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Actively simulated grounded inductors have been used in several applications ranging from filter to oscillator design as well as cancelation of parasitic inductances. In this paper, new lossless grounded inductance simulator employing only one voltage differencing buffer amplifier (VDBA) and two passive components is proposed. The aim of this paper is to present new inductance simulator using the minimum number of active and passive components. The proposed inductance simulator can be tuned electronically by changing the transconductance of the VDBA. Finally, using the proposed inductance simulator a band-pass filter is constructed. The performance of the filter is simulated by using PSPICE and simulation results are verified experimentally.  相似文献   

Actively simulated grounded inductors have been used in several applications ranging from filter to oscillator design as well as cancellation of parasitic inductances. In this paper, new grounded inductance simulators employing only one voltage differencing current conveyor (VDCC) and two passive components are proposed. Two new topologies for realizing positive and negative lossless inductances and four different topologies for realizing lossy inductances are proposed. The aim of this paper is to present new inductance simulators using the minimum number of active and passive components. The proposed inductance simulators can be tuned electronically by changing the biasing current of the VDCC. Moreover, the circuits do not require any conditions of component matching. Finally, using one of the proposed inductance simulators a third-order high-pass filter is constructed. The performance of the proposed filter is verified and simulated by using SPICE.  相似文献   

In this paper, a number of simulated floating inductors (FIs) employing second-generation current conveyor (CCII), current-feedback operational amplifier (CFOA), differential voltage current conveyor (DVCC) and differential difference current conveyor (DDCC) are proposed. They employ only a grounded capacitor; accordingly, they are suitable for integrated circuit (IC) implementation. Some of the developed FI simulators demonstrate the feature of improved low-frequency performance while the other ones suffer from the Z/Y terminal parasitic resistors bringing extra series resistors to the inductances of the simulated FIs. Two novel methods for reducing/eliminating the unwanted series resistance in equivalent inductances of the FIs are developed, one of which is called the direct design technique accomplished by adjusting the resistive component/components of the FIs. The series resistors of the FIs affecting their low-frequency performance can be canceled by adding floating negative resistors in series, which is another method. Three of the presented FIs as examples are chosen in order to verify the developed method, perform their simulations and show their performance.  相似文献   

In this paper, a current-mode (CM) analog filter for simultaneously realizing high output impedance low-pass, band-pass and high-pass analog responses besides high output impedance notch and all-pass analog filter responses with interconnection of the relevant output currents, is presented. Also, two CM filters for simultaneously providing high output impedance universal filter responses are derived from the proposed one. All of the introduced CM topologies employ a canonical number of only grounded capacitors without requiring any resistors, and do not need critical component matching conditions. All of the developed circuits have low input impedance and high output impedance resulting in easy cascadability with other CM ones. Frequency dependent non-ideal gain and parasitic impedance effects on the performance of the presented first filter are investigated as examples. In order the show the performance of the filter and verify the theory, simulations are accomplished with SPICE program.  相似文献   

In this work, new Kerwin-Huelsman-Newcomb (KHN) biquads employing current-controlled current conveyors (CCCIIs) in voltage-mode (VM) as well as in current-mode (CM) are presented. The parameters of the proposed circuits can be electronically controlled thanks to the tunability properties of the CCCIIs. The VM circuit is derived from a previously reported one by modifying its summing circuit and replacing the current conveyor(CCIIs) and resistors at their x-input terminals with CCCIIs. On the other hand, the CM circuit is derived from the adjoint graph of the signal-flow graph corresponding to the classical KHN circuit. This circuit is a multi-input single-output CM universal filter, which offers all the main advantages of the CM circuits as well as those of the classical KHN circuit. In addition to the three basic filter responses, they also allow the realization of the notch and the all pass responses.  相似文献   

