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本文将调度预测控制的思想应用于离线鲁棒预测控制,设计了高超声速飞行器计算有效的调度离线预测控制器.首先在不同的平衡点离线设计一系列控制规则,实际实施时只需要在不同的控制器之间进行切换,避免进行在线优化,大幅度减少了在线计算时间.通过估计局部控制器的稳定域,保证了切换控制器的稳定性.另外在确保良好控制品质的同时,还能够保证所有输入和状态均在给定约束范围.仿真试验表明,提出的方法能实现速度和高度较大范围的指令跟踪,所有输入和状态均在给定约束范围内;相比于在线鲁棒预测控制方法,仿真运行时间减少,可以实现高超声速飞行器的实时控制.  相似文献   

The controller design for a near-space hypersonic vehicle (NHV) is challenging due to its plant uncertainties and sensitivity to atmospheric disturbances such as gusts and turbulence. This paper first derives 12 states equations of NHVs subjected to variable wind field, and presents a novel recurrent neural network (RNN) control method for restraining atmospheric disturbances. The method devises a new B-spline recurrent functional link network (BRFLN) and combines it with the nonlinear generalized predictiv...  相似文献   

This paper presents a conditional disturbance negation (CDN) based active disturbance rejection control (ADRC) scheme for the velocity and altitude tracking control of flexible air-breathing hypersonic vehicles (FAHVs) in the presence of various uncertainties and disturbances. A pioneering CDN module is proposed to selectively compensate the total disturbances according to the characteristics of the total disturbances and the FAHV dynamics, which is aimed at canceling some detrimental disturbances while profiting from other beneficial disturbances. Firstly, model-based extended state observers are applied to estimate the total disturbances in FAHVs in an efficient way. Based on the Lyapunov theory and the estimated disturbances, a novel disturbance characterization indicator (DCI) is then designed to show whether the total disturbance harms or benefits the tracking performance in engineering practice. Then, DCI is utilized to construct the CDN module. In consequence, the CDN based FAHV tracking control is implemented in an ADRC framework, yielding the CDN based ADRC scheme. The stability analysis is conducted to show the convergence of the closed-loop system. Finally, the effectiveness and superiority of the proposed control scheme are validated by some representative simulations in various flight conditions.  相似文献   

The main focus of this paper is on designing a T-S fuzzy controller for the hypersonic vehicle. The longitudinal dynamics of the vehicle are studied using time-scale decomposition to reduce the complexity of T-S modeling. The dynamic inversion with PI control technique is applied for the slow dynamics to derive the flight path angle command and throttle setting by taking the pilot altitude and velocity command as its inputs. The T-S fuzzy controller is designed for the fast dynamics to derive the elevator d...  相似文献   

This paper proposes a model predictive control scheme for tracking a-priori unknown references varying in a wide range and analyses its performance. It is usual to assume that the reference eventually converges to a constant in which case convergence to zero of the tracking error can be established. In this note we remove this simplifying assumption and characterise the set to which the tracking error converges and the associated region of convergence.  相似文献   

本文针对具有外部干扰,参数摄动和非连续未知非线性气动影响的一般高超声速飞行器纵向动力学问题,设计了分布式鲁棒反步跟踪控制器.为了处理复杂的系统,将标准反步控制和信号补偿方法结合起来构成一个"简单"的鲁棒控制器.该方法不仅可以保证闭环系统半全局鲁棒跟踪性能,也可保证系统跟踪误差以期望的收敛速度收敛到期望的误差范围内.最后,带有非线性不确定性,外部干扰和参数扰动的仿真系统说明了该方法的有效性.  相似文献   

基于非线性干扰观测器的高超声速飞行器滑模反演控制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对高超声速飞行器非线性、强耦合和参数不确定弹性体模型,提出了一种基于非线性干扰观测器的滑模反演控制方法.将飞行器曲线拟合模型分解为速度子系统和高度相关子系统并表示为严格反馈形式,分别采用滑模和反演方法设计实际控制量与虚拟控制量.采用1阶低通滤波器获取虚拟控制量的导数,解决了传统反演控制方法"微分项膨胀"问题.基于改进滑模微分器设计了一种新型非线性干扰观测器,以此对模型不确定项进行估计和补偿.仿真结果表明,该控制器对模型不确定性和气动弹性影响具有鲁棒性,且实现了对速度和高度参考输入的稳定跟踪.  相似文献   

