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A fast and expandable circuit for computing the approximate binary logarithm and antilogarithm of a fractional binary number is described. Illustration examples are included, and accuracy of the circuit is discussed. 相似文献
M. Panovic 《International Journal of Electronics》2013,100(8):543-558
Motion estimation (ME) is the most computationally demanding part of the digital video coding process. The use of analogue computational circuits in this application can offer reductions in size and power dissipation. However, analogue circuits are subject to variations which can reduce performance. In this paper the analogue non-idealities are considered, and results are presented for video conferencing applications. Furthermore, a compact MOS squaring circuit for use in analogue ME processors is proposed. The circuit makes use of the inherent square-law characteristic of the MOS transistor in saturation and features small area, low-power and low-voltage operation. Measurements from fabricated samples of the circuit were incorporated in system-level simulations. The results of the simulations confirmed the suitability of the circuit for the intended application. 相似文献
高速电路中的信号完整性分析 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
随着嵌入式系统速度的提高,信号完整性(Signal Integrity,SI)问题受到越来越多的关注。由于信号质量不理想而造成系统崩溃的现象经常出现。结合系统设计中的实例,对高速信号传输的信号完整性问题作了较为详细的论述。在电路设计初期,通过PROTEL软件对和信号完整性进行分析,仿真结果指导PCB板的设计,可以有效地提高信号的完整性,极大地缩短设计周期,降低设计成本。 相似文献
针对高速电路信号完整性,在介绍信号完整性基本概念的基础上,重点研究了信号反射问题.分析了反射形成的原因和解决方法,阐述了信号完整性仿真分析的相关内容,最后结合实际的应用说明了利用Mentor Graphics公司的HyperLynx仿真工具解决信号反射的方法. 相似文献
This paper relates theoretical investigations in digital signal processing (DSP) to the design of a VLSI digital filter bank (DFB). Emphasis is on a top-down approach to identify multilevel parallelisms inherent in a generic DSP algorithm and a new VLSI architecture. System level control and communication requirements are examined. Finite word length effects on filter accuracy are identified. The complexity of filter modules is reduced by partitioning large filter functions into a sum of smaller subfunctions. A memory intensive architecture minimizes design time. Up to 100 DRF modules are configured in parallel to perform signal processing up to 20 MHz. This VLSI DFB out performs sequential von Neumann architectures by several orders of magnitude using the same level of VLSI technology. 相似文献
本文以异步流水乘法器的设计为例,介绍了利用FPGA进行异步电路设计的思路及方法。本设计采用两段握手协议实现异步流水乘法器,将其分解为三个核心模块:信号分支模块、异步移位模块和异步加法器模块。本文具体说明了利用硬件描述语言实现异步乘法器的方法和步骤,通过Modelsim软件进行功能仿真,并下载到Genesys板卡上进行系统测试。该教学方案有助于学生理解并掌握异步电路设计方法。 相似文献
Dou Lei Wang Zhiquan 《电子科学学刊(英文版)》2006,23(3):467-470
A new method for analyzing high-speed circuit systems is presented. The method adds transmission line end currents to the circuit variables of the classical modified nodal approach. Then the matrix equation describing high-speed circuit system can be formulated directly and analyzed conveniently for its normative form. A time-domain analysis method for transmission lines is also introduced. The two methods are combined together to efficiently analyze high-speed circuit systems having general transmission lines. Numerical experiment is presented and the results are compared with that calculated by Hspice. 相似文献
以加拿大Dalsa公司的全帧CCD图像传感器FTF4027M为例,在研究了全帧CCD结构和驱动时序的基础上,提出了基于现场可编程逻辑门阵列(FPGA)的驱动脉冲设计方法.选用FPGA作为硬件设计平台,使用VHDL语言对驱动时序发生器进行了硬件描述,采用Quartus Ⅱ 5.0对所设计的驱动时序发生器进行了仿真,针对Altera公司的FPGA器件EP1C3T144C8进行了适配.实验结果表明,设计的驱动电路可以满足其全帧CCD的各项驱动要求并且具有设计灵活、硬件调试简单的优点. 相似文献
This paper covers a micro sensor analog signal processing circuit system(MASPS) chip with low power and a digital signal processing circuit board implementation including hardware connection and software design. Attention has been paid to incorporate the MASPS chip into the digital circuit board.The ultimate aim is to form a hybrid circuit used for mixed-signal processing,which can be applied to a micro sensor flow monitoring system. 相似文献
Eitake Ibaragi Akira Hyogo Keitaro Sekine 《Analog Integrated Circuits and Signal Processing》2000,25(3):281-290
This paper proposes a novel CMOS analog multiplier. As its significant merit, it is free from mobility reduction and body effect. Thus, the proposed multiplier is expected to have good linearity, comparing with conventional multipliers. Four transistors operating in the linear region constitute the input cell of the multiplier. Their sources and backgates are connected to the ground to cancel the body effect. Their gates are fixed to the same bias voltage to remove the effect of the mobility reduction. Input signals are applied to the drains of the input cell transistors through modified nullors. The simulation results show that THD is less than 0.8% for 0.6 Vp-p input signal at 2.5 V supply voltage, and that the 3 dB bandwidth is up to about 13.3 MHz. 相似文献
文章提出了一种60 Gbit/s宽带电路交换专用集成电路(ASIC)芯片的设计实现方案.针对设计芯片速度快、规模大和功耗大等特点,给出了采用流水线设计思想和优化结构处理技术的电路设计解决方案.同时还给出了采用现场可编程门阵列(FPGA)芯片对设计电路进行功能验证的结果和ASIC流片的基本数据. 相似文献
设计一种便于芯片技术实现、结构简单的语音特征提取电路. 它由带通滤波器组、整流电路和低通滤波器构成.同时,借此电路阐述一种充分利用器件特性设计电路的思想. 这种思想以完成功能为目的,不以完成算法为目标. 据此建立的数学模型可能很复杂,但电路结构简单,便于芯片实现,芯片资源利用率高. 对实际语音信号进行SPICE模拟结果初步表明,此电路可以得到与线性系统类似的语音特征. 相似文献
主要介绍针对轻型战场侦察雷达系统的要求,使用大规模FPGA器件与嵌入式计算机实现高度集成化的信号处理系统设计方案. 相似文献