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Motivated by technological advances in power electronics and signal processing, and by the interest in using direct drives for robot manipulators, we investigate the control problem of high-performance drives for switched reluctance motors (SRM's). SRM's are quite simple, low cost, and reliable motors as compared to the widely used dc motors. However, the SRM presents a coupled nonlinear multivariable control structure which calls for complex nonlinear control design in order to achieve high dynamic performances. We first develop a detailed nonlinear model which matches experimental data and establish an electronic commutation strategy. Then, on the basis of recent nonlinear control techniques, we design a state feedback control algorithm which compensates for all the nonlinearities and decouples the effect of stator phase currents in the torque production. The position dependent logic of the electronic commutator assigns control authority to one phase, which controls the motion, while the remaining phase currents are forced to decay to zero. Simulations for a direct drive, single link manipulator with the SRM are reported, which show the control performance of the algorithm we propose in nominal conditions and test its robustness versus the most critical parameter uncertainties of payload mass and stator resistance. 相似文献
This article presents the design and implementation of a super-twisting second-order sliding-mode controller (SOSMC) for a
synchronous reluctance motor. Second-order sliding-mode control is an effective tool for the control of uncertain nonlinear
systems since it overcomes the main drawbacks of the classical sliding-mode control, i.e., the large control effort and the
chattering phenomenon. Its real implementation implies simple control laws, and ensures an improvement in the sliding accuracy
with respect to conventional sliding-mode control. This article proposes a novel scheme that is based on the technique of
super-twisting second-order sliding-mode control. First, SOSMC is derived mathematically, and then the performance of the
proposed method is verified by simulations. The proposed SOSMC shows robustness for variations in the motor parameters and
an improvement in the chattering phenomenon. 相似文献
In this paper, static and a dynamic sliding mode control schemes are proposed for the speed control of a variable reluctance motor (VRM). The proposed controllers guarantee the asymptotic regulation of the speed of the motor to its desired value. Simulation results of the proposed controllers are given to illustrate the developed theory. In addition, the robustness of the proposed sliding mode controllers to changes in the parameters of the motor and to load disturbances is validated through simulation studies. 相似文献
A novel robust technique for speed control application of variable reluctance motor is proposed. The suggested scheme is model based and uses a mathematical model of an SR motor, and Second Order Sliding Mode Control (SOSMC) with super-twisting algorithm. Sliding mode controllers for SR motor were reported before but super twisting SOSMC have an added advantage of reduced chattering which is one of the main focuses of this work. The proposed controller gives fast dynamic response with no overshoot and nearly zero steady state error. The effectiveness of the proposed controller and its robustness to parameter variations is also confirmed by simulation results. 相似文献
The purpose of this paper is to show the limitations of discrete-time variable structure sliding mode control and that the equivalent control must be used in order to have sliding in a neighborhood of the switching surface. Conflicting requirements for the sliding mode controller behavior in the continuous and discrete-time domains are revealed and analyzed. A linear control law for an uncertain discrete-time linear plant, with bounded uncertainties, is analyzed and its superiority over nonlinear controllers is demonstrated. The conclusion of the obtained results is that in the discrete-time variable structure sliding mode controller design, unlike in the continuous-time, the designer may have limited flexibility in selecting controller architectures. 相似文献
The application of recently developed feedback linearization techniques to controlling the powertrain of an automobile is discussed. The objective of powertrain control is to regulate the output torque of the engine and transmission system to achieve a desired longitudinal acceleration of the vehicle. With higher model order and increasing system complexity, the design process for feedback linearization becomes harder and more tedious. However, the design process can be simplified for a class of nonlinear systems including the automobile powertrain. Simplification of the design process is accomplished by incorporating the single perturbation technique into the input-output linearization technique. Furthermore, the controller obtained by the simplified linearization technique is computationally simpler than the one obtained by the conventional linearization technique. Nonetheless, it provides good dynamic performance for the powertrain system 相似文献
This paper presents two types of nonlinear controllers for an autonomous quadrotor helicopter. One type, a feedback linearization
controller involves high-order derivative terms and turns out to be quite sensitive to sensor noise as well as modeling uncertainty.
The second type involves a new approach to an adaptive sliding mode controller using input augmentation in order to account
for the underactuated property of the helicopter, sensor noise, and uncertainty without using control inputs of large magnitude.
The sliding mode controller performs very well under noisy conditions, and adaptation can effectively estimate uncertainty
such as ground effects.
Recommended by Editorial Board member Hyo-Choong Bang under the direction of Editor Hyun Seok Yang. This work was supported
by the Korea Research Foundation Grant (MOEHRD) KRF-2005-204-D00002, the Korea Science and Engineering Foundation(KOSEF) grant
funded by the Korea government(MOST) R0A-2007-000-10017-0 and Engineering Research Institute at Seoul National University.
Daewon Lee received the B.S. degree in Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering from Seoul National University (SNU), Seoul, Korea, in 2005,
where he is currently working toward a Ph.D. degree in Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering. He has been a member of the UAV
research team at SNU since 2005. His research interests include applications of nonlinear control and vision-based control
of UAV.