This article investigates the robust adaptive control system design for the longitudinal dynamics of a flexible air‐breathing hypersonic vehicle (FAHV) subject to parametric uncertainties and control input constraints. A combination of back‐stepping and nonlinear disturbance observer (NDO) is utilized for exploiting an adaptive output‐feedback controller to provide robust tracking of velocity and altitude reference trajectories in the presence of flexible effects and system uncertainties. The dynamic surface control is introduced to solve the problem of “explosion of terms.” A new NDO is developed to guarantee the proposed controller's disturbance attenuation ability and to performance robustness against uncertain aerodynamic coefficients. To deal with the problem of actuator saturation, a novel auxiliary system is exploited to compensate the desired control laws. The stability of the presented NDO and controller is analyzed. Simulation results are given to demonstrate the effectiveness of the presented control strategy.  相似文献   

基于特征模型的高超声速飞行器自适应控制研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
孟斌 《控制理论与应用》2014,31(12):1640-1649
钱学森先生1945年在论文《论高超声速相似律》中,首次提出了高超声速(hypersonic)的术语.高超声速飞行器具有的强大的军事和民事应用前景,20世纪80年代初,在世界上掀起了研究和发展高超声速飞行器的热潮,其中高超声速飞行器控制是其关键科学和技术问题之一.高超声速飞行器的研究取得了大量理论成果,与其形成鲜明对比的是,高超声速飞行器在试飞实验中却遇到了很大困难,例如X–51A,HTV–2.这种现象不得不引发我们进行深入思考.由于高超声速空气动力学研究的局限性,导致目前所建立的高超声速飞行器的动力学模型,与真实系统相比,其结构和参数不确定性非常大,它从根本上限制了控制理论和方法的研究.并且由于高超声速飞行器动力学模型的复杂性,导致目前工程应用中的控制方法复杂化.因此,针对高超声速飞行器控制问题,需要深入开展气动、控制交叉学科的研究,以及适于工程应用的自适应控制的研究.针对上述问题,我们开展了一定的研究.我们建立了三轴耦合的高超声速飞行器被控对象类X–20及其气动模型,并结合工程应用,直接针对表格形式的气动模型开展控制研究.针对强耦合和无解析动力学的控制问题,特征模型理论有其独特优势.近年来,我们系统研究了基于特征模型的高超声速飞行器的爬升、滑翔和再入控制问题.本文首先介绍特征模型理论和方法,进而综述和分析基于特征模型的高超声速飞行器自适应控制的研究进展,并提出进一步需要研究的问题.  相似文献   

The longitudinal dynamics of hypersonic flight vehicles involves strong nonlinearity and coupling, uncertainties including parametric uncertainties, unmodeled uncertainties, external disturbances, and time‐varying input and state time delays. In this paper, a robust controller design method is proposed for the longitudinal stabilization of these vehicles by the signal‐compensation‐based control idea. Theoretical analysis is given to prove the robustness properties of the designed closed‐loop control system subject to multiple time‐varying uncertainties and time‐varying input and state delays. Simulation results are performed to show the validness and advantages of the proposed robust control approach.  相似文献   

In this paper, we propose a multi-objective robust controller based on fuzzy singularly perturbed models (FSPM) for the longitudinal motion of an air-breathing hypersonic vehicle. The control objective is to provide velocity and altitude tracking in the presence of the uncertainties and unknown nonlinearities in the model caused by variations in flight conditions. By approximating the multi-time-scale model with FSPM, ill-posed matrix calculations are circumvented. Under this framework, a fuzzy multi-object...  相似文献   

针对高超声速飞行器非线性和易受干扰影响的特点,提出了带有扩张状态干扰观测器的连续滑模控制方法.在对飞行器非线性模型做线性化处理的基础上,设计了一种连续时间滑模控制器.该控制器在对不确定性和未知动态保持鲁棒性的基础上,消除了传统滑模中存在的抖振现象.对系统中存在的外加干扰,设计了扩张状态干扰观测器.将外加干扰作为系统的一个状态变量被估计出来,再将估计值用作滑模控制器的补偿量,进而达到消除外干扰的目的.在高超声速飞行器巡航飞行状态的基础上进行了仿真.仿真结果表明,所提出的方案能够满足控制要求.  相似文献   

