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深圳的住宅市场中户型呈三足鼎立态势,常规型住宅即普通的三房两厅或两房一厅结构的住宅因供应量大、积压严重,很难引起投资者和消费者的兴趣,交投平淡。而小户型的单身公寓、大户型的复式住宅和入户型的关外住宅则因别具特色、优势明显而倍受青睐。 深圳是个移民城市,大量外来人士都有强烈  相似文献   

1 前言 由浙江省兴财房地产发展公司开发的南中国·雅仕苑,注重低楼层(高五层)、高绿化,以中心花园为轴心,精雕细琢幢间绿化及沿河绿化等细部,形成人与人、人与环境良好的互动交流。并在注重小区外部环境及综合配套的同时,在户型设计上更注重“以人为本”、“回归自然”的原则,充分考虑不同消费层的需要,户型丰富、设计合理,在面积上大至两代居、别墅,小至单身公寓,在设计上既有平面层,又有错层、跃层,融豪华、舒适、精致于整个小区。在杭州市第二届优秀户型和最佳居住环境评比中,分别获得了户型二、三等奖和环境三等奖,现介绍几个典型户型设计。  相似文献   

小户型公寓,也叫单身公寓或白领公寓,是当前房地产市场上热销的一种户型.它以面积偏小、价格偏低、地段繁华、功能齐全的优势受到越来越多人的青睐.自小户型住宅问世以来,就以其迷你型风格吸引了众多买家的眼球,随着房地产市场的发展,其建设量也在逐年上升.近年来,小户型更是在许多大城市的房地产市场上掀起热潮,频频出现供不应求的现象.  相似文献   

去年下半年,广州进行了一项“2003年广州金牌户型评荐”活动,一些专家并为这次活动作出了“点评”和“总结”。此次活动基本上达到了活动的策划目的——较全面展示广州各楼盘较佳的户型水平、促进了广州楼盘户型交流、进一步帮助消费者对住宅各类户型的认识。  相似文献   

单身公寓于近几年来在各大中城市里的市场需求量越来越大,那么对其做精准的定位设计已不容忽视,本文基于对现代城市青年人的生活状态和心理特点的分析、把握,简要概述单身公寓设计的具体设计诉求。单身公寓于近几年来在各大中城市里的市场需求量越来越大,那么对其做精准的定位设计已不容忽视,本文基于对现代城市青年人的生活状态和心心理特点的分析、把握,简要概述单身公寓寓设计的具具体设计诉求。  相似文献   

<正>2007-2008年积极响应国家70/90新政的小户型高品位社区雅戈尔·世纪花园位于新江东板块,东望城市未来发展重点区域东部新城,居欧尚生活圈,毗邻江东CBD"世纪东方商业中心",西拥正在建设的沧海路,东衔世纪大道,南靠环城南路,中枢地段,雄踞新江东天时地利。项目总建20余万平方米,规划高层、小高层、多层、叠拼及单身公寓等产品,主力户型面积75-90m~2,总户数2025户,是宁波市场第一个响应国家新政的小户型高品位社区。  相似文献   

正项目位于上海市浦东前滩禧悦公寓,为一名女律师所打造的,符合业主对生活方式的理解的独一无二的单身公寓。由于户型为正北的朝向,没有直接日照,房间的光线较暗,设计团队考虑业主一人独居经常加班的生活状态等因素,打通了两个开间的非承重隔墙,形成一个开放流通的混合空间。打通隔墙后的空间,营造出视线通透的居住体验。每一个功能区都能享受两扇落地窗带来的采光,地面采用乳白色自流平整体现浇,哑光的质感带来的漫反射能够改善北向公寓光线暗淡的问题。  相似文献   

1 E户型会客厅2 E户型书房3 E户型卧室一角■■■●—■■●571 E户型卧室2 E户型餐厅3 E户型厨房4 E户型走廊5 E户型内一交往空间6 B户型空间7 B户型卫生间8 B户型起居室9 B户型餐厅1 G户型起居窒2G户型餐厅3G户型卧室4G户型休息区5 V户型尚未分隔的空间 ’6 V户型厨房 -l-7 E户型效果图8H户型效果图’ ●’JIG户型效果图(方案一)ZG户型效果图(方案二)3F户型效果图“远洋天地”样板间室内设计@晓闻 @陈润福  相似文献   

随着社会的进步,经济的发展,人们对单身公寓的需求日益增长。然而如何规划这种小型室内空间是设计者们面对的难题。通过分析单身公寓定义及空间设计上的需求及设计原则,对其在空间设计上的方式与方法进行分析,让小型居住空间能在充分满足人们舒适性和艺术性的需求的同时彰显空间的设计美感。  相似文献   

本文对比研究了公寓式住宅户型与传统农民住宅户型的不同,在归纳总结现有公寓式安置房户型设计中的问题和经验的基础上提出:需要在设计中考虑户型转变后对农民固有使用习惯的延续,并针对农村居民特有的住户特点进行灵活设计。本文从户型的尺寸、功能、户型配置方面提出了公寓式农民安置房户型设计的要点。  相似文献   

保障性住房建设在改善民生、促进和谐社会建设及抑制房价过快增长等方面有着重要的作用,在“十二五”规划期间我国政府进一步强调要加大保障房的建设力度,然而资金缺口问题是保障房建设的巨大障碍,因此,如何拓宽保障房融资渠道,建立实用有效的融资模式是目前亟待解决的问题。通过学习其他学者对BT 模式在城市轨道交通中的应用研究,结合保障房与城市轨道交通的特性与共性,分析了BT 模式在保障房建设中承包商与政府面临的问题,引入第三方提出新的融资模式并予以分析,从而为我国保障房建设走出融资困境提供帮助。  相似文献   

