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基于VB的定制软件开发与应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
由于用户水平及其特殊的业务流程要求不同,特别是对一些微小企业,通用管理软件已经不能完全适应管理的需求。理清基于VB环境的定制软件系统的层次结构,定制软件的设计开发工作,主要集中在应用层中的定制模块的开发,并成功地应用于多个管理系统的开发工作。  相似文献   

5.2 如何管理软件开发团队一、团队管理的目标与策略团队管理的基本目标是:让所有成员有条不紊地开展工作,在预定的时间和成本之内,开发完成质量合格的产品,从而使企业和个人获得预定的利益。团队管理的努力目标是:调动一切积极因素,努力提高产品质量、提高工作效率并且降低开发成本,使企业和个人获得比预定目标更多的利益。  相似文献   

上海博科资讯股份有限公司从1996年开始就介八物流信息系统的规划、设计和开发,其第三方物流信息系统基于OPEN9000管理软件平台开发进行架构式设计,不仅吸收了国际上物流管理的先进理念,而且结合了国内物流企业的实际情况,是一个中西结合的现代物流管理软件。  相似文献   

越来越多数字家庭内的消费类设备都要求对通用处理功能和实时数字信号处理功能进行整合,而专有DSP设计正变得越来越困难而难以被接受。克服这一挑战的一种选择是为嵌入式RISC处理器内核增加适当的DSP功能,这有助于节省芯片面积、降低芯片功耗,并能够利用通用代码和DSP代码的共用工具链降低开发成本,缩短开发时间。  相似文献   

本文探讨了企业管理软件的开发和优化,指明了开发企业管理软件的核心是如何开发出一套经济、实用的数据库管理软件。详细介绍了软件开发过程中的步骤、注意事项及优化准则,为如何开发经济、实用的企业管理软件提供了一个指导性框架。  相似文献   

文章针对现有通用平台的不足,提出一种基于数据字典的通用开发平台,即UDPDD平台。用户只需掌握一定的编写SQL语句的能力,而不需要对开发语言掌握特别纯熟,就可以使用平台快速、便捷地开发出MIS系统,达到缩短软件开发周期,降低开发成本,大幅提高开发效率的目的。UDPDD平台在B/S模式下实现,基于轻量级J2EE规范,采用经典的三层架构进行设计,平台通过对数据字典的设计和控制,以软件复用为基本思想,结合了界面动态生成技术和程序自动生成技术,实现了SQL语句和界面的自动动态生成,使平台的通用成为可能。  相似文献   

本文阐述了适用于多DSP并行处理系统的调试技术,介绍了通用信号处理平台软件调试环境的总体结构和设计.针对VisualDsP 开发环境设计并实现了源码级调试器.降低了多处理器环境的开发难度.该软件调试环境在实际应用中使多DSP并行处理系统的应用开发更加便利和可靠,缩短了大型电子设备的开发周期,降低了开发成本.  相似文献   

运用何种解决方案架构、采用什么开发模式、建立怎样的开发模型是解决企业资源管理软件开发难题的关键。本文以一个中小型企业的资源管理软件的实际开发过程讨论如何解决这方面的问题,本次开发主要运用的是微软解决方案框架MSF和构件设计的一些原理,并且使用了当前比较流行的一些开发模式和软件工程技术,如MVC结构,制定解决方案等。  相似文献   

国内财务及企业管理软件服务情况 要了解目前国内财务及企业管理软件服务状况,不妨从以下几方面作简要分析:(一)、国内通用财务软件包价格及收益率呈现下降趋势。这方面国内尚缺乏有依据的统计数字,但是,国内通用财务软件包价格和收益率下降的趋势是显而易见的,主要表现在以下方面:  相似文献   

