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The design and operation of a 100 kW, 140 GHz pulsed gyrotron are reported. To our knowledge, this is the highest frequency at which high gyrotron output power (>-100 kW) has been achieved. Results are presented for gyrotron operation in the range of magnetic field from 4 to 7 T, voltage from 23 to 80 kV and current up to 7.5 A. Near a value of magnetic field of 5.4 T, and output power of 100 kW was obtained at 140.4 GHz in single mode operation in the TE031 resonator mode.  相似文献   

根据几何光学和耦合波理论研究高功率回旋振荡管高阶模式在微扰圆波导中的准光传输特性,并编制出带有微扰结构辐射器准光模式变换系统的仿真程序,给出140 GHz回旋振荡管Denisov辐射器的设计方法及结果,分析其内部激励起的各模式的功率分布曲线和波导壁上的电流密度分布,得到扰动长度为60 mm,总长度为136.5 mm的Denisov辐射器结构,输出功率转换效率为99.1%,可满足140 GHz整管参数设计要求。并利用Feko软件对数值计算结果的可行性进行了有效验证,从而为热核聚变用回旋振荡管的研制打下技术基础。  相似文献   

成功实现高转换效率的140 GHz TE22,6准光模式变换器原型设计。基于周期微扰原理设计Denisov辐射器,实现低边缘绕射的初级出射波束。针对三镜面光路系统,采用全矢物理光学积分作为主要计算手段,围绕主极化场分量进行三级相位修正面迭代优化,实现高出射高斯纯度的模式场转换,其中一级镜的修正有效改善了辐射器出射的不理想性。基于全矢数值仿真确认,相比原二次曲面原型设计,相位修正后的变换器系统的出射高斯纯度从92.7%提高到99.6%,结合98.8%以上的功率传递效率,实现了性能优越的高阶回旋管准光模式变换器原型设计。  相似文献   

根据热核聚变用140 GHz回旋振荡管研制需要,对高斯模式输出窗进行研究。以化学气相沉积金刚石作为输出窗片的材料,通过理论分析,优化设计出低反射、低吸收高斯模式输出窗片的尺寸,获得窗片半径和厚度分别为46 mm和1.8 mm。通过理论分析各参数对高斯模式透射率的影响,并利用FEKO软件进行计算验证,获得高斯模式输出窗设计参数,从而为热核聚变用回旋振荡管的研究打下技术基础。  相似文献   

作为140GHz共焦波导回旋行波管放大器设计中的一个创新部分,关于准光学注入结构的设计方法将详细论述.归因于高斯光束对频率扰动的欠敏感特性,这样的注入结构具有比传统波导插入耦合器更大的带宽.注入系统包括耦合天线、镜面变换器和波纹波导三个部分,最终在高于50%功率注入水平下达到6.8GHz的带宽,并克服了可能的寄生模式振荡和由加工误差导致的注入效率迅速下降的问题.  相似文献   

通过数值计算方法,编程模拟了140 GHz, TE22,6模式回旋振荡管开放式缓变截面谐振腔的传播特性,计算出谐振腔的谐振频率和品质因数;利用CST软件对该高频谐振腔进行仿真计算,得到腔体内横截面的电场分布云图。通过实验和仿真软件得到的数据进行比较,两者有较好的一致性。测试结果表明,当磁场为5.48 T,电子注电流为28 A,电子注电压为68.6 kV时,TE22,6模式的平均输出功率为0.25 kW,峰值功率为0.56 MW。当磁场为5.68 T,电子注电流为27.6 A,电子注电压为69.12 kV时,回旋振荡管可同样工作于TE22,6,2模式,平均输出功率为0.21 kW,峰值功率为0.47 MW。  相似文献   

The design and operation of a 32 GHz pulsed gyrotron are reported. The device is step-tuned between the TE1,2 (24.16 GHz) and TE0,2 (31.78 GHz) modes with cathode voltages ranging from 30 to 40kV and beam current up to 5.0A. Experimental frequencies are in close agreement with the self-consistent calculated values and in the TE2,2 resonator mode an output peak power of 6kW corresponding to an 18% efficiency was measured by using a fast response calorimeter with a thermal sensitivity of 0.1°C/Wmin.  相似文献   

The conceptual design of a 35 GHz gyrotron has been developed consistently with the complex formulation of the electric field longitudinal distribution in the resonant cavity. Some models of magnetron injection guns able to produce laminar beams have been investigated leading to the design of an electron gun capable of generating a current of 5 A with a perpendicular velocity dispersion of 0.5%. The device includes three magnetic systems producting flat axial magnetic induction profiles of 1.05 kG, 13.2 kG and 0.65 kG in the cathode, cavity and collector regions, respectively. The gyrotron has been designed for pulsed operation in the TE021 mode. Under the soft self-excitation condition, the maximum attainable efficiency is 40% with an output power of 100 kW. An analysis of the collector thermal behaviour has been carried out as well as a study of the thermophysical properties of the alumina window to be used.  相似文献   

