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Zeinab Kashani 《International Journal of Electronics》2018,105(7):1217-1235
This paper presents a new circuit topology of millimetre-wave quadrature voltage-controlled oscillator (QVCO) using an improved Colpitts oscillator without tail bias. By employing an extra capacitance between the drain and source terminations of the transistors and optimising circuit values, a low-power and low-phase-noise (PN) oscillator is designed. For generating the output signals with 90° phase difference, a self-injection coupling network between two identical cores is used. The proposed QVCO dissipates no extra dc power for coupling, since there is no dc-path to ground for the coupled transistors and no extra noise is added to circuit. The best figure-of-merit is ?188.5, the power consumption is 14.98–15.45 mW, in a standard 180-nm CMOS technology, for 58.2 GHz center frequency from 59.3 to 59.6 GHz. The PN is ?104.86 dBc/Hz at 1-MHz offset. 相似文献
An approach for designing an electron gun for a high efficiency, high linearity space traveling wave tube (TWT), has been presented. A low convergent (<10?:?1) Pierce electron gun of beam perveance 0.43?μP has been designed for a high gain, high linearity and high efficiency C-band 60?W Space TWT using in-house developed two-dimensional FDM based gun and collector simulation code PIERCE. In this gun, the first anode (isolated from the ground anode) has been kept nearly 100?V above the ground anode to act as an ion barrier for increasing cathode life and to regulate beam current over the lifetime of the tube. An M-type dispenser cathode of diameter 3.20?mm has been used for cathode loading of less than 1.0?A/cm2 and heater wattage around 3.0?W. The magnetic focusing with integral-pole-piece barrel assembly and periodic-permanent magnets (PPM) have been designed using in house developed two-dimensional FDM based code SUNMAG. The practical problem of linking requisite cathode flux to the cathode for confined flow of the electron beam with low convergence factor has been sorted out by gradually increasing the PPM magnetic field. The magnetic field has been increased in steps from the gun and over the first five magnets varying from Brillouin field (B B) value to twice B B for achieving the electron beam with scalloping less than 10%. Agreements between the simulated results and the experimental results for the beam current and magnetic field profile have been achieved within 8%. The dynamic beam transmission (under rf operation of the tube) has been achieved better than 98% in the tube. 相似文献
The design procedure of a CMOS process integrating Colpitts cr(ystal oscillator is described in detail by using the tools of Matlab and advanced design system (ADS). The small-signal analysis is performed both in the viewpoint of negative resistance and positive feedback. The analysis of condition for reliable start-up of oscillation and design guides for low phase noise is introduced. The measured phase noise is (172dBc/Hz@10 kHz and the power dissipation is 0.36 mW at power supply 3V. 相似文献
GENGJian-qiang LANJia-long 《中国电子科技》2005,3(2):153-156
The design procedure of a CMOS process integrating Colpitts crystal oscillator is described in detail by using the tools of Matlab and advanced design system (ADS). The small-signal analysis is performed both in the viewpoint of negative resistance and positive feedback. The analysis of condition for reliable start-up of oscillation and design guides for low phase noise is introduced The measured phase noise is -172dBc/Hz@10 kHz and the power dissipation is 0.36 mW at power supply 3 V. 相似文献
