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A new universal biquad filter is presented which can realize all the five standard filter functions namely lowpass, bandpass, highpass, notch and allpass in voltage-mode (VM) as well as in current-mode (CM) employing only unity-gain cells (i.e. voltage followers and current followers) as active elements. Explicit VM/CM outputs are available from low output impedance terminals and high output impedance terminals, respectively. The workability of the proposed universal biquad, realized with CMOS unity-gain cells, is established by SPICE simulations.  相似文献   

Current-mode universal filters using unity-gain cells   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Two new current-mode universal filters are presented. The proposed filters use unity gain current and voltage followers. The first filter has three inputs and one output and can realise lowpass, highpass and bandpass responses without any changes in the circuit topology. Realisation of notch and allpass responses can be easily achieved without adding any additional active elements. The second filter has three inputs and one output and can simultaneously realise lowpass, highpass and bandpass responses without any changes in the circuit topology. Realisation of notch and allpass responses can be easily achieved without adding any additional active elements. The proposed circuits enjoy low active and passive sensitivities  相似文献   

Two novel universal current-mode filters using unity-gain current followers (CFs) and voltage followers (VFs) are presented. The first one, employing three CFs, one VF, two grounded capacitors and two resistors, has two inputs and three outputs. The second one, employing only two CFs, one VF, two grounded capacitors and two resistors, has four inputs and a single output. Both proposed circuits oOEer the following advantageous features: universal current-mode filter realization from the same configuration, no requirements of component matching conditions, employment of two grounded capacitors ideal for integration, employment of two virtually grounded resistors good for voltage control, easy adjustment of ω0/Q and ω0 through separate virtually grounded resistors and low active and passive sensitivity performance.  相似文献   

A family of current mode universal biquads has been proposed. The biquad filters employ multiple output floating nullor (MOFN) configured as multiple output current conveyors (MOCC). The five-MOFN-based biquad has the property of independently tunable gain, bandwidth, and cut-off frequency without having any passive component matching constraint. Although the four/three MOFN-based universal biquads offer limited tunability of different parameters they do not have any parameter matching constraint on them and in addition, they offer the advantage of reduction in the number of MOFNs and resistances. The workability of all the proposed circuits has been verified using PSPICE simulations based CMOS MOFNs implemented in 0.35?µ CMOS technology.  相似文献   

In this study, a new electronically tunable current-mode universal filter with two inputs and two outputs employing one translinear current conveyor, one translinear current conveyor with controlled current gain and two grounded capacitors is presented. The proposed circuit offers the following attractive features: realisation of low-pass, band-pass, high-pass, band-stop and all-pass current responses from the same configuration; employment of the minimum active and passive components; no requirement of component matching conditions; independent current-control of the parameters natural frequency (ωo) and quality factor (Q); low active and passive sensitivities; and high impedance output. The characteristics of the proposed circuit are simulated using PSPICE to confirm the theory.  相似文献   

A new multifunction voltage-mode biquad filter topology having three inputs and one output is described. The filter consists of a single operational amplifier (OA), a single capacitor, and two resistors and supports LP, BP, HP, AP and Notch filtering signals from the same topology, without requiring additional components besides being devoid of component matching constraints. The filter uses OA pole and has thereby acquired suitability for extended frequency operation. The natural angular frequency ω0 and the Q can be separately tuned. The circuit has low sensitivity figures. PSPICE simulation results are employed to verify the circuit performance.  相似文献   

A new universal current-mode (CM) biquad filter is presented which can realise all the five standard filter functions namely lowpass, bandpass, highpass, notch and allpass employing only unity-gain current followers (CF) as active elements. The workability of the proposed universal biquad, realised with CMOS unity-gain current followers, is established by SPICE simulations. The new circuit provides explicit CM outputs from high output impedance terminals and possesses a number of advantageous features all of which are not available simultaneously in any of the previously reported CF-based universal biquad filters.  相似文献   

