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Kukrer  O. Komurcugil  H. 《Electronics letters》1997,33(21):1745-1746
A new control strategy is proposed for single-phase pulsewidth modulation (PWM) rectifiers of the voltage-source type. The method eliminates the need for sensing the AC-side current. Analysis of the method and computer simulation results for steady-state operation are presented  相似文献   

屈莉莉  张波 《电力电子》2007,5(4):19-24
本文对三相电压型PWM整流器主要控制技术、原理、特点进行了系统的分析和综述。包括滞环PWM电流控制、固定开关频率的电流控制、预测电流控制、矢量控制、直接功率控制以及单周期控制;此外,文中评述了国内对电压型PWM整流器控制技术研究的主要贡献。在此基础上,对PWM整流器控制技术发展趋势进行了展望。  相似文献   

建立了电压型PWM整流器模型,提出一种实用的电流解耦方案,给出一种由dsPIC30F4012型微处理器控制的三相电压型PWM整流器控制系统,详细介绍其系统组成、控制原理及硬件结构,论述其软件流程,给出实验结果.  相似文献   

针对三相电压型PWM整流器交流侧电感值实际控制系统中存在误差,往往忽略掉耦合项,以及系统参数变化影响整流器的动、静态性能等问题,提出了一种新型的双闭环控制策略。其中电流内环采用同步旋转d-q坐标系下无电感L参数的解耦控制与内模控制相结合的方法,电压外环采用滑模控制,在Matlab中利用Simulink工具箱搭建三相电压型PWM整流器数值仿真数学模型,数值仿真结果表明系统仍获得了较好的动、静态性能,鲁棒性强。并通过实验平台验证该控制策略的正确性和优越性。  相似文献   

This paper presents a novel current-control-based control strategy, obtained in stationary frame, for a three-phase pulsewidth-modulated AC/DC voltage-source converter. In this control strategy, an error voltage is produced from the comparison of the output DC voltage with a DC reference voltage. This error voltage is then utilized by a proportional plus integral controller to generate a command signal for the input line current amplitude and is automatically controlled to the desired value. Therefore, there is no need to measure the input line currents. Stability analysis of the closed-loop system is made, and the stability region for proportional and integral gains which makes the operating point stable is also found. The resulting closed-loop system not only exhibits good transient response, but also provides sinusoidal line currents and unity power factor, both in the rectifying and regenerating modes. Experimental results are presented and compared with simulations  相似文献   

A three-dimensional (3-D) generalized direct pulse width modulation (PWM) algorithm is proposed for multilevel converters in a three-phase, four-wire system. It is proved to be equivalent to the newly proposed generalized 3-D space vector modulation (SVM). However, the direct PWM greatly simplifies the calculation process and is much easier to implement in digital controllers. The direct PWM can be used in all applications needing a 3-D control vector, such as active filters, uninterruptible power supplies, etc. Simulation and experimental results are given to show the validity of the proposed control strategy.  相似文献   

This paper presents a novel robust control technique for PWM ac choppers with the ability to generate high quality sinusoidal waveforms with adjustable amplitudes over a wide range control. For this purpose a deadbeat-based digital controller has been developed to perform tight closed-loop control of the ac chopper. This controller is based on a generalized predictive control (GPC) approach. A dedicated control algorithm has been developed and implemented. The proposed controller presents the advantages of allowing a very fast transient response and compensating effectively for load disturbance and the effects of nonlinear loads. Computer simulations are performed to investigate the proposed controller performance. The simulation results show that the designed controller has a good dynamic behaviour, a good rejection of impact load disturbance, and is ;very robust. To evaluate the proposed approach an experimental prototype has been constructed. Experimental results under various loading conditions have demonstrated that the system performs well.  相似文献   

A random discrete pulse-width modulation (RDPWM) scheme is examined and compared with the randomised pulse-position modulation (RPPM) method for DC-DC power conversion. The RDPWM method has no switching harmonics while the RPPM method has significant switching harmonics. Power spectral characteristics of the two methods are presented and discussed  相似文献   