H. Jin Kim received the B.S. degree from Korea Advanced Institute of Technology (KAIST) in 1995, and the M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in Mechanical
Engineering from University of California, Berkeley in 1999 and 2001, respectively. From 2002–2004, she was a Postdoctoral
Researcher and Lecturer in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (EECS), University of California, Berkeley (UC Berkeley).
From 2004–2009, she was an Assistant Professor in the School of in Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering at Seoul National
University (SNU), Seoul, Korea, where she is currently an Associate Professor. Her research interests include applications
of nonlinear control theory and artificial intelligence for robotics, motion planning algorithms.
Shankar Sastry received the B.Tech. degree from the Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay, in 1977, and the M.S. degree in EECS, the M.A.
degree in mathematics, and the Ph.D. degree in EECS from UC Berkeley, in 1979, 1980, and 1981, respectively. He is currently
Dean of the College of Engineering at UC Berkeley. He was formerly the Director of the Center for Information Technology Research
in the Interest of Society (CITRIS). He served as Chair of the EECS Department from January, 2001 through June 2004. In 2000,
he served as Director of the Information Technology Office at DARPA. From 1996 to 1999, he was the Director of the Electronics
Research Laboratory at Berkeley (an organized research unit on the Berkeley campus conducting research in computer sciences
and all aspects of electrical engineering). He is the NEC Distinguished Professor of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences
and holds faculty appointments in the Departments of Bioengineering, EECS and Mechanical Engineering. Prior to joining the
EECS faculty in 1983 he was a Professor with the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), Cambridge. He is a member of
the National Academy of Engineering and Fellow of the IEEE. 相似文献
针对倒立摆系统中的不确定因素进行了研究,并考虑到倒立摆系统模型本身的不确定因素较小可以忽略,而外部的不确定性因素很难预料,因此采用了自适应变结构的控制方法设计控制器,通过调整参数估计的可调增益,估计系统所受不确定性大小.针对扰动的不确定性上界提出了一种改进的自适应滑模变结构控制方法,以直线二级倒立摆为仿真对象设计控制器,并且应用MATLAB进行了仿真,仿真结果证明了这种方法的可行性. 相似文献
将自动转向技术应用于牵引车–飞机系统, 并以侧偏位移和相对横摆角作为反馈, 提出一种牵引车四轮主动转向控制策略. 重点考虑牵引车和飞机的侧向和横摆运动, 建立含铰接角在内的牵引车–飞机系统非线性动力学模型. 将牵引车和飞机的轮胎侧偏刚度视为有界的不确定性参数, 将侧向风等因素视为未知的外在扰动, 采用自适应滑模变结构控制方法设计牵引车转向角控制器. 仿真结果表明, 设计出的前、后轮转向控制器能使控制系统同时获得很好的轨迹跟踪性和操纵稳定性, 并且能够有效的克服参数摄动和外界干扰对系统操作性的影响. 相似文献
In this paper, the sliding mode control of a permanent magnet (PM) stepper motor is addressed from the perspective of differentially flat systems. Flat systems naturally allow for de-coupled linearization directly leading to static and dynamic discontinuous feedback control alternatives. Implementation results of the proposed sliding mode control schemes on an experimental set-up are given to illustrate the developments. 相似文献
针对普通的无刷直流电动机控制策略受电动机本身因素影响,难以达到理想效果的问题,介绍了一种积分反演自适应滑模变结构控制和模糊控制相结合的控制器。该控制器在滑模面中加入积分项,实现了对速度信号的无静差跟踪,提高了系统的稳态精度;用模糊控制器来解决切换控制增益设定只能靠经验的问题;采用模糊控制算法对不确定性进行估计,有效地减小了滑模控制方法带来的抖振;为了进一步提高控制性能,重新设计了趋近律。仿真结果表明,该控制器能够大幅提升无刷直流电动机控制系统的性能。 相似文献
针对普通的无刷直流电动机控制策略受电动机本身因素影响,难以达到理想效果的问题,介绍了一种积分反演自适应滑模变结构控制和模糊控制相结合的控制器。该控制器在滑模面中加入积分项,实现了对速度信号的无静差跟踪,提高了系统的稳态精度;用模糊控制器来解决切换控制增益设定只能靠经验的问题;采用模糊控制算法对不确定性进行估计,有效地减小了滑模控制方法带来的抖振;为了进一步提高控制性能,重新设计了趋近律。仿真结果表明,该控制器能够大幅提升无刷直流电动机控制系统的性能。 相似文献
In this paper, the problems in sliding mode control systems with constraint control input are described, and then we utilize selecting a switching surface with an integrator to solve this problem and to derive a bound for the existence of sliding motion. Additionally, we propose an adaptive sliding mode controller in order to reduce settling time and also maintain the sliding motion in a larger bound. Finally, an illustrative example is given to demonstrate the effect of proposed controller. 相似文献
提出一种由一个变结构控制器和一个滑模观测器组成的控制系统,用于永磁同步电机的无传感器鲁棒控制.首先利用Lyapunov稳定性原理分析得到观测器的收敛条件及自适应率,并证明了其稳定性,然后以转速误差为参量建立滑模面,构造出变结构速度控制器,推导出自适应速度控制律,并得到速度控制的参考电流和参考电压.该方案的控制性能不依赖于电机参数和干扰变化,具有较强的鲁棒性.仿真结果验证了该方案的有效性与正确性. 相似文献