高超声速飞行器非线性鲁棒控制律设计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
高超声速飞行器具有模型非线性程度高、耦合程度强、参数不确定性大、抗干扰能力弱等特点,其自主控制具有较大的挑战.论文提出了一种基于鲁棒补偿技术和反馈线性化方法的非线性鲁棒控制方法.文中首先采用反馈线性化的方法对纵向模型进行输入输出线性化,实现速度和高度通道的解耦和非线性模型的线性化.针对得到的线性模型,设计包括标称控制器和鲁棒补偿器的线性控制器.基于极点配置原理,设计标称控制器使标称线性系统具有期望的输入输出特性,利用鲁棒补偿器来抑制参数不确定性和外界扰动对于闭环控制系统的影响.基于小增益定理,证明了闭环控制系统的鲁棒稳定性和鲁棒跟踪性能.相比于非线性回路成形控制方法,仿真结果表明了所设计非线性鲁棒控制算法的有效性和优越性.  相似文献   

针对在实际运行中会受到未知外部环境干扰和模型不确定性等因素影响的蛟龙号载人潜水器系统,本文设计了一种基于干扰特性指标的新型自适应滑模控制方法,实现对有益干扰的利用和有害干扰的补偿.首先,文章给出载人潜水器系统的运动学和动力学模型;然后,本文设计非线性干扰观测器估计系统所受的集总扰动,并提出一种扇形区域干扰特性指标,用于判断干扰对系统的影响;其次,文章设计一种基于干扰特性指标的自适应滑模控制方法,并且根据李雅普诺夫理论进行严格的稳定性分析;最后,通过数值仿真,验证所设计的滑模控制方法的优越性.其优越性主要体现在:不仅能够有效缓解抖振现象,并且避免控制增益高估的问题.  相似文献   

针对四旋翼飞行器参数不确定性和外部干扰敏感的问题,本文提出一种基于自抗扰控制器的控制系统设计方法.在为期望姿态和高度安排过渡过程的基础上,设计了扩张状态观测器对内扰和外扰进行估计并实时补偿,能够很好地克服飞行器的强耦合性、模型不确定性以及风速变化等外部干扰问题.此外本文还设计了非线性状态误差反馈控制律来有效抑制跟踪误差.在仿真平台上对自抗扰控制系统进行稳定控制、姿态跟踪、高度控制、抗扰性及鲁棒性实验,并与串级PID控制系统进行定量对比分析.仿真结果表明,本文所设计的自抗扰控制器不仅能够很好地估计并补偿系统所受内外部干扰,而且对四旋翼飞行器参数的不确定性具有较强的鲁棒性,能够满足飞行器姿态调节快速和高稳定度的控制要求,性能指标明显优于串级PID控制器.  相似文献   

In this paper,the output feedback control problem for a genetic hypersonic vehicle is considered under the restriction that only the vehicle's velocity and altitude are measurable. High gain observers (HGO) are utilized to provide estimation signals for unmeasurable derivatives of the vehicle's velocity and altitude. Neural network based feedforward function is designed to compensate for model uncertainties. The proposed control design require less knowledge of the hypersonic vehicle's dynamic model. A comp...  相似文献   

This paper considers the attitude tracking problem for the generic hypersonic vehicle (GHV). First, the second-order nonlinear GHV attitude model is introduced. Second, by utilising the direct parametric approach, a modified parametric controller composed of the parametric state proportional plus derivative feedback controller and the feedforward controller is proposed. With application of the first part, the closed-loop system is a constant linear system with desired eigenstructures, and the second part is used to ensure the asymptotic tracking property of the outputs of the GHV attitude system. Since the control input of the established GHV attitude model is moment command, an algorithm that transforms the moment commands into the fins deflection command is proposed. Finally, the effectiveness of the proposed parametric controller and transform algorithm is illustrated by the numerical simulation results.  相似文献   

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