This work describes a secondary control scheme of a series reactive compensator for a power system based on a single voltage-source pulse-width-modulated (PWM) inverter. The controllable capacitive reactance can be used as a supplementary control variable for the secondary (external) controller (SC) of a series capacitive reactance compensator to improve the dynamic transient and damping performances of the power system. From the viewpoint of agent-based global dynamic optimization of a system, the selection and use of suitable input signals for the SC are investigated. Detailed simulation results show that the SC with local feedback loop (LFL) has a powerful control performance; however, it requires the controllable compensation for a reference change due to different operating conditions. On the other hand, the SC with global feedback loop (GFL) avoids the need of reference compensation; moreover, its dynamic control performance is improved when the dual inputs (frequency and active power signal) are used, compared to when only the frequency is used as an input signal.  相似文献   

This paper reexamines the conventional current-mode control strategy as applied to dc/dc converters in the light of avoiding bifurcation. This alternative viewpoint permits convenient selection of parameter values to guarantee stable operation. The traditional slope compensation is viewed as a means to keep the system sufficiently remote from the first bifurcation point. It is shown that excessive bifurcation clearance is accompanied by undesirably slow dynamical response. A variable ramp compensation is proposed to dynamically adjust the slope magnitude so that the system is kept clear of bifurcation, yet responds sufficiently fast during transients. The results have been confirmed by experimental measurements.Work supported in part by the Hong Kong Research Grant Council under a competitive earmarked grant (no. PolyU5131/99E) and a Hong Kong Polytechnic University research grant (no. A-PB29).  相似文献   

DC/DC变换器的PWM控制技术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
DC/DC变换器广泛应用于便携装置(如笔记本计算机、蜂窝电话、寻呼机、PDA等)中。它有两种类型,即线性变换器和开关变换器。开关变换器因具有效率高、灵活的正负极性和升降压方式的特点,而备受人们的青睐。开关稳压器利用无源磁性元件和电容电路元件的能量存储特性,从输入电压源获取分离的能量,暂时地把能量以磁场形式存储在电感器中,或以电场形式存储在电容器中,然后将能量转换到负载,实现DC/DC变换。开关稳压器的框图示于图1。实现能量从源到负载的变换需要复杂的控制技术。现在,大多数采用PWM(脉冲宽度调制)…  相似文献   

Until now, direct control methods have been mainly investigated and used in conjunction with voltage source converters. In this paper, the authors develop a direct current control method for matrix converters. There are two objectives for the direct current control: the desired current has to be impressed into the load, and the current, drawn from the mains, should be in phase with the voltage and should be (nearly) sinusoidal. This implies active damping of the 400 Hz resonance or the line filter. The method is implemented on a DSP and tested on a 10 kVA matrix converter  相似文献   

The objective of this paper is to propose two different modified sinusoidal pulse width modulation (SPWM) control schemes, MPWM-S and MPWM-T, for the dc/ac inverter with a non-constant dc voltage source. The amplitude distortion of the pulse width modulated waveforms is caused by the input dc voltage source variation and has the most significant impact on the dc/ac inverter’s ac output voltage spectral errors. The proposed MPWM-S and MPWM-T can achieve the desired fundamental amplitude and eliminate the low order harmonic components caused by the dc voltage source variation. The mathematical analysis of the amplitude distortion and the systematic development of the MPWM-S and MPWM-T are presented in this paper. The proposed MPWM-S and MPWM-T are feed-forward compensation methodologies and can be integrated with any practical feedback control schemes. Hardware implementations of the proposed control schemes can be easily accomplished by adding one or two analog multipliers to the traditional SPWM control circuit. The performance of the two proposed modified SPWM control schemes is verified by experimental results.  相似文献   