6月13日,浪潮面向大、中、小企业的GS V3.0、PS V9.0、Express三大系列ERP新产品集体亮相。通过实施分行业开发ERP策略,浪潮与行业龙头企业合作,提炼通用需求,推出了通用型、标准化的最新产品,即:支持集中管理的集团企业管理软件GSV3.0,精细完整的大中型企业管理软件PS V9.0,灵活易用的中小企业管理软件Express;在此基础上为众多的行业、企业提供了个性化的定制服务。GS V3.0是支持集中管理的集团企业管理软件,该产品可全面解决目前集团管理中资金管理散乱、财务信息失真及财务数据不及时所造成的决策滞后等突出问题,通过全面集中…  相似文献   

This article pinpoints requirements for organizing the fuzzy front end of the innovation process. The author derived the conditions for computer‐aided idea management from benchmarking the fuzzy front ends of several German and European companies and proposes differentiating between general and company‐specific requirements for organizing the fuzzy front end. It is suggested that structuring the fuzzy front end involves low financial investment but highly sensitive and transparent leadership. Using specific properties of ideas in the workplace as springboards, considerations on further new requirements for successful idea management are developed. Placing a particular emphasis on the interface between the idea owner and the idea‐adoption system, an ‘idea types’ model is developed, which defines four different extreme types of employees and their inclinations to solve problems. An extended set of requirements for managing ideas in the workplace as a useful instrument in creation and implementation of idea‐pipelines in companies and in checking software programmes for idea management or the early stages of new product development programmes is presented.  相似文献   

Measurement of the degree to which company climate is supportive of creativity is becoming increasingly important. Tight economic conditions worldwide make it imperative for companies to find ways to generate more innovative products and services. This paper provides data on measurement of degree of creativity in climates of business organizations in general, then data specific to one profession, the Information Systems profession. It also discusses ways the climate for creativity can be enhanced to improve both creativity and productivity. However, the information is not only important to managers of IS, but also to the clients of IS. The departments for whom IS is designing software are equally concerned that software developers have a climate supportive of creative efforts. Therefore, this survey of programmers and analysts should be of interest across the company, not just to IS management.  相似文献   

软件外包是一个非常大的市场,目前在国内有很多软件公司从事软件项目外包行业,或把自己的部分业务发包给外包方,软件项目外包管理随着近年软件项目外包的发展越来越受到重视,它与公司项目的内容管理既关联又存在差异,文章通过对企业实际外包项目的具体案例的风险进行分析,提出了相应的解决方案,并总结了项目实施过程中存在的问题及改进意见,为软件企业的外包项目管理提供了借鉴。  相似文献   

This study is a type of practice research known as repertoire building. Its aim is to identify patterns in the way software companies approach quality management in pursuit of ISO certification. This study examines eight UK software companies, all of which were early users of TickIT guidance for gaining ISO certification. It uses a research method which combines multiple, embedded case studies with grounded theory in order to identify patterns in the ways in which these companies perform software quality management. The study finds that each company has adopted either a policing, an advisory, or a hybrid approach towards software quality management. A company's attitudes towards both internal and external auditing characterise these approaches. The approach selected by a company affects the structure and the tasks of its quality department. These approaches reflect senior management's reasons for seeking TickIT certification. Once a company adopts an approach, it is unlikely to change unless there is new management. The study concludes that the TickIT guidance provides a suitable baseline for software quality control. This requires a company to attain Level 2 in the Capability Maturity Model. However, once a company obtains certification, TickIT does not encourage further improvement in its processes. As a result, most companies focus on product quality and largely ignore process quality. In fact it appears that none of these approaches include an adequate mechanism for software quality improvement. Hence, the failure to address process innovation in the TickIT guidelines may explain why it was difficult to distinguish among the effectiveness of these three approaches.  相似文献   

文章讨论了软件企业在采用同一度量方法度量软件过程和产品得到的质量差别却很大的现状。通过分析度量能力成熟度模型及通用过程改进模型,研究得出组织要改进度量效果,必须把精力集中于提高度量能力。该文提出了基于度量能力成熟度模型度量过程改进方法及流程,通过案例实施明显地提高了公司的项目管理的成熟度水平,使公司产品研发和项目管理的能力得到很大程度的提升。  相似文献   

