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A low-complexity high-speed circuit is proposed for the implementation of an incremental data weighted averaging (IDWA) technique used for reducing digital-to-analog converter (DAC) noise due to component mismatches. IDWA can achieve very good performance even when it is used with a low oversampling ratio (OSR), which reduces demands on circuit speed and power consumption. Therefore, the IDWA is highly suitable for wideband, low-power and small-area sigma-delta modulator (SDM) implementation. Incorporating the IDWA technique, a fourth-order feedforward (FF) SDM with an OSR of 12 and a 4-bit internal quantizer is implemented with a 2.5-V 0.25-μm CMOS process. Measurement results show that the SDM operating from a 2.5-V supply voltage can achieve respective dynamic ranges (DRs) of 84/80 dB and spurious-free dynamic ranges (SFDRs) of 90/85 dB with signal bandwidths of 1.25/2 MHz at sampling frequencies of 30/48 MHz. The power dissipation is less than 105 mW and the active area is 2.6 mm2. Wider bandwidth, lower OSR, less power, and lower supply voltage are achieved compared with two recently published 3.3-V/3-V CMOS wideband SDMs with comparable SNDR performance  相似文献   

李宏义  王源  贾嵩  张兴 《半导体学报》2011,32(9):125-132
Traditional feedforward structures suffer from performance constraints caused by the complex adder before quantizer.This paper presents an improved 4th-order 1 -bit sigma-delta modulator which has a simple adder and delayed input feedforward to relax timing constraints and implement low-distortion.The modulator was fabricated in a 0.35μm CMOS process,and it achieved 92.8 dB SNDR and 101 dB DR with a signal bandwidth of 100 kHz dissipating 8.6 mW power from a 3.3-V supply.The performance satisfies the requirements of a GSM system.  相似文献   

李宏义  王源  贾嵩  张兴 《半导体学报》2011,32(9):095009-8
传统的前馈结构由于在量化器前存在复杂的加法器因而会造成性能受限。本文给出了一个改进的四阶一位过采样调制器, 它采用了简单的加法器和延时输入前馈通路,从而降低了调制器的时序需求同时实现低失真。调制器由0.35微米工艺流片,完成了92.8dB的信号噪声失真比和101dB的动态范围,信号带宽100kHz,在3.3V电源电压下,消耗8.6mW。本调制器的性能满足GSM系统的需求。  相似文献   

The modulator of a bandpass analog/digital (A/D) converter, with 63 dB signal/noise for broadcast AM bandwidth signals centered at 455 kHz, has been implemented by modifying a commercial digital-audio sigma-delta (ΣΔ) converter. It is the first reported fully monolithic implementation of bandpass noise shaping and has applications to digital radio  相似文献   

A new architecture is presented for a first-order sigma-delta (ΣΔ) modulator. The system achieves a high sampling frequency, can be used as a building block for higher-order modulators, and uses circuit techniques that are largely independent of a specific technology. The key features of this implementation are that it operates in a continuous-time (as opposed to switched) mode and does not need feedback amplifiers. To test the validity of the concept, the system was realized in 2-μm, n-well, double-metal, single-poly technology. It has a measured resolution of 9 b and a linearity of 13 b at a clock frequency of 20 MHz with an oversampling ratio of 128. It operates from a power supply of ±2.5 V with a power consumption of 3 mW. The circuit occupies an area of 0.92 mm2  相似文献   

This paper presents improvements in generation of wideband and high dynamic range analog signal for area-efficient MADBIST, especially for the on-chip testing of wireless communication IF digitizing sigma-delta modulator chip. Via increasing the order of the one-bit bandpass sigma-delta modulation algorithm up to 12 and using finite repetitious bitstream approximating scheme, it can achieve great improvements in signal bandwidth instead of purity at the cost of very little hardware overhead. Another contribution in this work is to provide the theoretical analysis of the reconstructed signal degradation due to harmonic distortion and clock jitter. Such on-chip analog stimulus generation scheme is especially fit for IF digitizing bandpass sigma-delta modulator chip's production-time testing and in-the-field diagnostics. The technique can also be extended to mixed-signal communication SoC built-in-self-test.  相似文献   