This paper presents static and dynamic studies of a new CMOS realization for the inverting second generation current conveyor circuit (ICCII). The proposed design offers enhanced functionalities compared to ICCII circuits previously presented in the literature. It is characterized by a rail to rail dynamic range with high accuracy, a low parasitic resistor at terminal X (1.6 Ω) and low power consumption (0.31 mW) with wide current mode (3.32 GHz) and voltage mode (3.9 GHz) bandwidths.Furthermore, a new MISO current mode bi-quadratic filter based on using ICCII circuits as active elements is proposed. This filter can realize all standard filter responses without changing the circuit topology. It is characterized by active and passive sensitivities less than unity and an adjustment independently between pole frequency and quality factor. The operating frequency limit of this filter is about 0.8 GHz with 0.674 mW power consumption.The proposed current conveyor circuits and bi-quadratic filter are tested by TSPICE using CMOS 0.18 µm TSMC technology with ±0.8 V supply voltage to verify the theoretical results.  相似文献   

This paper presents results of work to explore the feasibility of using resonant tunnelling diodes (RTDs) and conventional MOSFETs for the development of digital logic circuits. Based on the use of RTDs and MOSFETs, two different logic design styles—fixed pull-down and fixed pull-up—are proposed and evaluated. Fixed pull-up gates perform better than their CMOS counterparts with similar device sizes. Since the proposed fixed pull-down style avoids the use of series MOSFETs, for large fan-in gates it yields significantly better performance than the corresponding CMOS gates.  相似文献   

该文提出了一种结构简单的基于MCCCII的n阶多输入单输出电流模式滤波器电路。该滤波器电路包含n个有源器件、n个接地电容元件,无需接任何电阻元件,可以产生n阶低通、带通、高通、带阻及全通电流模式滤波。由于仅依靠改变外部输入电流信号的接入数目和方式来实现不同功能的滤波器,而电路内部结构及器件数目不变,所以该电路便于单片集成。文中对滤波器进行了PSPICE模拟。  相似文献   

该文提出了一种结构简单的基于MCCCII的n阶多输入单输出电流模式滤波器电路。该滤波器电路包含n个有源器件、n个接地电容元件,无需接任何电阻元件,可以产生n阶低通、带通、高通、带阻及全通电流模式滤波。由于仅依靠改变外部输入电流信号的接入数目和方式来实现不同功能的滤波器,而电路内部结构及器件数目不变,所以该电路便于单片集成。文中对滤波器进行了PSPICE模拟。  相似文献   

A new single-element-controlled sinusoidal oscillator circuit that incorporates two second generation current conveyors (CCIIs), two grounded capacitors and two resistors is presented and analysed. The circuit is beneficial to monolithic integrated circuit implementation by the use of grounded capacitors. In addition, a new current-controlled sinusoidal oscillator using only two second generation current controlled conveyors (CCCIIs) and two grounded capacitors can be achieved by replacing CCIIs and resistors series at X terminals with CCCIIs. The oscillators provide extremely low passive ω0-sensitivities and good frequency stability. Moreover, the oscillation frequencies of the CCII-based and the CCCII-based oscillators can be controlled, respectively, by a grounded resistor and by an external bias current. Experimental and SPICE simulation results that confirm the theoretical predictions are given.  相似文献   

In this paper two new grounded inductance simulators based on DXCCII suitable for operation in 30 kHz-30 MHz frequency range, are presented. The proposed circuits both employ only a single dual X second-generation current conveyor (DXCCII) active device accompanied with three and four passive elements, respectively. The accuracy of the simulated inductors is verified by implementing them in some filter applications. Also, a novel multi-input single-output universal filter derived from one of the new grounded inductance simulators is simulated to demonstrate the functionality of the proposed circuit. Simulation results using AMS 0.35 μm CMOS process technology parameters are included.  相似文献   

Eight current-mode first-order allpass networks using second-generation current conveyors (CCII) are presented. Each of the proposed circuits employs two CCIIs, two grounded capacitors and two grounded resistors. The networks offer high output impedances. Experimental results are also included.  相似文献   