A fully differential SC bandpass filter (central frequency, 58 kHz; Q = 15; and voltage gain, 8) based on the switched-opamp approach is designed and implemented in this work. The filter operates from a single 1 V supply voltage and is realized in a 0.35 m CMOS technology. It has been characterized with a sampling frequency of 1 MHz and its power consumption is about 230 W. As a main internal filter component, an appropiate switched opamp was also designed. Its common-mode feedback circuit was implemented by using an error amplifier and sampling of the output common-mode voltage is carried out by applying a DC offset to level shift the common-mode sample. It provides an accurate common-mode output for a wide temperature and supply voltage ranges.  相似文献   

实现了一种适用于SOC的低压高精度带隙基准电压源设计。利用斩波调制技术有效地减小了带隙基准源中运放的失调电压所引起的误差,从而提高了基准源的精度。考虑负载电流镜和差分输入对各2%的失配时,该基准源的输出电压波动峰峰值为0.31 mV。与传统带隙基准源相比,相对精度提高了86倍。在室温下,斩波频率为100 kH z时,基准源提供0.768 V的输出电压。当电源电压在0.8 V到1.6 V变化时,该基准源输出电压波动小于0.05 mV;当温度在0°C到80°C变化时,其温度系数小于12 ppm/°C。该基准源的最大功耗小于7.2μW,采用0.25μm 2P 5M CM O S工艺实现的版图面积为0.3 mm×0.4 mm。  相似文献   

In this article, a new voltage-mode second-order universal frequency filter and sinusoidal oscillator using only single differential-input buffered and transconductance amplifier (DBTA) is presented. The proposed voltage-mode filter structure using single DBTA and four passive elements can provide all standard filter functions, i.e. low-, band-, high-pass, band-stop, and all-pass without changing the circuit topology and enables independent control of the quality factor Q using single passive element. The circuit requires the minimal number of active and passive elements with no conditions for component matching. By slight modification of the proposed filter structure, the new DBTA-based sinusoidal oscillator is easily obtained. The oscillation condition and the oscillation frequency are independently adjustable by different virtually grounded passive elements. The proposed sinusoidal oscillator employs only grounded capacitors. The passive and active sensitivities of all the proposed circuit configurations are low. PSPICE simulations using a BJT realisation of DBTA and experimental results based on commercially available amplifiers OPA860 and MAX436 are included, which prove the workability of the proposed circuits.  相似文献   

提出了一种全MOS管结构的低压低功耗电压基准源,他利用一个工作在亚阈值区的MOS管具有负温度特性的栅-源电压与一对工作在亚阈值区的MOS管所产生的具有正温度特性的电压差进行补偿.电路采用标准的0.6 μmCMOS工艺设计,已成功应用于一个低压差线性稳压器(LDO)中,具有优良的温度稳定性,在-40~ 120 ℃范围内能达到37.4 ppm/℃,并可以在供电电压为1.4~5.5 V下工作,其总电流仅为4 μA.  相似文献   

This paper presents a compact current-mode three-input single-output (TISO) type universal filter. Only one voltage differencing transconductance amplifier (VDTA) and two grounded capacitors are employed in the proposed filter. The circuit can realize lowpass, bandpass, highpass, bandstop and allpass biquadratic filter outputs by connecting the appropriate inputs, and offers electronic control of the natural angular frequency (ω0) and quality factor (Q) by means of adjusting the transconductance gain of the VDTA. In addition, by slight modification of the proposed scheme, another more useful TISO construction with orthogonal ω0Q tuning has been obtained. Both the discussed universal filters have been shown to have low incremental active and passive sensitivities. To demonstrate the performances of the filters and verify the theoretical analysis, computer simulations are accomplished with the PSPICE program.  相似文献   

