standard bilateral filter to achieve high quality results. On the other hand, its success is heavily dependent on the guidance signal, which should ideally provide a robust estimation about the features of the output signal. Such a guidance signal is not always easy to construct. In this paper, we propose a novel mesh normal filtering framework based on the joint bilateral filter, with applications in mesh denoising. Our framework is designed as a two‐stage process: first, we apply joint bilateral filtering to the face normals, using a properly constructed normal field as the guidance; afterwards, the vertex positions are updated according to the filtered face normals. We compute the guidance normal on a face using a neighboring patch with the most consistent normal orientations, which provides a reliable estimation of the true normal even with a high‐level of noise. The effectiveness of our approach is validated by extensive experimental results.  相似文献   

Stream surfaces are a well‐studied and widely used tool for the visualization of 3D flow fields. Usually, stream surface seeding is carried out manually in time‐consuming trial and error procedures. Only recently automatic selection methods were proposed. Local methods support the selection of a set of stream surfaces, but, contrary to global selection methods, they evaluate only the quality of the seeding lines but not the quality of the whole stream surfaces. Global methods, on the other hand, only support the selection of a single optimal stream surface until now. However, for certain flow fields a single stream surface is not sufficient to represent all flow features. In our work, we overcome this limitation by introducing a global selection technique for a set of stream surfaces. All selected surfaces optimize global stream surface quality measures and are guaranteed to be mutually distant, such that they can convey different flow features. Our approach is an efficient extension of the most recent global selection method for single stream surfaces. We illustrate its effectiveness on a number of analytical and simulated flow fields and analyze the quality of the results in a user study.  相似文献   

Modeling 3D origami pieces using conventional software is laborious due to the geometric constraints imposed by the complicated layered structure. Targeting origami models used in visual content such as CG illustrations and movies, we propose an interactive system that dramatically simplifies the modeling of 3D origami pieces with plausible outer shapes, while omitting accurate inner structures. By focusing on flat origami models with a front‐and‐back symmetry commonly found in traditional artworks, our system realizes easy and quick modeling via single‐view interface; given a reference image of the target origami piece, the user draws polygons of planar faces onto the image, and assigns annotations indicating the types of folding operations. Our system automatically rectifies the manually‐specified polygons, infers the folded structures that should yield the user‐specified polygons with reference to the depth order of layered polygons, and generates a plausible 3D model while accounting for gaps between layers. Our system is versatile enough for modeling pseudo‐origami models that are not realizable by folding a single sheet of paper. Our user study demonstrates that even novice users without the specialized knowledge and experience on origami and 3D modeling can create plausible origami models quickly.  相似文献   

The goal of procedural modeling is to generate realistic content. The realism of this content is typically assessed by qualitatively evaluating a small number of results, or, less frequently, by conducting a user study. However, there is a lack of systematic treatment and understanding of what is considered realistic, both in procedural modeling and for images in general. We conduct a user study that primarily investigates the realism of procedurally generated buildings. Specifically, we investigate the role of fine and coarse details, and investigate which other factors contribute to the perception of realism. We find that realism is carried on different scales, and identify other factors that contribute to the realism of procedural and non‐procedural buildings.  相似文献   

Representing digital objects with structured meshes that embed a coarse block decomposition is a relevant problem in applications like computer animation, physically‐based simulation and Computer Aided Design (CAD). One of the key ingredients to produce coarse block structures is to achieve a good alignment between the mesh singularities (i.e., the corners of each block). In this paper we improve on the polycube‐based meshing pipeline to produce both surface and volumetric coarse block‐structured meshes of general shapes. To this aim we add a new step in the pipeline. Our goal is to optimize the positions of the polycube corners to produce as coarse as possible base complexes. We rely on re‐mapping the positions of the corners on an integer grid and then using integer numerical programming to reach the optimal. To the best of our knowledge this is the first attempt to solve the singularity misalignment problem directly in polycube space. Previous methods for polycube generation did not specifically address this issue. Our corner optimization strategy is efficient and requires a negligible extra running time for the meshing pipeline. In the paper we show that our optimized polycubes produce coarser block structured surface and volumetric meshes if compared with previous approaches. They also induce higher quality hexahedral meshes and are better suited for spline fitting because they reduce the number of splines necessary to cover the domain, thus improving both the efficiency and the overall level of smoothness throughout the volume.  相似文献   

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