This article presents design of a basic current-mode building block for analog signal processing, named as current-controlled current differencing transconductance amplifier (CCCDTA). Its parasitic resistances at two current input ports can be controlled by an input bias current. Owing to working in current-mode of all terminals, it is very suitable to use in a current-mode signal processing, which is continually more popular than a voltage one. The proposed element is realized in a CMOS technology and is examined the performance through PSPICE simulations. They display usability of the new active element, where the maximum bandwidth is 311 MHz. The CMOS CCCDTA performs low power consumption and tuning over a wide current range. In addition, some examples as a current-mode universal biquad filter, floating inductance simulator and quadrature oscillator are included. They occupy only single CCCDTA.  相似文献   

A voltage-mode first-order allpass filter using one differential difference current conveyor (DDCC), one grounded capacitor and one floating resistor is presented. No passive component matching constraints are required. Because the output impedance of the proposed allpass filter is low, the output terminal can be directly connected to the next stage. Using the proposed first-order allpass filter as a basic building block, a new quadrature oscillator and even-phase sinusoidal oscillators can be obtained. The simulation results confirm the theoretical analysis.  相似文献   

A universal current-mode biquadratic filter with single input and three outputs using three multiple outputs second-generation current conveyors (MOCCIIs), four resistors and two grounded capacitors is presented. The filter can realize lowpass, highpass and bandpass responses, simultaneously. The notch and allpass responses can also be obtained by interconnection of relevant output currents.  相似文献   

A new high input impedance voltage-mode universal biquadratic filter with three input terminals and five output terminals is presented. The proposed circuit uses three plus-type differential difference current conveyors, two grounded resistors and two grounded capacitors. The proposed circuit can realize all the standard filter functions: lowpass, bandpass, highpass, notch and allpass, without component matching conditions. The proposed circuit offers the features of high input impedance, low active and passive sensitivities and the use of only grounded resistors and capacitors.  相似文献   

In this paper, two novel circuits for realizing floating inductance, floating capacitance, floating frequency dependent negative resistance (FDNR) and grounded to floating admittance converter depending on the passive component selection are proposed. Both of the proposed simulators employ second-generation current controlled conveyors (CCCIIs) and only grounded passive elements. The non-ideal current and voltage gain as well as parasitic impedance effects on the first proposed circuit are investigated. Also, simulation results using SPICE program are given for the first introduced floating simulator to verify the theory and to exhibit the performance of the circuit.  相似文献   

Analog circuit designers have usually focused on the design of circuits employing a minimum number of components, occupying less area and dissipating less power. However, some important issues such as signal limitations and especially stability problems of the analog circuits have not received considerable attention in the literature. Hence, the work described in this paper deals with the stability problems of two new current-mode analog filters employing multiple output current controlled conveyors (MOCCCIIs). Toward that end, a single pole model is replaced for each non-ideal current gain of the MOCCCIIs. Both of the novel universal current-mode active-C filters can simultaneously realize low-pass, band-pass and high-pass/notch filter responses. SPICE and MATLAB simulation results are given to verify the theoretical analysis.  相似文献   

基于CCCII的电流模式多功能双二次滤波器   总被引:19,自引:1,他引:18  
方维 《电子与信息学报》2001,23(10):1032-1035
该文提出了由电流控制传输器(CCCⅡ)实现的新型电流模式多功能双二次滤波器,该滤波器由CCCⅡ和两个接地电容构成,电路具有以下特点:可实现多种滤波功能;易于集成;能独立地调节0和Q,且灵敏度较低。  相似文献   

All-pass filters are widely used to shift the phase of an analog signal without altering its magnitude. In this study, a new realization of all-pass filter using one current controlled conveyor (CCCII), one operational amplifier (OP-AMP) and two capacitors is presented. The proposed circuit does not use any resistors thus it is suitable for easy integration. Also the pole frequency of the proposed circuit can be tuned electronically. Simulation results are included to verify theory.  相似文献   

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