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Tube feeding is frequently needed for patients with severe traumatic brain injury. When the patient is on the rehabilitation unit, bolus type feeding by gastrostomy tube is more easily accomplished than continuous type feeding by jejunostomy tube (J-tube). In the case presented here, the patient received less calories via J-tube feeds while he was on the rehabilitation unit than when he was in the intensive care unit or the neurosurgical unit. This has implications for the trauma team, which initially decides the type of nutritional support.  相似文献   

Staff in the accident and emergency department and critical care unit are often confronted with patients who have sustained life-threatening injuries. In such situations the symptoms of a minor traumatic brain injury (MTBI) may be missed. It is important that, when the physical symptoms begin to subside, nurses are aware of the symptoms of MTBI and respond accordingly. A post-concussion syndrome may develop 2 weeks to 2 months after a MTBI. This syndrome can affect the patient's ability to perform the usual activities of living. This article defines MTBI, describes the symptoms encountered in patients with MTBI, and outlines the pathophysiology, clinical findings, treatment and nursing interventions.  相似文献   

The responses to a questionnaire on subjective burden are reported for 52 primary caregivers of a group of persons with traumatic brain injuries sustained an average of 6 years previously. The aim of the study was to examine satisfaction with social support, perception of coping skills, and appraisal of symptoms as predictors of strain in the carers. A range of responses, both positive and negative, to the work of caring for a relative with a head injury was reported. A high prevalence rate of emotional and behavioural changes in the persons with head injuries was found and the amount of distress caused by these symptoms was found to be predictive of burden. The other factor important in predicting burden was the carers' ratings of their satisfaction with their ability to cope with the work of caregiving. Social support, injury severity, and the demographic characteristics of the persons with head injury and their carers were not significant predictors. Depression in the carers was also investigated and the variable most predictive of elevated depression scores was coping satisfaction. These findings reinforce the importance of strengthening carers coping resources in rehabilitation work with head injured persons and their families.  相似文献   

Heterotopic ossification after head injury may occur in the elbow joint. Rarely does this lead to entrapment of the ulnar nerve. We describe the case of a 20-year-old patient who developed heterotopic ossification 6 weeks after a traumatic brain injury. She subsequently developed bilateral ulnar nerve palsy which was confirmed by electrodiagnostic studies and treated by transposition of the ulnar nerve.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: To assess the incidence, comorbidity, and patterns of resolution of DSM-IV mood, anxiety, and substance use disorders in individuals with traumatic brain injury (TBI). DESIGN: The Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-IV Diagnoses (SCID) was utilized. Diagnoses were determined for three onset points relative to TBI onset: pre-TBI, post-TBI, and current diagnosis. Contrasts of prevalence rates with community-based samples, as well as chi-square analysis and analysis of variance were used. Demographics considered in analyses included gender, marital status, severity of injury, and years since TBI onset. SETTING: Urban, suburban, and rural New York state. PARTICIPANTS: 100 adults with TBI who were between the ages of 18 and 65 years and who were, on average, 8 years post onset at time of interview. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: SCID Axis I mood diagnoses of major depression, dysthymia, and bipolar disorder; anxiety diagnoses of panic disorder, obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), generalized anxiety disorder (GAD), and phobia; and substance use disorders. RESULTS: Prior to TBI, a significant percentage of individuals presented with substance use disorders. After TBI, the most frequent Axis I diagnoses were major depression and select anxiety disorders (ie, PTSD, OCD, and panic disorder). Comorbidity was high, with 44% of individuals presenting with two or more Axis I diagnoses post TBI. Individuals without a pre-TBI Axis I disorder were more likely to develop post-TBI major depression and substance use disorders. Rates of resolution were similar for individuals regardless of previous psychiatric histories. Major depression and substance use disorders were more likely than were anxiety disorders to remit. CONCLUSION: TBI is a risk factor for subsequent psychiatric disabilities. The need for proactive psychiatric assessment and timely interventions in individuals post TBI is indicated.  相似文献   

