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A new computational mass transfer model is proposed for simulating the distillation process by solving the fluctuating mass flux for the closure of turbulent mass transfer equation in order to obtain the concentration profile and the separation efficiency of distillation column. The feather of the proposed model is to abandon the conventional way of introducing the turbulent mass transfer diffusivity (dispersion coefficient) to the turbulent mass transfer equation. To verify the validity of the proposed model, a commercial scale packed column and a sieve tray column were simulated and compared with published experimental data. The simulated results were satisfactorily confirmed in both concentration distribution and separation efficiency. 相似文献
Batch extractive distillation (BED) is a special method used in the distillation process by adding a solvent into the batch distillation column to alter the relative volatility of the components and improve the separation. A comprehensive design and simulation method is required due to the complexity of BED. In this study, a quasi-steady-state model for BED is proposed, the derivation and solution of the model are presented. This shortcut model can be used to simulate the composition and temperature of the reboiler, the top and other plates of the column in a batch extractive distillation operation. The calculated values are in good agreement with the experi-mental data. The results show that the quasi-steady-state model is a practical method because of some advantages such as high precision and fast calculation. 相似文献
计算机动态建模与仿真中,人们最常用的用以辅助进行交流和讨论以及文档化相关成果与决策的分析、设计方法及表示法是信息流图(information flow diagram)。在前人研究的基础上,提出了一种改进的、更为完善的信息流图表示法。该表示法共包含三大类、九小类组成元素,基本能够完全覆盖计算机动态建模与仿真中所有种类的数学公式及其他模型表达方式。最后,以精馏塔的动态建模与仿真为例,详细说明了改进的信息流图的具体应用情况。事实证明,改进的信息流图不仅为相关工作人员提供了良好的沟通媒介,还使人们能够更加容易地从先前的仿真模型构建项目中复用需求和设计组件等,从而提高了仿真模型构建的效率和质量。 相似文献
Iterative Dynamic Programming (IDP) is proven to be a useful technique for solving constrained dynamic optimisation problems. A high purity binary distillation column model has been chosen to investigate some of the IDP properties as well as its applicability. The investigated problems cover transitions from one steady state to another with the minimization of a quadratic cost function with associated terminal constraints. 相似文献
对同轴式内部热耦合精馏塔的操作性能和节能效果进行了研究,考察了全回流操作条件下,压缩比对回流量、冷凝器负荷和再沸器负荷的影响。结果表明,随着压缩比的增大,回流量、冷凝器负荷和再沸器负荷均降低。通过实验数据计算得到了该塔的理论板数和两塔间的传热量,精馏段为9块理论板,提馏段为4块理论板,当压缩比为2.2:1时,两塔间传热量为9.98kW。连续操作条件下,对内部热耦合精馏塔的节能效果进行了分析,通过与常规精馏塔的比较,内部热耦合精馏塔可节约52.3%的冷量,输入的再沸器和压缩机总负荷可节约20.34%。另外,基于实验数据,对该内部热耦合精馏塔进行了动态模拟,经连续操作下的实验验证,该内部热耦合精馏塔可在2h后达到稳定操作。 相似文献
规整填料精馏塔的设计计算 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
通过大量的文献调研,比较了规整填料精馏塔和板式塔的优缺点,对规整填料精馏塔内压降、传质及液泛时压降的计算公式进行了比较,总结出设计计算规整填料精馏塔的步骤与方法,为规整填料精馏塔的应用提供了基础。 相似文献
安庆石化应用ASPEN PLUS软件,建立Ⅰ套常减压装置模型,运用灵敏度分析工具,对装置进行模拟优化,将优化结果应用于生产,取得较好的应用效果. 相似文献
带侧线加压单塔是煤气化废水工艺中的关键设备之一.但现有控制方案,存在操作难以稳定等问题.在对汽提塔动态模型讨论基础上,借助Aspen Dynamics动态模拟工具,对该汽提塔的动态特性、控制方案抗扰动能力以及对异常情况的响应情况等进行了深入讨论,在模拟基础上分析了现有控制方案的不足,并提出了改进方案.模拟和工业运行的结... 相似文献
A detailed three-phase nonequilibrium (NEQ) dynamic model for simulating batch and continuous catalytic distillation (CD) processes has been developed. In this model, both molar and energy holdups in liquid and vapour phases are taken into account. Multicomponent mass transfer and heat transfer between vapour and liquid phases as well as between liquid and solid (catalyst) phases are described by the Maxwell-Stefan equations. The resulting differential and algebra equations in this model are implemented in gPROMS and C++. The simulation results are in good agreement with the experimental data obtained from the batch and continuous CD processes for the production of diacetone alcohol (DAA) using Amberlite IRA-900 as a catalyst. Sensitivity analysis on the mass transfer and kinetics using the three-phase NEQ dynamic model indicates that the formation of DAA is controlled by solid-liquid mass transfer, whereas the formation of mesityl oxide is kinetically controlled under the simulation conditions. 相似文献
填料塔精馏过程的模拟设计大多采用平衡级模型,但由于单一板效率值的难以确定,很多场合模拟很不成功;而新提出的非平衡级模型认为塔内传质传热均处于非平衡状态,由于方程数和经验性参数多,模型求解非常困难。文章针对规整填料的特点,建立了规整填料塔蒸馏过程的一种混合型模型,模型的主要特征是认为气液二相传质处于不平衡状态,而传热处于平衡状态。模型建立在实际填料基础上,既舍去传统的平衡级模型不确定性,又省略了非平衡级模型中复杂的经验性传热系数和液相传质系数的计算。模型计算值和实验值符合较好,也证实混合型模型既反映实际,又使模型求解变得相对容易。 相似文献
根据多项式正交配置原理,系统地给出了一种通用的精馏塔简化动态模型.其建模基本原理是将精馏塔的状态变量考虑成塔的轴向距离的连续可微函数,并用多项式近似描述,使得逐板机理模型大为简化,在简化动态模型中,综合考虑了物料及能量平衡、塔板水力学及再沸器动态特性,避免了汽液平衡的迭代计算,节省了计算时间.通过对脱乙烷精馏塔进行仿真,证明了该简化模型可以给出满意的计算精度. 相似文献
裂解气压缩机作为乙烯装置的核心设备,其顺利启动对乙烯装置开车过程有着重要影响.传统的乙烯装置开车流程大多使用裂解气启动压缩机,近年来已经逐步被氮气、天然气和混合烃等开车工质取代.由于无法利用实际压缩机装置进行测试,因此化工模拟技术成为了解决上述问题的重要工具.本文根据"稳态-动态-开车"的研究方法,建立了某裂解气压缩机的稳态模拟模型,确定了氮气、混合烃和裂解气运行时的稳态运行参数.之后,将稳态模型转换为动态模型,通过动态模拟验证了各工况之间转换过程的安全性和可行性. 相似文献