This paper represents the low-power signal-delta (ΣΔ) modulator for wireless communication receiver applications. The 2nd-order modulator has a single-loop structure with 11 quantization levels. An adaptive biasing scheme of the operational amplifier and cascaded comparator scheme are proposed in order to save the power consumption. The DAC with three-level references including the analog ground voltage can make the modulator be implemented with half of the input capacitances without degradation of linearity characteristics with the help of dynamic element matching technique. Peak SNR values of 74 dB and 68 dB are achieved with the input bandwidths of 615 kHz and 1.92 MHz for CDMA-2000 and WCDMA applications, respectively. The modulator is fabricated in a 0.13-μm standard digital CMOS technology and dissipates 4.3 mA for a single supply voltage of 2.8 V. Jinup Lim was born in Seoul, Korea, in 1973. He received the B.S. and the M.S. degrees in semiconductor engineering from University of Seoul, Seoul, Korea, in 1999 and 2001, respectively. From 2001 to 2002, he worked in GCT Semiconductor Inc., Seoul, Korea. He is currently working toward the Ph.D. degree in Electrical & Computer Engineering at the same university. He received the Best student paper award from IEEE SSCS/EDS Seoul Chapter in 2004 and the Samsung Best paper award third prize in ISOCC 2004. His research area is the design of high-performance discrete-time / continuous-time sigma-delta modulator circuits. Joongho Choi was born in Seoul, Korea, in 1964. He received the B.S. and the M.S. degrees in electronics engineering from Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea, in 1987 and 1989, respectively. In 1993, he received Ph.D. degree in electrical engineering from University of Southern California, CA, USA. From 1994 to 1996, he worked in IBM T. J. Watson Research Center, NY, USA. In 1996, he joined the University of Seoul, Seoul, where he is currently a professor in the Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering. His research area is the design of high-performance analog integrated circuits.  相似文献   

Oversampling modulators based on high-order sigma-delta modulation provide an effective means of achieving high-resolution analog-to-digital conversion in VLSI technology. Because high-order noise shaping greatly reduces the quantization noise in the signal band, the dynamic range of these modulators tends to be bounded by the thermal noise of the input stage and the maximum voltage swing in the signal path. This paper introduces a third-order cascaded sigma-delta modulator that uses a modified cascaded architecture and reduced gain in the first integrator to increase the dynamic range. An experimental modulator fabricated in a 1-μm CMOS technology attains a resolution of 17 b for a 25-kHz signal bandwidth while operating from a single 5-V supply. With an oversampling ratio of 128 and a clock frequency of 6.4 MHz, the modulator achieves a 104-dB dynamic range and a peak signal-to-noise+distortion ratio (SNDR) of 98 dB. As indicated by both measurements and simulations, the cascaded architecture also greatly reduces the discrete noise peaks that can be present in a single-stage architecture  相似文献   

A three-stage bandpass sigma-delta (ΣΔ) analog-to-digital converter has been designed specifically for operation at low oversampling ratios. In the proposed architecture, the center frequency of the third stage is shifted slightly from that of the first two stages to achieve more efficient noise shaping across the signal band. An experimental modulator based on the proposed topology has been integrated in a 0.25-μm CMOS technology and achieves a dynamic range of 75 dB with a maximum signal-to-noise-plus-distortion ratio (SNDR) of 70 dB when digitizing a 2-MHz signal band centered at 16 MHz. This circuit implements an fs/4 bandpass architecture and thus operates at 64-MHz clock rate. It dissipates 110 mW from a 2.5-V supply, and its active area is 4 mm2  相似文献   

Benabes  P. Gauthier  A. Billet  D. 《Electronics letters》1993,29(17):1575-1577
A new kind of sigma-delta modulator made with a double integrator and a bandpass stage is presented. It can reduce the oversampling ratio or increase the bandwidth for a constant sampling frequency compared with equivalent complexity modulators.<>  相似文献   

A multistage third-order sigma-delta modulator, which is unconditionally stable and has a low sensitivity to component mismatch and op-amp performance limitations, has been designed and fabricated in a 1.2-μm CMOS double-poly technology. The modulator, consisting of cascaded second- and first-order stages, is scaled to prevent performance degradation from integrator overload. In addition, the first-stage integrator output is used directly, instead of its quantization error, to facilitate ratioless input circuitry in the second stage. Experimental results indicate a signal-to-noise ratio of 93 and 90 dB at a signal-to-distortion ratio of 93 dB for sample rates of 24 and 80 kHz, respectively  相似文献   

A second-order sigma-delta modulator with a 3-b internal quantizer employing the individual level averaging technique has been designed and implemented in a 1.2 μm CMOS technology. Testing results show no observable harmonic distortion components above the noise floor. Peak S/(N+D) ratio of 91 dB and dynamic range of 96 dB have been achieved at a clock rate of 2.56 MHz for a 20 kHz baseband. No tone is observed in the baseband as the amplitude of a 10 kHz input sine wave is reduced from -0.5 dB to -107 dB below the voltage reference. The active area of the prototype chip is 3.1 mm2 and it dissipates 67.5 mW of power from a 5 V supply  相似文献   