Three current-mode universal biquadratic filters each with five input terminals and one output terminal are presented. The first proposed circuit uses three multi-output second-generation current conveyors, two grounded capacitors and three resistors. This circuit offers the following advantageous features: orthogonal controllability of resonance angular frequency and quality factor, high output impedance, the versatility to synthesize all standard filter types without component matching condition and using grounded capacitors. The second proposed circuit uses three multi-output second-generation current conveyors, two grounded capacitors and two resistors. This circuit offers the following advantageous features: using minimum passive components, high output impedance, the versatility to synthesize all standard filter types without component matching condition and using grounded capacitors. The third proposed circuit uses three multi-output second-generation current conveyors, two grounded capacitors and three grounded resistors. This circuit offers the following advantageous features: the versatility to synthesize all standard filter types, high output impedance and using only grounded passive components. Each of the proposed circuits can get five kinds of filter functions by using only one current input signal.  相似文献   

提出了一种新型的低压带隙基准源,与传统的带隙基准不同,该电路引入了第三个电流,以消除双极型晶体管射基电压的温度非线性项,从而实现曲率补偿。采用0.18μmCMOS工艺进行设计验证,HSpice仿真结果表明,室温下的输出电压为623mV,-55~+125℃范围内的温度系数为4.2ppm/℃,1.0~2.1V之间的电源调整率为0.9mV/V。  相似文献   

In this work two different types of topologies are derived for realization any second-order filter characteristic by choosing properly, the admittances of passive elements. These topologies use two second-generation current conveyors (CCIIs). One of the topologies involves different types of CCIIs whereas the other uses the same type of CCIIs together with a unity gain voltage buffer. The buffer used provides not only low output impedance but also facilitates cascading of the filter circuits thus obtained. It is possible to derive many different filters realizing any second-order transfer function by the use of the proposed topologies. Moreover, the produced filters have low-sensitivity performance and permit orthogonal controlling of both the quality factor and the natural angular frequency.  相似文献   

A new circuit for realisation of the mutually coupled circuit, which is also called the synthetic transformer, is proposed. The proposed circuit uses two current controlled current conveyor transconductance amplifiers (CC-CCTAs), one grounded resistor and two grounded capacitors. The primary self-inductance, the secondary self-inductance and the mutual inductance can be independently controlled and can be tuned electronically by changing the biasing current of the CC-CCTAs. It uses two grounded capacitors which are suitable from the point of integrated circuit implementation. It has a good sensitivity performance with respect to tracking errors and passive components. The validity of the proposed circuit is demonstrated by PSpice simulations.  相似文献   

This paper introduces a novel current-mode biquadratic circuit using plus type differential voltage current conveyors (DVCCs) and grounded passive components. The circuit is constructed with two plus type dual current output DVCCs (DO-DVCCs), two grounded capacitors and two resistors. The circuit can realize multiple circuit transfer functions by choosing the appropriate input and output terminals. Additionally, the circuit parameters Q and ω 0 can be set orthogonally by adjusting the passive components. The biquadratic circuit enjoys very low sensitivities to the circuit components. An example is given together with simulated results by PSPICE.  相似文献   

The 1-D FDLS shows the localized feedback property and is suitable for modular and concurrent implementation. It is known that the 1-D FDLS shows interesting properties with respect to finite word-length effects. In this paper, a new result is given for the estimation of the lower and upper bound of the variance of the roundoff noise. It is presented how the FDLS can be incorporated to implement 2-D pseudo-rotated digital filters. The 1-D roundoff noise analysis is extended to the 2-D case. It is indicated how 2-D filter banks can be derived from the FDLS.  相似文献   

模拟电路工作在低电源电压下是集成电路小型化和低功耗要解决的首要难题,而基准电流源电路是模拟电路中最常用的模块。因此,低压基准电流源电路对集成电路低功耗设计具有重要意义。描述了一种在0.13μm、1.2 V CMOS工艺下实现的基准电流源电路,后仿真结果表明,电路能够在1.2 V电源电压下工作,功耗380μW,温漂值为15×10-6·℃-1。  相似文献   

A three-input and single-output voltage-mode universal biquadratic filter with high input impedance, using only two operational transconductance amplifiers (OTAs), one plus-type second-generation current conveyor (CCII) and two capacitors, is presented. The proposed circuit can realize all the standard filter responses, that is, highpass, bandpass, lowpass, notch and allpass filters, from the same configuration. The proposed circuit has no requirements for component matching conditions.  相似文献   

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