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In this paper, we address the minimum energy broadcast (MEB) problem in wireless ad-hoc networks (WANETs). The researches in WANETs have attracted significant attentions, and one of the most critical issues in WSNs is minimization of energy consumption. In WANETs the packets have to be transported from a given source node to all other nodes in the network, and the objective of the MEB problem is to minimize the total transmission power consumption. A hybrid algorithm based on particle swarm optimization (PSO) and local search is presented to solve the MEB problem. A power degree encoding is proposed to reflect the extent of transmission power level and is used to define the particle position in PSO. We also analyze a well-known local search mechanism, r-shrink, and propose an improved version, the intensified r-shrink. In order to solve the dynamic MEB problem with node removal/insertion, this paper provides an effective simple heuristic, Conditional Incremental Power (CIP), to reconstruct the broadcast network efficiently. The promising results indicate the potential of the proposed methods for practical use.  相似文献   

竞争决策算法是在分析大自然生物世界特别是人类的各种竞争机制和决策原理的基础上,利用竞争造就优化、决策左右结果的特性来达到优化目的的新型寻优算法。采用竞争决策算法原理,利用竞争决策算法的通用模型,求解图的最小顶点覆盖问题。  相似文献   

For a semilinear control system in general Banach spaces, we prove results on exact and approximate controllability, regularity of the minimum time function, connections between the minimum time function and the minimum energy.  相似文献   

韩振宇  李树荣 《控制与决策》2012,27(9):1370-1375
针对有约束条件的非线性最优控制问题,提出一种基于拟线性化和Haar函数的数值求解方法.首先将最优控制问题转化为一系列的二次规划问题,并使用系数未知的Haar函数对问题中的状态变量进行近似;然后应用拟线性化法将原非线性最优控制问题转化为相应的一系列受限的二次最优控制问题进行求解;最后基于所提出的方法对2个受限非线性最优控制问题进行求解,并通过仿真结果表明了采用所提出的算法求解最优控制问题的有效性.  相似文献   

New quadratic models are proposed to improve the upper-bound estimates in the maximum weighted cut problem. They are found by two original methods for deriving redundant quadratic constraints. A well-known linear model is shown to follow from the models proposed. Recommendations on how to develop its strengthened analogs are given. This study is partially sponsored from the grant UM2-2574-KV-03 (CRDF Cooperative Grants Program). __________ Translated from Kibernetika i Sistemnyi Analiz, No. 1, pp. 63—75, January–February 2006.  相似文献   

尽可能延长无线传感器网络(WSNs)的生命周期是设计和部署网络所面临的最大挑战之一。由于节点配备的能量有限,采用分簇方式组织节点可以极大地降低节点与Sink节点通信的能耗。簇群成员节点和簇头的通信方式与簇群的拓扑结构决定整个簇群的能量消耗速度。文中分析了簇群节点采用Multi-hop通信方式时,节点通过中继节点与簇头通信时能量消耗的模型,然后在选择链路的最优跳数的基础上,提出建立最小能量中继链路的方法,实现通信能耗的最小化。对WSNs的设计和实施具有一定的指导意义。  相似文献   

In this study a minimum cost network flow problem with m+n+2 nodes and mn arcs, which is equivalent to the transportation problem with m sources and n destinations, is described as an axial four-index transportation problem of order 1×m×n×1. Several algebraic characterizations of this problem of order 1×m×n×1 are investigated using the singular value decomposition and generalized inverses of its coefficient matrix. The results are compared with some results on the planar four-index transportation problem. It is shown that these problems have common algebraic characterizations and can be solved in terms of eigenvectors of the matrices J m and J n where J m is an m×m matrix, all of whose entries are 1.  相似文献   

We present an algorithm to compute a complete set of efficient solutions for the biobjective integer minimum cost flow problem. We use the two phase method, with a parametric network simplex algorithm in phase 1 to compute all non-dominated extreme points. In phase 2, the remaining non-dominated points (non-extreme supported and non-supported) are computed using a k best flow algorithm on single-objective weighted sum problems.  相似文献   

Given a centralized undirected graph with costs associated with its edges, the capacitated minimum spanning tree problem is to find a minimum cost spanning tree of the given graph, subject to a capacity constraint in all subtrees incident in the central node. As the problem is NP-hard, we propose an enhanced version of the well-known second order algorithm, described in [Karnaugh M. A new class of algorithms for multipoint network optimization. IEEE Transactions on Communications 1976;COM-24:500–5.]. The original version of this algorithm is based on a look-ahead strategy, used for a tentative inclusion of a constraint to the problem, performed in each iteration. In the new enhanced version, we propose the inclusion of look-behind steps, which can be seen as the reverse of the look-ahead procedure. Therefore and using some memory features, the method can continue even when facing the traditional stopping criterion of the original algorithm. Computational experiments showing the effectiveness of the new method on benchmark instances are reported.  相似文献   

In this paper we search for controllers which minimize an entropy function of the closed loop transfer matrix under the constraint of internal stability and under the constraint that the closed loop transfer matrix has H norm less than some a priori given bound γ. We find an explicit expression for the infimum. Moreover, we give a characterization when the infimum is attained (contrary to the regular case, for the singular minimum entropy H control problem the infimum is not always attained).  相似文献   