A bandpass sigma-delta modulation analogue-to-digital (A/D) converter that uses direct conversion to baseband with in phase and quadrature paths within the feedback loop is described. The bandpass input signal is processed with continuous-time circuitry and the I/Q baseband signals are processed with switched-capacitor circuits. Experimental and simulation results indicate that the passband centre frequency can be maximised while suppressing the effects of I/Q mismatches  相似文献   

A distributed model based on the large-signal electrooptic conversion is proposed to analyze cascaded traveling-wave electroabsorption modulators (TWEAMs) for high-speed optical switching applications. The microwave propagation loss, velocity mismatch, as well as frequency chirping are included. The model predicts that a cascaded TWEAM structure has the advantage of a high design tolerance to various distributed effects and an improved extinction ratio and optical loss in comparison to a single device of same total length. The agreement between experimental and calculated results indicates that the cascaded structures can be implemented for efficient TWEAM design  相似文献   

A low-noise cascaded multi-bit sigma-delta pipeline analog-to-digital converter (ADC) with a low oversampling rate is presented. The architecture is composed of a 2-order 5-bit sigma-delta modulator and a cascaded 4-stage 12-bit pipelined ADC, and operates at a low 8X oversampling rate, The static and dynamic performances of the whole ADC can be improved by using dynamic element matching technique. The ADC operates at a 4 MHz clock rate and dissipates 300 mW at a 5 V/3 V analog/digital power supply. It is developed in a 0.35 μm CMOS process and achieves an SNR of 82 dB.  相似文献   

A low-noise cascaded multi-bit sigma-delta pipeline analog-to-digital converter (ADC) with a low over-sampling rate is presented. The architecture is composed of a 2-order 5-bit sigma-delta modulator and a cascaded 4-stage 12-bit pipelined ADC, and operates at a low 8X oversampling rate. The static and dynamic performances of the whole ADC can be improved by using dynamic element matching technique. The ADC operates at a 4 MHz clock rate and dissipates 300 mW at a 5 V/3 V analog/digital power supply. It is developed in a 0.35μm CMOS process and achieves an SNR of 82 dB.  相似文献   

Linear and switching techniques are currently adopted to implement current-mode power stages. Pulsewidth modulation (PWM) is usually employed with the switching technique for both industrial and audio applications. In this paper, the Sigma-Delta modulation is considered as an alternative to the PWM in devising a switching current-mode power stage suitable for audio amplification. The proposed modulator is analyzed and simulated. The whole system was realized on an experimental breadboard. The results carried out on the prototype are reported and discussed. The electrical characterization presents interesting features in terms of linearity, noise, and power efficiency.  相似文献   

This paper describes a new noise-shaping technique for reducing the noise of the internal digital-analog conversion (DAC) in multi-bit low-pass sigma-delta modulators. The proposed technique works with most existing dynamic element matching (DEM) algorithms to provide noise shaping to the DAC noise. The simulation shows that a 10-dB improvement in the signal-to-noise conversion ratio can be obtained with the proposed noise-shaping with DEM (NSDEM) technique. A dithered DAC employing NSDEM is realized in a 0.35-/spl mu/m CMOS process and the test result shows the first-order high-pass noise shaping to the DAC noise, and validates the proposed concept.  相似文献   

A new dual-quantisation sigma-delta modulator is proposed, which introduces an additional feedback path in the input of the second integrator. In this way, unlike other dual-quantisation architectures, larger signal-to-noise ratios can be obtained by means of aggressive noise-shaping, like in a conventional multibit modulator. The proposed modulator is also shown to be more robust against non-idealities than other dual-quantisation architectures.  相似文献   

Oversampled sigma-delta (EA) modulators offer numerous advantages for the realization of high-resolution analog-to-digital (A/D) converters. This paper explores how oversampling and feedback can be employed in high-resolution ΣΔ modulators to extend the signal bandwidth into the range of several megahertz when the oversampling ratio is constrained by technology limitations. A 2-2-1 cascaded multibit architecture suitable for operation from a 2.5-V power supply is presented, and a linearization technique referred to as partitioned data weighted averaging is introduced to suppress in-band digital-to-analog converter (DAC) errors. An experimental prototype based on the proposed topology has been integrated in a 0.5-μm double-poly triple-metal CMOS technology. Fully differential double-sampled switched-capacitor integrators enable the modulator to achieve 95-dB dynamic range at a 4-Msample/s Nyquist conversion rate with an oversampling ratio of 16. The experimental modulator dissipates 150 mW from a 2.5-V supply  相似文献   

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