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仅增加一个线性电容并联于单电感两端,使3阶Colpitts MOS管电路成为4阶混沌电路。该电容与电感形成选频谐振子电路,便于产生混沌信号,可扩展存在混沌的参数取值范围。结合新电路归一化状态方程,分别计算电感电流和三只电容端压的4个李指数,探讨关键参数对该混沌电路的影响。对比MATLAB仿真数据与实测单MOS管电路的输出,一致性地显示4阶混沌特有的混沌吸引子已经实现。  相似文献   

53-GHz平衡式考毕兹振荡器的设计与测试   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
赵衍  王志功  李伟  章丽 《半导体学报》2009,30(1):015003-4
A 53 GHz Colpitts oscillator implemented in a SiGe:C BiCMOS technology is presented. Limited by a 26.5 GHz frequency analyzer, the oscillator was measured indirectly through an on-chip mixer. The mixer downconverted the oscillating frequency to an intermediate frequency (IF) below 26.5 GHz. By adjusting the local oscillating (LO) frequency and recording the changes of IF frequency, the oscillator's output frequency (RF) was determined. Additionally, using phase noise theory of mixers, the oscillator's phase noise was estimated as -58 dBc/Hz at 1 MHz offset and the output power was about -21 dBm. The chip is 270 ×480μm in size.  相似文献   

提出一种具有3级结构的微波Colpitts混沌振荡器,这种新的结构通过增加共基极组态的三极管抑制了电路中三极管寄生电容的负面影响,以提高微波Colpitts混沌振荡器的基本振荡频率和频带宽度。借助Matlab和HSPICE软件对新结构的理想非线性动力学模型和电路进行了时域和频域分析。选用截止频率为9 GHz的三极管时,模型的电路仿真结果表明,新结构的基本振荡频率可达到4.9 GHz;信号的频谱分布更为均匀平坦,10 dB带宽可以达到4.9 GHz。  相似文献   

Colpitts混沌电路的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对典型Colpitts振荡电路进行分析,并进行了Pspice仿真,观察状态变量随参数变化的动力学行为及频谱分布情况.对改进型Colpitts电路进行仿真,对比仿真结果可知正是寄生电容CCB影响了典型Colpitts电路产生高频混沌信号.  相似文献   

不同阶混沌Colpitts电路系统的同步   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
毛鹏伟  蔺小林  王震 《通信技术》2010,43(2):131-133
针对四阶和三阶混沌Colpitts电路系统,利用Active方法对系统的同步进行了研究,实现了不同阶Colpitts电路系统在超高频域内的主从混沌同步。同时对系统在存在内部参数扰动和外部干扰的情况下,分析了控制器的鲁棒性。最后通过数值示例进行仿真,对文中论述进行了强有力的验证。  相似文献   

微波Colpitts混沌电路实验研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
本文首先介绍了Colpitts电路的数学模型,给出了基于预设定频谱分布的Colpitts混沌电路中主要电路参数的设计方法;然后对工作在微波频段的Colpitts混沌电路进行了实验研究,验证了给出的电路参数设计方案;最后对实验过程中的电路调试方法,电路频谱宽度的瓶颈问题,电路功耗问题以及进一步的工作进行了讨论。  相似文献   

This paper presents a new circuit topology of millimetre-wave quadrature voltage-controlled oscillator (QVCO) using an improved Colpitts oscillator without tail bias. By employing an extra capacitance between the drain and source terminations of the transistors and optimising circuit values, a low-power and low-phase-noise (PN) oscillator is designed. For generating the output signals with 90° phase difference, a self-injection coupling network between two identical cores is used. The proposed QVCO dissipates no extra dc power for coupling, since there is no dc-path to ground for the coupled transistors and no extra noise is added to circuit. The best figure-of-merit is ?188.5, the power consumption is 14.98–15.45 mW, in a standard 180-nm CMOS technology, for 58.2 GHz center frequency from 59.3 to 59.6 GHz. The PN is ?104.86 dBc/Hz at 1-MHz offset.  相似文献   