The problem of connecting a set of client nodes with known demands to a root node through a minimum cost tree network, subject to capacity constraints on all links is known as the capacitated minimum spanning tree (CMST) problem. As the problem is NP-hard, we propose a hybrid ant colony optimization (ACO) algorithm to tackle it heuristically. The algorithm exploits two important problem characteristics: (i) the CMST problem is closely related to the capacitated vehicle routing problem (CVRP), and (ii) given a clustering of client nodes that satisfies capacity constraints, the solution is to find a MST for each cluster, which can be done exactly in polynomial time. Our ACO exploits these two characteristics of the CMST by a solution construction originally developed for the CVRP. Given the CVRP solution, we then apply an implementation of Prim's algorithm to each cluster to obtain a feasible CMST solution. Results from a comprehensive computational study indicate the efficiency and effectiveness of the proposed approach.  相似文献   

The quadratic minimum spanning tree problem (Q-MST) is an extension of the minimum spanning tree problem (MST). In Q-MST, in addition to edge costs, costs are also associated with ordered pairs of distinct edges and one has to find a spanning tree that minimizes the sumtotal of the costs of individual edges present in the spanning tree and the costs of the ordered pairs containing only edges present in the spanning tree. Though MST can be solved in polynomial time, Q-MST is NP-Hard. In this paper we present an artificial bee colony (ABC) algorithm to solve Q-MST. The ABC algorithm is a new swarm intelligence approach inspired by intelligent foraging behavior of honey bees. Computational results show the effectiveness of our approach.  相似文献   

We study the problem of finding the global minimum of a homogeneous quadratic function of special kind over the Stiefel manifold. For two variants of this problem, a low bound is proposed that is the dual Lagrange bound in the quadratic statement obtained using a family of redundant restrictions. The dual bound is proved to be exact in the case where the problem is considered over Boolean variables. __________ Translated from Kibernetika i Sistemnyi Analiz, No. 5, pp. 95–103, September–October 2008.  相似文献   

An active-set method is proposed for solving linear quadratic optimal control problems subject to general linear inequality path constraints including mixed state-control and state-only constraints. A Riccati-based approach is developed for efficiently solving the equality constrained optimal control subproblems generated during the procedure. The solution of each subproblem requires computations that scale linearly with the horizon length. The algorithm is illustrated with numerical examples.  相似文献   

Parallel and serial heuristics for the minimum set cover problem   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
We present a theoretical analysis and an experimental evaluation of four serial heuristics and four parallel heuristics for the minimum set cover problem. The serial heuristics trade off run time with the quality of the solution. The parallel heuristics are derived from one of the serial heuristics. These heuristics show considerable speedup when the number of processors is increased. The quality of the solution computed by the heuristics does not degrade with an increase in the number of processors.Research of both authors was supported by NSF Grant No. MIP-8807540.  相似文献   

Perfect knowledge of future driving conditions can be rarely assumed on real applications when optimally splitting power demands among different energy sources in a hybrid electric vehicle. Since performance of a control strategy in terms of fuel economy and pollutant emissions is strongly affected by vehicle power requirements, accurate predictions of future driving conditions are needed. This paper proposes different methods to model driving patterns with a stochastic approach. All the addressed methods are based on the statistical analysis of previous driving patterns to predict future driving conditions, some of them employing standard vehicle sensors, while others require non-conventional sensors (for instance, global positioning system or inertial reference system). The different modelling techniques to estimate future driving conditions are evaluated with real driving data and optimal control methods, trading off model complexity with performance.  相似文献   

研究了以总路程与总收益之比为目标函数的最小比率旅行商问题,提出了求解该问题的离散蝙蝠算法。介绍了蝙蝠算法的基本思想,重新定义了位置与位置的减法操作算子、实数与位置的乘法操作算子以及速度与位置的加法操作算子,引入了城市子序列逆序策略来对线路进行局部搜索。给出了算法的具体实现方案,并通过仿真和比较实验验证算法的优化性能,实验结果表明该算法可以有效求解最小比率旅行商问题。  相似文献   

Given an undirected, connected, weighted graph and a positive integer k, the bounded-diameter minimum spanning tree (BDMST) problem seeks a spanning tree of the graph with smallest weight, among all spanning trees of the graph, which contain no path with more than k edges. In general, this problem is NP-Hard for 4 ≤ k < n − 1, where n is the number of vertices in the graph. This work is an improvement over two existing greedy heuristics, called randomized greedy heuristic (RGH) and centre-based tree construction heuristic (CBTC), and a permutation-coded evolutionary algorithm for the BDMST problem. We have proposed two improvements in RGH/CBTC. The first improvement iteratively tries to modify the bounded-diameter spanning tree obtained by RGH/CBTC so as to reduce its cost, whereas the second improves the speed. We have modified the crossover and mutation operators and the decoder used in permutation-coded evolutionary algorithm so as to improve its performance. Computational results show the effectiveness of our approaches. Our approaches obtained better quality solutions in a much shorter time on all test problem instances considered.  相似文献   

P.M. Mkil 《Automatica》1991,27(6):1063-1064
This note gives a simple derivation of the minimal loss vectors and the Pareto-optimal solutions to a certain bicriteria stationary LQ control problem.  相似文献   

在逐点状态约束下,最优控制问题的求解是很困难的,已有的最大值原理和形态规划理论很难用来求解在逐点状态约束下最优控制问题.本文讨论逐点状态约束下一个四阶线性系统的时间最优控制问题.我们采用转换的方法给出了最优时间与最优控制的具体表达式.  相似文献   

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