《Energy and Buildings》2004,36(12):1235-1239
In recent years, more and more people have started to recognize the importance of indoor air environment. In order to obtain the comprehensive knowledge about the indoor environment situation and find out the main source of indoor air pollution, 550 residents living in different buildings/apartments were subjected to a questionnaire survey and field measurements were conducted in 30 of these buildings/apartments in Dalian from January to February 2002. From the questionnaire survey and field measurements, we found that many residential buildings had good outdoor surroundings. Dust and automobile emissions are main sources of outdoor air pollution. Though air tightness of these buildings is fairly good, outdoor air quality still has great impact on indoor air environment. The most serious indoor air pollutant is formaldehyde which is mainly caused by decoration.  相似文献   

Residents living in a New Urbanist subdivision (NUS) and a more standard suburban subdivision (SSS) near Salt Lake City, UT, were interviewed to test whether residents of a New Urbanist setting experience a stronger sense of community, greater sociability and outdoor use, and stronger preferences for New Urbanist site designs and housing diversity. Results validated several, but not all, New Urbanist claims. The NUS had gridded streets, smaller lots, homes with front porches, and back alleys with accessory apartments over detached garages; the SSS lacked these and had cul-de-sacs and 47% larger lots. After controlling for two sociodemographic variables, the two groups of residents reported similar levels of sense of community. NUS residents reported more neighboring behaviors, outdoor use, and more positive reactions to alleys and apartments; SSS residents were more satisfied with their larger front yard setbacks and front-loaded attached garages. Design and management improvements used elsewhere were suggested to alleviate complaints about the rental apartments and alleys, particularly of too many cars in the alleys.  相似文献   

刘慧园 《住宅科技》2009,29(7):49-52
公寓式超高层住宅已占现代城市的重要地位,彰显了在有限的地块上造就居家生活,购物休闲,商务经济一体的模式。文中通过公寓式超高层住宅的暖通系统中的空调机组节能选型,通风换气改善舒适度,排放烟气、保障新风质量等进行了系统分析,同时对火灾已成为超高层建筑的防范措施也作了探索。  相似文献   

As a result of several demographic and social trends, the one person household accounts for approximately one quarter of all households in Australia and is expected to further expand to one-third by 2021. After couple families, the single person living alone is the most numerous household form. The paper differentiates one person households by life course stage and considers their likely housing demand in terms of tenure, dwelling type and number of bedrooms. Original analysis of the 1996 ABS 1% Household Sample File has been undertaken. Home ownership increased over the life course for singles, but not to the same extent as for other households. Moreover, there is some evidence to suggest that, household income aside, people living alone may prefer flats, units or apartments over detached houses. The paper suggests that our understanding of housing careers needs to incorporate the possibility of one or more spells as a one person household.  相似文献   


As a result of several demographic and social trends, the one person household accounts for approximately one quarter of all households in Australia and is expected to further expand to one‐third by 2021. After couple families, the single person living alone is the most numerous household form. The paper differentiates one person households by life course stage and considers their likely housing demand in terms of tenure, dwelling type and number of bedrooms. Original analysis of the 1996 ABS 1% Household Sample File has been undertaken. Home ownership increased over the life course for singles, but not to the same extent as for other households. Moreover, there is some evidence to suggest that, household income aside, people living alone may prefer flats, units or apartments over detached houses. The paper suggests that our understanding of housing careers needs to incorporate the possibility of one or more spells as a one person household.  相似文献   

近年来,依托城市综合体的小户型公寓在我国逐渐兴起,发展迅速。以城市综合体小户型公寓为研究对象,对南京建邺万达广场进行调研和分析,探索了城市综合体小户型公寓的设计思路和方法,提出了小户型公寓的设计既要考虑户型空间的适应性和室内环境的舒适性,也要创造周围良好的居住环境和交往空间。  相似文献   

吴隽宇  肖艺 《华中建筑》2010,28(9):38-40
近年来,随着人民生活水平的不断提高,人们对休闲度假的需求日益增长,并成为一股不可逆转的消费趋势。因此,休闲度假时代的到来,为生活节奏越来越紧张的人们提供了难得的休闲放松时间,同时也对旅游房地产发展产生巨大的推动作用。于是,一批批颇具特色的旅游住宅、产权式酒店、酒店式公寓在旅游地产市场上连连走红。该文以海南陵水富力湾联排别墅为例,探讨海岛旅游地产别墅设计的风格、特点及其与自然景观的关系。  相似文献   

The accessory apartment in North America - defined as the addition of a small, separate living unit within a detached single-family house - has been advocated as a housing alternative allowing older people to 'age in place'. Based on a survey of owners of accessory units built in Seattle, Washington State, that were developed since legalisation in 1994 and a literature review, this research explores the extent to which accessory apartments are benefiting the elderly. Although only 14 per cent of the owners and 11 per cent of the tenants in Seattle were over 65, there is evidence that such apartments serve a higher proportion of older persons over time. Forty-three per cent of the apartments were perceived to be accessible to people with disabilities. Advocates of older adults are advised to target middle-aged and young-old to encourage the development of accessory apartments. Age restrictions within zoning ordinances may be counterproductive by prohibiting their development by owners who have the energy and resources to undertake such a task.  相似文献   

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