介绍一种物理概念明确,易于学生掌握的三点式振荡器振幅起振条件的简单推导方法。  相似文献   

针对某些雷达、通信等系统在应用中对混沌信号频域带宽的要求,设计了一种基于考毕兹振荡器电路的宽带混沌信号发生器。该混沌信号产生电路由考毕兹振荡器为基本谐振电路、级联若干容阻串并联单元的选频网络构成,混沌信号的上下限频率分别由基本谐振电路和第一节容阻串并联网络参数决定,通带频谱的平坦性受其他级联选频网络影响。根据初步分析和仿真试验,该混沌电路组成结构简单,能够产生带宽超过60MHz较为平坦的宽带混沌信号。  相似文献   

基于混沌吸引子形成的机理,利用单位锯齿波函数改造混沌Coipitts振荡器模型,提出了一个新三维多涡卷混沌系统,生成了(2K+1)涡卷混沌吸引子.单位锯齿波函数的引入,增加了系统的指数2平衡点,从而形成多涡卷吸引子.采用常规的动力学分析方法,研究了该多涡卷混沌系统的动力学特性,研究结果表明所提出的系统的Hopf分岔点仅...  相似文献   

王艳  崔莹 《压电与声光》2018,40(3):349-351
该文在振荡器Leeson模型的基础上分析了有载品质因数(QL)对振荡器相位噪声的影响,且通过分析Colpitts振荡电路得到了其QL的表达式,明确了QL与电路参数的精确关系。并用安捷伦ADS软件对50 MHz Colpitts晶体振荡器的相位噪声进行了仿真,根据仿真结果在提高QL的基础上设计了一晶体振荡器样机,样机采用AT切三次泛音、49U电阻焊封装的晶体谐振器,其无载品质因数(Q0)为1.45×105。经测试得到其相位噪声指标优于-107 dBc/Hz@10Hz、-134 dBc/Hz@100 Hz和-152 dBc/Hz@1 kHz。实验结果表明,基于提高QL设计低相噪晶体振荡器的方法是可行的。  相似文献   

In this paper, a new analysis technique of an ordinary second-order oscillator which is based on multi-time concept is proposed. This mathematical analysis results in a new closed-form solution of a system complete response. It is found that amplitude of the natural response is not constant but varied with the forced response of the system. For a constant forcing function proposed, the new analysis is identical to the conventional analysis. In the case of time-varying forcing function, however, it is different from the conventional approach. Based on such analysis, it implies that the amplitude of a second-order oscillator can easily be controlled by forced response of the system. Hence, the obtained result based on the proposed analysis technique provides a proper mathematical solution for the system, especially in a time-varying forcing function. Moreover, the mathematical analysis for the wide-band characteristic of a second-order oscillator is also described. The experimental results demonstrate the responses of the oscillator which agree well between the theoretical and simulation results.  相似文献   

冯耀兰  李丽 《微电子学》1996,26(2):103-106
详细研究了利用解析模型模拟器件特性的方法,提出了MOS器件高温特性的解析模型及模拟程序的结构框图。模拟结果表明,漏结泄漏电流是影响MOS器件高温特性的主要因素。  相似文献   

研究了SMIC 90nm工艺1.4nm栅厚度0.18μm×0.15μm尺寸nMOS器件随机电报信号(random telegraph signal,RTS)噪声幅度特性.在此基础上,提出了利用扩散流机理来分析亚阈值区RTS噪声的方法,引入了陷阱电荷影响栅电极的电荷分布,进而对沟道电流产生影响的机制.研究表明,该方法不仅符合实验结果,还可以解释RTS幅度的宽范围分布.  相似文献   