Management of foreign exchange risk is considered to be as important as trading results in firm performance when international trading and transaction of different kind of currencies are getting popular. Most previous researches on this issue have been based on the foreign exchange market and financial investing and accounting, focusing on theoretical point of view. And it is difficult to apply these research results to each company, since all companies in industry have different financial circumstances. In this paper, the solution for the foreign exchange management is proposed using GA and VaR which is very practical to export-oriented companies. The developed software enables a user to specify the criteria for the foreign exchange trading condition, constraints on dealing amount, GA operator and penalty, and variables in VaR. This approach is useful for managing foreign exchange holdings of a company in a practical way, analyzing past exchange rate trend with dealing results.  相似文献   

Determining the importance of different management areas in a company provides guidance about the needs of increasing the analysis and actions focuses in particular topic. To do it, it is necessary to decompose the management in a coherent set of specific management areas and provide a way that allows the company to determine the importance of these areas for them. This paper presents a novel system that guides companies to obtain a classification of important management areas for them. It is focused on the use of a case based reasoning system because the variability and the evolution of companies as time passes requires using techniques with learning capabilities. The proposed system provides an automatic self-assessment system that provides companies an ordered list of their most important management areas. This system was implemented a year ago for the evaluation of Spanish companies. Currently, it is in production providing relevant information about the management areas of these companies.  相似文献   

When two competitive companies merge into one bigger company, reusing existing technical resources in each company to form a common technology becomes a priority integration task. One of the specific problems occurring during integration is the resulting integrated scopes' requirements specifications become faulty while integrating two sets of software systems from two participating companies. The integrated scopes refer to the domains of information software systems, business policies, business processes, business rules, interface functions, and data that are being integrated in each participating company.Using a Transition-Directed Graph (TDG) representation, specified requirements involved in the integration will be represented in a form of TDG to be analyzed for faults. Five efficient algorithms are developed to identify faults in the resulting TDG formatted requirement specifications. Four correction algorithms are also developed to correct detected faults found in the TDG formatted requirements specifications.  相似文献   

Software variability is an ability to change (configure, customize, extend) software artefacts (e.g. code, product, domain requirements, models, design, documentation, test cases) for a specific context. Optimized variability management can lead a software company to 1) shorter development lead time, 2) improved customer and improved user satisfaction, 3) reduced complexity of product management (more variability, same $) and 4) reduced costs (same variability, less $). However, it is not easy for software companies, especially small and medium size of enterprises to deal with variability. In this paper we present variability challenges and used practices collected from five SMEs. Our study indicates that increased product complexity can lead growing SMEs to the time-consuming decision-making. Many of the analyzed medium size of companies also expect improved tool support to help them to boost their productivity when managing increasingly complex products and increasing amount of variants In fact, in many of the analysed SMEs, a high level of automation in design, release management and testing are or become a key factor for market success By introducing the challenges and used practices related to variability the paper deepens understanding of this highly relevant but relatively under-researched phenomenon and contributes to the literature on software product line engineering.  相似文献   

田晨  刘国庆 《微计算机信息》2006,22(27):296-298
软件实践表明产品开发的过程和产品品质有产非常密切的联系,因此很多软件企业都把提高软件开发过程作为提高软件品质的重要手段。现有的过程模型中CMM/CMMI是很多企业采用的一个框架,CMMI模型非常复杂(描述性文档就有超过1000页),因此很需要有一种软件来支持软件过程的改进。本文给出了一个软件过程改进集成框架SPIF,较为详细地叙述了SPIF中项目计划与进度监控的实现。SPIF对CMM/CMMI有着良好的支持,经过几个软件公司的实践表明SPIF实现了软件过程可视化、管理效率化,可以对软件企业实施CMM/CMMI过程改进有着很好的促进作用。  相似文献   

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