Personality disturbances associated with traumatic brain injury are reviewed. The varied structural pathology of the brain in this patient group makes it difficult to specify how different brain lesions may result in specific emotional and motivational disturbances. However, an attempt to clarify terms and review empirical findings is made. Longitudinal prospective studies that utilize appropriate control groups are needed. Future research may especially benefit by considering the long-term effects of early agitation following traumatic brain injury as well as the problem of aspontaneity and impairment of self-awareness. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The factor structure of the WISC-R was examined in a sample of 108 children with traumatic brain injury. Principal factor analysis of 11 WISC-R subtests yielded three factors, which were subjected to varimax rotation. The rotated factor pattern suggested the existence of a Verbal Comprehension factor, a Perceptual Organization factor, and a somewhat weaker third factor. The meaning and implications of this third factor are discussed.  相似文献   

Social skills often create a barrier to placement in less restrictive environments for persons with TBI. This case study illustrated the use of a positive talk program in the treatment of a person with long-standing social skill deficits. Occupational therapy intervention with speech-language consultation began with an evaluation of the cognitive barriers that influenced the client's social behavior. Work with the client's concrete concept formation, decreased memory, and poor generalization skills led to the development of the positive talk training program described. Through an understanding of the underlying cognitive deficits that influenced the client's behavior, the clinical team was able to develop an individual treatment plan. The intervention resulted in modification of behavior that would have required placing the client in a restricted environment. In the final analysis, the client's social skills improved to a level where he could be discharged to a less restrictive environment.  相似文献   

To investigate postconcussive symptoms (PCS) following pediatric mild traumatic brain injury (mTBI), 8- to 15-year-old children with mTBI (n = 186) and a comparison group with uncomplicated orthopedic injuries (OI, n = 99) were recruited from two emergency departments. Parent and child ratings of PCS and symptom counts were obtained within 3 weeks after injury (baseline) and at 1, 3, and 12 months postinjury. The mTBI group also completed magnetic resonance imaging at baseline. Group differences were examined using growth modeling, controlling for age at injury, sex, socioeconomic status, and (for parent-based measures) preinjury symptom levels. Relative to the OI group, the mTBI group had higher ratings of somatic PCS and parent counts of PCS at the initial assessments, but higher parent ratings of cognitive PCS and child counts of PCS throughout follow-up. Higher levels of PCS in the mTBI group were associated with motor-vehicle-related trauma, loss of consciousness, neuroimaging abnormalities, and hospitalization. The findings validate both transient and persistent PCS in children with mTBI and document associations of symptoms with injury and noninjury factors. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Tests of verbal fluency that require either retrieval by semantic category or retrieval by initial letter were presented to 19 participants with mild traumatic brain injury (MTBI) and 24 control (NC) participants. Performance on these tasks was analyzed for total number of words produced, the presence of semantic clusters in the order of words produced, the presence of phonemic clusters in the order of words produced, and number of errors (i.e., perseverations, words out of category). Individuals with MTBI produced fewer words and made more errors than NCs, but their production contained an equal proportion of semantic and phonemic clusters. These data are discussed in relation to a previous study in patients with Parkinson's disease (PD). PD participants did not make more errors than age-matched NCs despite reduced production. Implications for memory and executive function deficits following MTBI are discussed. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

PURPOSE: Traumatic brain injury (TBI) stands as a major public health problem and one of the most important challenges for neurological rehabilitation. This review discusses advances that have occurred in the past 10 years in rehabilitation after severe TBI in adults. METHOD: First, theoretical concepts, goals of rehabilitation and organization of resources are reviewed. Then specific questions that arise in the rehabilitation of severe TBI patients are considered. RESULTS: Three phases are distinguished in post-traumatic evolution. Acute rehabilitation takes place during coma and arousal states. Specific aims are to prevent orthopaedic and visceral complications, and to provide sensory stimulations with the hope of accelerating arousal. Secondly subacute (generally inpatient) rehabilitation is designed to facilitate and accelerate recovery of impairments, and to compensate for disabilities. Motility, cognition, behaviour, personality and affect should be simultaneously addressed in an holistic approach. Physical as well as psychological independence and self-awareness are the major goals to emphasize. A third, post-acute rehabilitation phase includes outpatient therapy for achieving physical, domestic and social independence, reduction of handicaps and re-entry into the community. CONCLUSIONS: Problems with returning home, obtaining financial independence, driving, returning to work, participating in social relationships and leisure activities, and the importance of psychosocial adjustment and self-acceptance, are outlined. Questions about economic aspects and rehabilitation in the future are addressed.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The nature of functional deficit after mild traumatic brain injury (TBI) defined by Glasgow Coma Score of 13-15 is not fully described. This study explored the sensitivity of several neuropsychological tests to identify sequelae of mild traumatic brain injury (TBI). METHODS: Eleven adult patients with mild TBI admitted to a Level 1 trauma center were studied. The battery of tests included the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children -Revised: Mazes Subtest, Trails A and B, the Boston Naming Test, The Multilingual Aphasia Examination: Controlled Oral Word Association Test, and the Paced Auditory Serial Addition Task. RESULTS: Control subjects performed significantly better than patients with mild TBI on Trails A and B, the Controlled Oral Word Association Test, and Paced Auditory Serial Addition Task (subtests 2-4). No significant differences in performances between patients and controls was found for the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children -Revised: Mazes Subtest, Boston Naming Test, and Paced Auditory Serial Addition Task Subtest 1. CONCLUSION: The results suggest that tests of specific frontal lobe executive functions are valuable in diagnosing and monitoring recovery from mild TBI.  相似文献   