A new method of analysis for pulse-width modulation (PWM) switching power converters is presented. It allows one to find an approximate periodic solution for the converter vector state variable. The converter is modelled by a differential equation with periodic coefficients. This equation is substituted by an equivalent system of linear differential equations with constant coefficients. Only the forced (steady-state) solutions should be found for each equation of this system. The equations are solved in sequence. The final steady-state solution of the PWM differential equation is obtained as the sum of these forced solutions. The method allows one to find the converter dc transfer function and efficiency, to evaluate their frequency dependences, and to find the critical frequency and ripple. The first three equations of the equivalent system are usually adequate for practical purposes, and these equations are obtained by an easy formal procedure. One can also obtain the dynamic equation of the state variable dc component, and calculate the converter line to output and duty cycle to output transfer functions. A boost converter is used as an example to confirm the analytical results by numerical simulation.  相似文献   

In this paper a voltage modulation method based on a triangular carrier wave for the three-phase four-leg voltage source converter is described. The four-leg converter can produce three output voltages independently with one additional leg. The proposed modulation method for the four-leg converter can be implemented with a single carrier by a simple but useful "offset voltage" concept. The method is equivalent to the so called three-dimensional space vector PWM method, but its implementation is much easier. The maximum magnitude of the balanced three-phase voltage and the maximum magnitude of zero sequence voltage, which can be synthesized simultaneously, are derived. The feasibility of the proposed modulation technique is verified by computer simulation and experimental results. These results show that a proposed carrier-based pulsewidth modulation (PWM) technique can be easily implemented without conventional computational burden.  相似文献   

The sliding mode control (SMC) is used to control variable structure systems such as power electronics converters. This paper presents a fault-tolerant strategy based on the SMC for current-controlled AC–DC converters. The proposed SMC is based on three sliding surfaces for the three legs of the AC–DC converter. Two sliding surfaces are assigned to control the phase currents since the input three-phase currents are balanced. Hence, the third sliding surface is considered as an extra degree of freedom which is utilised to control the neutral voltage. This action is utilised to enhance the performance of the converter during open-switch faults. The proposed fault-tolerant strategy is based on allocating the sliding surface of the faulty leg to control the neutral voltage. Consequently, the current waveform is improved. The behaviour of the current-controlled converter during different types of open-switch faults is analysed. Double switch faults include three cases: two upper switch fault; upper and lower switch fault at different legs; and two switches of the same leg. The dynamic performance of the proposed system is evaluated during healthy and open-switch fault operations. Simulation results exhibit the various merits of the proposed SMC-based fault-tolerant strategy.  相似文献   

《Electronics letters》1969,5(16):357-358
Quadratic Lyapunov functionals taken on the Hilbert space for the telegrapher's equation do not exhibit the effect of neutron-wave propagation, whereas functionals taken on the product space do exhibit the effect of neutron waves.  相似文献   

The failure of dc/dc converters can directly result in electronic systems working unconventionally or significant downtime. To pre-determine time to failure and generate substantial safety and cost benefits, it is necessary to assess the extent of deviation of dc/dc converters from its expected state of health in real time and predict time to failure in advance. This paper presents a novel prognostic method for predicting the time to failure of dc/dc converters. The process involves identifying precursor parameters, determining prognostic of failure, and determining a criterion for predicting time to failure. The output voltage is used as a precursor parameter and directly monitored when the converter with a given load periodically operates at different temperature stresses. The phenomenon that the differences of output voltages collected at different temperature stresses begin to increase with a large (or small) fluctuation is detected in collected output voltages. This phenomenon is identified as a prognostic of failure. A percentage of the initial difference is used as the criterion for predicting time to failure. A case study is given to illustrate the procedure that how to monitor output voltages, detect prognostic and predict time to failure. The results show the health state could be assessed in real time and the time to failure could be predicted in advance. Furthermore, the deviation of the predicted time to failure from the actual time to failure could meet the demand of a considered acceptable range in engineering practice.  相似文献   

An analytical procedure to optimize the feedforward compensation for any PWM DC/DC power converters is described. Achieving zero DC audiosusceptibility was found to be possible for the buck, buck-boost, Cuk, and SEPIC cells; for the boost converter, however, only nonoptimal compensation is feasible. Rules for the design of PWM controllers and procedures for the evaluation of the hardware-introduced errors are discussed. A PWM controller implementing the optimal feedforward compensation for buck-boost, Cuk, and SEPIC cells is described and fully experimentally characterized  相似文献   

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