永磁同步电动机(PMSM)是多变量、强耦合、非线性时变系统, 对外界干扰及内部参数摄动较为敏感, 为提高系统的鲁棒性, 本文提出一种基于非线性滑模面的自适应滑模变结构控制方法. 根据复合非线性反馈控制理论, 为PMSM滑模控制系统设计非线性滑模面, 通过实时改变控制系统的阻尼系数来提高PMSM伺服系统的瞬态响应性能. 在PMSM伺服系统外界扰动及内部参数摄动的上下界未知的情况下, 采用自适应参数校正律来调节控制增益的大小, 改善了系统的抖振现象. 此外, 对电机的电流及转速进行了饱和限制, 使得所设计的伺服控制系统可用于大范围的位移跟踪. 仿真结果表明, 与基于线性滑模面的控制器相比较, 本文所设计的基于非线性滑模面的自适应滑模控制器使得电机转子位移能够更快且无超调的到达给定值, 且系统的抖振现象明显减弱. 相似文献
This paper presents a robust high-order sliding mode interconnected observer and an integral backstepping controller for a sensorless interior permanent magnet synchronous motor. To limit the chattering phenomenon on the observed state, a super twisting algorithm is combined with an interconnected observer to design a new high-order sliding mode observer which will be used for multiple-input multiple-output systems. The proposed observer is used to estimate in finite time the rotor position, the speed and the stator resistance. Moreover, a robust nonlinear controller based on the backstepping algorithm is designed where integral actions are introduced step by step. This controller allows to track a desired reference which is computed by using a maximum-torque-per-ampere strategy. Simulation results are shown to illustrate the performance of the proposed scheme by using significant trajectories including the zero speed and under parametric uncertainties. 相似文献
针对具有传输控制协议(TCP)传输机制的无线传感器网络(WSNs)节点拥塞问题,在传输层的基础上结合物理层的信噪比(SNR)参数来估计信道状况,不断调整传输模型,实现跨层控制。此跨层方法改变了以往的单层拥塞控制方法,充分利用了WSNs层与层的协作关系,并用基于自适应趋近律的离散滑模控制结构模型作为控制器,过程简单且易于实现。仿真结果表明:该跨层拥塞控制方法具有响应速度快、延迟小、鲁棒性好等特点。 相似文献
To cope with the nonlinear electro-magneto-mechanical characteristics, this paper proposes a perturbation wavelet neural sliding mode position control (PWSPC) system for a voice coil motor (VCM) driver. A perturbed wavelet neural network (PWNN) approximator is used to online approximate the unknown nonlinear term in the VCM system dynamics. The PWNN approximator uses perturbed wavelet functions to handle the rules uncertainties like interval type-2 fuzzy sets. The structure learning ability enables the PWNN approximator to evolve its structure online. Further, the parameter learning laws and stability analysis are derived in the sense of Lyapunov function; thus, the parameter convergence and system stability can be guaranteed. Finally, the experimental results verify that the proposed PWSPC system can achieve favorable control performance such as good disturbance rejection and good tracking accuracy. 相似文献
A sliding mode variable structure control (SMVSC) based on a coordinating optimization algorithm has been developed. Steady state error and control switching frequency are used to constitute the system performance indexes in the coordinating optimization, while the tuning rate of boundary layer width (BLW) is employed as the optimization parameter. Based on the mathematical relationship between the BLW and steady-state error, an optimized BLW tuning rate is added to the nonlinear control term of SMVSC. Simulation experiment results applied to the positioning control of an electro-hydraulic servo system show the comprehensive superiority in dynamical and static state performance by using the proposed controller is better than that by using SMVSC without optimized BLW tuning rate. This succeeds in coordinately considering both chattering reduction and high-precision control realization in SMVSC. 相似文献
A sliding mode variable structure control (SMVSC) based on a coordinating optimization algorithm has been developed. Steady state error and control switching frequency are used to constitute the system performance indexes in the coordinating optimization, while the tuning rate of boundary layer width (BLW) is employed as the optimization parameter. Based on the mathematical relationship between the BLW and steady-state error, an optimized BLW tuning rate is added to the nonlinear control term of SMVSC. Simulation experiment results applied to the positioning control of an electro-hydraulic servo system show the comprehensive superiority in dynamical and static state performance by using the proposed controller is better than that by using SMVSC without optimized BLW tuning rate. This succeeds in coordinately considering both chattering reduction and high-precision control realization in SMVSC. 相似文献