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A computational algorithm is presented for the design of a compensator for linear multivariable regulators. The compensated system is required to be structurally stable, in the sense of preserving output regulation and internal (loop) stability in the face of small parameter variations or uncertainties. The design technique is based on the internal model principle [1]. It is shown that the distance between the system transmission zeros and eigenvalues of the exogenous dynamics may be taken as a measure of the well-conditioning of the algorithm. The design algorithm is demonstrated by application to a two-area power system.  相似文献   

This paper presents two synthesis algorithms which embody the two major variants of the numerous methodologies which have been proposed for the design of multivariable linear regulators which exhibit the property of disturbance rejection with or without additional robustness qualities. It is shown that these two procedures generally lead to substantively different compensator structures.  相似文献   

Based on a very simple model, a discrete-time integrating regulator can be designed for a linear time-invariant system. The linear system is not restricted to be scalar with a monotone step response, as required in previously published literature. The number of tuning parameters in the controller depends on the number of steps in the staircase model which can be properly chosen so that the closed-loop system is an asymptotically stable system with a specified tracking speed.  相似文献   

Many controller realizations are structurally constrained. Some typical examples are static output feedback, constant gain feedback for multiple operating points of a system, two-controller feedback, and decentralized feedback. A general class of problems of regional pole placement of multivariable systems with such control structure constraints is considered and a unified numerical method is given to solve them. First a problem in this class is converted to a problem of solving a system of equalities and inequalities. This system is then solved by using a modified homotopy method  相似文献   

Further results on the observer design problem   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In this paper the observer design problem for nonlinear systems is considered. Sufficient Lyapunov-like conditions are presented for the existence of a nonlinear observer. The theory we develop considerably improves and extends the results of our recent work [14].  相似文献   

This paper generalizes the results obtained by the authors in [1] and presents new results on the construction of proper controllers for linear multivariable regulators. These results may lead to efficient computation methods that do not involve Smith forms or the order relations used in [1] to construct proper controllers. The methods are based on the recently developed theory of Λ-generalized polynomials [2]. We discuss several numerical algorithms and how they can be applied to the regulator problem. We also point out an important computational problem in need of an efficient numerical algorithm.  相似文献   

It is shown that in spite of its large gain and phase margins the linear quadratic state feedback regulator may suffer from poor robustness where small changes in the parameters of the system may lead to fast unstable closed-loop modes.  相似文献   

We demonstrate that sample and hold state feedback control (possibly discontinuous with respect to the state) is robust when the closed loop system possesses an appropriate Lyapunov function. We first show that if a Lyapunov decrease over sampling periods exists for the nominal system, this decrease can be maintained with some degradation relative to a sufficiently small additive perturbation. We then proceed to catalog several applications of this robustness, e.g., robustness to measurement noise, computational delays, or fast actuator dynamics.  相似文献   

Soroka and Shaked have shown that a linear quadratic state feedback regulator may suffer from poor robustness where small changes in the parameters of the system can lead to fast unstable closed-loop modes. It is shown there that the stability properties can be improved if possible nonminimum phase behavior is allowed for in modeling the system prior to the controller design.  相似文献   

This paper focuses on the configuration of a parallel multi-purpose machines workshop. An admissible configuration must be chosen in order to ensure that a load-balanced production plan meeting the demand exists. Moreover, the demand is strongly subject to uncertainties. That is the reason why the configuration must exhibit robustness properties: the load-balancing performance must be guaranteed with regard to a given range of uncertainties. A branch-and-bound approach has been developed and implemented to determine a cost-constrained configuration that maximizes a robustness level. Computational results are reported for both academic and industrial-scale instances. More than 80% of the academic instances are solved to optimality by the proposed method. Moreover, this method appears to be a good heuristic for industrial-scale instances.  相似文献   

This paper considers a general class of multivariable linear regulators and determines conditions under which there exist proper controllers such that output regulation is achieved with internal stability.  相似文献   

In this paper, the method of entire eigenstructure assignment (Kimura 1975, Moore 1976, Porter and D'Azzo 1917) is applied to the design of linear multivariable continuous-time output-feedback regulators. It is shown that, in the case of self-conjugate distinct eigenvalue spectra, the closed-loop eigenstructure assignable by output feedback is constrained by the requirement that the eigenvectors and reciprocal eigenvectors lie in well-defined subspaces. The method is illustrated by designing an output-feedback regulator for a third-order continuous-time system.  相似文献   

The problem of designing a stable sliding mode giving robust performance of a variable structure control system is studied. A set of specified eigenvalues is assigned to the closed-loop feedback system during the sliding mode. The design philosophy seeks to build on the known robustness and invariance properties associated with the use of discontinuous (or continuous) non-linear controls, by assigning the eigenvectors associated with the sliding-mode eigenvalues in a manner that leads to a robust control scheme. A previously developed canonical form for the hyperplane design problem is again employed. The design technique centres on a recently published eigenvalue assignment algorithm, and is illustrated by the inclusion of an example.  相似文献   

A new design method is proposed for linear stabilizing controllers which satisfy the given constraints on the phase variables and control input and minimize the upper bound on the maximum deviation of the plant output. The method is based on the apparatus of linear matrix inequalities; the theory is exemplified via the linear shock absorber design.  相似文献   

A sufficient condition for quadratic stabilizability of uncertain linear discrete-time systems using LQ regulators is presented. The true system is represented by a nominal model plus additive terms representing the most common types of uncertainties in the state and input matrices. Sufficient robustness bounds as well as a robustification procedure for discrete-time LQ regulators are presented and the conservativeness of the proposed condition is discussed  相似文献   

A singular values-based approach to specify the robustness of a multivariable linear feedback system in state-space representation is investigated. The robustness measure which is considered is the largest spectral norm of an additive uncertainty in the closed-loop system matrix, for which stability is guaranteed. It is shown that under the constraint of prescribed pole placement, a lower bound for the robustness measure is maximized, when the Frobenius norm of the closed-loop system matrix is minimized.  相似文献   

Ulf Borison 《Automatica》1979,15(2):209-215
Control of a class of multivariable systems described by linear vector difference equations with constant but unknown parameters is discussed. A multivariable minimum variance strategy is first presented. This gives a generalization of the minimum variance strategy for single-input single-output systems. A multivariable self-tuning regulator based on the minimum variance strategy is then proposed. It uses a recursive least squares estimator and a linear controller obtained directly from the current estimates. The asymptotic properties of the algorithm are discussed. If the estimated parameters converge, the resulting controller will under certain conditions give the minimum variance strategy. The analysis also gives insight into the case when several single-input single-output self-tuning regulators are operating in cascade mode.  相似文献   

The loci of the closed-loop poles of the multivariable, time-invariant, linear optimal regulator are shown to group into the left half-plane part of several Butterworth configurations as the weight on the input in the criterion approaches zero. It is proved that these configurations are of even order and that they are always centered at the origin. The number of configurations of any even order, their radii, and the angle of their corresponding asymptotes are expressed in terms of the criterion and the system constant matrices.  相似文献   

In this paper, a new method is proposed for designing robust control laws that are subject to arbitrary information structure constraints. The computation of the gain matrix is formulated in terms of a static output feedback problem, which can be efficiently solved using linear matrix inequalities. The resulting control laws ensure stability with respect to a broad class of additive nonlinear uncertainties in the system.  相似文献   

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