We report the short-pulse operation of a 460 GHz gyrotron oscillator both at the fundamental (near 230 GHz) and second harmonic (near 460 GHz) of electron cyclotron resonance. During operation in a microsecond pulse length regime with 13-kV beam voltage and 110-mA beam current, the instrument generates several watts of power in two second harmonic modes, the TE/sub 2,6,1/ at 456.15 GHz and the TE/sub 0,6,1/ at 458.56 GHz. Operation in the fundamental modes, including the TE/sub 0,3,1/ mode at 237.91 GHz and the TE/sub 2,3,1/ at 233.15 GHz, is observed at output powers up to 70 W. Further, we demonstrate broadband continuous frequency tuning of the fundamental modes of the oscillator over a range of more than 2 GHz through variation of the magnetic field alone. We interpret these results in terms of smooth transitions between higher order axial modes of the resonator. The 460 GHz gyrotron is currently being processed for continuous duty operation, where it will serve as a microwave source for sensitivity-enhanced nuclear magnetic resonance (dynamic nuclear polarization) studies at 16 T (700 MHz /sup 1/H), a field strength which is two-fold higher than has been accessible with previous technology.  相似文献   

A self consistent calculation for gyrotron oscillators is described and applied to a TE03 mode gyromonotron. The RF field profile satisfies a wave equation in which the AC beam current appears as a source. The wave equation is solved simultaneously with the electron equation of motion.  相似文献   

基于IHP 130 nm SiGe BiCMOS工艺,设计了一种中心频率为140 GHz 的三级Cascode结构的功率放大器。该放大器由两个驱动级和一个输出功率级组成,输入、输出和级间匹配均采用微带线实现。设计中,选用最佳尺寸的晶体管,通过分析得到最佳偏置电流和最佳偏置电压,从而获得最大的电压摆幅,以提高输出功率。仿真结果表明,在120~160 GHz的工作频带中,该放大器的最高增益为28 dB,饱和输出功率为16.2 dBm, 功率附加效率为20%,功耗为220 mW。  相似文献   

An experimental 75 GHz gyrotron has been designed and manufactured in our research institute. There are two different types of tube operating at the TE521 and TE041 modes, respectively, and at the second harmonic. A laminar flow magnetron injection gun is used so that the velocity spread due to the space-charge effect is greatly reduced.  相似文献   

A 110 GHz 1 MW pulse gyrotron has been elaborated. A built-in electrodynamic duct consisting of a new type quasi-optical converter and three matching mirrors transforms operating mode TE15,4 into a gaussian beam going through the output window. The efficiency of the duct (ratio of the gaussian beam power outside the gyrotron to the total microwave power at the output of the cavity) is about 95%. A system consisting of the gyrotron and an outer mirror transmission line is proved to have efficiency (ratio of the microwave power measured by calorimeter at the end of line to the power of the electron beam) more than 40%.  相似文献   

To provide the required mode selectivity for a megawatt 280 GHz gyrotron, a coaxial resonator operating in a high order TE mode is considered. Mode discrimination is achieved both by exploring the differences in the transverse structures of the competing modes and investigating a suitable geometry for the coaxial insert. For modes with close eigenfrequencies the associated diffractionQ factors can be widely different in value, thereby ensuring an effective mode selection. In the resonator studied here, the frequency separation between the design mode TE26,10,1 and its nearest competing mode TE20,12,1 is about 0.6% and the ratio of the correspondingQ factors is as high as 6.5. Unlike the coaxial resonator, in the hollow cavity without the inner conductor the fundamental spectrum of eigenfrequencies is more dense, and all TE modes within the frequency interval 271–288 GHz have approximately the sameQ factor.  相似文献   

Pulse solenoids seem promising for sumbillimeter wave generation in gyrotrons. In this paper a single-pulse submillimeter gyrotron with a pulsed magnetic field is described. At the wavelength 0.8 mm the output power 120 KW with the efficiency 15% has been obtained.  相似文献   

High efficiency InP Gunn devices and oscillators have been developed for the millimetre wave range. At approximately 90 GHz, the highest c.w. efficiency measured was 4.7% and the highest pulsed efficiency was 6.3%. Output powers of 126 mW c.w. and 236 mW pulsed have been achieved.  相似文献   

针对170 GHz回旋管研究,设计了一种高效Denisov准光模式变换器,该回旋管工作在模式。模式变换器由微扰结构的辐射器和镜面系统组成。基于耦合模理论和矢量绕射理论,研究了两级微扰辐射器,优化设计了镜面系统。仿真结果显示,模式转换为高斯光束,其输出功率转换效率为93.7%。  相似文献   

介绍了220 GHz同轴腔回旋管的设计,工作模式为TE04圆电模式.采用自洽非线性理论对谐振腔的工作参数进行了参数优化,选取工作电压50 k V,工作电流10 A,工作磁场8.4 Tesla.设计的同轴型双阳极磁控注入式电子枪,电子注速度横纵比1.5,速度零散5.2%.并采用粒子模拟方法进行了整管仿真.理论计算与粒子模拟结果表明,设计的220 GHz同轴腔回旋管有望获得200 k W以上的输出功率与40%以上的互作用效率.  相似文献   

GaAs Read impatt diodes have been developed for pulsed operation in X and Ku bands. Conversion efficiencies of 32% and 29% have been measured for p+n+n?n+ (high-low) doping profiles grown by liquid phase and vapour phase epitaxy, respectively. Peak powers of 30 W in X band and 20 W in Ku band have been obtained with single mesas on gold plated heatsinks. Multiple mesas in parallel and diamond heatsinking were employed to improve thermal resistance. Microwave circuit and chip level power combining techniques were also investigated and greater than 90% combining efficiency was achieved on the chip level.  相似文献   

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