D Awasthi  DF Church  D Torbati  ME Carey  WA Pryor 《Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly》1997,47(6):575-81; discussion 581-2
BACKGROUND: Free radicals may be involved in the pathophysiology of traumatic brain injury (TBI) through oxidative damage of neurovascular structures. Endogenous antioxidants, such as ascorbate and alpha-tocopherol, may play a critical role in combating these oxidative reactions and their oxidized products can serve as an important index of oxidative stress. METHODS: We used electron spin resonance (ESR) spectroscopy and in vivo spin trapping (reaction of an organic compound with free radical species) to detect the possible generation of free radicals after TBI. Injury was inflicted by a weight drop technique over the head (5.7 kg-cm). Rats were intravenously infused with either 1 mL, 0.1 M of the spin trap, alpha-phenyl-N-tert-butyl nitrone (PBN), or an equivalent volume of saline immediately before TBI or sham-injury. Animals were divided into four groups: (1) Group I: PBN-infused sham-injured, (2) Group II: PBN-infused injured, (3) Group III: saline-infused sham-injured, and (4) Group IV: saline-infused injured. Additional groups of saline-infused uninjured, saline-infused, and PBN-infused injured animals were used for histopathology. Sixty minutes after TBI or sham-injury, rats were again anesthetized and decapitated. The brains were removed within 1 minute, homogenized, and extracted for lipids. The extracts were analyzed by ESR spectroscopy. Brain ascorbic acid (AA) concentration was determined spectrophotometrically, using the ascorbate oxidase assay. RESULTS: No PBN spin adduct signals (indicating trapped free radical species) were visible 60 minutes after TBI. All groups of rats showed an ascorbyl free radical signal. The ascorbyl signal intensity (AI) was, however, significantly higher in the injured rats, while the brain (AA) was significantly reduced. In addition, the ratio of AI/AA, which eliminates the effect of variable ascorbate concentrations in the brain, was also significantly higher in the injured animals. CONCLUSIONS: We conclude that 60 minutes following TBI there was a significantly increased level of oxidative stress in the brain. This may reflect formation of free radical species with subsequent interaction with ascorbate (antioxidant) during the 60 minute period. The lack of PBN spin adduct signals 1 hour after TBI may indicate that free radical generation is time dependent and might be detectable earlier or later than the 60 minute period.  相似文献   

This study aimed to describe the amount of (and trends in) violent deaths in the city of Recife, Pernambuco, Brazil, and to analyze their determinants. The article presents the spatial distribution of these deaths for the year 1991 and the differences regarding sex, age, and place of occurrence. It also analyzes the potential role of a series of socioeconomic factors, used as indicators of the population's living conditions. An exploratory ecological study was conducted to compare various groups. In 1991 there were a total of 1181 violent deaths in Recife. The study points to an overall mortality rate from external causes of 90.9/ 100,000 inhabitants. The two age groups 10-39 years and 60 years and over were those at highest risk of death. Males showed excess mortality in all age groups. The most important specific causes of death were homicides and traffic accidents, with 51.3% and 23.4%, respectively, of all violent deaths. The authors discuss the differences in the mortality rate from external causes in different social areas, defined according to living conditions and their relationship to the history of the development of Recife.  相似文献   