53-GHz平衡式考毕兹振荡器的设计与测试 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
A 53 GHz Colpitts oscillator implemented in a SiGe:C BiCMOS technology is presented. Limited by a 26.5 GHz frequency analyzer, the oscillator was measured indirectly through an on-chip mixer. The mixer downconverted the oscillating frequency to an intermediate frequency (IF) below 26.5 GHz. By adjusting the local oscillating (LO) frequency and recording the changes of IF frequency, the oscillator's output frequency (RF) was determined. Additionally, using phase noise theory of mixers, the oscillator's phase noise was estimated as -58 dBc/Hz at 1 MHz offset and the output power was about -21 dBm. The chip is 270 ×480μm in size. 相似文献
A 53 GHz Colpitts oscillator implemented in a SiGe:C BiCMOS technology is presented. Limited by a 26.5 GHz frequency analyzer, the oscillator was measured indirectly through an on-chip mixer. The mixer down-converted the oscillating frequency to an intermediate frequency (IF) below 26.5 GHz. By adjusting the local os-cillating (LO) frequency and recording the changes of IF frequency, the oscillator's output frequency (RF) was determined. Additionally, using phase noise theory of mixers, the oscillator's phase noise was estimated as-58 dBc/Hz at 1 MHz offset and the output power was about-21 dBm. The chip is 270×480 μm in size. 相似文献
设计了一种用于时钟芯片的Pierce晶体振荡器,通过对传统结构的改进,增加了振幅控制结构和输出频率校准电路,提高了输出频率、振幅的稳定性和输出频率的精度,降低了功耗。同时对电路的工作原理进行了理论分析,电路采用CSMC 0.5 μm-5 V CMOS工艺实现,通过仿真结果验证,显示该设计达到了技术指标要求。 相似文献
本文阐述了通过多媒体手段,在"通信电子线路"课程正弦波振荡器章节的教学中导入演示实验的方法,加深了学生对课本知识的理解。学生在经历课程实验时可以有机地联结新旧知识,理论联系实际,以及在工程上经历发现问题、分析问题和解决问题的过程。视觉教学素材信息量大,也可提高课堂教学效率。 相似文献
随着微波技术的不断进步,提升本振信号源的频率稳定度及相位噪声指标的需求尤为迫切.光电振荡器技术因具备极低的相位噪声以及良好的频率拓展性吸引了研究人员的广泛关注.但光电振荡器内部的长距离光纤大量增加了输出信号的边带,如何解决单模输出与相位噪声之间的矛盾成了光电振荡器领域研究的热点.宇称-时间对称方法在保证输出信号相位噪声的前提下可极大地优化输出信号的边带抑制,受到国内外研究团队的广泛关注.文章在对宇称-时间对称光电振荡器的工作原理和特性进行阐述和分析的基础上,对国内外研究团队设计的宇称-时间对称光电振荡器结构和方案进行了总结,分析比较了各种方案的基本原理及性能指标,讨论了宇称-时间对称光电振荡器技术的未来发展方向. 相似文献
This paper describes the development of new configurations for flip-flops which are based on a microthyristor as a storage element, the NMOS transistor as a series switch or a driver and a high pull-up resistor. The performance of these flip-flops is analysed, using a PSPICE simulator. These devices perform well with regard to speed and power consumption and are more compact because of the use of the microthyrister. 相似文献
Yuriy Konstantinovich Rybin 《International Journal of Electronics》2013,100(3):354-363
This work presents the study of the conditions for forming periodic oscillations of non-sinusoidal pulse waveforms in oscillatory systems consisting of a linear frequency-dependent circuit and an active nonlinear element. Based on Barkhausen stability criterion, an application under the frequencies of all harmonics of output oscillations is discussed. 相似文献
Yuriy Konstantinovich Rybin 《International Journal of Electronics》2013,100(11):1547-1556
This work presents the study of the conditions for forming periodic oscillations of non-sinusoidal and pulse waveforms in oscillatory systems consisting of a linear frequency-dependent circuit and an active nonlinear element. An application of Barkhausen stability criterion on the frequencies of all harmonics of output oscillations is discussed. 相似文献
将负阻提升技术引入到混沌振荡器的设计中,通过理论推导、数值计算和测试验证来优化电路结构,提供参数选取规则,从理论和实验两方面验证,在双电感的比值达到最优值时振荡器负阻能够得到大幅提升。并基于负阻提升技术提出了双电感结构的微波Colpitts 混沌振荡器。新结构电路的最高混沌振荡基频为1.78 GHz,较经典电路提升了39%;带宽达到4.60GHz(0.80~5.40 GHz),较经典电路提升了119%。测试结果表明,优化的双电感结构能有效提升混沌振荡基频和带宽。 相似文献