一种新型MOS变容管在射频压控振荡器中的应用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
潘瑞  毛军发 《微电子学》2003,33(3):207-210
基于0.5μm工艺,设计了一个工作频率在1.8GHz,相位噪声在偏移量为500kHz时小于-100dBc/Hz的压控振荡器(VCO)。并将一个普通的压控MOS变容管改进为只工作在反型区的压控MOS变容管。将这两种MOS电容分别应用到该VCO电路中。结果表明,采用反型模式压控MOS变容管的VCO电路具有更大的调谐范围,调谐曲线由之前的反复变化变为单调变化,并且对电路的相位噪声也起到了抑制作用。  相似文献   

非理想信道下Colpitts混沌电路的自适应同步研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文研究了Colpitts混沌电路在非理想信道条件下的自适应同步问题。引入自适应控制器对输入到响应部分(response system)的衰变混沌信号进行预处理,来补偿衰落信道对于同步性能的影响。给出了系统的数学模型,对恒定信道衰变和时变信道衰变两种非理想信道条件下的混沌ColpiRs电路的自适应同步进行了数值仿真研究。仿真结果表明,对于恒定或慢变化的时变信道衰变,自适应控制器可以有效的提高Colpitts电路响应部分和驱动部分(Drive system)的同步性能。  相似文献   

宽带混沌信号拥有良好的相关特性、低截获概率和高保密性等优点.本文介绍了一种基本的混沌信号产生电路-Colpitts振荡电路,在此基础上,对该电路作了相关改进,同时通过仿真对它们的性能进行了分析比较.结果显示:对三阶Colpitts振荡电路的改进方法是可行的;三阶Colpitts振荡电路频谱较为集中,且自相关性能差,应用...  相似文献   

Chaotic Colpitts circuits with fundamental frequency f^* beyond 1GHz are studied by both circuit simulation and experiment using Philips' broadband transistor with threshold frequency of 25GHz. For the basic configuration of Colpitts circuit with f^* of about 1,6GHz, broadband continuous power spectra could be obtained from both circuit simulations and experiments. The harmonics of the observed signal from Agilent PSA/ESA spectrum analyzer are as noticeable as far as 12GHz. A modified Colpitts circuit structure employing the parasitic inductance of BJT (Bipolar Junction Transistor) is also proposed and investigated. By circuit simulation, chaotic attractor and broadband continuous power spectra could be obtained from the modified Colpitts circuit with f^* of about 3.5GHz. Because the parasitic effects of the prototype board, the experiment result of the modified Colpitts circuit does not agree well with the simulation result. The gap between the simulation and experimental result could be bridged by replacing the lumped circuit elements with distributed ones.  相似文献   

In this note, we show that the amplitude estimation of sinusoidal signals proposed in Wu and Hong [Wu, S.T., and Hong, J.L. (2010), ‘Five-point Amplitude Estimation of Sinusoidal Signals: With Application to LVDT Signal Conditioning’, IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, 59, 623–630] is a particular case of Vizireanu and Halunga [Vizireanu, D.N, and Halunga, S.V. (2011), ‘Single Sine Wave Parameters Estimation Method Based on Four Equally Spaced Samples’, International Journal of Electronics, 98(7), pp. 941–948]. An analytical formula for amplitude estimation errors as effects of sampling period deviation is obtained.  相似文献   

The realisation of two electronically tunable current-mode quadrature oscillators using Current Controlled Current Conveyor Tranconductance Amplifiers (CCCCTAs) and grounded capacitors is presented. The proposed circuits offer the following advantages. The condition of oscillation and the frequency of oscillation can be orthogonally controlled. Availability of electronic control of amplitude of output current is achieved. The oscillators have high outputs impedance which facilitates easy driving an external load without additional current buffers. The proposed circuits are constructed by using two active elements and all grounded capacitors which are attractive for integration and have low active and passive sensitivities. The PSPICE simulation and experimental results are included to show the workability of the proposed circuit.  相似文献   

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