Reviews of statewide hospital separations' summaries and medical record data from a major teaching hospital, were conducted to describe the epidemiology of traumatic brain injury (TBI) in South Australia (SA), and to document the demographics of the population affected and the nature of their injuries. The groups most at risk were defined for targeting preventive programmes, and predictions were made regarding their ongoing service needs, for more appropriate provision of care. The results indicate that SA experiences a high incidence of TBI. At 322 per 100,000 head of population annually, it exceeds studies (with comparable methodologies) in communities in the United States and Europe. The causes; nature and severity of the injuries were similar to those found in the international literature, as were the profiles of the population most at risk. Specifically, young males living in the country and working in manual trades showed the highest incidence, and were most likely to have sustained their TBI whilst driving a motor vehicle. When a formula to predict service needs was adapted using the SA data, it was apparent that hospitals in this state care for more than 4000 new cases of TBI each year and that, on discharge, over 1000 of these will have some degree of residual impairment and will therefore require some form of post-injury services.  相似文献   

Discusses the range of services needed in traumatic brain injury (TBI) rehabilitation within the context of a services continuum owing to the nature of the recovery process. The TBI care continuum includes treatment during the following phases: injury onset, trauma center and emergency care, neurosurgery unit and acute hospitalization, coma stimulation, nursing home and long-term care programs, transitional living centers, day treatment and outpatient rehabilitation, supervised independent living center and support services, and vocational rehabilitation services. Obstacles to care continuity include funding concerns, lack of knowledge about TBI, the complex nature of TBI, and program accessibility issues. It is noted that major legislative, educational, and outreach efforts are under way to overcome these barriers to services provision. A comment by J. E. Sargent follows. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: In an effort to intensify osteosarcoma therapy, systemic ifosfamide was added pre- and postoperatively to an already aggressive three-drug regimen. In a subgroup of patients, loco-regional treatment intensification was attempted by using the intraarterial route to give cisplatin. PATIENTS AND METHODS: Patients < or = 40 years at diagnosis of a localised, de novo high-grade central extremity osteosarcoma were eligible for inclusion into study COSS-86 if registered within three weeks from biopsy. Doxorubicin, high-dose methotrexate, and cisplatin were given to all patients. Patients who fulfilled one or more of three defined high-risk criteria received early systemic treatment intensification by adding ifosfamide as the fourth agent. Preoperatively, these high-risk patients received cisplatin either intraarterially or intravenously. RESULTS: 171 eligible patients were entered, of which 128 were stratified into the high-risk group. When all 171 were analysed by intention-to-treat, actuarial overall and event-free survival rates at ten years were 72% and 66%, respectively. No benefit of intraarterial cisplatin application was detected. Cumulative treatment toxicity was considerable. CONCLUSIONS: In a multicenter setting, intensive treatment of osteosarcoma according to protocol COSS-86 led to long-term disease-free survival for two thirds of patients. We saw no benefit of using the intraarterial route to administer cisplatin.  相似文献   

How education should respond to students with traumatic brain injury   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This article focuses on the educational implications of traumatic brain injury (TBI). It details the conceptual issues surrounding TBI and discusses how assessment of this group differs from that of other groups with disabilities. Finally, the article offers suggestions for an integrated intervention approach based on the idea of bringing order to the life experiences of these students. The S. O. S. (Structure, Organization, and Strategy) Approach offers a framework from which to consider the variable needs of these learners.  相似文献   

A common clinical problem encountered by clinicians treating veterans who incurred traumatic brain injury (TBI) while serving in Afghanistan in support of Operation Enduring Freedom (OEF) or in Iraq in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom (OIF) is lack of knowledge about TBI on the part of the veterans' family members. Insufficient information can exacerbate marital or family conflict and lead to psychological distress and social isolation for the veteran and family, and suboptimal illness management for the veteran. To address this problem, we adapted Multifamily Group Treatment (MFGT), an evidence-based practice for treatment of serious mental illness (SMI), for treatment of OEF/OIF veterans with TBI and their families. We have implemented the adapted treatment (MFG-TBI) in four groups of veterans and families (N = 20 veterans and 20 family members) across two sites: the Durham VA Medical Center (VAMC) in North Carolina and the JJ Peters VAMC in the Bronx, New York. Adaptations focused on contents and format of the educational components, specification of a protocol for conjugal couples, and the addition of an ecomap to identify support systems during the joining (i.e. assessment) phase, a shorter (9 months) intervention duration, and a more active clinician role including use of motivational enhancement, intersession support, and coordination with other service providers. Biweekly group sessions were supervised and rated for adherence. We illustrate how MFG-TBI both educates and builds problem-solving skills with clinical examples. Suggestions for effective use of problem-solving skills with this population are offered. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2011 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

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